My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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Obsidian fan






Slamtastic said:
Vinyl Scratch's red eyes are beautiful, you heathen![IMG][/QUOTE]
I think they (and that pic are amazing. I'm just curious why they are that color. [QUOTE=Uchip]screw it
you guys should just compete with the hilariously awesome fanart thread
cheezmo at the forefront[/QUOTE]
They wouldn't stand a chance.


Prodigal Son
Uchip said:
screw it
you guys should just compete with the hilariously awesome fanart thread
cheezmo at the forefront
Troll some more. This page has been impressively clean.

I'm proud of you guys. ;_;
OMG Aero said:
I don't care what anyone says, red eyes Vinyl Scratch looks awesome.
Yeah. Neat. Until you realize all farts of Vinyl focus on removing the glasses and revealing the mystery of the mysteriousness of the eyes oooh look how mysterious and beautiful my fanon is.


Unconfirmed Member
Uchip said:
screw it
you guys should just compete with the hilariously awesome fanart thread
cheezmo at the forefront

What happened to the Uchip of old? The one who would sing and dance and share memories with the rest of Pony-GAF around the campfire.


ahoyhoy said:
What happened to the Uchip of old? The one who would sing and dance and share memories with the rest of Pony-GAF around the campfire.

he went into hiding after a run in with the duckman


Obsidian fan
Owlowiscious said:
Yeah. Neat. Until you realize all farts of Vinyl focus on removing the glasses and revealing the mystery of the mysteriousness of the eyes oooh look how mysterious and beautiful my fanon is.
It's probably because she often looks stupid with them on.


AdawgDaFAB said:
Someone fund this!

Meowsalot = canterlot
get it? like they meow a lot

DrForester said:
If they were cats, we'd have do deal with the annoying anime trope of ending every sentence with "~nyan"

in an American animation? that would be the day that i just stop watching shows alltogether

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Why the fuck is Twilight a Red Mage? She should be a Black Mage due to her access to high-level magicks. Rarity is more fitting for the Red Mage spot.

I'm guessing that makes Pinkie Pie a Thief/Ninja? It makes sense with her bending of physics.
Regulus Tera said:
Why the fuck is Twilight a Red Mage? She should be a Black Mage due to her access to high-level magicks. Rarity is more fitting for the Red Mage spot.

I'm guessing that makes Pinkie Pie a Thief/Ninja? It makes sense with her bending of physics.
If they were FF1 characters I'd probably see them as:

Twilight - Black Mage / Black Wizard
AJ - Monk / Master
FS - White Mage / White Wizard
Pinkie - Thief / Ninja
Rarity - Red Mage / Red Wizard
Dash - Warrior / Knight

You can swap AJ and Dash's roles if it would go better. I couldn't really decide between the two which would fit what. I picked Monk for AJ just because I can see a monk doing her farm work more than I can see a fighter.


I always heard Robert Pattinson was cool. He liked to troll twilight fans and whatnot. He also liked being paid a lot of money I expect.


Obsidian fan
I hate Twilight as much as anyone, but Pattinson's hilarious because he does too. He thinks the whole thing and the fans are crazy.
Myke Greywolf said:
A quadruple-amputated fox does not a pony make.
Renard is in full possession of all 4 limbs, I'll have you know.


Kills Photobucket
You guys would like Robert Pattinson a lot more if you heard some more of his interviews about Twilight. He freely admits it's a piece of crap and it's just for a paycheck and the fans creep him out.

When I read it I was convinced Stephenie was convinced she was Bella and it was like it was a book that wasn't supposed to be published. It was like reading her sexual fantasy, especially when she said it was based on a dream and it was like, 'Oh I've had this dream about this really sexy guy,' and she just writes this book about it. Like some things about Edward are so specific, I was just convinced, like, 'This woman is mad. She's completely mad and she's in love with her own fictional creation.' And sometimes you would feel uncomfortable reading this thing.
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