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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming


Took the Cutie Mark from every pony that he sucked magic from.

Huh, I've seen the episode a few times now and I'm not sure I ever noticed that.

In any case, it sounds like more of a visual touch than a story element in the case of Twilight's Kingdom. This looks to be something more akin to what Magical Mystery Cure did (which I'm cool with, as MMC didn't have a lot of time to explore the idea).
Concerning the clip, which I'm not sure why we're talking openly about,
I hope that every member of the main six is affected by the equalization. It would be interesting to see everyone try to solve the problem when they are explicitly no more talented than anyone else. As for the complaints about doing another story where cutie marks are affected, it indeed was solely a visual indicator in "Twilight's Kingdom", and this is clearly being explored in a different and likely more in-depth fashion than in "Magical Mystery Cure".

And for a completely wild theory as to what is causing this problem: another bearer of one of the Elements of Harmony, such as Element of Generosity, is generously bringing equality. So, when they try to Friendship Cannon the culprit, it has no effect at all. This leads to the introduction of evil versions of the main six, who nonetheless still demonstrate their elements. And they are all dragons, with the bearer of Magic being the dragon queen, whose name is Queen Eventide or something. And Eventide is Spike's mother.

EDIT: Also, the MLP manga has become easier to get, though it's still untranslated.


Concerning the clip, which I'm not sure why we're talking openly about,
I hope that every member of the main six is affected by the equalization. It would be interesting to see everyone try to solve the problem when they are explicitly no more talented than anyone else. As for the complaints about doing another story where cutie marks are affected, it indeed was solely a visual indicator in "Twilight's Kingdom", and this is clearly being explored in a different and likely more in-depth fashion than in "Magical Mystery Cure".

And for a completely wild theory as to what is causing this problem: another bearer of one of the Elements of Harmony, such as Element of Generosity, is generously bringing equality. So, when they try to Friendship Cannon the culprit, it has no effect at all. This leads to the introduction of evil versions of the main six, who nonetheless still demonstrate their elements. And they are all dragons, with the bearer of Magic being the dragon queen, whose name is Queen Eventide or something. And Eventide is Spike's mother.

I specifically avoided directly mentioning anything from
the Comicon animatic
; I figure it's OK to openly discuss an official promo?
Last night's episode of The Daily Show had a clip of one of the G3 specials ("Princess Promenade"?) and John Stewart made a brony joke. It's annoying that this still happens, but I suppose understanding that bronies aren't fans of this My Little Pony thing but rather this My Little Pony thing is a step beyond what most people are interested in devoting their minds to. For the record, the joke was,
they decided to see what was going through Dick Cheney's mind during a recent interview about the new torture reports, showing the clip, and Stewart comments that he didn't know he was a brony


Kills Photobucket
(W) Ted Anderson (A) Jay P. Fosgitt (CA) Jay P. Fosgitt, Kathryn Longua
Cherilee gets a visit from her sister who happens to be one of the most famous wrestlers in Equestria! A long-simmering grudge between the siblings threatens to explode unless Rarity and friends can figure out a way for the two to mend hurt feelings.

(W) Bobby Curnow (A) Brenda Hickey (CA) Brenda Hickey, Amy Mebberson
After getting an erroneous citation, Applejack goes to Ponyville City Hall to set things right! She soon finds herself swept up in the chaos of city government thanks to none other than Mayor Mare! Will Applejack be able to escape with her sanity intact?

Pony wrestling with Fosgitt art sounds amazing.

Think that FF is the first issue Bobby has written.
No, he wrote the Applejack micro series issue.

The first issue is pretty unexpected, and could be fun. I'm reminded of how apparently Archie's Sonic X comic got completely derailed by choosing to focus more on Dr. Eggman's career as a professional wrestler (using machines to cheat) than on Sonic and friends, and apparently actually became quite good that way. The second issue... I'm actually not really feeling it. But then again, I never did care about Mayor Mare, and we are already going through a "Applejack gets frustrated and must persevere in the face of bureaucracy" thing in the current comic arc, though at least it makes sense in that Friends Forever issue.

