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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming


I thought Celestia said he had been sealed for 1000 years in Return of Harmony"

As for your timeline, the Two Sisters Journal makes no mention of Discord, so Celestia and Luna were already in charge for an unknown amount of time before Discord presumably overthrew them for a short time until they returned with the elements.

The journal establishes that Celestia's and Luna came to rule Equestria shortly after its founding at the request of Starswirl, who saw that though there was harmony, they needed rulers outside of the three pony tribes. The three tribe rulers were still arround when Celestia and Luna arrived.

Her exact words

"Discord is the mischievious spirit of disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone."

As for the book I'm skeptical of its canocity, AKR or not.


Well, Sombra, Discord and Nightmare Moon all seem to be about 1000 years prior. We have absolutely no clue how old Celestia and Luna are, and Starswirl was revealed to have odd aging due to his time traveling. So the time between that 1000 years before the series and whenever Celestia and Luna took over is unknown. They seemed to have learned that they put way too much 1000 years ago and didn't give a time for when Tirek first attacked, though I think it would be safe to say it's before any of the other stuff went down, or they would have just lumped it in with all the other stuff that went down around then.

And if that theory were ever proven, means Celestia and Luna defeated Tirek without the Elements.

Yup, the aging stuff all seems to be deliberately vague. We can place the defeat of Sombra very slightly before Luna's turn (the flashback in Crystal Empire Part 1 shows both Luna and Celestia), but I don't think Discord is ever dated. We can probably place his reign before Sombra's though, as the flashback doesn't show any evidence of Discord's chaos.

Scorpan and Tirek showing up is dated only by a mention of Star Swirl as "a young unicorn", which would likely place it way back near the founding of Equestria. It's implied that Luna and Celestia didn't find the Elements until some point during Discord's reign, which would mean they took down Tirek well before they had them at their disposal.

Her exact words

"Discord is the mischievious spirit of disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone."

As for the book I'm skeptical of its canocity, AKR or not.

I'm not so sure. Megan McCarthy seems to have some idea of where she's going with all the Star Swirl stuff, and I doubt she'd let AKR play fast and loose with him if it wasn't part of some plan.

Incidentally, I'll take this opportunity to plug my Equestria Timeline Project again. It's been updated a bunch since I mentioned it last.


I'm not so sure. Megan McCarthy seems to have some idea of where she's going with all the Star Swirl stuff, and I doubt she'd let AKR play fast and loose with him if it wasn't part of some plan.

AFAIK, the process of writing episodes is: The story editor gets together with the writers and they brainstorm ideas for episodes, which can be a few words on a post-it note. Then the story editor assigns different ideas to different writers, and they all break up to work separately. The writer turns the idea into an outline, and brings it to the story editor. The story editor reads the outline and they talk about it, and the story editor (who is the boss) says what they like and don't like, and suggests changes, and then they break again. The writer uses the revised outline to make a full script, which the story editor then reads, more talking, maybe a few tweaks, and then they go forward with turning the script into an episode.

AFAIK, these books (and I'm sure the comics) go through none of that. Hasbro wanted a book that "felt real", so they got one of the real writers to make it. That's great, I mean, that's really really great (not a lot of merchandise goes that far in the name of quality), but I wouldn't put too much weight in it. Meghan didn't hand out the ideas, she didn't critique the general form, and she didn't greenlight the final product. That means it's not exactly canon, and Meghan doesn't have to stick to it. Meghan can read the books, and if she thinks the ideas are good she can steal or adapt them, but that's entirely her choice.

Lauren or Meghan might have shared some of their thoughts about characters, but IIRC, when people were pestering Lauren about the future of the show, she said that (aside from it not being her job anymore) she might sometimes go back and forth on an idea, so ideas don't count as final until they're actually final. So even if Meghan shared some ideas with AKR (which are interesting and valuable to fans), I don't think it would've been smart for Meghan to give AKR permission to write them down and make them all final.

If Meghan retires and AKR becomes showrunner, the canon-value of the book will likely shoot through the roof.

