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My fucking nutjob neighbor


I hate to bump this with no significant development, but I saw this today and couldn't stop laughing.

So apparently the dude got a job(finally). Hooray for him.

He also installed this thing on his Lancer roof for some reason that holds what looks like hedge or bolt cutters. Why he did that instead of putting them in the trunk is beyond me.

But the color of the handles of them match the car's color scheme. And one of them says "Beast" on the handle.

When I saw that I was dead :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

The thought process with the socket pouches on the bonnet?!?! Yellow and blue make green? Why tf are they laid out like intake scoops?!?!? It hurts to look at. As someone who spent a good chunk of the last two weeks under a T25 this is not how you show people that you indeed work on this car as well as drive it. In fact you never show that because when you're working on it, you're too fucking filthy to use your phone. Unless his intention is to show that should a dashboard 13mm loosen, he'd be right on it?!?!

I love this thread.


I think those are those weird ankle weights holding down whatever those are covering his speed holes. But you are so right. It has to be the yellow+blue=green thing. Hahahaha


Neighbours from Hell
Have to admit I’m glad to get an update on this thread. One of the best threads in the history of GAF.

Question for OP: With him having a job, does he still idle his cars for hours at a time?
He doesn't do it as long, I'd say about 20-30 minutes instead of 45 to 90 minutes. He'll sneak in a 45 minute one every now and again. Did a 45 minute one the other day, but it was at like 7 pm and I was gaming so it wasn't as annoying as mornings or late late night. He does it with the truck too I just don't hear it because it's silent. Woke me up this past morning at 8 am with the Lancer, let it run until 8:25, revved the engine a few times and then drove off.
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He doesn't do it as long, I'd say about 20-30 minutes instead of 45 to 90 minutes. He'll sneak in a 45 minute one every now and again. Did a 45 minute one the other day, but it was at like 7 pm and I was gaming so it wasn't as annoying as mornings or late late night. He does it with the truck too I just don't hear it because it's silent. Woke me up this past morning at 8 am with the Lancer, let it run until 8:25, revved the engine a few times and then drove off.
Watch out. He's giving you Chinese car torture. It's an ancient Chinese secret meant to drive you mad.


Kain. This has been going on since 2019 and you haven't moved away. Why?

This is the downside of choosing to live in compacted neighborhoods. You're going to ending up having to deal with... DIFFERENT people living too close, to you. *shudder*


Neighbours from Hell
He got into an epic fight on speaker phone with his woman today. I heard the whole damn thing and I wasn't even trying to listen, I was doing computer stuff. It went on for 30 minutes.

She was accusing him of cheating and he kept pleading that he wasn't. He was like "I don't know no Adriana, I don't know why she liked my shit." I'm assuming a Facebook or Twitter. I gotta find his profiles somewhere.

Anyway, he was like "Baby, I'm not sneaking off, I don't go nowhere. All day everyday I'm by my fucking self. I go to work and come home. All I do are my cars, my life is my cars."

Well, at least he confirmed it. I was about to go outside and vouch for the dude. Get on the phone and say, hey lady, he's right. Dude's here all day doesn't do jack shit but work on these piece of shit cars.
He got into an epic fight on speaker phone with his woman today. I heard the whole damn thing and I wasn't even trying to listen, I was doing computer stuff. It went on for 30 minutes.

She was accusing him of cheating and he kept pleading that he wasn't. He was like "I don't know no Adriana, I don't know why she liked my shit." I'm assuming a Facebook or Twitter. I gotta find his profiles somewhere.

Anyway, he was like "Baby, I'm not sneaking off, I don't go nowhere. All day everyday I'm by my fucking self. I go to work and come home. All I do are my cars, my life is my cars."

Well, at least he confirmed it. I was about to go outside and vouch for the dude. Get on the phone and say, hey lady, he's right. Dude's here all day doesn't do jack shit but work on these piece of shit cars.
Shoulda said he's right. His side hoe is his monster energy drank car.


He got into an epic fight on speaker phone with his woman today. I heard the whole damn thing and I wasn't even trying to listen, I was doing computer stuff. It went on for 30 minutes.

She was accusing him of cheating and he kept pleading that he wasn't. He was like "I don't know no Adriana, I don't know why she liked my shit." I'm assuming a Facebook or Twitter. I gotta find his profiles somewhere.

