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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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This is badass


So after being peer-pressured into watching a few episodes, followed by spending the next couple evenings marathoning through the rest of the season, I gotta say, I'm hooked. :D Guess it's list time? Favorite to least (although 2-5 are really really close):

1. Pinkie Pie
2. Fluttershy
3. Applejack
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Twilight Sparkle
6. Rarity

The problem I have right now is that when Season 2 finally comes, I'm going to have the slow trickle of one episode pre week. I kinda want to wait til the season't over and just watch the whole season at once, but that's too long to wait/too much fan stuff to miss. This is the show that finally made me really hate the weekly nature of TV. >.>
brian577 said:
This is badass
http://h5.abload.de/img/13135891884669jbb.png[IMG][/QUOTE]That is super rad.

And it's wallpaper size! Done.

[QUOTE=blamite]The problem I have right now is that when Season 2 finally comes, I'm going to have the slow trickle of one episode pre week. I kinda want to wait til the season't over and just watch the whole season at once, but that's too long to wait/too much fan stuff to miss. This is the show that finally made me really hate the weekly nature of TV. >.>[/QUOTE]
Welcome! On the one hand, while the weekly waiting might be painful, at least you can get discussion of them and seeing the memes pop up while they're fresh. And isn't that best of all?


Well I broke down and watched an episode to see what all the fuss is about.

I am now anxiously awaiting season 2.

It really is a good show and about the half way through it just goes completely awesome. The first two episodes had me worried but the show just becomes utter hilarious nonsense and totally drops the heroic pony guardian thing.

Internet, you won this one.


blamite said:
So after being peer-pressured into watching a few episodes, followed by spending the next couple evenings marathoning through the rest of the season, I gotta say, I'm hooked. :D Guess it's list time? Favorite to least (although 2-5 are really really close):

1. Pinkie Pie
2. Fluttershy
3. Applejack
4. Rainbow Dash
5. Twilight Sparkle
6. Rarity

The problem I have right now is that when Season 2 finally comes, I'm going to have the slow trickle of one episode pre week. I kinda want to wait til the season't over and just watch the whole season at once, but that's too long to wait/too much fan stuff to miss. This is the show that finally made me really hate the weekly nature of TV. >.>

kunonabi said:
Well I broke down and watched an episode to see what all the fuss is about.

I am now anxiously awaiting season 2.

It really is a good show and about the half way through it just goes completely awesome. The first two episodes had me worried but the show just becomes utter hilarious nonsense and totally drops the heroic pony guardian thing.

Internet, you won this one.



Choppasmith said:
That's some really vague hyperbole. Best Marvel Cartoon of the 90s or best intro theme I could understand. But best cartoon series?

Anyway, was browsing Ponibooru, and found this amazing, and ridiculously huge mosaic.


If I had the means (I doubt printing services would do it because of copyright), I'd totally print this up as a poster.


Calpain said:
I sure do miss a lot when I don't check on the thread for a couple of days. So we're back to lists, huh? Well, here is the one I submitted a few weeks ago when we were compiling the ultimate list:
2.Pinkie Pie
5.Rainbow Dash
Please don't lynch me
It was really hard even coming up with a list. All of them are so likable that the only one I could even put ahead of the others by a smidgen would be Twilight with everyone else tied for second place.

As for the Pinkamena tumblr mentioned earlier, I love the artwork, but the content doesn't do much for me. While crazy, murderous Pinkie Pie was kind of funny at first it's kind of worn out its welcome for me after having had to see that sort of stuff for months pop up here and there ever since 'Cupcakes' came out in February I believe (doesn't help that I don't care too much for grimdark in ponies anyway).

Actually, now that I think of it, I've been starting to avoid more and more fan based material lately because it seems to be more of the same such as 'Rainbow Dash ships with everything' or 'Down with Trollestia, up with the Lunar Republic!'. I guess I'm just feeling the effects of the drought and I'm really looking forward to some new material the fanbase is able to come up with once the second season comes out. Also it seems like the deeper into the drought we get the more outrageous some of the fan works get from what I've seen out there.

So what do you guys think? Are any of you getting a little burned out from the fan made stuff, especially if you have been a fan of the show for a long time?

old, but that's my exact list without ties. bravo.

and party of one is not a good intro episode guys, just makes it seem like pinkie is crazy, which she is clearly not.


