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My fucking nutjob neighbor


Neighbours from Hell
He came back today. I heard him outside cursing up a storm to someone. Something about "....I'd have to get two jobs...." and this is bullshit and that is bullshit. I actually didn't even notice he came back until I heard him ranting to some guy I've never seen before. I didn't make out most of what he said, but he was pissed about something. Then not too long the landlord came by and was going through some paperwork. He's actually out there right now with the landlord going unit to unit in the whole building and gutting it of everything. Couches, junk, you name it.

A couple days ago I believe the other tenants moved out as well.

My guess is the landlord got hit hard by COVID and needed cash, so he sold this. I looked it up, it sold for about 50k under market value. And my guess is the new buyer is planning to renovate and charge higher rent, so no one in there could afford it anymore. But who knows, just my guess.



Neighbours from Hell
...anyway so the guy is gone, right? The daily revving is done? The nightmare is over, at long last?
Appears so. He's been gone for like a week now other than stopping by to load stuff into his truck. No revving, no being awakened at 3 am or 8 am. Best sleep I've had in years.

The only reason I haven't put it at 100% in the clear is because his Spyder is still parked out there. Odds are it doesn't drive and he just hasn't gotten it towed yet, because it's been parked in that same spot since at least November if not October and he hasn't moved it since then. But I'm leaving like a 5% chance it was only a temporary move out, though I highly highly doubt it. Think I'm in the clear.
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Appears so. He's been gone for like a week now other than stopping by to load stuff into his truck. No revving, no being awakened at 3 am or 8 am. Best sleep I've had in years.

The only reason I haven't put it at 100% in the clear is because his Spyder is still parked out there. Odds are it doesn't drive and he just hasn't gotten it towed yet, because it's been parked in that same spot since at least November if not October and he hasn't moved it since then. But I'm leaving like a 5% chance it was only a temporary move out, though I highly highly doubt it. Think I'm in the clear.
Ugh my gosh. My hat's off to you, brother. You made it all this time without having a blowout and doing something stupid, a lesser man certainly would have caved. Hopefully your nerves aren't so absolutely frayed by now, that you can genuinely enjoy the resulting peace and quiet!


Neighbours from Hell
Ugh my gosh. My hat's off to you, brother. You made it all this time without having a blowout and doing something stupid, a lesser man certainly would have caved. Hopefully your nerves aren't so absolutely frayed by now, that you can genuinely enjoy the resulting peace and quiet!
Honestly, the first day he left, huge weight off my shoulders. The stress I had going to sleep every night knowing he was going to wake me up out of my sleep every single morning was such a burden.

I felt like Andy Dufrense

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Tell us about the renovation and then the new neighbors when they move in.
Better yet, become the new neighbor. Do something weird every day, like walk out side in an open and robe and just your underwear. Make sure you loudly proclaim you own the block and you expect gifts if people want to continue to live on your property. Go crazy. Just make sure you keep us updated.


Neighbours from Hell
I think you mentioned it before, but is the neighbor's building a 4-plex or something like that?
Basically, yeah. 5 units. Small little thing.

Im not sure if they’re renovating it’s just my guess, because at least 4 of the 5 units are emptied out now. I can’t tell if the last one is. I thought it was and then yesterday the girl came back and went inside and spent the night, so I’m not sure.

As an aside, just to show what kind of neighbors I have, earlier this week down the end of the street either a possum or raccoon was killed and there were vultures swooping down all day picking away at it. No one has bothered to remove the carcass so I had to call it and report it to the city even though it’s down at the other end of the street and not my responsibility. It’s still there.
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I do not miss living next to apartments. Constantly new people and the bad ones always tend to stick around the longest.

We recently had an annoying neighbor move out that had 2 dogs that would be left outside most of the day and they would at a minimum bark at you and sometimes would leave the yard. The new neighbors have a dog as well, but seem to take dog ownership seriously and the dog is really sweet and quiet. What a difference that makes. We can be outside and not get barked at the entire time.

Hopefully your new neighbors are respectful.


