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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

I swear, you guys have this same argument over what should go under the spoiler tags every season. Is there really no solution that could be reached to make everyone happy?

Have we talked about this before? I don't remember being a part of it if it has, but I could be wrong. And the solution is simple. We act like adults and not complain every time someone doesn't put every minor detail behind a spoiler tag(Just to be clear I think this should apply to this show as it does shows like Game of Thrones or w/e and even movies and games).

reading untagged spoilers isn't trusting people to spoil themselves, it's someone else spoiling it for them

Okay, I'll just say it flat out. You are telling people what is or isn't a spoiler, the problem is, your version of what is a spoiler is absolute unreasonable. What Forester said was an completely minor thing based on his assumptions of what will happen from a video he watched... like 2 months ago? Even if what he said is actually correct, its based on such a small amount of information it can't possibly be that big a deal(and even if it is, it will probably be revealed in the first 10 minutes of episode 1). You just have this ridiculous notion of what is a spoiler, which wouldn't be a problem if this was a no-spoiler topic, but it is not, and it is not your topic either, so you do not get to choose how people should or shouldn't post.

If people discussing the show in the topic for discussing the show, without spoiler tags, is that bad for you, perhaps you shouldn't go into the topics where people go to discus the show? Then you don't run the risk of being spoiled about shit that aren't even spoilers in the first place and everyone else can have fun speaking freely about the topic without worrying about stepping on one guys, extremely unreasonable, toes.

I'm sorry guys, I just REALLY hate this whole 'spoil everything' crowd. I'll try to end my involvement here in this line of discussion and just say... You guys know what does and doesn't need to be spoiler-ed, and if you actually make a mistake, yeah, you should fix it, but don't let people like this tell you what to tag. You are(or at least most of you I assume) freaking adults and fairly smart ones at that, you can figure it out on your own.


I swear, you guys have this same argument over what should go under the spoiler tags every season. Is there really no solution that could be reached to make everyone happy?

I think the original agreement was. No spoilers without tags in the community thread until after the episode has aired and the OT thread does not require spoiler tags.
Have we talked about this before? I don't remember being a part of it if it has, but I could be wrong. And the solution is simple. We act like adults and not complain every time someone doesn't put every minor detail behind a spoiler tag(Just to be clear I think this should apply to this show as it does shows like Game of Thrones or w/e and even movies and games).

Okay, I'll just say it flat out. You are telling people what is or isn't a spoiler, the problem is, your version of what is a spoiler is absolute unreasonable. What Forester said was an completely minor thing based on his assumptions of what will happen from a video he watched... like 2 months ago? Even if what he said is actually correct, its based on such a small amount of information it can't possibly be that big a deal(and even if it is, it will probably be revealed in the first 10 minutes of episode 1). You just have this ridiculous notion of what is a spoiler, which wouldn't be a problem if this was a no-spoiler topic, but it is not, and it is not your topic either, so you do not get to choose how people should or shouldn't post.

If people discussing the show in the topic for discussing the show, without spoiler tags, is that bad for you, perhaps you shouldn't go into the topics where people go to discus the show? Then you don't run the risk of being spoiled about shit that aren't even spoilers in the first place and everyone else can have fun speaking freely about the topic without worrying about stepping on one guys, extremely unreasonable, toes.

I'm sorry guys, I just REALLY hate this whole 'spoil everything' crowd. I'll try to end my involvement here in this line of discussion and just say... You guys know what does and doesn't need to be spoiler-ed, and if you actually make a mistake, yeah, you should fix it, but don't let people like this tell you what to tag. You are(or at least most of you I assume) freaking adults and fairly smart ones at that, you can figure it out on your own.
a video forrester watched.. 2 months ago? for a show that doesn't come out for.... 5 months? I don't see how this statement supports your case.

I don't see the issue with 'spoil everything'. With everything in spoiler tags:
People that don't give a shit about spoilers: ctrl+a, can still read the thread
People that care about spoilers: can still read the thread

no tags:
People that don't give a shit about spoilers:can still read the thread
People that care about spoilers: leave the thread forever

yes people are freaking adults and should be able to use spoiler tags. being fairly smart with the current thread means I'm not allowed to be in this thread, and to figure out that I can't be in this thread at all. this doesn't sound like an ideal solution
Double heart attack incoming to bring the thread back on track.

First Andrea Libman sings a bit of "Jingle Bells" in character as Fluttershy!

And a cute gif.