So many new people lately, welcome!

And I'll just leave this awesome comic here (click for source and higher res, didn't want to break the forums).

Ultimoo said:

Never get tired of that GIF. I love Marvel (more than DC), but X-Men is only so-so compared to the Silver Age Warner Brothers stuff. I watched it recently via Disney XD. It's not a bad adaptation at all. But the writing, music, voice acting, and animation in Batman TAS in unparalleled and deserves the "best cartoon" title much more. I mean Cal Dodd is still Wolverine in my mind, but he's no match for the likes of Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill and the other super talent acquired for the show. There's no rose colored glasses here, it's simply awe-inspiring. Again X-Men was good, it just hasn't aged *quite* as well as Batman and the DCAU stuff.

Oh and I just discovered the Nostalgia Critic just did a Top 11 BTAS Episodes Video. I'm not a big fan of his, but when he does videos like this, I have to tip my hat to him.


And now back on topic that Rainbow Dash comic is so sweet and adorable.


Orcastar said:
So many new people lately, welcome!

And I'll just leave this awesome comic here (click for source and higher res, didn't want to break the forums).

I wouldn't have Spitfire as a Pony who inspired filly-Dash with the Wonderbolts. I'd put her age around that of the mane 6, making her one of Dash's peers. Dash was probably inspired by previous-gen rosters of the team, and might not have even known their names, only recognized the uniform.

I would characterize Spitfire as a Pony who joined the team as a rookie at an unusually young age (maybe around the time Dash got her cloud-clearing job), and as the older members stepped down and fresher rookies like Soarin joined, her talent and experience earned her the leadership spot.

Also, I believe Dash over-idolizes the team. She seems to want to pattern her life after them, but they're just entertainers doing their job. That's why, although I think Dash could easily get a place on Spitfire's team and maybe even take over when Spitfire eventually steps down, that's not really where she's meant to be. She should join, have some fun, learn, and then move on. I wouldn't know what comes next.

I do expect that Spitfire knows all about the previous generations of the team (being on familiar terms with some of them), and she does know what comes after the Wonderbolts.

OMG Aero

Welcome to all the new people! I find it strange that a lot of new people have been posting recently though, did something happen to make you guys start watching now or is it just a coincidence?
Calpain said:
Unfortunately, I've never really been able to get into fanfics (especially ship fics). I've read a couple off of EqD as I trust the prereaders there to help filter out the bad stories, but while what I have read was actually quite nice, stories with multiple chapters just don't catch enough of my interest to keep me reading them.
This reply is incredibly late but have you read Past Sins? It's got a really interesting plot and if you can make it to chapter 10 then you will be hooked for the rest of the story. And if you have an issue with the cover image that a few people in the comments seemed to:
the writer specifically said that Twilight doesn't get hung, it's just there for dramatic effect or to show what a character may be thinking
Orcastar said:
So many new people lately, welcome!

And I'll just leave this awesome comic here (click for source and higher res, didn't want to break the forums).

This is a really nice comic and all, but I can't get over the fact that Spitfire apparently doesn't age.
Bakphoon said:

Call upon the sea ponies when you're in distress:

Dear god Bakphoon. What have you done?
OMG Aero said:
This reply is incredibly late but have you read Past Sins? It's got a really interesting plot and if you can make it to chapter 10 then you will be hooked for the rest of the story. And if you have an issue with the cover image that a few people in the comments seemed to:
the writer specifically said that Twilight doesn't get hung, it's just there for dramatic effect or to show what a character may be thinking
I actually started this one recently(just starting chapter 9 now) and its pretty good, not quite up there with FO:EQ, but still pretty good and gives me something to do while waiting for Kkat to do the next FO:EQ chapter... He's really slowed down lately.

Ellis Kim

Welcome, new people.

Kintaro said:
=O Why am I just discovering this now?
There's also 2 alts that should be going up on the store maybe sometime today, if you're interested in those.

OMG Aero said:
Dear god Bakphoon. What have you done?
I fully blame Hasbro for creating such a monstrocity :( I was hoping that we would never have to be subjected to such a sight, but alas...

I suspect we'll see a sequel to that drawing soon enough.


Unconfirmed Member
I love how Pony-GAF continues to attract new followers every day, even in the driest of seasons.

Is it because there's nothing else to watch during August?

