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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Sometimes I'm glad Faust didn't have full control, and had others to help her.

Since I started so late into this (mid-season 3), I didn't even realize she had left the show after season two. I really like what we have, but it is interesting to wonder what could have been had she had total creative control. I always get the impression it would have been a bit darker than what we have today.


Since I started so late into this (mid-season 3), I didn't even realize she had left the show after season two. I really like what we have, but it is interesting to wonder what could have been had she had total creative control. I always get the impression it would have been a bit darker than what we have today.

Technically, she left early in season two. Or from another perspective, she also left immediately after season one. Or from yet another perspective, she still left early in season two.

When they were putting the finishing touches on S1, they were already getting scripts ready for S2, and that's when she left. She quit sometime after S2's two-part opening episodes were completed (the Discord episodes were actually made as S1 episodes), but before the last episode of S1 aired. So she saw S1 to 100% completion, and she had some control over the S2 scripts. Although supposedly she had less control over the S2 scripts than she had over the S1 scripts (Hasbro meddling, presumably), which was part of why she left.


Kills Photobucket
Why do people enjoy posting spoilers? I think it's because they get to feel like it's them who created this neat thing, and as such get to take credit for it. If someone gets the reaction you were hoping for, you can feel like you were the cause of it.

I'm sorry that posting a picture of Fluttershy talking about knitting, from the comic where she knits is such a spoiler for you.
I'm sorry that posting a picture of Fluttershy talking about knitting, from the comic where she knits is such a spoiler for you.
Glad you can reply with posting more spoilers. "I'm sorry this spoiler about a comic about [here's another spoiler] is a spoiler to you."

even then, in a comic format of multiple panels, you don't think a giant two page spread wasn't meant to be a surprise?

My mind is blown by how constantly people are inconsiderate, and when confronted, become worse. "No no it's ok to spoil this thing because you should already know about these OTHER spoilers I'm about to spoil for you! See?"


Kills Photobucket
Yeah.... there is a diference between a synopsis and a spoiler. You don't pick up a book to read blindly wothout reading the description on the back, do you?

Not to mention that flurtershy spred is probably bonus art for the limited edition comicfolios as that's where it was shown, and not from the comic itself.


This might be stupid asking, but have any of you guys spotted these FunRise plushes in the wild? Stock down here where I am sucks, and would like to get ahold of these:

  • 11" AppleJack - trying to hunt down 4 if possible
  • 5" Rarity - need 2 of them
  • 5" AppleJack - 4 of them
  • 5" Octavia (Funrise has just shipped these out, they are starting to appear in some stores) - 1 needed
  • 11" Octavia (Funrise has just shipped these out, they are starting to appear in some stores) - 1 needed

If anyone has these in stock in their location, any chance you could pick any of them up for me? :)


Kills Photobucket
Heavenly Nostrils continues to make the ponyless summer more tolerable.



I'm glad you're so understanding towards other people's preferences. This is sarcasm.

I understand that you're sensitive to spoilers, but if you genuinely consider DrForester's last line to require spoiler-tagging, I don't know how you've ever managed to survive in this thread.

Just as you expect others to be understanding of your sensitivity to spoilers, I think you also need to be accepting of the fact that others aren't quite as sensitive as you are.
I understand that you're sensitive to spoilers, but if you genuinely consider DrForester's last line to require spoiler-tagging, I don't know how you've ever managed to survive in this thread.

Just as you expect others to be understanding of your sensitivity to spoilers, I think you also need to be accepting of the fact that others aren't quite as sensitive as you are.
When someone is directly talking to you about not spoiling stuff, it would be a good idea to stop talking about said stuff, instead of constanly providing new unwanted information with each post. Especially when that exact situation was laid out as unwanted.

And I have no idea what he said as I stopped reading mid-sentence. So yes I can avoid those things when warned in advance. Which is kind of the point of a spoiler tag? All of this could have been avoided by putting pages of unreleased content behind spoiler tags instead of open img tags.

Seriously. Pages within the comic. Unreleased. How is it bad to ask for spoiler consideration.

