I don't think he literally saw that far into the future, he's just predicting that All Might would die if he returned to being a hero (as he nearly did), but saw using Foresight that he wasn't going to back down.Now, how fucking far in the future that foresight can see?
Where's the Plumeria Ashido thoThat Team Skull Ashido is all I ever wanted.
Man, there's some fantastic fan art out there. Drummer Zapboy and Momo/Todo knights are straight fire.
I liked how Ashido was all like "Oh no, you're pretty boy face is ruined" over a few bandages and bruises, while his giant eye scar is no big deal.
Where's the Plumeria Ashido tho
Just started reading this Monday and was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed the first volume. Should I keep up with the Manga or is the Anime just as good? Does this stay good?
Read manga and check the anime out afterwards.Just started reading this Monday and was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed the first volume. Should I keep up with the Manga or is the Anime just as good? Does this stay good?
All Might always act based on his instinct. Even All Might can't​ question All Might's personally chosen successor since All Might is the No.1 hero.I don't really like this thing about All Might chosing Deku by chance. I'd have liked it better if he knew both well and then decided to go for Deku as his successor still.
The anime's pretty bad because of its shit pacing, so just stick with the manga.Just started reading this Monday and was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed the first volume. Should I keep up with the Manga or is the Anime just as good? Does this stay good?
Well, it makes sense that it doesn't come up often, since only the teachers seem to be seriously thinking about it.For real though, i wonder when the traitor stuff will actually be relevant again. Seems like it gets a single line mentioning it every once in a while before it's forgotten again for another 30 chapters.
Momo YaoyorozuFirst kaminari theories, now kirishima theories, what...whos next, todoroki? sero? monoma?
Ought to have had Midoriya on Todoroki's page.
Now that's a thought. But Overhaul could just as easily kill All for One, and has the motivation to do it. I don't know if Shigaraki's willing to risk that.Oh fuck.
I just realized that the Yakuza leader's quirk could bring All Might back to a healthy state OR recover All for One back to his prime state.
Only if the reveal is just a setup so we can see the dog detective again.I think Mouse Principal is actually the traitor.