Aren't you supposed to be a muslim? Wouldn't you call Israel a "so called country" yourself? After all, a great percentage of the population wants peace, but Sharon's hard line military govt. continues to rule. How do you reconcile this? Is Israel blameless for what is going on? Is it solely the fault of muslims? I would like to know your view.Ripclawe said:considering Cat did a fundraiser for a Hamas front group in Canada and called Judiasm a "so-called religion" and Israel a "so-called country" He can go fuck himself.
Raoul Duke said:Aren't you supposed to be a muslim? Wouldn't you call Israel a "so called country" yourself? After all, a great percentage of the population wants peace, but Sharon's hard line military govt. continues to rule. How do you reconcile this? Is Israel blameless for what is going on? Is it solely the fault of muslims? I would like to know your view.
Cyan said:PROTIP: A government can't be a terrorist.
Raoul Duke said:Aren't you supposed to be a muslim? Wouldn't you call Israel a "so called country" yourself? After all, a great percentage of the population wants peace, but Sharon's hard line military govt. continues to rule. How do you reconcile this? Is Israel blameless for what is going on? Is it solely the fault of muslims? I would like to know your view.
Cyan said:PROTIP: A government can't be a terrorist.
Then Nicaragua then went to the UN Security Council which considered a resolution calling on all states to observe international law. No one was mentioned but everyone understood. The United States vetoed the resolution. It now stands as the only state on record which has both been condemned by the World Court for international terrorism and has vetoed a Security Council resolution calling on states to observe international law. Nicaragua then went to the General Assembly where there is technically no veto but a negative US vote amounts to a veto. It passed a similar resolution with only the United States, Israel, and El Salvador opposed. The following year again, this time the United States could only rally Israel to the cause, so 2 votes opposed to observing international law. At that point, Nicaragua couldn’t do anything lawful. It tried all the measures. They don’t work in a world that is ruled by force.
Forsete said:Hmm?
They're doing what every nation tried to do to free themselves from their oppressors during history: Anything (and I mean anything) they could possibly do. They want their freedom and they deserve it.
ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He
had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom.
The Snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its
natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal
wound. "Oh," cried the Farmer with his last breath, "I am
rightly served for pitying a scoundrel."
The Snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and resuming its natural instincts, bit its benefactor, inflicting on him a mortal wound.
"Oh," cried the Farmer, "Why did you bite me after I saved you?"
"You knew I was a snake when you picked me up," answered the Snake..
considering Cat did a fundraiser for a Hamas front group in Canada and called Judiasm a "so-called religion" and Israel a "so-called country" He can go fuck himself.
When did he do these and say this?
You've discredited yourself many a time, pulling stuff out of your ass, so I'm going to have to ask for proof.
Muslim singer criticized Judaism as a 'so-called' religion
Stewart Bell
National Post
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
TORONTO - Yusuf Islam, the British singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, was the guest of honour at a Toronto fundraising dinner hosted by an organization that has since been identified by the Canadian government as a "front" for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
In a videotape of the 1998 event obtained by the National Post, Mr. Islam describes Israel as a "so-called new society" created by a "so-called religion" and urges the audience to donate to the Jerusalem Fund for Human Services to "lessen the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine and the Holy Land."
The Jerusalem Fund is one of four "fronts" named in a secret Privy Council Office memo that was sent to Jean Chretien, then prime minister, on May 23, 2000, discussing what it called groups that "have unsavoury links with terrorism.
1) Is Baathist Syria an ally on the "war on Terror"?
2) If the US had a suspected terrorist in custody...WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY SHIP HIM TO ANOTHER COUNTRY?
American officials say those regimes are better culturally equipped to elicit information from suspected Islamic militants... As one American official told The Washington Post's Dana Priest and Barton Gellman, who broke the "rendition" story in December 2002, "We don't kick the shit out of them. We send them to other countries so they can kick the shit out of them."
You don't understand the problem, you don't understand terrorism, and in fact your way of thinking is exactly the same as the terrorists with just a minor change in the language used to describe the subject.
Carlos claims that terrorism is "the cleanest and most efficient form of warfare." By killing civilians, he argues, the terrorist saps the morale of the enemy and forces its leadership to submit to the demands of the revolution or surrender.
Yes, they have helped capture Islamic Terrorists and No, they support hamas, hezzbollah and actions in the middle east region against Israel.
The violin is playing in the background.
If you think singing kumbaya and give peace a chance talk will defeat terrorism, you are completely wrong. Terrorism must be defeated by brutal force, so as to discourage more people joining up and showing that there are horrible consequences for carrying out terrorists acts. You can never give in to the demand of terrorists under any circumstances.
So which is it? They capture terrorists, and support terrorists?
