"I feel like I'm changing as a person. I feel like I'm on autopilot. I can't be anymore. I can't not focus on me."
Translation: She wants someone new.
"I feel like I'm changing as a person. I feel like I'm on autopilot. I can't be anymore. I can't not focus on me."
She was 19 when the relationship started. She wants new adventures but didn't know how to tell you.
Shit sucks OP but don't try to salvage it and move on. You're still in your dating prime.
She's 25 and she's been with you for six years. She wants to explore but not hurt your feelings.
Let her go and work on yourself and explore a bit on your own.
this. Also, checking another person's shit is being overpossessive and not respecting their personal space.
Time to move on.
She was 19 when the relationship started. She wants new adventures but didn't know how to tell you.
so texting people from the opposite gender is a no go in a relationship?
Around here everyone does that, it's totally normal.
lol none of you guys have any female friends?
She may not be in love with you anymore, but you said the messages were harmless, maybe because they were?
She said it was like the romantic novels she used to write as a young teen... it was all just fantasy and whatever she wasn't getting from me, she was getting via FB messenger.
Yup, she was caught and tried to turn it around on you and make it your fault.
Caught doing what? Talking to another male human and having doubts about her current relationship at the same time?
The girl doesn't sound perfect but OP won't learn anything from this if he places all the blame for this break up on her. It's very obvious by his post that he has some pretty notable trust and possessiveness issues and he should recognize tbat and work toward making it better instead of demonizing her.
Translation: She wants someone new.
so texting people from the opposite gender is a no go in a relationship?
Around here everyone does that, it's totally normal.
lol none of you guys have any female friends?
She may not be in love with you anymore, but you said the messages were harmless, maybe because they were?
She herself admitted that she was trying to get some kind of romantic fulfillment from these messages. Did you read what OP wrote?
Girl wants adventure and to be young and free. OP needs to let her go and work on improving himself. Clearly their relationship has been problematic, it needs to just end.
I get that. I'm just trying to say it's pretty clear both OP and the girl contributed notable amounts to the relationship failing in this case.
Yes, definitely. OP needs to work on his trust and possessiveness issues for his next relationship, and improve himself, and she needs to be on her own and find out what she wants/explore/etc.
We can only hope OP takes the advice everyone has given him and moves on/works on his self improvement on his own.
From all this, you inferred that his trust and possessiveness is the reason why she had a facebook relationship with another man and tried to hide it?
I don't see how it is the OP's fault in any way.
No, I'm not saying it was OP's fault, she did a stupid, most likely malicious thing. At the age of 19 lots of people do lots of stupid things, and it's quite possible OP should have never given her a pass and broken it up right then and there.
What's not ok or healthy is for OP to accept the event, stay in the relationship, and become possessive and controlling/untrusting. Either trust her and stay with her, or tell her you can't trust her anymore and leave. Other scenarios are just unfair for one of the involved.
If you want to forget about her quickly go get a nuru bodyrub from a hotass chick and you won't even remember her.
I didn't say that. I said it would help him forget her. The equivalent of going to a strip club for most people. Don't put words in my mouth.Yeah bro, hiring sex workers is the mark of an alpha male who won't be pushed around.
I didn't say that. I said it would help him forget her. The equivalent of going to a strip club for most people. Don't put words in my mouth.
She pretty much cheated on you and found a way to make you feel like you are at fault for it.
Some guys have a real hard time getting over girls without having some kind of physical contact. I know people that will hound a girl for weeks or months until they touch another girl and suddenly realize there are more fish in the sea and that she wasn't the only one that can give him wood.I'm sorry but your whole don't be a doormat thing then ending with telling him to find a prostitute was pretty funny.
Bingo. My ex phrased it differently to me about 2 months ago when we broke up, but it ended up meaning the same thing. For her, it was that she "didn't know who she was anymore" and "needed to figure out who she was and what she wanted". After breaking up with me she then started staying at a friends place while I started looking for a new place to live and eventually was staying at a guy who I've known for 11 years house 3-5 nights at a time. He was the one she went to hang out with after dumping me.
She refuses to admit it but clearly she started to get emotionally invested in him and it drove a wedge between us--before we broke up they were hanging out almost every night I worked that she had off too.
I've come to realize the "I need to focus on me" is basically just a nicer way of saying "I was happy before you and I want to get back to that point."
I'm not sure about OP, but in my situation there was a difference between texting a guy friend here and there, and someone my SO was clearly more attached to. For the last like month of our relationship she was texting this other guy about 3x as often as she talked to me. People do a lot of rationalizing--I kind of ignored a lot and didn't realize how obvious it was until about a month after we had broken up when she clearly had moved on to him.
Dude. Wtf. Actually read the whole thing btw. Don't be such a pushover. You should have dropped her at the first instance. Casually chatting is one thing but sending pics too? Fuck that shit. This is the kind of toxic chick no one should tolerate. She's the kind of chick that bangs the pool boy, gardner, neighbor, and ups guy in rotation while you're at work and someone makes herself into the victim. Just from your tone you sound like the biggest pushover ever. You can't be like that in life or else people will trample over you. If your gf is getting texts at night from a dude you have all the right in the world to inquire unless you two aren't exclusive. Drop her, get a new girl, and move out. If you want to forget about her quickly go get a nuru bodyrub from a hotass chick and you won't even remember her.
Dude whenever anyone tells you shit like this it usually means they got the next ass on standby. Sucks I know but i did it countless times myself until I finally got married.Huh, weird. I just broke up with my girlfriend a month and a half ago, and it's the same thing as the OP and this - things like "I need to focus on helping myself" and "I'm too worried about helping other people" etc., stuff like that. And of course, it turns out there's another guy friend from school she'd been talking to more and more when I'd been away for a summer job.
Now, I think my problem goes deeper - she was admitted to the hospital for a month before we broke up and diagnosed with a mental disorder, so when she says she needs to get better, it's legit. But there's definitely some non-truth there, and while I believe her when she says the other guy is just friends, it's still emotional cheating and I wouldn't be surprised if it changes soon.
It's been pretty brutal, she was really a good person... but makes me hope I can meet someone in the future who actually speaks what they're really feeling - I'm pretty sick of bad communication. I told her everything I was thinking at the time and maybe it made it worse but I feel that's the only way, really.
Time to move on.
I think it was already over late last year.
was over at "I caught her Facebooking another guy"
She probably checked out a long time ago if she's sending guys pics on fb. If somebody is doing shit like that behind your back it's probably the tip of the iceberg. Just move on, get on Tinder or something lol.
Did you? She was sending the guy pics. And then she met a new guy later and within 2 weeks was already getting texts from him late at night while my boy here is just trying to get his Rainbow Six on.Did you really read the OP? She chatted with one guy on the internet. You make it seem like she's been banging every guy in town.
Did you? She was sending the guy pics. And then she met a new guy later and within 2 weeks was already getting texts from him late at night while my boy here is just trying to get his Rainbow Six on.