elektrikluv said:
Little gifts are nice things to do for an SO, regardless of whether its the man or woman. If a woman expects to just receive gifts and never does little things for her man then she is selfish.
These tend to be joint efforts, its not like the guy is doing the woman a favour by helping clean mess they both make and helping look after kids they both had, it *should* be equal, not a 'little activity to keep a woman happy.'
Women work too. Just as hard as men, having careers and the likes. Hello, 21st century?
And this is wrong too. Sometimes a guy wants something sexually that a woman isn't prepared to participate in, whether that's BDSM or role play or whatever. Not to mention sexual intimacy that can need a spark or chemistry that sometimes fades with time, and a guy can seek that elsewhere, regardless whether his wife is giving him head or not. These all work vice versa too.
You're pretty much right on all counts.
But the fact is, a woman doesn't necessarily HAVE to work. They can get away with NOT working in the right circumstances. A man pretty much has to work regardless until retirement. (please don't bombard me with bullshit excpetions and Jerry Springer examples).
If a woman gets the sex side of things right from the START of the relationship, and makes an effort to look after herself (assuming the man ALSO doesn't become a fat pig), then he won't look elsewhere.
Again, there ARE exceptions to this rule, but generally, it'll be spot on.
Yes, of course women work hard. At least, the ones that DO have to work anyway. But luckily for women, as I said earlier, they can find ways to NOT work. Also, a married woman who doesn't work wouldn't batter any eyelids. A married MAN who doesn't work would be another story.
I've just found in my experience, MANY marriage break-ups have been the result of a frigid wife. Or at least, the problems originally STEMMED from a figid wife/a wife who BECAME frigid/boring.
Again, I'm aware this can work both ways. Men can become fat slobs, or not provide romance and the like, but bedroom problems from people I've known, even in my personal experience, have stemmed from the female. Which unfortunately is often a natural thing. Women just flat out don't want it as much as we do.