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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill

Time to buy them all~~~~~~
Good deal, but I'd rather get the paperback collections.

Pony pose challenge #23: Cadance



Kills Photobucket

Time to buy them all~~~~~~

Some recommendations. Get great pony for under $15.

The Return of Queen Chrysalis - (Main Series #1 - #4)
Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair (Big Mac Story) (Main Series #9 & #10)
Neigh Anything (How Cadance and SA Met) - (Main Series #11 & #12)
Rarity Micro
Celestia Micro
Luna Micro
Friends Forever #2 - (CMC and Discord)
Friends Forever #3 - (Celestia and Spike)



I played through this. You guys should too. It's really, really well made (and I'm not even a Phoenix Wright fan). My only complaints are that it's pretty linear, and there's no way to speed up dialogue the first time around, since text speed is tied directly to the voiceovers. Consider turning off the tutorial and hint system (but without the latter you might get stuck once in awhile since it seems every obstacle has but one solution).


Wow, legitimate progress! It's one thing to have a video be allowed to exist, but having one taken down and then re-uploaded suggests some proper strides in corporate/community relations. Great news.

It was never taken down to begin with, just hidden as private. The views are still there. At this rate within a few months everything might be back up. If he can get away with a video featuring Sweetie Bell, he can get away with anything.


It was never taken down to begin with, just hidden as private. The views are still there.

Well, OK, made inaccessible to the public then. If they hadn't reached an agreement as they seem to have, it might as well have been taken down.

As you say though, its a good sign in any case.


Yeah, the pony hybrids are a little peculiar to my eyes. I like em either pony or human, not both. Still, loved the hamster short :)

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Yeah, they're pretty odd. Even weirder that Rarity doesn't so much as bat an eyelash by this point.

It must happen just about everyday to the mane s-... er, five, by this point. Rainbow Dash can't reach the top shelf of her cupboard? No problem! *cue magical girl transformation sequence*

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill



Just finished the game today, so I thought I might as well post some impressions.


Here's the short version: go play it, it's great.

You want more? Fine...

For those who are not familiar with it, My Little Investigations is a MLP fan game three years in the making, inspired by the Phoenix Wright spin-off Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth. Since I've never played any of the Ace Attorney games before (a regrettable state of affairs that I mean to rectify some day), I can't really say how My Little Investigations compares to them, but personally I'd describe it as a point & click adventure game with a heavy emphasis on dialogue. This first case, True Blue Scootaloo, puts you in the role of Twilight Sparkle as she tries to solve the mystery of who broke into the Carousel Boutique and stole Rarity's prized jewel, True Blue, and her pet cat, Opal.

To get to the bottom of this mystery, the game has you scouring environments for various pieces of evidence, which you can then use during conversations with other characters. In a typical conversation, you need to prove that a character is hiding something from you or outright lying by listening to what they say and pointing out contradictions by way of presenting the correct piece of evidence at the correct time. That's pretty much it as far as gameplay is concerned, though there are a few variations on how the conversations play out, and the exploration is occasionally spiced up with some partner mechanics.

Since even the game mechanics focus heavily on dialogue, the main draw, of course, is the writing, and man, is there a lot of it. The game is absolutely filled with dialogue, with even optional dialogue choices often leading to some rather lengthy exchanges. Thankfully the game is well written; everyone is on character and I found the overall story enjoyable, if a bit predictable. That being said, the dialogue does tend to drag on at times and Twilight has the tendency to repeat herself and state the obvious during her inner monologues, which I found annoying on occasion. The writing is great for the most part, but I feel it could have benefitted from some heavier editing.

With so much dialogue, one of the most impressive things about the game is that it's completely voiced. Yes, each and every line of dialogue is spoken, and spoken well to boot. Obviously, what with being a fan game and all, the acting is not quite on par with the actual show and some of the characters are better voiced than others. As such, I found some characters' voices to be a bit jarring at first, though I did end up getting used to most of them by the end. Overall the actors do a good job, and I'd say that the game is better voiced than some commercial games that I've played.

Presentation-wise, the game feels surprisingly professional and succeeds in capturing the look and feel of the show. There isn't that much in the way of animation, but what little there is is very well done. Dialogue portraits are large and have a lot of different poses, and some key confrontations are accentuated with some minor special effects. Some conversations and cut-scenes also make use of some very nice illustrations by Rautakoura. The background music also deserves a special mention, incorporating well-known MLP themes into some very enjoyable arrangements. One thing I didn't like, however, were the sound effects used to punctuate some of the dialogue; I imagine that they work better in the AA games since they're not voiced.

My main criticism is the fact that the game is entirely linear. New areas open up only after you've exhausted all your options in old ones, so there's never any doubt as to where you need to go or what you need to do. In other words, you're never given an opportunity to explore or find out things by yourself. The game is also very easy, with characters practically spelling out what you need to do if you go through all the dialogue options. Mind you, I was playing with tutorials on, so perhaps the hand-holding isn't quite as jarring without them. Even so, in future cases I would like to see some more freedom in terms of exploration and a bit more of a challenge.

In conclusion, My Little Investigations: True Blue Scootaloo is hands down the most impressive My Little Pony fan game I have played so far and lays a great foundation for more My Little Investigations. The story and writing are easily on par with the show, the presentation is top-notch, the voice-acting is good, and the game is quite lengthy to boot; I think it took me around 4-5 hours to finish. Most of the things I didn't like can also be excused by the fact that this is just the first case in the series. As a result, I award True Blue Scootaloo a solid 4 Orcastars out of 5.

Now let's just hope the developers manage to get another case out before Hasbro inevitably hits them with a C&D...


Andy Price is a pony art god and his single- and double-page spreads are divine.

I love his work for the most part, though there is one thing that kinda bugs me...


There's something about the way Price draws ponies speaking that always makes me feel like they're about to throw up/cough up a hairball.

I'm actually a big fan of Brenda Hickey's art in #13 and #14, I feel like she does a great job of of capturing the feel of the show without being slavish:

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