My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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agidot said:
Uchip said:
so whats with the skyrim pics?
is there any meaning other than another excuse to draw ponies?
In a way that's basically it. The fan artists simply like both FiM and Skyrim so they wanted to do fanart for both at the same time. It's not like this is the first time we have had lots of crossover stuff.


AdawgDaFAB said:
In a way that's basically it. The fan artists simply like both FiM and Skyrim so they wanted to do fanart for both at the same time. It's not like this is the first time we have had lots of crossover stuff.

Don't cross the streams


Pandaman said:
wonderful things.

fascinating things maybe
like a strange and confusing journey into this persons sexual psyche would be interesting
though chances are it would be really sad and disturbing also


PBalfredo said:
It's like the Best Pony list is reversed when dealing with human ponies. Applejack is always the best.
That's because Applejack is the easiest. It's just sexy cowgirl. It's much harder to pull off sexy tomboy, or sophisticated sexy.


Unconfirmed Member
CHEEZMO™ said:
So is this thread just a fan art dump or something now?

That's exactly what I thought when I woke up.

Fanart can be sweet, but I think it's important to limit the sheer volume of it posted page-to-page. Otherwise, regular discussion and shorter posts get lost between seas of 20+ pictures.

Perhaps we could limit the amount of image dump posts to one or two per page? This might help strike that balance between photo content and discussion content (though I suppose the amount of pictures per dump matters somewhat, I just think it's important not to break up the flow of the thread too often).
ahoyhoy said:
That's exactly what I thought when I woke up.

Fanart can be sweet, but I think it's important to limit the sheer volume of it posted page-to-page. Otherwise, regular discussion and shorter posts get lost between seas of 20+ pictures.

Perhaps we could limit the amount of image dump posts to one or two per page? This might help strike that balance between photo content and discussion content (though I suppose the amount of pictures per dump matters somewhat, I just think it's important not to break up the flow of the thread too often).
Suggestions like this probably won't ever be generally agreed upon and adopted. Not too long ago some were trying to get using clickable thumbnails as the norm when posting images so that we don't have gigantic image posts, but sadly that feel on deaf ears.
The number of fanarts being created outnumber the potential for new discussions (excluding on Saturdays obv.), so if the choices are between a fanart dump thread and a dead thread, I'll choose the pictures.


In all honesty it's the fan community and the massive amount of content that it generates that keeps me coming back. The show itself is quality, but if it were within a vacuum I wouldn't have found it nearly compelling. Seeing the creative works of other fans and their interpretations and thoughts on the characters and shows makes being a fan an almost interactive experience which is a good chunk of the fun.


AdawgDaFAB said:
Suggestions like this probably won't ever be generally agreed upon and adopted. Not too long ago some were trying to get using clickable thumbnails as the norm when posting images so that we don't have gigantic image posts, but sadly that feel on deaf ears.

If there is a code or an option to do this, I'd be more than happy to make them smaller - thumbnail wise. But only if it does not require me to upload someone elses art to another place on the internet...I don't like to do that (avatars excluded)
Slamtastic said:
The number of fanarts being created outnumber the potential for new discussions (excluding on Saturdays obv.), so if the choices are between a fanart dump thread and a dead thread, I'll choose the pictures.
I think that because now there's two threads for MLP it spreads things thin. When it was all encapsulating it's easier to talk about things in regards to the series while peppering in art. With the current setup I feel it's an explosion in OT when Saturday hits, and then art to coast on in Community until the next Saturday.
PBalfredo said:
In all honesty it's the fan community and the massive amount of content that it generates that keeps me coming back. The show itself is quality, but if it were within a vacuum I wouldn't have found it nearly compelling. Seeing the creative works of other fans and their interpretations and thoughts on the characters and shows makes being a fan an almost interactive experience which is a good chunk of the fun.
My thoughts exactly, phrased perfectly.


OMG Aero

judhudson said:
If there is a code or an option to do this, I'd be more than happy to make them smaller - thumbnail wise. But only if it does not require me to upload someone elses art to another place on the internet...I don't like to do that (avatars excluded)
And why don't you like to do that? It's considered good practice not to leech images from other websites as long as you link back to the original source.

People seemed to use thumbnails for a bit when I said how a while ago, so once again here is Aero's Handy Dandy Thumbnail guide:

1. Go to Imgur and either upload the image from your computer if you saved it or from web if you just have the url for it.
2. Copy the code in the "Linked BBCode (message boards)" section and paste it in your post
3. In the IMG part of the code, type an m between the end of the url and the file type. As an example this code (Sans slashes):[IMG][URL]

Becomes this:

[B]4. [/B]If you have no source for your image then the code is ready to post. If you do have a source (Such as a deviantart page) then replace the Imgur link in the URL part of the code with it to give proper credit to the artist and help people find more from them if they like it.
So following these steps for the image I found would give me this code (Again without slashes):

Which becomes this:

This doesn't stretch any pages, makes the thread easier to read and also has the benefit of allowing people to skip images they may not like (Such as human ponies, fanon comics etc) so they don't have to complain about them.

Alternatively we could just set a hard limit on how many fanart pics people can have in one post. In the PokeGAF community thread you can only post three at a time.


Unconfirmed Member
New suggestion: limiting the amount of displayed images in image dumps. Perhaps only hotlink to 3-4 images, and have the rest be clickable links.

Can't check this thread all too often at work because it eats the shit out of my 2GB bandwidth limit on my iPhone.
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