Anyway, he was like "Baby, I'm not sneaking off, I don't go nowhere. All day everyday I'm by my fucking self. I go to work and come home. All I do are my cars, my life is my cars."

Well, at least he confirmed it. I was about to go outside and vouch for the dude. Get on the phone and say, hey lady, he's right. Dude's here all day doesn't do jack shit but work on these piece of shit cars.
Great opportunity to counter strike and start having chocolates/flowers delivered anonymously to his place. Time it to when she will likely be there.


Anyway, he was like "Baby, I'm not sneaking off, I don't go nowhere. All day everyday I'm by my fucking self. I go to work and come home. All I do are my cars, my life is my cars."

Well, at least he confirmed it. I was about to go outside and vouch for the dude. Get on the phone and say, hey lady, he's right. Dude's here all day doesn't do jack shit but work on these piece of shit cars.

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office


He got into an epic fight on speaker phone with his woman today. I heard the whole damn thing and I wasn't even trying to listen, I was doing computer stuff. It went on for 30 minutes.

She was accusing him of cheating and he kept pleading that he wasn't. He was like "I don't know no Adriana, I don't know why she liked my shit." I'm assuming a Facebook or Twitter. I gotta find his profiles somewhere.

Anyway, he was like "Baby, I'm not sneaking off, I don't go nowhere. All day everyday I'm by my fucking self. I go to work and come home. All I do are my cars, my life is my cars."

Well, at least he confirmed it. I was about to go outside and vouch for the dude. Get on the phone and say, hey lady, he's right. Dude's here all day doesn't do jack shit but work on these piece of shit cars.
Oh man. Hilarious. Feel a little bad for him now though. Maybe you could stick a note on his window about how much you love what he's done to the car. Maybe draw a little Monster Energy can with little hearts floating out.


Gold Member
Just because everything is wrong with that car, he'll eventually scrape up enough money to replace those bolt cutter bike racks with a roof tent.


I guess he is like my cousin who is a total crazy dipshit and needs therapy but doesnt do it because he is the only one who is right, the only one who says the truth and everyone else just destroyed his life.... (the truth is he is destroying hsi life by himself because he is just a fucking crazy dipshit and i just wait for him to hang himself someday. He even got a boner when he had his own kid on his lap)

So he has his "Computer" and thats the only thing he takes care of. He literally does facebook videos... ( one video every few minutes ) and he adds all those fake accounts on facebook because he thinks that are real friends. Now because he has so many friends he bought a second screen for his compiuter so he can write with english (deepl translator english).

I am almost about to recommend him "TIKTOK" so he can talk to all the people on tiktok on daily basis just so people can see how retarded he is. He even went on Youtube and started telling bad jokes without any kind of emotion because he was always the best in his youth with telling jokes.

In your neighbours case.... he may have a mental illness as well and he only focuses on his car. xD
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This is the downside of choosing to live in compacted neighborhoods. You're going to ending up having to deal with... DIFFERENT people living too close, to you. *shudder*
this is the reason i literally live in the middle of the woods. i thank every deer, bear and fox i come across for letting me stay here, heh.


Neighbours from Hell
I don’t wanna jinx anything, but we may have a major development here. Yesterday all day he was out there loading stuff into his truck. I wasn’t paying a ton of attention, but when I went out to take the trash out I saw he had a bureau in there and some other stuff and a bunch of taped up boxes.

Then a friend of his came by and took the truck and he took the lancer. They were gone all night and have since not returned. And the neighbor just pulled up an hour ago with this.

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Neighbours from Hell
Is this end of our hero's saga? Stay tuned next week to find out!
I wouldn’t blame you guys if you’re rooting for him to be moving someone else in with him so this saga could continue at my expense.

Part of me thinks this is too good to be true and after his fight with his woman the other day, she gave him an ultimatum and she demanded to move in with him to keep a close eye on him.

However, I just saw him out there load a small sofa into the uhaul.


I wouldn’t blame you guys if you’re rooting for him to be moving someone else in with him so this saga could continue at my expense.

Part of me thinks this is too good to be true and after his fight with his woman the other day, she gave him an ultimatum and she demanded to move in with him to keep a close eye on him.

However, I just saw him out there load a small sofa into the uhaul.
Please tell me he's left the moving truck idling out there.


Good for you OP if he moved. I can't put up with noisy neighbors.

