They're airing a S1 recap episode in Japan because they had a free slot, the actual first episode of S2 is on April 1.
They're airing a S1 recap episode in Japan because they had a free slot, the actual first episode of S2 is on April 1.
As much as I wanted to do it, I've gotten really busy and my plans for the OT I was going to make didn't come out how I liked it to. If you want to do the OT that's cool with me Salva. Didn't realize you got your member status back.
I vote for "My Hero Academia S2 |OT| This is going to stain my hero record".It's what I was going to use most likely.I can vote for one I came up with right?
I really need to sit down and learn photoshop. The banner I was going to use was the 2nd anniversary manga color spread.
What I did was went through the whole sky background from Aizawa all the way on the left all the way to the right. The plan was to have a transparent background that fit in smoothly with the neogaf background. The text was going to be in the open space above Katsuki.
The result could have been a little bit smoother (still not sure how to deal with aliasing), but the biggest problem was when I resized the picture to a smaller resolution, the whole thing looked like crap
I have the much higher resolution version (this was just quick pickup from tumblr). What I did was remove
I like that title a lot, I think its a given.
My lazy solution would just put OT2 in big letters in the top and have the O be the NeoGAF logo. But I am a lazy man. Or replace the sky with the GAF logo.
Huh didn't know that and they do sound alike know that i think about itdid ya know: Deku's English dub voice is the guy who does Teen Gohan from DBZ Abridged?
Took almost the whole chapter (and I was going to complain!) but Horikoshi addressed all my issues with Foresight, the whole plot point of All Might dying and how that was presented last week.
And I couldn't help but laugh at the nº9 hero Dragoon literally being named Ninedragon.
Nope, but a friend visiting saw the new OP at a convention.
The song's good, but the opening is, weirdly enough,just a montage of everybody stretching and getting ready for the Sports Festival.
I think they'll have to make multiple versions of the second OP. I mean, they'd also have to do the same for the third OP, right? The arcs get really short after the Sports Festival.Maybe they'll make more versions?If it's kinda boring they're actually wasting one of the best parts of the show in terms of action and characters involved.
Shinsou's the brainwash kid from the Sports Festival
The Spiderman influence isn't surprising, but it's nice to know, yeah! I remember in the Jump Ryu video showing him drawing stuff, he had some Ashley Wood artbooks on the shelf behind him. He knows his shit, yo.
Is the interview available online, or do you need a Viz subscription?
And I have a new wallpaper
The power of his rage keeps it on.You didn't wonder how Bakugou's mask isn't falling off?
I just noticed but they changed Mirio's hero name in the Viz translation from L Million to LEMILLION
I think that is actually part of the original art from the manga artist and not a viz spelling/translation.
Either way, if this is how the Horikoshi writes Mirio's hero name in english then VIZ should change it.
Why wouldnt they change it in the future/volume release? Its not like they knew last week that he would write the name for them in this weeks chapter.
I personally don't see why it matters. Lemillion or Lumillion, either way, it's the million part that is important and they got that. I agree that, because it's so insignificant, they may as well go by the author's choice of it, but I wouldn't care if they didn't.
I don't agree with that really. LEMILLION is a clever name, which I think is suppose to play on Tintin a french character which Mirio might be based off. LEMILLION is basically *Le million* which can be translated to *the million* in english.
What does Lumillion mean? Nothing except having million in it.
Lemillion doesn't mean anything either, or atleast not anything more than Lumillion. What, precisely, do you gain by adding a "the" in front of the name? Both Lemillion and Lumillion basically amount to communicating the same thing: Million, which is contextualized by the people that Mirio wants to save. For that purpose, either works.
And I don't care for the french connection. For one, if you're going to reference french, do it properly and have be Le Million, not Lemillion, because "Lemillion" doesn't mean anything in france either. Second, if his appearance is already a reference to Tintin, he doesn't need a redundant one in his name, and especially since it's just an external nod instead of holding any kind of diegetic meaning. It's not like we can assume Mirio is french just because he has that name.
You not caring means nothing. LEMILLION is still clearly a play on words with Mirio inspiration. And what do you mean Lemilion doesn't mean anything in France? It does, it means LE MILLION. So because the words are connected it loses all meaning? So Suneater doesn't mean anything in english then? Of course it does.
LEMILLION can easily be associated with the number and the number Mirio has for a goal. One million, the million, LE MILLION. You know aiming for the million. Visé le million. That sounds pretty much like Mirio's goal to me.
LUMILLION means absolutely nothing and Horikoshi is better then that. So you saying Lemillion means the same thing has Lumillion is pretty false.