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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Kills Photobucket
I like how Spike's the same in both.

Well, you see, where the good universe spike is largely ignored by his friends and treated by a tool, the evil universe spike is largely ignored by his friends and treated like a tool, BUT he gets invites to Pinkie Pie parties.

Link Man

Well, you see, where the good universe spike is largely ignored by his friends and treated by a tool, the evil universe spike is largely ignored by his friends and treated like a tool, BUT he gets invites to Pinkie Pie parties.
Well yeah, it looks like she specializes in pity parties.


Cover for part 3 of the Starswirl the Bearded arc released today. Matches with issue 2.


Not really digging the evil Celestia/Luna designs. They're kind of boring.

Flitter-pony queen Chrysalis is hilarious though.

One Fringe reference in the first cover, and then another Fringe reference with the two covers combined.


Gotta say for the most part I absolutely love the comics. At this point I would say I prefer them to the show. They just cater so much better to the older demographic. Well aside from the 1st issue of the new series Friends Forever which was absolutely terrible. Took everything good about previous issues and just threw it away. It's basically what MLP would be if it was absolutely only intended for the young demographic. But aside from that issue everything else is good. Good enough that I feel the show needs to take some pointers from comics going forward.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Gotta say for the most part I absolutely love the comics. At this point I would say I prefer them to the show. They just cater so much better to the older demographic. Well aside from the 1st issue of the new series Friends Forever which was absolutely terrible. Took everything good about previous issues and just threw it away. It's basically what MLP would be if it was absolutely only intended for the young demographic. But aside from that issue everything else is good. Good enough that I feel the show needs to take some pointers from comics going forward.
Yes, I agree. The comics, at their best, have been at least as good as anything made for the TV show.

At their worst, though, they're horrid (Yes, Friends Forever #1 is the worst, followed closely by Microseries #1 and #2).


I did a doodle, too. Just something quick and great and powerful.

It is of course... The Grrrrreat and Powerrrrful Trrrrixie!


And man was it nice to do a three-hour drawing after doing the Hoofful of Bits one. Not that it wasn't fun to do that one, but I needed a quick one done.


I kind of wish they had done something with her now that she's a princess. In both of the Twilight focus episodes nothing would have changed other than a few times "Princess" was said. The animators seem to remember more often that she's a princess than the writers. The only thing that has changed is she doesn't freak out anymore. She's become kind of boring and mary-sueish.

even then her using her wings seems more forced than it does for the other pegasi/alicorns. Her being a better flyer than Cadence also bugged me even with their lame rationalization. Her being a Princess hasn't added much to this season at all. It's shame but this was one of the three possible outcomes I figured would happen so I cant say i'm all that shocked.
The comics have been pretty great so far, can't wait to read this new one. But honestly, the covers have been one of the best parts of all of them so far. Loving the Tom Baker version of Dr. Whooves on the mirrored side. Great design.


Kills Photobucket

The comics have been pretty great so far, can't wait to read this new one. But honestly, the covers have been one of the best parts of all of them so far. Loving the Tom Baker version of Dr. Whooves on the mirrored side. Great design.

I don't think it's supposed to be Tom baker Doctor, but the "Face of Evil" Tom Baker, which is a hilariously obscure reference.


Hello PonyGAF! (And to those of you lurking this thread. Hi!)

You know what time it is? No, not Twilight Time. Not Adventure Time either. It's time for... another PonyGAF open drawing challenge!

The challenge: Draw 25 different ponies in 25 unique poses!

Twelve of these ponies are decided in advance. They are the Mane 6, the princesses, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Those are:
  1. Twilight Sparkle
  2. Rainbow Dash
  3. Pinkie Pie
  4. Rarity
  5. Applejack
  6. Fluttershy
  7. Celestia
  8. Luna
  9. Cadance
  10. Apple Bloom
  11. Scootaloo
  12. Sweetie Belle
For the rest, you're free to pick whoever you want, as long as they're a pony. Canon ponies preferred, but if you want to toss in an OC, like, say, our own Belle Eve, then that's fine, too. Alter-egos count as a different pony, if they have a different design. For example, you can have both Luna and Nightmare Moon, if you wish.