Regarding Starswirl, Mitch Larson came up with him (in Lauren Faust's season 2) as something of a joke, a historical figure who only a book-nerd like Twilight would recognize, followed by Luna recognizing Twilight's costume, allowing the two of them to bond. He came back again in another Mitch Larson S2 episode as a callback. Just a bit of fanservice.

Meghan used Starswirl again in season 3 as a way to rush Twilight through the last of her character arc (in an episode written by Mitch Larson), but I think this was pushing it, as are his appearances in S4 and books and comics, because it undermines the joke he was created for (that he's obscure), and it implies that there's nobody else in Equestria's history books.


Kills Photobucket
Meghan has already said that the Cadance book is Cadance's backstory, I don't see why you would not consider this book canon.

Just like the comics, it's canon unless the show chooses to discard it and do its own thing. And there is someone who compares the comic pitch ideas to what the show is doing to maintain consistency. You might not like the comics, but stop trying to pass them off as something that doesn't count.

I'm not so sure. Megan McCarthy seems to have some idea of where she's going with all the Star Swirl stuff, and I doubt she'd let AKR play fast and loose with him if it wasn't part of some plan.

Incidentally, I'll take this opportunity to plug my Equestria Timeline Project again. It's been updated a bunch since I mentioned it last.

I don't know. The show seems to toss him in as "Standard historical figure #1" whenever something old needs to be mentioned. This is not meant to be an insult to Meghan, but I don't see much of an example of extensive planning between season. And I say that because her seasons have been a bit simplistic as far as the overreaching story does. Season 3, the foreshadowing and build up to Twilight becoming an alicorn was Celestia and Luna looking at a book at the end of the season opener. The keys, while a neat idea, was also quite simple. The varying quality of the key eps would indicate to me that the orders were just "Do an episode that shows off their element", not some big intricate plans.
It was a bit disappointing in that episode that we only saw Mabel's past loves.

EDIT: Also, randomly, one story I'd like to see in season 5 is a body swap episode... with Fluttershy and Discord. Discord figures that a good way for them to better become friends is to walk a thousand steps in each other's boots and such, Fluttershy hesitantly agrees, but then after they switch, Discord realizes too late that now that he's in Fluttershy's body, he can't cast the magic to switch them back. So, Fluttershy has to learn to get enough control of Discord's magic to be able to reverse the spell. The big question is, would de Lancie be able to pull off "Fluttershy in Discord's body"?


AFAIK, the process of writing episodes is: The story editor gets together with the writers and they brainstorm ideas for episodes, which can be a few words on a post-it note. Then the story editor assigns different ideas to different writers, and they all break up to work separately. The writer turns the idea into an outline, and brings it to the story editor. The story editor reads the outline and they talk about it, and the story editor (who is the boss) says what they like and don't like, and suggests changes, and then they break again. The writer uses the revised outline to make a full script, which the story editor then reads, more talking, maybe a few tweaks, and then they go forward with turning the script into an episode.

AFAIK, these books (and I'm sure the comics) go through none of that. Hasbro wanted a book that "felt real", so they got one of the real writers to make it. That's great, I mean, that's really really great (not a lot of merchandise goes that far in the name of quality), but I wouldn't put too much weight in it. Meghan didn't hand out the ideas, she didn't critique the general form, and she didn't greenlight the final product. That means it's not exactly canon, and Meghan doesn't have to stick to it. Meghan can read the books, and if she thinks the ideas are good she can steal or adapt them, but that's entirely her choice.

Lauren or Meghan might have shared some of their thoughts about characters, but IIRC, when people were pestering Lauren about the future of the show, she said that (aside from it not being her job anymore) she might sometimes go back and forth on an idea, so ideas don't count as final until they're actually final. So even if Meghan shared some ideas with AKR (which are interesting and valuable to fans), I don't think it would've been smart for Meghan to give AKR permission to write them down and make them all final.

If Meghan retires and AKR becomes showrunner, the canon-value of the book will likely shoot through the roof.

Regarding Starswirl, Mitch Larson came up with him (in Lauren Faust's season 2) as something of a joke, a historical figure who only a book-nerd like Twilight would recognize, followed by Luna recognizing Twilight's costume, allowing the two of them to bond. He came back again in another Mitch Larson S2 episode as a callback. Just a bit of fanservice.