Simps for Amouranth
Decent neighbors can't be overstated, I'm lucky in that I have a well heeled surgeon on one side and a retired uni professor on the other and we get on fantastic with them both, having regular drinks and BBQs whereas my folks have a neighbor whose having beef with the house on the other side and both are going out of there way to be complete cunts to each other.. I couldn't be arsed with that, I'd end up just getting arrested
I'll never live near apartments (or in one) again, if I have any say in it.

They suck ass and so do a lot of the people living in them. The good folks are always overshadowed by the dramatic nutballs.


Neighbours from Hell
The people in the apartments before this latest group were all people of Middle Eastern descent. And they were obsessed with cars too, but they didn't let them run or rev the engine or anything. They always had cars in the back, sometimes as many as 10 at a time all with the hoods up and people working on them. A friend of mine joked that they were mass producing car bombs for ISIS.

One day all them disappeared and moved out.

About a week after that, the cops knocked at my door, about 10 of them knocked on my door and asked me if I'd seen this guy and they showed me a wanted paper with someone's name on it who was Middle Eastern. And I told them no, and that I know a bunch of Middle Eastern people lived at the apartments next door, but they're gone now. And that was that. Those people never came back to those apartments. And then the next neighbors were this guy.

But I never cared about the Middle Eastern neighbors because all the shit they did wasn't noisy. So even if they were ISIS, they were less annoying than this dude.

But I like having good neighbors. Back in the day when I was younger all neighbors knew one another, now no one does anymore.


Simps for Amouranth
The people in the apartments before this latest group were all people of Middle Eastern descent. And they were obsessed with cars too, but they didn't let them run or rev the engine or anything. They always had cars in the back, sometimes as many as 10 at a time all with the hoods up and people working on them. A friend of mine joked that they were mass producing car bombs for ISIS.

One day all them disappeared and moved out.

About a week after that, the cops knocked at my door, about 10 of them knocked on my door and asked me if I'd seen this guy and they showed me a wanted paper with someone's name on it who was Middle Eastern. And I told them no, and that I know a bunch of Middle Eastern people lived at the apartments next door, but they're gone now. And that was that. Those people never came back to those apartments. And then the next neighbors were this guy.

But I never cared about the Middle Eastern neighbors because all the shit they did wasn't noisy. So even if they were ISIS, they were less annoying than this dude.

But I like having good neighbors. Back in the day when I was younger all neighbors knew one another, now no one does anymore.
My old gaff was like that, loads of people and everyone just kept to themselves and wouldn't say boo, some you got a smile from but most didn't bother and some where dickheads, hated it, so when we "upgraded" to a nice area I made a point of introducing myself to my immediate neighbors helped that they where equally sound, now on occasion I get to enjoy a wee joint with the neighbor through the back garden hedge if he hears me in the garden


Neighbours from Hell
My old gaff was like that, loads of people and everyone just kept to themselves and wouldn't say boo, some you got a smile from but most didn't bother and some where dickheads, hated it, so when we "upgraded" to a nice area I made a point of introducing myself to my immediate neighbors helped that they where equally sound, now on occasion I get to enjoy a wee joint with the neighbor through the back garden hedge if he hears me in the garden
I've never lived in the south, but from what I've heard most neigborhoods in the south are like that. Smaller towns. Or maybe it's just small towns in general.


Neighbours from Hell
Ok, so I said the only thing not putting him being gone at 100% is because that Spyder was still there. This just happened not too long ago.

I don’t know who those people were. If they stole it or if he got them to move it, but the car is gone now. They’re pushing it all the way down the street. 🤣
Ok, so I said the only thing not putting him being gone at 100% is because that Spyder was still there. This just happened not too long ago.

I don’t know who those people were. If they stole it or if he got them to move it, but the car is gone now. They’re pushing it all the way down the street. 🤣
Don't worry. Twenty years from now a sequel will come out. And just like the first two, the ending will dissapoint. Still produced and directed by DragoonKain DragoonKain
Ok, so I said the only thing not putting him being gone at 100% is because that Spyder was still there. This just happened not too long ago.

I don’t know who those people were. If they stole it or if he got them to move it, but the car is gone now. They’re pushing it all the way down the street. 🤣
50 cents for the chair!


Parody of actual AJUMP23
If the rent goes up maybe you get a better neighbor.

