nah, I dont want the B&W and speedlines shit. I'm content with just relating, ecause you know that that's what makes mangas such a society phenomeon right? there are just so many that anyone is likely to be able to find something they can relate to, because what's a story to you if it's all abstract ?
Japophile? well, good food and good cars, that's all I need really. But yeah, instant ramen makes for awesome snacks: cheap and completely empty of nutrition, perfect bachelor chow.
But that passes off only as "a mild interest" next to some people I know (namely, the sister), she would actually buy sake and drown herself in it, amongst other things. eh.
Now it sounds like you are just some stuck up foo' that gets up in the morning wishing for someone to show up who you can take too seriousely. Just ignore me, I'm just a carefree idiot.