My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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G-Fex said:
Spike needs to send a message, needs to shock the community by pregnating Rarity

Even if it did work, he'd be arrested for violating one of ponykind's most cherished laws. Never have relations with an inferior race.
G-Fex said:
Spike needs to send a message, needs to shock the community by pregnating Rarity
Negator said:
Pretty sure that won't work. Unless my Biology class lied to me
akira28 said:
My first impulse was to poke fun, but then I found it to be a bit touching. If it helps someone, even just the person writing it, that's ok by me.
But only if it's a true story.

I'm with you. The story is beyond cheesy, but I really like the message behind it.

Slamtastic said:[/img]

UGH FURRY PONIES! They're practically cats, WTF?

Oh and I just laughed so hard at this

Narag said:
You say that like it's a bad thing.

As I said a few pages ago, seeing the fur on ponies just... bugs me. I'm open to re-interpretations (humans, anthro, other animals) If the artist fully intended them to be cats, then that's fine, my bad. I guess it just strikes me as furry artists trying to make their usual wolf/feline fare more prominent among the cast and try to pass it off as a "normal" depiction.

I'm not saying it's right and justified as you could probably say the same about the human art (which I totally love). Although with that, I'd say it's fully intended to be a re-interpretation. I'm just saying this (aside from some of the more strange fetish-y stuff like Futa and Rule 34) is that one thing that just bothers me personally.


Choppasmith said:
As I said a few pages ago, seeing the fur on ponies just... bugs me. I'm open to re-interpretations (humans, anthro, other animals) If the artist fully intended them to be cats, then that's fine, my bad. I guess it just strikes me as furry artists trying to make their usual wolf/feline fare more prominent among the cast and try to pass it off as a "normal" depiction.

I'm not saying it's right and justified as you could probably say the same about the human art (which I totally love). Although with that, I'd say it's fully intended to be a re-interpretation. I'm just saying this (aside from some of the more strange fetish-y stuff like Futa and Rule 34) is that one thing that just bothers me personally.

I was just teasing!
For me that is an adorable picture, while the hybrid type things Choppa is talking about isn't.

Thanks for the link, I've seen some of this person's art before but there are stuff in the gallery I haven't seen that I like. Will follow.


That Granny Pie comic made me tear up, ain't gonna lie. Been away from DeviantArt for a couple of days, so backlog of cuteness incoming!

(I know I posted the above image before...but now it's a whole series)
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