Meghan used Starswirl again in season 3 as a way to rush Twilight through the last of her character arc (in an episode written by Mitch Larson), but I think this was pushing it, as are his appearances in S4 and books and comics, because it undermines the joke he was created for (that he's obscure), and it implies that there's nobody else in Equestria's history books.

I think the joke still works. Star Swirl might not be as obscure now as he was when Mitch imagined him, but you wouldn't necessarily expect the regular citizens of Ponyville to know or care much about magical history anyway.

I don't know. The show seems to toss him in as "Standard historical figure #1" whenever something old needs to be mentioned. This is not meant to be an insult to Meghan, but I don't see much of an example of extensive planning between season. And I say that because her seasons have been a bit simplistic as far as the overreaching story does. Season 3, the foreshadowing and build up to Twilight becoming an alicorn was Celestia and Luna looking at a book at the end of the season opener. The keys, while a neat idea, was also quite simple. The varying quality of the key eps would indicate to me that the orders were just "Do an episode that shows off their element", not some big intricate plans.

Maybe I'm looking into it too deeply, but it just seems like a deliberate buildup in some ways. Not a master-plan by any stretch, but... y'know, something.

Since the first mention in S2, Star Swirl has gone from an excuse to have Twilight dress as a wizard to one of the most significant characters in the lore of the show, rivaling Celestia and Luna on a bunch of occasions. He's responsible for Celestia and Luna becoming rulers of Equestria in the first place and it's implied that he put them on track to finding the Elements of Harmony. He even invented time travel and inter-dimensional travel, which now play a big part in both the comics and Equestria Girls.

Even in his most recent appearance in Rainbow Rocks not only is he directly mentioned by name and shown on-screen, but he demonstrates abilities attributed to him in the comics and then reinforced in the Journal.

If everything so far has been casually thrown together by writers who aren't necessarily discussing it with one another, it all fits together surprisingly well!

It was a bit disappointing in that episode that we only saw Mabel's past loves.

EDIT: Also, randomly, one story I'd like to see in season 5 is a body swap episode... with Fluttershy and Discord. Discord figures that a good way for them to better become friends is to walk a thousand steps in each other's boots and such, Fluttershy hesitantly agrees, but then after they switch, Discord realizes too late that now that he's in Fluttershy's body, he can't cast the magic to switch them back. So, Fluttershy has to learn to get enough control of Discord's magic to be able to reverse the spell. The big question is, would de Lancie be able to pull off "Fluttershy in Discord's body"?

Ha! That'd be a fun episode. I'd love to hear DeLancie doing Fluttershy's voice ala his evil butterfly form in The Return of Harmony.


Meghan has already said that the Cadance book is Cadance's backstory, I don't see why you would not consider this book canon.

Just like the comics, it's canon unless the show chooses to discard it and do its own thing. And there is someone who compares the comic pitch ideas to what the show is doing to maintain consistency. You might not like the comics, but stop trying to pass them off as something that doesn't count.

I don't dislike the comics, I don't know them well enough to have an opinion one way or another (an oversight I do intend to correct eventually).

I explained how there's a process which results in the showrunner taking ownership of the episodes, even though other writers like AKR write them, because she's involved in the process from beginning to end, as a writer who outranks the writer. The comics don't have that. They have their own approval process, and even another process by which they try not to step on Meghan's toes, but Meghan doesn't own those stories and the show isn't at all bound by them.

The comics aren't "right until they're wrong", they're "harmlessly wrong, until Meghan is impressed and steals their ideas, or flat-out contradicts them". Which is not a statement of quality. Meghan isn't the boss of what's good and bad in this world. She's just the boss of the cartoon.


Kills Photobucket
I don't dislike the comics, I don't know them well enough to have an opinion one way or another (an oversight I do intend to correct eventually).

I explained how there's a process which results in the showrunner taking ownership of the episodes, even though other writers like AKR write them, because she's involved in the process from beginning to end, as a writer who outranks the writer. The comics don't have that. They have their own approval process, and even another process by which they try not to step on Meghan's toes, but Meghan doesn't own those stories and the show isn't at all bound by them.