I mean, look at his posts. Not once did he ever admit to being in the wrong for posting pictures of comic pages of an unreleased comic. Instead he keeps adding more and more things to defend himself, offed me (by posting what I think are spoiers that others don't), and make me look like the one in the wrong (again by posting more and more information that I don't want directed at me)

simple edit of the original post and this could have been solved nicely. instead, I'm a crazy guy and people will compound this by posting dumb joke spoilers and accidentally post real spoilers while joking around about this situation.


Kills Photobucket
When someone is directly talking to you about not spoiling stuff, it would be a good idea to stop talking about said stuff, instead of constanly providing new unwanted information with each post. Especially when that exact situation was laid out as unwanted.

And I have no idea what he said as I stopped reading mid-sentence. So yes I can avoid those things when warned in advance. Which is kind of the point of a spoiler tag? All of this could have been avoided by putting pages of unreleased content behind spoiler tags instead of open img tags.

Seriously. Pages within the comic. Unreleased. How is it bad to ask for spoiler consideration.

I mean, look at his posts. Not once did he ever admit to being in the wrong for posting pictures of comic pages of an unreleased comic. Instead he keeps adding more and more things to defend himself, offed me (by posting what I think are spoiers that others don't), and make me look like the one in the wrong (again by posting more and more information that I don't want directed at me)

simple edit of the original post and this could have been solved nicely. instead, I'm a crazy guy and people will compound this by posting dumb joke spoilers and accidentally post real spoilers while joking around about this situation.

I'm sorry if you got spoiled from a synopsis. But I'm not going to spoiler a synopsis, because a synopsis is not a spoiler.
Spoiler: Fluttershy likes knitting.

Of which you can say hm, I guess she does but it's only shown a little bit in the backgound of her house in the tv show. Why would he mention that? oh because her micro-series comic is coming soon and it must mean that the comic is about fluttershy knitting. mystery solved. magic of discovery gone. one aspect of reading a new comic ruined.
Gotta say. I don't think saying it's ok to post synopsis because they're not spoilers is sound reasoning. Synopsis are known to spoil plot twists and giant reveals.


Kills Photobucket
As long as you're not quoting me to directly tell me synopsis I'm fine with that. And the original problem of open pages of a unreleased issue?

As far as I know the art is a special 2 page spread for the above mentioned Limited Edition comicfolio, as that's the source of it. It's not like you get a synopsis of the 6th volumes of the comics, and then someone posts the reveal on the last page.

Gotta say. I don't think saying it's ok to post synopsis because they're not spoilers is sound reasoning. Synopsis are known to spoil plot twists and giant reveals.

Once again, do you just blindly buy books without reading the synopsis on the back? or looking at the cover?

Tell me, if I was talking to someone with no knowledge of Harry Potter, and posted this (from the back of the book)....

Harry Potter has no idea how famous he is. That's because he's being raised by his miserable aunt and uncle who are terrified Harry will learn that he's really a wizard, just as his parents were. But everything changes when Harry is summoned to attend an infamous school for wizards, and he begins to discover some clues about his illustrious birthright. From the surprising way he is greeted by a lovable giant, to the unique curriculum and colorful faculty at his unusual school, Harry finds himself drawn deep inside a mystical world he never knew existed and closer to his own noble destiny.

Did I just spoil it for them?

What if I then posted a picture of Hogwarts?

What if I then told them it was really Professor Quirrell and not Snape who was out to kill him and Harry kills him at the end and gets the Philosophers Stone?
Why are you continuing to harass me with these replies? I don't want to know about the contents of the comic and you keep telling me more and more details about the comic to say that you're not telling me about the comic what how is this so hard to understand


Kills Photobucket
I said nothing about the content of the picture in the micro, only the context.

Then I used volume 6, which has been out for a week, as an example.
yup a week is a fine amount of time to lift a spoiler ban for print comics (this is more sarcasm).

can't you get your alpha male hits another way? you have the power to put spoiler tags around your post. I'm powerless against that. the response is to avoid every post ever made in this thread because one person is posting comic pages of an unreleased comic?

episode wise, people link to Equestia Girls, or the movie. They put tags around synopsis in this thread and discussion until the preset ban was lifted. Which was short because of the ease of availability for the tv show. less tags were put in the OT thread, which had different rules.

this is a print comic, harder to come by and costs more than watching it on the hub. and you're also posting pages of a comic that's not even out yet. posting synopsis are debatable and I can usually avoid the matter easily.

in a thread where pictures are posted all the time how am i to avoid content of unreleased comic pages when it's right there in the open next to text that I also consider a spoiler?


