hasnt it been known for awhile now that meghan was taking over the show?
^That's just creepy.
This is awesome.
We need more ponies in suits and jackets.
hasnt it been known for awhile now that meghan was taking over the show?
Jayson Thiessen said:Leo awards tonight (and tomorrow). We're up for best direction & best sound. tomorrow we're up for best series. hooves crossed! ‪#MLP
Now you've tempted me to turn my Ron Burgandy suit into a make-shift Classy Big Mac ensamble.
I've often wondered why Faust left after the first season. Was it her move, or Hasbro's? Or maybe a little of both? I remember she was trying to pitch another of her creations when she was given the fateful opportunity of re-imagining pony.
Here's something she said recently
I've been thinking about picking up Colors 3D for a while. Is it pretty decent, even for someone as bad at drawing as me?A guy make that in the small screen of 3DS, and it looks fantastic (if you have a 3DS and colors, it is in the best of the week gallery right now)
Professor Beef, what's this about bronies having an orgy at a pony convention?
I'll just leave these here:
These guys entire lives is making fun of shit, its their job.
Just like South Park, they make fun of everyone.
These guys entire lives is making fun of shit, its their job.
Just like South Park, they make fun of everyone.
Absolutely, in fact I've always seen Matt and Trey having the same kind of "reaction" either if directly commenting about it or making an SP episode (which I'm sure is coming.
As for that Twilight pic, I just found it on Derpibooru, and from the thumbnail, it looks "naughtier" and I still can't really tell it's her singing. Is it supposed to be a parody of something specific?
Unless I'm just confusing things here, it is actually a reference to an episode of Adventure Time where the group sings a song about their friendship to open a magical door.
Aw, that Faust stuff is kind of depressing.
I've been thinking about picking up Colors 3D for a while. Is it pretty decent, even for someone as bad at drawing as me?
Michael J. Nelson, destroyer of worlds and hater of bronies.
Well, he made a career of making fun of movies that took themselves too seriously, but I guess he forgot fanbases and movies are two different kettles of bees.
Angry, angry bees.
CHEEZMO;39500449 said:Forester doing spin for people attacking the fandom.
Forester is now a beaten spouse.
It's like getting pissed if South park makes fun of you after making fun of everyone else. Read his Twitter, he never meant to offend anyone.
It's like getting pissed if South park makes fun of you after making fun of everyone else. Read his Twitter, he never meant to offend anyone.
New official plushes that should appear at Target at the end of July. Getting closer, Hasbro, but you still have more work to do before I'm touching one.
New official plushes that should appear at Target at the end of July. Getting closer, Hasbro, but you still have more work to do before I'm touching one.