Also, I vaguely recall hearing about this a while ago, but buried in ED's Nightly Roundup is news about an MLP cosplay cafe in Japan.
New news on the MLP Cafe: There is now a home page up: http://mlp-cafe.jugem.jp/

New useful information:
Admission will be on a reservation basis. There will be 4 sessions, 90 minutes each.
Reservation page: https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/7c75f05e336825
There is also an "after event" at 7:45.

The price is 2500 yen, which includes a plate lunch, beverage, dessert buffet, and souvenir.
The after event is an additional 1000 yen which included snacks and a beverage.
The site doesn't seem to have information about what the cosplay will entail. Generic maid outfits with cutie mark prints and ear headbands? Full body costumes? For some reason, it feels like Equestria Girls outfits would be the worst option.


I think the original agreement was. No spoilers without tags in the community thread until after the episode has aired and the OT thread does not require spoiler tags.

I think the question in this case is more about what is and isn't a spoiler. I'd have said that officially-released promo trailers were fair game for open discussion, but that's just me.

Also, I vaguely recall hearing about this a while ago, but buried in ED's Nightly Roundup is news about an MLP cosplay cafe in Japan.

The site doesn't seem to have information about what the cosplay will entail. Generic maid outfits with cutie mark prints and ear headbands? Full body costumes? For some reason, it feels like Equestria Girls outfits would be the worst option.

What a weird thing. Is there really a demand for that in Japan? Or anywhere?
What a weird thing. Is there really a demand for that in Japan? Or anywhere?
I vaguely recall that this cafe is actually intended for little girls, and customers will get toys. That said, I have no idea if there is a market at all in general for cosplay cafes not targeted at neckbeards.

On another note, initial reactions to comic issue 26 have been pretty negative. I'm considering not buying this issue, making it the first main series issue I may not buy. Notably,
the plan to defeat the villains involves Twilight begrudgingly doing something illegal (which she points out repeatedly), by imitating a government notary and messing with notarized documents, and Applejack lying to the villains. Twilight is finally driven to use magic when the Cattle Rustlers damage a historic landmark, which is apparently more important than homes. There's no big action climax to the story, and from what I can tell, Applejack doesn't really get a chance to shine.

EDIT: I like this comic.


On another note, initial reactions to comic issue 26 have been pretty negative. I'm considering not buying this issue, making it the first main series issue I may not buy. Notably,
the plan to defeat the villains involves Twilight begrudgingly doing something illegal (which she points out repeatedly), by imitating a government notary and messing with notarized documents, and Applejack lying to the villains. Twilight is finally driven to use magic when the Cattle Rustlers damage a historic landmark, which is apparently more important than homes. There's no big action climax to the story, and from what I can tell, Applejack doesn't really get a chance to shine.

Just finished reading, and though I'll need another run through it I'm not sure I agree with much of that.

First of all, Applejack masterminds the entire plan, as best I can tell. Rarity comes up with a last-minute save when things go a bit pear-shaped, but otherwise AJ is calling the shots.

I don't recall Twilight ever showing concern over posing as a notary or messing with notarized documents; I guess those are legal enough for her. She freaks out about destroying notarized documents, but that's the only part that seems to bother her. As I understood it, Twilight finds a legitimate mistake in Longhorn's forms and then uses it as an excuse to keep dragging him back to the town.

Twilight's main deal in this issue is that she isn't willing to break the law to save the town, so Applejack finds a way for her to bend the rules until she has a genuine justification for laying the smackdown (Celestia and Luna declaring the Ranch a heritage site). Whether or not Twilight's rules about magic and the law make any sense to us as readers is a separate issue.

As for the "action climax", I guess there kinda isn't, though the entire second half of the issue is pretty full of running about. Applejack doesn't get any massive hero moments in the issue, but overall I think she's pretty well-served.

Long story short, I liked it.


A great idea, ruined by poor execution. There are some nice visual gags in the issue, but the story was a mess.

It's a real shame they couldn't have left Twilight out of this story, or even just given her a better justification for not using her powers. I liked the way they used her passion for bureaucracy in the endgame (i.e. she'll only use her powers when it's legal to do so, so the trick becomes working out a way to make it legal), but the justification just wasn't there.

I swear there's a functional story in there somewhere;
gang tries to exploit a legal loophole to take over a ranch, ponies find a variety of clever ways to trick them out of it.
Maybe it just needed a little more time in the oven.
I feel like this storyline would have been much better if it was what I thought it would be when it was first announced: Applejack alone having to deal with the Cattle Rustlers in a one-issue story.

