Lauren Faust needs to lurk PonyGAF. It is a good idea. I've since been spoiled on Twilight becoming an alicorn, and I'm dreading the execution of the idea (and the idea itself =P), but I see Faust had always planned for it. Oh well, I'll see how I respond later.
What does sound appealing to me is an irresponsible Rainbow Dash. Sounds like a little extra spice I can appreciate.
Also, I stopped by the local Hot Topic today. No swim trunks, but a surprising amount of Pony merch. Quite a few shirts including:
-Dr.Whooves / Derpy
-Season 2 cast
-Lyra "Believe" shirt
-Spike "mustache"
-Pinkie Pie "Come at me Brony"
All of the medium sized shirts were taken, leaving...every other size. Life is cruel. They also had keychains, a small Rainbow Dash backpack, small plushes of the Mane6 (of varying quality, I thought the Applejack one had a bad mane), socks, a lot of things, there was a moderately sized rack dedicated to pony merch, and an in-store promotion that offered...something once you bought $25 of pony. Generous offering on the whole.