The comics aren't "right until they're wrong", they're "harmlessly wrong, until Meghan is impressed and steals their ideas, or flat-out contradicts them". Which is not a statement of quality. Meghan isn't the boss of what's good and bad in this world. She's just the boss of the cartoon.

Well, People on the comics have stated flat out that the comics are canon unless the show contradicts them. So I think I'll go with what they say.

And even Meghan has reenforced the comics/books as canon, stating that the Cadance book was her backstory when asked about Cadance at a con.
Speaking of Pinkie baffling Twilight, Friends Forever #12 was pretty fun, though it went on a bit too long, I felt. The art was pretty nice and there were nice visual gags, though one thing that bothered me about the board game part is that Pinkie's spaces moved you back while Twilight's moved you ahead, which doesn't match the flavor it was going for. At the end,
when Twilight joined in on eating the snacks, I was glad to see that Twilight was able to stop eating on her own, and was able to convince Pinkie to stop eating, instead of just ending with Twilight joining in like I feared

The fact that there were two snack servers and one of them had princess curls made me wonder if they were supposed to be a reference to Pretty Cure or something, but no, it seems like they are original characters. Their designs are nice, but their names are a bit too on the nose.


Trailer for the latest Gameloft MLP game update.

I'm only posting it because it got me thinking about how neat an MLP RPG could be.

Speaking of Pinkie baffling Twilight, Friends Forever #12 was pretty fun, though it went on a bit too long, I felt. The art was pretty nice and there were nice visual gags, though one thing that bothered me about the board game part is that Pinkie's spaces moved you back while Twilight's moved you ahead, which doesn't match the flavor it was going for. At the end,
when Twilight joined in on eating the snacks, I was glad to see that Twilight was able to stop eating on her own, and was able to convince Pinkie to stop eating, instead of just ending with Twilight joining in like I feared

I've just finished this one myself. While on the surface this was a fun little story, it might actually be the most disturbing thing I've ever encountered under the official MLP banner.
I mean, it's an addiction story! It's about Pinkie Pie being horribly, debilitatingly addicted to something, and Twilight having to go to absurd lengths to prevent her from giving in to it (including causing her literal pain and discomfort, and holding her against her will as she begs and then demands to be released). I'm not sure I've ever seen such a dark story delivered in such a sweet and silly manner.

I enjoyed it I guess, but wow, way to catch me off-guard!


Trailer for the latest Gameloft MLP game update.

I'm only posting it because it got me thinking about how neat an MLP RPG could be.
I downloaded that update, it's kind of neat. Also came with a free King Sombra who will now become my go-to playable pony in the mine kart game. Because why not?

The Tree of Harmony thing is actually something like a community raid battle. Everyone contributes harmony shards to it and it slowly gets better. There's a 26 day time limit on healing it fully, but I think only the Magic part is going to be tricky.

And yes, Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres are full of Plunderseed vines. Nearly every building and non-tree decorative item has been redrawn to add vine damage. Canterlot is okay, though, but there'll be snow coming there soon.

The Everfree Forest sticks out as it a non-building area. The other three have yo build stuff, this one is all obstacles, Zecora's hut and events. The build menu doesn't even have an Everfree Forest submenu.

It's basically a dungeon with a raid boss. The enemies there, like the big plants and cragodiles have great drop rates for Gems, the premium currency in the game I made about a decent week's worth of Gems there in one day, but I doubt it'll be that good outside of the initial expansion rush to get to the Tree of Harmony and the Castle of the Two Sisters.




This is the actual MLP movie with ponies, correct? Hopefully it will be better than Equestria Girls. I can't believe it's popular enough to get a third one... I guess people really like their teen-style movies.


This is the actual MLP movie with ponies, correct? Hopefully it will be better than Equestria Girls. I can't believe it's popular enough to get a third one... I guess people really like their teen-style movies.

Yup, actual ponies on the big screen, sometime in 2017.

Pretty much everything good about Equestria Girls came from Friendship is Magic; that's one of the key reasons why people like the EG films, I think. It's certainly the reason I enjoy them. The teen/highschool schtick itself does nothing for me.


Kills Photobucket
There's such a good set up for the third film. Sunset takes charge, Anthroverse Twilgiht. Hopefully they don't screw it up.