You have no clue, apparently. Like Hussien's Iraq, Syria has punished, jailed, and tortured political dissenters.
Wasn't this the crux of Bush's arguement for invading Iraq? (After the WMD thing fell through).
You are a hypocrite, you have no legs to stand on Ripclawe.
What the US has done in the Maher Arar situation was send a person (who spoke out against the Baathist regime) to Syria to get tortured, while they had no evidence he was a threat. Plus, he wasn't American, he wasn't their own citizen, he was Canadian.
Effectively, the US can take ANY PERSON within their borders, arrest them for no reason, and torture them (whether they do it themselves or not, is irrelevant, because as the Official said, they are arrested for the purpose of being tortured). different is this from Saddam Hussien's own government?
Using brutal force creates more terrorism. Again, let me reiterate, you do not understand the problem. This comment you just made is proof of this.
It's quite clear that the terrorism that affects the US is a result of their own policies. Had these policies were created and put into place by countries such as Norway, or Switzerland, you would see them being affected by terrorism.
Terrorism within the Muslim World is a new phenomenon. It only came into fruition 40 years ago, with the 1400 year history of the religion. It came as a result of many things, most of which are politically related.
I'd like to see your solution, in detail, as to how we should fight terrorism. Currently, it's war-mongering rhetoric that is vague and unmethodical. "We'll strike the terrorists wherever they may be". Sounds familiar...
I have been over this already. Here is the short version Brutal force, fear and carrot on a stick.
Che said:OMFG!!! Somebody shoot him! The world will become a better place! He's pro-war, pro-hunting, pro-torture... if satan existed, ripclawe would be his role model.
Ripclawe said:kinda funny coming from a che supporter.
Write your Congressperson. It's really easy.
Yeah, that way is bs. John Titor is the only way.xabre said:What is this American fascination with writing to your Congressperson? Do you think they're actually going to listen to you or something zany like that? Yeah I know the drill, if enough people send letters complaining the congressperson better listen lest they be thrown out of office. That's a big IF though, especially when the majority of Congressperson writing types probably support such legislation out of their own ignorance anyway.
If their screeners like what you say, they'll respond sometimes. I never wrote one, but I've heard of it happening. You stand a better chance if you write your local state representative. They are broken down by district I think, so they'll tend to have fewer letters coming in, so yours is more likely to be read. And the House of Rep usually is where bills start anyway. PEACE.xabre said:What is this American fascination with writing to your Congressperson? Do you think they're actually going to listen to you or something zany like that? Yeah I know the drill, if enough people send letters complaining the congressperson better listen lest they be thrown out of office. That's a big IF though, especially when the majority of Congressperson writing types probably support such legislation out of their own ignorance anyway.
Che was a hero who sacrificed his life trying to free people and nations, and you are just a hating worm, and nothing more.
Ripclawe: So you believe that a government should have the power to arrange for the torture of people, without due process of law, without a transparent process, without checks in place to prevent abuse of this power? Your surpassing faith in the innate goodness of government surprises me.
You never said it, but that's what the legislation will do. We're not having a philosophical discussion about some hypothetical act of torture, we're talking US policy that just passed a committee vote.Never said without checks and balances
Mandark said:Every politician wants to get re-elected. Almost every Rep in a safe district wants to be a Senator, and every Senator who's not currently having sex with a child considers himself a presidential candidate.
Yes, duplicity from most Middle East countries is a given in cases like these. Syria is bad but for a long time was "better" than the rest.
Really? Here I thought the Hama rule was just a one time deal. shocking.
It was one of the arguments used for invading Iraq, Syria is not up to that level where US considers them a threat to our interests like we considered Iraq all those years.
As for being a hypocrite, examples.
As I said before in another thread, depending on who it is, I don't care, in Arar case so far, it was a mistake due to information by canadian authorities given to the US who sent him off to Syria.
No, I understand the problem, I just have a different way of dealing with it. The way of lets understand their feelings and appeasing every time we can simply does not work because that encourages more terrorism from more groups. The West is already considered pussies by the likes of Bin Laden and other terror groups, the appeasement way enforces that opinion and is deadly to everyone.
Okay lets go the blame America route which is easy to do and simplifies everything, explain islamic terrorism in Nigeria, Thailand, Australia, Mayalasia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, phillipes, Trinidad and Tobago just to start off.
Terrorism within the Muslim world is not a new thing, Shiites vs Sunni comes to mind over the hundreds of years. Modern Terrorism in the Middle East is largely to blame for the funding and teaching of extremists views in various countries which is why House of Saud is paying a price for it.
I have been over this already. Here is the short version
Brutal force, fear and carrot on a stick.
I don't have all the time in the World to educate you. My time is worth money.