I just want to watch MLPFIM to have fun, is that really too much to ask? I don't want to analyze, or debate, or anything, I just want to be entertained!
Honestly though, I enjoyed all 3 seasons, 3rd less so but still did. I wish I could understand what goes through the minds of "haters", though. Is it just 'target of the week' to them or what?
I go into hiding before the episodes air, because I want to enjoy the show free from any outside influences. But after the episodes are done, I also enjoy finding out what other fans thought of them, and offer my own opinions. That's part of the core of any fandom. Sometimes if there's a debate around conflicting opinions, I'll get a bit carried away, which isn't deliberate. At the end of the day, everyone has the right to their own opinions, and I certainly don't want to ruin anyone's enjoyment of the show.
And I know I said just earlier that I wanted the producers to apologize for making season 3, and implied that I wasn't going to give Equestria Girls a fair chance if they didn't, but judging season 3 as the worst thing ever has kind of become a meme by this point, as has pre-judging Equestria Girls and S4 Twilight. And I figured the joke about MLP being doomed fit with the idea that the MLP writers felt that Trixie needed to apologize for
her free show.
I'm completely open to giving Equestria Girls a chance to shake things up. And I'm very excited about season 4's return to 26 episodes, and the semi-confirmed status of a 26 episode season 5. Although, from a theoretical standpoint, I do think that Twilight might have jumped the shark, and that the show might really benefit if she took a step into the background before she wears out her welcome, and allowed Trixie or even
Hot Rod Sunset Shimmer to carry the show in season 5, if not season 4. That would elevate Twilight's status to legendary in guest appearances, and she could come back like Coca-Cola Classic if/when her replacement doesn't cut it.
Although the show's producers seem committed to keeping Twilight right where she is for at least season 4, and it's unlikely that Trixie would ever be given the lead role in the show, no matter how perfect I believe she would be at filling in for a shark-jumped Twilight.
And who knows, the producers might be right, and Twilight
has not jumped any sharks, and even if she did, two more full seasons worth of shark-jumpey Twilight might be the most awesome thing ever.
I do agree that Rainbow Dash tends to follow the other stronger-willed ponies like Applejack. Not that she doesn't stand her ground, like in Over a Barrel where things went south between her and Applejack. But she seems to defer to other ponies quite often unexpectedly, and not just for stuff like choosing a pet or etiquette matters.
And just to be clear, I listed Rainbow Dash as "Best Pony who is not Celestia or Luna" just the other day.
This has never been a danger. Her behavior, like treating Snips and Snails like crap in Boast Busters shows it was more than a simple stage performance.
More than simple, yes. It's not like she was out hunting for servants, considering the only two who fell for that plan (if that was a plan), were dim-witted, unsupervised children.
Trixie wasn't being treated like a person (pony). Fans were pestering her while she was off-duty, just trying to live her life between shows in her mobile home. When trouble came knocking, she dropped the voice and mannerisms entirely.