Kills Photobucket
this is a print comic, harder to come by and costs more than watching it on the hub. and you're also posting pages of a comic that's not even out yet. posting synopsis are debatable and I can usually avoid the matter easily.

Technically Volume 7 is out, and readily available on iTunes, and was at the time I posted that picture.


Setec Astronomer
I'm gonna be entirely straight here.

Some of you guys care way too fucking much about existing in a total vacuum of information, and then take the self-centered attitude that once you've seen something everyone's seen it. Yes, there's a point where information can ruin a substantive surprise or twist, but short of that it's far healthier to not care. In other words, grow up.

After all, building anticipation over a lack of knowledge is paradoxical.

Link Man

As far as I know the art is a special 2 page spread for the above mentioned Limited Edition comicfolio, as that's the source of it. It's not like you get a synopsis of the 6th volumes of the comics, and then someone posts the reveal on the last page.

Once again, do you just blindly buy books without reading the synopsis on the back? or looking at the cover?

Tell me, if I was talking to someone with no knowledge of Harry Potter, and posted this (from the back of the book)....

Did I just spoil it for them?

What if I then posted a picture of Hogwarts?

What if I then told them it was really Professor Quirrell and not Snape who was out to kill him and Harry kills him at the end and gets the Philosophers Stone?

Snape kills
animals for potions ingredients.


I'm gonna agree with Owl on this...personally I'm okay with something like the previews but if someone complains I'd spoiler tag them.


Forester shows Fluttershy with fucking yarn and Owl whines and throws a fit.

It was supposed to be a surprise! Now we'll never be able to experience what the authors wanted to convey in the right context. Fuck everything!

(thread title is aptly named at this point)


You know I love ya Owl, and I dodge spoilers too, but honestly I thought you were teasing Forester (since we all know he prefers a more spoiler-rich environment).
Generally for almost everything I respect that not everyone rushes to see something: for example I haven't seen Iron Man 3 yet and would prefer nobody spoiled the plot for me despite my lack of urgency to see it, irregardless of the fact it's been out a week already. Not everyone gets the cool new thing day 1 ect.

I've generally found it's better to skim threads or avoid certain threads or places during a show broadcast ect. In turn I try not to talk on the internet in public places about certain things till it becomes acceptable (or there is an acceptable place I guess?) to talk about it. Owl's within their rights to complain about spoilers ect. and it's worth respecting I guess? The thread isn't one set up expressly for spoilers so...

Also I picked a really good time to drop into this thread, hi! : D;


I cannot believe what I'm seeing but Hasbro somehow managed to find a way to make EG even uglier than the leaked concept art.
Lipsticks for everypony! Giant eyes, skinny body, face tattoos; is this what young girls like?

Generally for almost everything I respect that not everyone rushes to see something: for example I haven't seen Iron Man 3 yet and would prefer nobody spoiled the plot for me despite my lack of urgency to see it, irregardless of the fact it's been out a week already. Not everyone gets the cool new thing day 1 ect.

I've generally found it's better to skim threads or avoid certain threads or places during a show broadcast ect. In turn I try not to talk on the internet in public places about certain things till it becomes acceptable (or there is an acceptable place I guess?) to talk about it. Owl's within their rights to complain about spoilers ect. and it's worth respecting I guess? The thread isn't one set up expressly for spoilers so...

Also I picked a really good time to drop into this thread, hi! : D;

Welcome! It is mandatory for all newcomers to post their pony list.


I cannot believe what I'm seeing but Hasbro somehow managed to find a way to make EG even uglier than the leaked concept art.
Lipsticks for everypony! Giant eyes, skinny body, face tattoos; is this what young girls like?


On one end of the spectrum you've got Friendship is Magic, with simple, elegant art that appeals to people of all ages. On the other end you've got... this. Seriously unappealing.

Wonder what Lauren Faust thinks of it, having designed the look that this nightmare was based on.
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