There is no deadline for this, nor any requirements for skill level. All we really want, is to see people draw ponies. Some of us already know how to, but that's not a requirement here. If you want tips on how to draw them, feel free to ask in this tread.

If you do enter this challenge, feel free to announce it here, or just ambush us with 25 posed ponies. Either is fine.

Do I have to be good at drawing to join?
Nope. That's actually the point here. By having to draw multiple ponies, you will learn, rather fast, even, how to draw ponies that look nice and how to pose them.

Does it have to be 25?
Not really, but it's a good standard to have to think about many poses. You only get one "standing around" for free, you have to think of 24 more.

What kind of quality is expected?
This is a sketching challenge. Ponies only need to be sketched, and possibly inked. Colors and shading isn't needed. You can do it if you want to, but remember it's 25 ponies. It will take a long time.

Will there be a winner?
Nope. It's an open challenge. The point here is to learn by doing as a group.

How do I show it?
Pick an image host of your choice and post it here in the thread. If you are on deviantArt, you can also submit it to the #PonyGAF group there.

Any image format required?
No, but it'd be nice to have all 25 in one image. So consider image size when drawing. A suggestion could be a 5x5 grid of no more than 300px*300px squares per pony. That's still a 1500px*1500px image.

Now, then, grab your pencils (or relevant drawing tool), as it's PonyGAF drawing challenge time!

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Hello PonyGAF! (And to those of you lurking this thread. Hi!)

You know what time it is? No, not Twilight Time. Not Adventure Time either. It's time for... another PonyGAF open drawing challenge!

The challenge: Draw 25 different ponies in 25 unique poses!


Now, then, grab your pencils (or relevant drawing tool), as it's PonyGAF drawing challenge time!
You know I'm in! I need the sketching practice.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Made a new T-shirt design for the WeLoveFine contest, this time featuring a different Power Pony.

If you like my designs, I would be very grateful if you went through the trouble of giving them some nice ratings here:


Thank you so much!

I'll probably still think of some new ones before all is said and done, so stay tuned! If you have any cool ideas for designs, I would love to hear them too, so don't be shy.



Finally watched the last two episodes. Generally liked them, especially the Fluttershy one (though Pinkie was being uncharacteristically insensitive, even for her).


Anyone in PonyGAF follow the music scene? It occurred to me this week that I have some pretty big gaps in my remix collection, so I figured I'd share my current lineup and see if anyone had any suggestions.

• Laughter Song - Giggle At The Ghostie (Sim Gretina)
• At the Gala - At The Gala - 20% Cooler Remix (Sim Gretina)
• Find a Pet - Find A Pet Candy Mix (Foozogz)
• Smile Song - Smile! (Foozogz)
Special mentions to Sim Gretina and Living Tombstone
• BBBFF - BBBFF (Sim Gretina)
• Love is in Bloom - Love Bloom (Foozogz)
Special mention to Sim Gretina
• The Ballad of the Crystal Empire - Crystal Fair Remix (Sim Gretina)
Special mention to Aviators
• Babs Seed - Babs Seed SOS Remix (Daniel Ingram)
• Raise This Barn - Raise This Barn (Sim Gretina)
• I've Got to Find a Way - I've Got to Find a True True Friend (Penumbrah)
• Celestia's Ballad - Celestia's Ballad Remix (Sim Gretina)
• Equestria Girls - Helping Twilight Win The Crown Remix (Aviators)
• A Friend for Life - A Friend for Life Remix (Melodosis)
• Apples to the Core - Apples To The Core (Sim Gretina)
• Make a Wish - Make a Wish Remix (Dipi11)

Strange as it is, I'm yet to hear any remixes of some of the big-hitters like Winter Wrap-Up or True True Friend that I actually like. If anyone has any suggestions, especially for songs I don't have listed above, I'd love to hear them.


:( Someone got a Scootaloo tattoo

I'm not Scootaloo's #1 fan. :( :( :(

Depends on your definition of "fan".

If "stalker" is not included in your definition "fan", then you're... probably also disqualified. But if stalker is and "serial killer" isn't, then you have a shot at being number one.
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