Or is it because we, as humans, are naturally attuned to love + tolerance during the warmer months?

We must get our top scientists on this at once.


ruby_onix said:
I wouldn't have Spitfire as a Pony who inspired filly-Dash with the Wonderbolts. I'd put her age around that of the mane 6, making her one of Dash's peers. Dash was probably inspired by previous-gen rosters of the team, and might not have even known their names, only recognized the uniform.

I would characterize Spitfire as a Pony who joined the team as a rookie at an unusually young age (maybe around the time Dash got her cloud-clearing job), and as the older members stepped down and fresher rookies like Soarin joined, her talent and experience earned her the leadership spot.

Also, I believe Dash over-idolizes the team. She seems to want to pattern her life after them, but they're just entertainers doing their job. That's why, although I think Dash could easily get a place on Spitfire's team and maybe even take over when Spitfire eventually steps down, that's not really where she's meant to be. She should join, have some fun, learn, and then move on. I wouldn't know what comes next.

I do expect that Spitfire knows all about the previous generations of the team (being on familiar terms with some of them), and she does know what comes after the Wonderbolts.
OMG Aero said:
This is a really nice comic and all, but I can't get over the fact that Spitfire apparently doesn't age.
Spitfire as Dash's chidhood idol did irk me a bit too. To me she seems maybe a few years older than the mane 6, but certainly not old enough to already have been a Wonderbolt when Dash was a filly.

As for Soarin, the impression I got from his brief appearance in The Best Night Ever was not that of a rookie. On the contrary, I thought he looked noticeably older, probably because of his somewhat droopy eyes. I'd characterise him as the easygoing and warm-hearted older guy, probably the most experienced member of the team, but at the same time perfectly happy with staying on the sidelines instead of carrying the burden of leadership. The wise mentor character basically.
Orcastar said:
Spitfire as Dash's chidhood idol did irk me a bit too. To me she seems maybe a few years older than the mane 6, but certainly not old enough to already have been a Wonderbolt when Dash was a filly.
There was a Faust post about how ponies are born then about 2 or 3 years later are looking like the mane 6 for many years. So in that sense it's possible for spitfire to be 2 or three years old than rainbow dash and still look like an adult while dash is a filly through adulthood


OMG Aero said:
This reply is incredibly late but have you read Past Sins? It's got a really interesting plot and if you can make it to chapter 10 then you will be hooked for the rest of the story. And if you have an issue with the cover image that a few people in the comments seemed to:
the writer specifically said that Twilight doesn't get hung, it's just there for dramatic effect or to show what a character may be thinking

I've seen and read a little bit of Past Sins and while it was a decent read it didn't hook me. I appreciate the recommendation though! Fanfics just aren't for me for the most part and I'd rather be reading the backlog of published books I have on my self.

Also, welcome to all the new people here! Glad to see some new faces around here. After awhile it's going to get hard to keep track of everyone around here.:)

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
It has now been almost one week since our infamous "Rescue at Midnight Castle" Synchtube session. I've been meaning to put into writing my thoughts about that particular experience, made so more peculiar by the company of my PonyGAF peers and more significant by my particular experience with the MLP franchise, which has never been adequately exposed in this thread. I feel that it is now the time to do just that.

I may be wrong, but I think that, at 36 years old, I am currently the oldest member of PonyGAF. I never made it secret that I have a very soft spot for cute stuff, ever since I was very young. The cuteness was what got me hooked to FiM, and upon watching the G1 ponies for the first time in many years, I think I am able to trace where that soft spot can be traced back to.

"Rescue at Midnight Castle" was released when I was 9 years old. The TV series was aired when I was 11. At that time, portuguese TV consisted of only 2 channels, one of which contained the weekend morning kid's programming block. Of course, at that age, I pratically ran to the TV as soon as I woke up to watch my favorite shows, many of which left fond memories that remain alive and well inside the nostalgic vault located in my brain. And "My Little Pony"... was not one of them.

For, you see, "My Little Pony" aired so early in the morning that even a die-hard follower of weekend morning kid's shows like me didn't find it worthy to sacrifice more of my precious sleeping time to watch it (yes, I'm still that lazy nowadays). Anything that started before 8:00 wasn't on my schedule, and "My Little Pony" was one of that shows.

