I remember your game, I think. I definitely recognize that Pinkie Pie sprite, but the older platformer game I'm thinking of just had Pinkie Pie trying to get to the end of a stage, and it got progressively much harder a couple levels in. The end of the level markers were Mane6 ponies. It was from quite a while ago, like a year or two ago.
Anyway I just beat your demo. Was pretty fun, I like the chiptune (is that right?) music. The double jumping, wall jumping, and no taking damage from enemies were new elements but I got adjusted to those quickly. I think if you collide with parasprites they just fly away? Anyway, enjoy PonyGAF!
Also, you picked Rarity for best pony and that is the correct choice. Goddess pony.
Yeah, the Pinkie Pie sprite is from Desktop Ponies (a whole lot of Pinkie platformers use it, so that explains quite enough), though I'm looking to get a new artist on board very soon so we can ditch the old and bring in a fresh look for the game's new aesthetic direction.
There's quite a lot that I've been planning lately (art, music, story, gameplay, etc.), so I'm hoping to use this summer to my advantage and get ahead in some areas, including story and assembling a formidable team.
That chiptune music is from the same guy who's working on the music for Fighting is Magic (RainbowCrash88) - I got his permission for it way back when Perilous Platforms was a school project (long story), and I figured that I'd need to get the game its own original stuff later down the line, so I've done away with it for the most part.
The enemies at that point in time were dummies, so I just made them alive but they would be seen as nuisances (much like how parasprites really act in the show). I think I put the hardest work in them since I had to fix their behaviors and re-work the sprites to work with Stencyl.
Finally, I recently got Mega Man X from the Wii U eShop and I've been studying the wall-slide and wall-jump mechanics since that was what it got compared to the most at the last BronyCon (Summer 2012) where I had set up a demo for people to play. I think that if I can nail them down well, it could open quite a lot of possibilities.
And yeah, Rarity was my favorite because my very first episode of MLP was Suited for Success.
Thanks again!