It seems odd in this market the landlord sold for under market value, unless your in Detroit or something.


I think the line under my Avatar should be changed from Neighbors from Hell to Neighbors Farewell

:messenger_sunglasses: :pie_winking:

Hey man, sincerely so happy for you! I hope your next neighbours are cool so you don't have to go through such a fucking hell again!

I recently reached out to make offical complaints (again) and as of today it made a *difference* but I feel it'll be short lived. If it'll become the latter there's a whole process waiting for me..

When you find yourself googling high end recording devices then yeah... FML

Again, hope you get some relief brother
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Neighbours from Hell
Hey man, sincerely so happy for you! I hope your next neighbours are cool so you don't have to go through such a fucking hell again!

I recently reached out to make offical complaints (again) and as of today it made a *difference* but I feel it'll be short lived. If it'll become the latter there's a whole process waiting for me..

When you find yourself googling high end recording devices then yeah... FML

Again, hope you get some relief brother
Best of luck 👊


I'll miss the updates to this thread, easily the best one on Neogaf. That being said, I'm thrilled for ya brethren, really. I know what it's like to have shithead neighbors, had more than a few in the past decade, and it can be extremely fucking draining on one's mental health. Here's to quiet nights from here on.


At first it annoyed me, but it has grasped me like a Hitchcockian thriller. They happy ending of well rested and good nights sleep is the icing on the cake. Well done OP!


Neighbours from Hell
Next thread title: “The Return of my fucking Nutjob Neighbor”
People are gonna think I'm making this up but I'm not. About a half hour after this post, you know who pulled up. First time I've seen him in a week or two. Last time was the last time I posted about it, however many days ago. I was doing stuff and I heard the car, but because I was in the middle I didn't get a chance to look outside right away to see what he was doing. Once I was able to look outside, he sat there for about a minute in his car, cranked up the volume on his stereo to full blast, then sped away. Then about 5 minutes ago before I type this he zipped down the street again, but didn't stop.

Since I didn't see what he was doing... my guess is he came by to pick up mail or something that he couldn't get forwarded to his new address yet and left. But we'll see. If anything sinister is afoot, I'll post updates.
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People are gonna think I'm making this up but I'm not. About a half hour after this post, you know who pulled up. First time I've seen him in a week or two. Last time was the last time I posted about it, however many days ago. I was doing stuff and I heard the car, but because I was in the middle I didn't get a chance to look outside right away to see what he was doing. Once I was able to look outside, he sat there for about a minute in his car, cranked up the volume on his stereo to full blast, then sped away. Then about 5 minutes ago before I type this he zipped down the street again, but didn't stop.

Since I didn't see what he was doing... my guess is he came by to pick up mail or something that he couldn't get forwarded to his new address yet and left. But we'll see. If anything sinister is afoot, I'll post updates.

lol mail run + pushing his eclipse means he probably lives super close to you. is a sequel in production?


People are gonna think I'm making this up but I'm not. About a half hour after this post, you know who pulled up. First time I've seen him in a week or two. Last time was the last time I posted about it, however many days ago. I was doing stuff and I heard the car, but because I was in the middle I didn't get a chance to look outside right away to see what he was doing. Once I was able to look outside, he sat there for about a minute in his car, cranked up the volume on his stereo to full blast, then sped away. Then about 5 minutes ago before I type this he zipped down the street again, but didn't stop.

Since I didn't see what he was doing... my guess is he came by to pick up mail or something that he couldn't get forwarded to his new address yet and left. But we'll see. If anything sinister is afoot, I'll post updates.
Someone out there is posting on a forum about their new neighbour who just moved in down the street - the curse of this guy has moved on. The cycle continues, but at least you’re free


Neighbours from Hell
They've been remodeling for a couple weeks now, I've been hearing them working in there. It looks like some new people are moving stuff into the new apartments, not sure if these people have moved in or if they're just moving stuff in for future tenants, but for some reason decided to use this behemoth flat bed to move a few beds and a small desk, in the pouring rain, instead of a small u-haul, which would've, you know, actually been enclosed and kept the rain from getting all over everything, and wouldn't have been a pain in the ass to drive and park.

Nothing anybody does in this apartment ever makes any sense.

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