However, looking back at those times, I distinctly remember picking the very ending of some episodes, and feeling oddly bemused but soothed by the sight of those frolicking pastel equines. The idyllic appeal of the whole concept was evident to a person like me, who hadn't grown obsessed with the need to affirm my budding masculinity by only demostrating interest in a certain kind of show directed at my segment. Throughout my youth, no other show was able to evoke that same feeling in me (only Care Bears came close, but it was somewhat different - and look what they've done with them now). Watching the first episodes of FiM and getting hooked on the show felt just like coming home after a long journey - but only now, after "Rescue at Midnight Castle", can I see clearly which home was I coming back to.

As rushed as the plot is, as cheesy as many of the characters are, as awful as most of those songs sound, there is a certain motif that runs throughout it and that is refined and recreated in FiM. A certain kind of catharsis regarding simpler lifes and the virtues of just being nice to your fellow humans can be felt on the more "slice-of-life" segments, raising, in our eyes, the stakes enormously when the task is laid upon the backs of those simple but charming characters, of protecting their reality, their values and those who are important to them.

Lauren Faust really was able to masterfully distill those qualities from the original show, as well as every nostalgia-worthy bit of it, and recreate that feeling perfectly when she created FiM, while at the same time getting rid of most of the elements that made people not able to let go and remain immersed in idyll. This is a big part of the recipe for the success of FiM, and the secret of the show making many people try to become more tolerant and nice: the desire to recreate in reality that which they unconsciously (or maybe not) feel while watching the lifes of those six little ponies.


Neo Member
Calpain said:
I've seen and read a little bit of Past Sins and while it was a decent read it didn't hook me. I appreciate the recommendation though! Fanfics just aren't for me for the most part and I'd rather be reading the backlog of published books I have on my self.

Also, welcome to all the new people here! Glad to see some new faces around here. After awhile it's going to get hard to keep track of everyone around here.:)
I felt the same way with Past Sins -- the story and writing quality weren't able to hook me within the first few chapters. I might revisit it, but for now I put it aside. In fact, the only "long" fanfic I've been absorbed by was Fallout Equestria. That story is quite possibly the best executed fan-work I have seen in this fandom. The author can actually write, and the story manages to take a rather simplistic crossover and develop it into a story with actual emotional depth. While a bit contrived, like the original Fallout stories, the writing and characterization is perfect. If there's one "long" fanfic you read, make it FO:E. I cannot recommend this story hard enough. If Past Sins is good, FO:E is a masterpiece.

Besides that, I tend to read shorter one-shots. They feel less like an absurd fanwork and more like a new episode. Simply Rarity remains one of my favorite stories because it provides a plausible backstory for Rarity's element of generosity. Progress, on the other hand, is a series of fun stories about Luna struggling to deal with cultural and technological advancements over the 1000 years she was imprisoned.


Myke Greywolf said:
As rushed as the plot is, as cheesy as many of the characters are, as awful as most of those songs sound, there is a certain motif that runs throughout it and that is refined and recreated in FiM. A certain kind of catharsis regarding simpler lifes and the virtues of just being nice to your fellow humans can be felt on the more "slice-of-life" segments, raising, in our eyes, the stakes enormously when the task is laid upon the backs of those simple but charming characters, of protecting their reality, their values and those who are important to them.

Lauren Faust really was able to masterfully distill those qualities from the original show, as well as every nostalgia-worthy bit of it, and recreate that feeling perfectly when she created FiM, while at the same time getting rid of most of the elements that made people not able to let go and remain immersed in idyll. This is a big part of the recipe for the success of FiM, and the secret of the show making many people try to become more tolerant and nice: the desire to recreate in reality that which they unconsciously (or maybe not) feel while watching the lifes of those six little ponies.
Excellent breakdown Myke, and thanks for reminding me that I still haven't watched Rescue at Midnight Castle since I missed last week's Synchtube. Reading this just makes me want to watch it more, even if it's just to see all the paralleles with FiM.

Also, who wants to see HUMAN PONIES RIDING HORSES?



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Orcastar said:
Also, who wants to see HUMAN PONIES RIDING HORSES?


There's a huge missed opportunity here. They need to be riding their pony counterparts.


I was super psyched when it turned out that they were super good friends.

Another thing that surprised about the show was the quality of the music. Stuff like Art of the Dress and At the Gala could pass for Disney songs.
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