The season 4 poster has appeared.



Surprised at how many ponies there are on the poster that I don't recognize...some really really background ponies...

The foals at the two very bottom corners and the one above Diamond Tiara I assume are from Twilight Time. Those two next to the rapper pony are at least.

Sombrero band's from Inspiration Manifestation.

The two to the left of Maud and Fleetfoot, the guy right beside with hat, old pony between Trenderhoof and Derpy, the crystal pony on the left side and the five to the right of him (Alleyway? Is she even in season 4?), those two next to Luna, and the three between taxi pony and hotel pony I have no idea who they are.


Surprised at how many ponies there are on the poster that I don't recognize...some really really background ponies...

The foals at the two very bottom corners and the one above Diamond Tiara I assume are from Twilight Time. Those two next to the rapper pony are at least.

Sombrero band's from Inspiration Manifestation.

The two to the left of Maud and Fleetfoot, the guy right beside with hat, old pony between Trenderhoof and Derpy, the crystal pony on the left side and the five to the right of him (Alleyway? Is she even in season 4?), those two next to Luna, and the three between taxi pony and hotel pony I have no idea who they are.

Well the four below Flim and Flam and to the right of the random male Crystal pony are all ponified characters from Mad Men (seen in Rarity Takes Manehattan). The old mare between Derpy and Trenderhoof could be the Apple family relative the gang visit in Pinkie Apple Pie. I feel like the old couple next to Luna might've appeared in a royal procession of some kind; did Twilight greet them in the S4 finale?

No idea about the three between the taxi and hotel ponies, or the one with braces near the Mad Men gang.
Well the four below Flim and Flam and to the right of the random male Crystal pony are all ponified characters from Mad Men (seen in Rarity Takes Manehattan). The old mare between Derpy and Trenderhoof could be the Apple family relative the gang visit in Pinkie Apple Pie. I feel like the old couple next to Luna might've appeared in a royal procession of some kind; did Twilight greet them in the S4 finale?

No idea about the three between the taxi and hotel ponies, or the one with braces near the Mad Men gang.

I think the three between the taxi and hotel ponies were competing designers from "Rarity Takes Manehattan". The one with braces was from Discord's "A Glass of Water" song, in the scene at airport security.

EDIT: Initial reactions to the new Equestria Girls Holiday Special comic portray it as being either bad or OK, from what I've seen. As someone who wasn't going to read it out of principle, I'm a bit happy to hear that I'm not missing out. Story overview:
someone is revealing everyone's secrets online, and they think it's Sunset, who breaks down crying as a result at one point. It turns out it's actually the Cutie Mark Crusaders, making this a remake of "Ponyville Confidential". Everyone makes up and then it ends. I mentioned briefly earlier that Sunset seems to be following the path that people wish Luna did, but this being another story where everyone turns against her and she starts crying really reminds me of pre-"Luna Eclipsed" Luna portrayals by fans.


Kills Photobucket
I liked the EQG Comic. Not the greatest story, but it was an enjoyable holiday story. I actually liked the tie ins to events in Equestria.


EDIT: Initial reactions to the new Equestria Girls Holiday Special comic portray it as being either bad or OK, from what I've seen.

Thanks for the warning - I wasn't thinking about not getting it at first but after reading this I looked up some impressions and they seem...worse than "bad or OK". And I can't believe this artist is still putting his shitty imp oc from micro #2 in every comic he touches. Seriously.


Like seeing all of the rainbow doodad gift-givers alongside their respective recipients in the Season 4 poster.
Looks like Spike and Sweetie Belle are reading comics together.



I wish I could take better pics, but they look gorgeous; Luna's mane is sparkly and nice, and Celestia's is satin and regal.

If you get any Funkos, make sure it's these 2!
Thanks for the warning - I wasn't thinking about not getting it at first but after reading this I looked up some impressions and they seem...worse than "bad or OK".
Eh, there are decently positive reactions on The Round Stable (including our own Doctor, who was the reason why I added "or OK" when I hadn't seen any other positive reviews when I made that post), even if they're not so much gushing as saying, "It's not that bad, guys." There are definitely more people supporting this than, say, Friends Forever #1.

