rarity isn't riding side saddle = fail
If you're that impressed with the show's music, you should check out the fan music that they have inspired. There are a ton of great remixes and MLP related songs floating around. I have nearly 2 gigs of MLP music on my ipod.kunonabi said:I was super psyched when it turned out that they were super good friends.
Another thing that surprised about the show was the quality of the music. Stuff like Art of the Dress and At the Gala could pass for Disney songs.
This.Owlowiscious said:rarity isn't riding side saddle = fail
kunonabi said:I was super psyched when it turned out that they were super good friends.
Another thing that surprised about the show was the quality of the music. Stuff like Art of the Dress and At the Gala could pass for Disney songs.
*I* ordered a brown no text shirt! I was a unique snowflake until you ruined it. I will destroy youThreeSix said:Got my second Myke designed PonyGAF shirt today. Brown color with no text. Crappy camera doesn't do it justice.
fixedThreeSix said:I ordered mine when you were talking about yours. Blame yourself,or Faust
Welcome!wsoxfan1214 said:Thanks to this thread, I tried the first two episodes.
Finished the season within a week. Watching it again.
Damn all of you.
Heather grey, huh?Captain Fish said:Shirt time! They're both Gildan tees if you're wondering. I love these shirts.
Not pictured: my ecstatic face.
All these new fans. It's great! You guys know what that means.wsoxfan1214 said:Thanks to this thread, I tried the first two episodes.
Finished the season within a week. Watching it again.
Damn all of you.
Yea, it's not as dark as I expected but the contrast still comes through.Ellis Kim said:Heather grey, huh?
wsoxfan1214 said:Don't really like Rarity at all, though.
I found another account for the episodes when I noticed Menlo's were taken down: http://www.youtube.com/user/MAST3RLINKX/wsoxfan1214 said:They took down the episodes, eh? Ugh. Going to take forever to find the season.
wsoxfan1214 said:They took down the episodes, eh? Ugh. Going to take forever to download the season.
wsoxfan1214 said:They took down the episodes, eh? Ugh. Going to take forever to find the season.
They'd be fools to do so. MLP's audience expansion is thanks in large part to the internet and youtube.RomanticHeroX said:With an official release coming (that was confirmed, right? I'm not just dreaming it?) I do wonder if Hasbro will take a harsher stance on Youtube posts.
wsoxfan1214 said:Don't really like Rarity at all, though.
wsoxfan1214 said:Also, I see other lists, so I guess I'll list my favorites.
1) Fluttershy
2) Rainbow Dash
3) Applejack
4) Twilight
5) Pinkie
6) Rarity
Top five are close. Don't really like Rarity at all, though.
RomanticHeroX said:With an official release coming (that was confirmed, right? I'm not just dreaming it?) I do wonder if Hasbro will take a harsher stance on Youtube posts.
Or, you could, you know, not make it jpg.Orcastar said:http://i.imgur.com/mb4nT.jpg
Imgur hates transparency. :/
Orcastar said:It was just trolls again, thank Celestia.
If Hasbro does decide to take down the episodes, this would be a really weird time to do it. If I were Hasbro and for some stupid reason decided to start taking down episodes, I'd release the blu-ray set first and start downing early season 1 episodes after we're well into season 2. This way people who catch some of the newer episodes would be forced to buy the set if they wanted to see how the phenomenon began, but could still see newer episodes free for a time to get better aqcuainted with the show.
In other news, the Mane6 website has been updated with a new animation from Fighting is Magic! Noooo Rarity, don't get your beautiful hooves dirty!
And here's some pretty awesome art to start the day with. Or end it if you're over on the other side of the world. Or if you're... Nevermind, just look at the pretty picture!
Imgur hates transparency. :/
ThreeSix said:
Nice read. Too bad I missed last week's synchtube.Myke Greywolf said:It has now been almost one week since our infamous "Rescue at Midnight Castle" Synchtube session...<snip>
Damn trolls took down the Equestria girls video I used in all the Synchtubes so I had to find a new one.Orcastar said:
If anyone is going to make a thread about it we should probably wait until there is an actual playable version for download. For one thing, fan games have a huge tendency to not get finished and if we make a thread for a trailer then the thread will probably just devolve into pony hate vs PonyGAF. If we wait until there is an actual game to play, then we can discuss the game in the thread, organise multiplayer games if it supports online play in that release and then people actually have something to try out instead of just talking about the trailer.Choppasmith said:As for the fighting game ARGH! It looks good but when are we going to see some real footage. I keep thinking if and when we get a full fledged trailer we should make a topic in the Gaming Section, because I know there are both bronies who don't post in here much and fighting game fans who aren't offended by ponies who would probably want to check the game out.
what's the matter? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRTMcbz4Co8wsoxfan1214 said:Top five are close. Don't really like Rarity at all, though.
Sorry I'm not coolMyke Greywolf said:I'm hijacking this post and using it to inform all new PonyGAFfers that they are welcome to join the #ponyGAF IRC channel, where all the cool PonyGAFfers hang out, the fun is relatively constant during peak hours, and where we brew our secret plan to take over NeoGAF.
Actually, disregard that last part. But do join us.![]()
It's okay. We can be uncool together! Uncool is the new cool!tiff said:Sorry I'm not cool![]()
Regular G1 ponies? Not so much. Seaponies? Oh yes.Narag said:I heard it's all G1 and seaponies in there. Confirm/Deny.
Nishastra said:It's okay. We can be uncool together! Uncool is the new cool!
Narag said:It's a crime hipster AJ isn't someone's avatar by now.
Yes!Nishastra said:It's okay. We can be uncool together! Uncool is the new cool!
Ellis Kim said:I wouldn't call that hipster... that's straight up beatnik.
BatDan said:So, an ultra-conservative radio DJ that hates Bronies keeps getting calls from them. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ghost/2011/08/19/true-capitalist-radio-hosted-by-ghost--episode-137
At the 139 mark, someone says he's going to make a game based on his hatred. He fucking loses it.
DrForester said:Well, that's not friendly or magical at all....