Kain. This has been going on since 2019 and you haven't moved away. Why?

This is the downside of choosing to live in compacted neighborhoods. You're going to ending up having to deal with... DIFFERENT people living too close, to you. *shudder*

I like both tbh. I enjoy the compactness sometimes, it's cozy, it's hard to explain. But it's much harder to transition from having a lot of space and vs going back to that compactness. I feel entrapped until...I don't.
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Neighbours from Hell
So the u haul left and came back again and another unit moved out of that apartment.

So at first I thought maybe there's a chance he's just helping other people move and he'll be coming back. And that still might be the case.

But not too long after that I got a knock on the door and people were cutting down some trees on that property and they said some of the stuff fell onto my property and they wanted permission to go on it and pick it up.

Those trees have never been cut... ever. And they got tangled in the power lines too and no one ever did anything about it. I just thought it was too much of a coincidence that all these people are moving out the same day all this property clean up is finally fucking being done. It made me wonder. Did the landlord sell the property? I mentioned him earlier in the thread. I talked to him he cursed me out, called me a racist because I was tired of the car shit.

Turns out he did sell it. A few weeks ago. The only question is, did these people coincidentally move out or is it all related?

Btw... this is what they left behind on the sidewalk. Classy. As you can see he didn't come back to get the Spyder yet if he did indeed move out.

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Gold Member
I hate to bump this with no significant development, but I saw this today and couldn't stop laughing.

So apparently the dude got a job(finally). Hooray for him.

He also installed this thing on his Lancer roof for some reason that holds what looks like hedge or bolt cutters. Why he did that instead of putting them in the trunk is beyond me.

But the color of the handles of them match the car's color scheme. And one of them says "Beast" on the handle.

When I saw that I was dead :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

Wtf! Is that foil wrapped around the wing mirrors and windscreen wipers blades? Wtf is on the bonnet?
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
So the u haul left and came back again and another unit moved out of that apartment.

So at first I thought maybe there's a chance he's just helping other people move and he'll be coming back. And that still might be the case.

But not too long after that I got a knock on the door and people were cutting down some trees on that property and they said some of the stuff fell onto my property and they wanted permission to go on it and pick it up.

Those trees have never been cut... ever. And they got tangled in the power lines too and no one ever did anything about it. I just thought it was too much of a coincidence that all these people are moving out the same day all this property clean up is finally fucking being done. It made me wonder. Did the landlord sell the property? I mentioned him earlier in the thread. I talked to him he cursed me out, called me a racist because I was tired of the car shit.

Turns out he did sell it. A few weeks ago. The only question is, did these people coincidentally move out or is it all related?

Btw... this is what they left behind on the sidewalk. Classy. As you can see he didn't come back to get the Spyder yet if he did indeed move out.

Yo go grab that audio gear and see if it’s worth anything.
Also here’s to hoping your new neighbors aren’t any worse.


Still an outside chance this turns into George Costanza thinking his parents were moving to Florida and turns out they stayed.

I'll see if this is me in a couple days:

If he did leave, this will be your chance to get the upper hand with the next neighbor. When they move in, bake something, bring it to them and be all like, “Boy am I glad you’re my new neighbor. You wouldn’t believe what my last neighbor did!” Get it in their head you appreciate a quiet neighbor.

Like George said, “You gotta have hand.”


I honestly cannot believe what I am reading. The battle of wills finally coming to a head? My god OP I do hope for a peaceful resolution for you out off all of this. I guess time will tell..


CharAznable's second cousin
You know that feeling of excitement when your favorite show or youtube channel updates? That's the exact same feeling whenever I see this thread bumped. I selfishly want it to continue.


Neighbours from Hell
The day after:

He came back once more last night around 10 to load some more stuff in his truck. No one has come back since(knock on wood). I assume he'll come back to get the Spyder at some point. Not even sure it drives, might have to get towed.

Hopefully my last update for a while.


I wouldn’t blame you guys if you’re rooting for him to be moving someone else in with him so this saga could continue at my expense.

Part of me thinks this is too good to be true and after his fight with his woman the other day, she gave him an ultimatum and she demanded to move in with him to keep a close eye on him.

However, I just saw him out there load a small sofa into the uhaul.

While I've enjoyed this story, I'd like to see you have some peace.
Do want more updates regardless, though it looks like we're running up to the end of this tale.
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