From what I gather, this issue is probably one of the most serious in tone stories MLP has attempted, especially considering that cyberbullying is common for the target audience now, but it has the problems that several characters don't act like themselves, even considering the idea that everyone is in their season 1 state; more importantly that those characters are very unpleasant, which was the big problem with "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well"; the comedic relief is not well-handled; and the pacing is bad, especially in regards to a rushed resolution. Boiled down, I'd say the overriding issue is that the story presents an unpleasant situation with characters we like acting unpleasant, but doesn't resolve it in a satisfying way or lessen the unpleasantness enough to allow for the existing resolution to be satisfying. And some people don't like the art.

Though again, this is just what I've gathered from what others have said, and I have not read the issue, nor do I intend to.


I love Princess Celestia, she really doesn't get enough love. Really wanted to get one at Build-A-Bear, but it was too full of busy holiday parents and bronies. :(

Perhaps they'll still be around early next year, at least I hope.
I believe it's either: "I drew a picture of her..." or "I have drawn a picture of her..."

Anyways, that's a really nice drawing.

Thank you! :) It's just a colored sketch though... there are so many far more talented artists in this fandom.

And I was just having a bit of fun with "drawed/drewed/etc." ;)


I kind of feel like at this point, getting a newspaper syndication is going backwards, but I don't know, maybe the newspaper comic market is still huge? *shrug* Good for Dana Simpson nonetheless.


Kills Photobucket
I've lost about all my enthusiasm for the season premiere. Comicon clip got my hopes up, but seeing it being another story where
the mane 6 need to fix themselves again just isn't doing it for me.

Here's hoping they manage to surprise me.


I've lost about all my enthusiasm for the season premiere. Comicon clip got my hopes up, but seeing it being another story where the mane 6 need to fix themselves again just isn't doing it for me.

Here's hoping they manage to surprise me.

I don't think we have anywhere near enough information to reasonably judge yet, but its probably better to go in with low expectations anyway.

I'm interested to see where they're going with it, at least.
I've lost about all my enthusiasm for the season premiere. Comicon clip
got my hopes up, but seeing it being another story where the mane 6 need to fix themselves again just isn't doing it for me.

Here's hoping they manage to surprise me.
It's a good thing you're judge enough to know that it's ok to spoil it for everyone else. So you know. Thanks for looking out for me since I don't know what's good for me and isn't.
There you go, smart ass.

Dude, you didn't spoil anything worth caring about, don't let him tell you what you can and cannot post or how to post or spoiler or w/e, you are smart enough to make that discussion on your own and if he has a problem with it... that is his problem.
Dude, you didn't spoil anything worth caring about, don't let him tell you what you can and cannot post or how to post or spoiler or w/e, you are smart enough to make that discussion on your own and if he has a problem with it... that is his problem.
True that, who cares about the main premise for some kid show for girls


True that, who cares about the main premise for some kid show for girls

C'mon Owl, you need better mental gymnastics if you're going to dodge spoilers. "Fixing themselves" could mean anything. Probably involving Sweetie Bot.


And if you were a bigger pervert, "fixing themselves" could provide a whole new area of images that must be flushed out of your brain, which should distract you powerfully enough for you to forget whatever it was that you were trying to forget. (It was Sweetie Bot, right? We were trying to forget Sweetie Bot?)
Or we could just trust people to spoil themselves when they feel it is needed, instead of having a vocal minority of people who aren't even mods(or even the topic creator) insist people follow their ridiculous standards of what should be spoilered.
Or we could just trust people to spoil themselves when they feel it is needed, instead of having a vocal minority of people who aren't even mods(or even the topic creator) insist people follow their ridiculous standards of what should be spoilered.

reading untagged spoilers isn't trusting people to spoil themselves, it's someone else spoiling it for them


I swear, you guys have this same argument over what should go under the spoiler tags every season. Is there really no solution that could be reached to make everyone happy?
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