The thought process with the socket pouches on the bonnet?!?! Yellow and blue make green? Why tf are they laid out like intake scoops?!?!? It hurts to look at. As someone who spent a good chunk of the last two weeks under a T25 this is not how you show people that you indeed work on this car as well as drive it. In fact you never show that because when you're working on it, you're too fucking filthy to use your phone. Unless his intention is to show that should a dashboard 13mm loosen, he'd be right on it?!?!I hate to bump this with no significant development, but I saw this today and couldn't stop laughing.
So apparently the dude got a job(finally). Hooray for him.
He also installed this thing on his Lancer roof for some reason that holds what looks like hedge or bolt cutters. Why he did that instead of putting them in the trunk is beyond me.
But the color of the handles of them match the car's color scheme. And one of them says "Beast" on the handle.
When I saw that I was dead
I love this thread.