I.E. Leave Pony Twilight at home!
This is the actual MLP movie with ponies, correct? Hopefully it will be better than Equestria Girls. I can't believe it's popular enough to get a third one... I guess people really like their teen-style movies.

I can't speak for the target audience of little girls, but older fans definitely seem to like the movies in spite of the high school aspect. In the first movie, the parts that were hits with people were Twilight struggling with acting human, the first hints about how Twilight as a princess would be handled (more so the assurance that she wouldn't significantly change), the in-jokes and cameos, some of the songs, and the story not being as terrible as it could have been. In the second movie, people liked how Sunset got the big redemption arc that many feel Luna should have gotten, they found the villains entertaining and sufficiently threatening, they liked the songs more than the first movie, they again liked the in-jokes and cameos, they liked the story more than the first movie (particularly in that it had twists that actually surprised people), and they liked the climax, which is admittedly the best action climax that Friendship is Magic has had (if we count the climax of "Twilight's Kingdom" as Tirek's defeat), though that's not saying much.

As I've mentioned before, I think the first movie is OK, and I think the second movie is better but still just OK, and I have no intention of rewatching them. I'm not even particularly attached to the songs in the second movie.

There are also those who are disillusioned by the more "epic" scale of the recent show seasons, and feel that Equestria Girls is a good place to have more slice of life stories, thus looking forward to the next Equestria Girls movie more than season 5. I can kind of understand that, but I really can't sympathize at all.

I'm not a fan of the human designs, but many do think they are cute. Personally, I'm rather annoyed that the Equestria Girls designs have become the default for humanized art, but I am glad that several people are still creating their own designs.

As for the fans of Brad (Flash Sentry) that exist, I can only guess his fanbase is made up of the following:
1. People who are desperate for a canon straight ship for Twilight.
2. People going, "Come on, he isn't that bad," in reaction to the people that strongly dislike him. The people who say that he has potential as a character fall into this category, because they wouldn't feel that strongly about this if people weren't saying he was a bad character. You don't see a bunch of people lining up to say Silver Shill has potential as a character, despite probably having more personality than Brad, because no one feels that strongly about him. (He's the guy from "Leap of Faith" that gave Applejack her key.)
3. People who want to see more of him solely to feel schadenfreude at other people's angry reactions.


Yup, actual ponies on the big screen, sometime in 2017.

Pretty much everything good about Equestria Girls came from Friendship is Magic; that's one of the key reasons why people like the EG films, I think. It's certainly the reason I enjoy them. The teen/highschool schtick itself does nothing for me.

That's imo that's one of my very problems with EQG. Yes, they took everything that was good from Friendship is Magic, but I just feel that what was good (story/writing + songs) just felt flat. I can't even remember the songs from the movies... Maybe it's just what happens when you take a show and all of a sudden expand the length of time it just... exaggerates the issues I guess.

There's such a good set up for the third film. Sunset takes charge, Anthroverse Twilgiht. Hopefully they don't screw it up.

I.E. Leave Pony Twilight at home!

Wishful thinking I believe... They will find a way for pony Twilight to save the day while everyone else is useless...

I can't speak for the target audience of little girls, but older fans definitely seem to like the movies in spite of the high school aspect. In the first movie, the parts that were hits with people were Twilight struggling with acting human, the first hints about how Twilight as a princess would be handled (more so the assurance that she wouldn't significantly change), the in-jokes and cameos, some of the songs, and the story not being as terrible as it could have been. In the second movie, people liked how Sunset got the big redemption arc that many feel Luna should have gotten, they found the villains entertaining and sufficiently threatening, they liked the songs more than the first movie, they again liked the in-jokes and cameos, they liked the story more than the first movie (particularly in that it had twists that actually surprised people), and they liked the climax, which is admittedly the best action climax that Friendship is Magic has had (if we count the climax of "Twilight's Kingdom" as Tirek's defeat), though that's not saying much.

As I've mentioned before, I think the first movie is OK, and I think the second movie is better but still just OK, and I have no intention of rewatching them. I'm not even particularly attached to the songs in the second movie.

There are also those who are disillusioned by the more "epic" scale of the recent show seasons, and feel that Equestria Girls is a good place to have more slice of life stories, thus looking forward to the next Equestria Girls movie more than season 5. I can kind of understand that, but I really can't sympathize at all.

I'm not a fan of the human designs, but many do think they are cute. Personally, I'm rather annoyed that the Equestria Girls designs have become the default for humanized art, but I am glad that several people are still creating their own designs.

As for the fans of Brad (Flash Sentry) that exist, I can only guess his fanbase is made up of the following:
1. People who are desperate for a canon straight ship for Twilight.
2. People going, "Come on, he isn't that bad," in reaction to the people that strongly dislike him. The people who say that he has potential as a character fall into this category, because they wouldn't feel that strongly about this if people weren't saying he was a bad character. You don't see a bunch of people lining up to say Silver Shill has potential as a character, despite probably having more personality than Brad, because no one feels that strongly about him. (He's the guy from "Leap of Faith" that gave Applejack her key.)
3. People who want to see more of him solely to feel schadenfreude at other people's angry reactions.

Yeah, I kind of feel the same way you do. The movies are OK to me. The second improved imo because the team had a better idea on how to do it after the first one.

For me, I didn't watch the movies until just recently so I only heard people talk about how they were better than they thought, but I guess that just overhyped it for me.

BTW, Discovery Family is having a pony movie marathon right now: EQG, EQG 2, and it looks like two holiday movies with the previous generation of ponies.

I just rewatched EQG and am rewatching EQG 2 as there isn't anything else on. I will stand by my position that they are mediocre/ok. I just don't feel that the quality is the same as the show. It's actually starting to make me nervous about an actual movie because I'm starting to wonder if the staff is just better suited for 30 min episodes instead of full blown movies.


Kills Photobucket
That's imo that's one of my very problems with EQG. Yes, they took everything that was good from Friendship is Magic, but I just feel that what was good (story/writing + songs) just felt flat. I can't even remember the songs from the movies... Maybe it's just what happens when you take a show and all of a sudden expand the length of time it just... exaggerates the issues I guess.

Wishful thinking I believe... They will find a way for pony Twilight to save the day while everyone else is useless...

Twilight didn't save the day in EQG2. But her role in the story pretty much amounted to nothing.


That's imo that's one of my very problems with EQG. Yes, they took everything that was good from Friendship is Magic, but I just feel that what was good (story/writing + songs) just felt flat. I can't even remember the songs from the movies... Maybe it's just what happens when you take a show and all of a sudden expand the length of time it just... exaggerates the issues I guess.

I think the first one in particular feels dull to established fans because it's a bit of a retread of themes we've seen explored before. I think the music is pretty OK, though the Cafeteria song (or "Helping Twilight Win the Crown", or "Equestria Girls" or whatever name we're going with) is the strongest song for me by a wide margin.

Rainbow Rocks I think was a big step up. The themes were a lot fresher, the songs had more character and edge to them and the mythology got dialed right up. I'm a lot more interested to see where they go with three than I was with two. As Doc says, if they commit to what they've established and make Sunset Shimmer the lead for real, it could be really interesting.

Twilight didn't save the day in EQG2. But her role in the story pretty much amounted to nothing.

That was something I really liked about Rainbow Rocks. Twilight thought she had to do everything, but ultimately wasn't able to do much at all. Sunset Shimmer didn't think she could do anything, but ended up saving the day.


Kills Photobucket
That was something I really liked about Rainbow Rocks. Twilight thought she had to do everything, but ultimately wasn't able to do much at all. Sunset Shimmer didn't think she could do anything, but ended up saving the day.

But it was kind of "The Crystal Empire" all over again. Such a fixation to make everything about Twilight that the character that really should have been front in center is tossed off to the side till the last 5 minutes.
Surprisingly, MLP is only the eighth most reblogged cartoon this year on Tumblr, but it seems like the ranking is based only on the tag "my little pony", so it may exclude "mlp" and all blogs where MLP-relatedness is already assumed and thus neither tag is used.

I was beginning to think that for a PMV based on JAM Project's GONG to exist I'd have to make it myself, but finally there's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jz0lsUQNlQ
Moreover, that PMV came from Japan and is based solely on seasons 1 and 2, despite the time it was made. Pretty interesting, though the choice of visuals is odd.

But it can't be right that this is the first "GONG" PMV. I could have sworn that there were earlier ones. Maybe they were taken down?


But it was kind of "The Crystal Empire" all over again. Such a fixation to make everything about Twilight that the character that really should have been front in center is tossed off to the side till the last 5 minutes.

My feelings on that are fairly well documented here (short version: I was cool with Rainbow Rocks being a kind of hand-off story), but I think we agree that EG3 ought to be free of pony Twilight.

Sunset is well-established now; there's no excuse for not giving her the spotlight.


Moreover, that PMV came from Japan and is based solely on seasons 1 and 2, despite the time it was made. Pretty interesting, though the choice of visuals is odd.

But it can't be right that this is the first "GONG" PMV. I could have sworn that there were earlier ones. Maybe they were taken down?

I searched for a GONG PMV every once in a while, and this is the 1st successful result I ever got.
I had some different ideas for parts of the music, but still enjoyed nice touches like time-travelling Twilight when the lyrics mention the future.


This is the actual MLP movie with ponies, correct? Hopefully it will be better than Equestria Girls. I can't believe it's popular enough to get a third one... I guess people really like their teen-style movies.

I think a big thing to consider with EG so far is "the hook" followed by letting fans down, but not letting them down too hard.

EG1's hook was "human ponies", and I think most people thought it was a letdown, but it wasn't terrible. So people are still willing to give the series a chance.

EG2's hook was "Rainbow Rocks". Music has always been a solid part of MLP:FIM, and it was the best part of EG1, so they jacked it up to eleven for EG2. Just check out the pre-release shorts.

DJ Pon3 shows in advance how she was eventually able to save the day (although Dougworld Celestia tried to doom Dougworld by interfering)

Twilight and the Mane Six (no Sunset Shimmer) seriously channeling Jem and the Holograms

Rainbow Dash and the Mane Five picking up their EG2 instruments, and discovering that music unlocks their powers

But then, EG2 was a letdown again. IMO, the villain songs were good enough, but the hero songs were lacking. If you include the shorts, I think it makes a better case for the movie.

EG3's hook (so far) is two seconds of Dougworld Twilight, so I don't really know how well that's going to work out, but I want it to be good. And I think that's possible.

The actual MLP:FIM movie is undoubtedly going to be a bigger affair than EG, but even if EG never existed, there's potential for the movie to be awesome or terrible, or something in-between, or maybe it'll turn out to be just another episode.


Did anyone watch the two movies with the older generation of ponies? I thought they were cute. Not the best movies around, but I actually liked them better than EQG... It's been awhile since I've seen the older generations so it was neat to see the predecessors to the current generation of MLP. Strange to see Rainbow Dash as a prim and proper Earth pony after watching the current generation..
You mean the G3 direct to video movies? I haven't gotten around to seeing them, but I hear that they're better than the shorts people usually affiliate with G3.

Also, this comic is pretty nice. The artist intends to focus the series on that one OC, but I think it would be more interesting generally covering the patrons of Sugarcube Corner. Though I was annoyed by the comment in the description implying that season 1 and maybe season 2 were the only "sane" seasons.


You mean the G3 direct to video movies? I haven't gotten around to seeing them, but I hear that they're better than the shorts people usually affiliate with G3.

Also, this comic is pretty nice. The artist intends to focus the series on that one OC, but I think it would be more interesting generally covering the patrons of Sugarcube Corner. Though I was annoyed by the comment in the description implying that season 1 and maybe season 2 were the only "sane" seasons.

I sorta see what she's saying; I mean, the longer a series runs the more nuts things tend to get. Anyway, while the story seems like pretty standard OC-insert stuff, the existing characters seem well-written and the art is super gorgeous.


Kills Photobucket
Did that happen? Seriously, I'm wondering if I'm just badly misremembering it now. Wasn't Tirek just sapping magic? I didn't think that had anything to do with cutie marks/special talents/destiny.

Took the Cutie Mark from every pony that he sucked magic from.
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