Also, weird Hot Topic exclusive cover art for this issue where everybody is a Rudolph.
I have to say I'm with Owl on this one. I get that he has almost absurdly low spoiler tolerance, but it's seriously not that hard to accomodate him. Spoiler tags take two seconds and apparently significantly increase his enjoyment of the show. Why not use them when you're in doubt?
People already do spoil as needed. They don't need someone else to make the decision for them to tell them. And it every one would save more time and effort if people got over the ridiculous notion that every tiny bit of information is somehow going to ruin and entire show/move/etc. for them(which is only true, if its horribly written(by M. Night)).

...Looks like that thing I said in my earlier post is now a lie, sorry.


I also agree promotional stuff like season 5 clips are to be spoiler marked by default, as per the standard practice on derpibooru, eqd and kym.

But everytime this is brought up here it goes nowhere (hito even went as far as removing spoiler tags from people's posts) so I'm not even gonna bother now.
People already do spoil as needed. They don't need someone else to make the decision for them to tell them. And it every one would save more time and effort if people got over the ridiculous notion that every tiny bit of information is somehow going to ruin and entire show/move/etc. for them(which is only true, if its horribly written(by M. Night)).

...Looks like that thing I said in my earlier post is now a lie, sorry.
dunno if you notice that people are making the decision for what to spoil for me. the same point of your argument pertains to me as well.

instead of taking the 'save time and effort' way out, it would be nice to understand that people are different have different wants, needs, and preferences. Trying to understand others and to accommodate them would be nicer. I don't want to see content regarding unreleased or newly released media, but I do want to see cute pictures posted here. is there a way to do that without having to use spoiler tags?
dunno if you notice that people are making the decision for what to spoil for me. the same point of your argument pertains to me as well.

instead of taking the 'save time and effort' way out, it would be nice to understand that people are different have different wants, needs, and preferences. Trying to understand others and to accommodate them would be nicer. I don't want to see content regarding unreleased or newly released media, but I do want to see cute pictures posted here. is there a way to do that without having to use spoiler tags?

If that is so bad for you, don't read the posts. Then you can see the pictures without worrying about your non-spoilers no problem. The topic isn't built around the needs of a couple of people with ridiculous standards. YOU want to control what/how people post occur-ding to YOUR own standards. This is a world of difference from people making posts and deciding for THEMSELVES how to do them(as long as they obey the rules of the forum and the topic). You don't want to see any kind of spoilers? Don't read posts that look like they are talking about spoilers. Its not even hard to do, I've done it before myself, you don't even need to see spoiler tags to figure it out.

People can spoiler tag what they think needs to be spoiler tag. Not what you think. Not even what I think. What they think. I know I'm repeating myself, but its honestly a simple concept, even more simple then spoiler tagging everything.

EDIT: Bonus option: Blacklist people who often post spoilers.


So about comic #26, diving in with a really low expectation helped a lot.

3/10 overall a bad issue (
everything Twilight did in this arc was stupid
) but still way better than the worst.
Random thought, does anyone else think an interesting thing to do in the show would be to give the non-Twilight main six magical girl weapons? Like giving Rarity a giant sewing needle that she can use to make constructs out of threads, and fence with; Pinkie Pie a bubble making wand thing that she can use to make magic bubbles; Rainbow Dash a shield; Fluttershy a swarm of dark matter butterflies that she can command ala Byakuya from Bleach; and Applejack a magic lasso I guess. Basically, stuff to bring them closer to Twilight's level, while still potentially having fun uses in non-adventure stories. Though Twilight can also get a sword, I guess.
Random thought, does anyone else think an interesting thing to do in the show would be to give the non-Twilight main six magical girl weapons? Like giving Rarity a giant sewing needle that she can use to make constructs out of threads, and fence with; Pinkie Pie a bubble making wand thing that she can use to make magic bubbles; Rainbow Dash a shield; Fluttershy a swarm of dark matter butterflies that she can command ala Byakuya from Bleach; and Applejack a magic lasso I guess. Basically, stuff to bring them closer to Twilight's level, while still potentially having fun uses in non-adventure stories. Though Twilight can also get a sword, I guess.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if this was like the original premise of making this a sailor moon type of show, yeah.

as it is right now..... no. I don't think that'd fit the tone. *shrugs* wouldn't be a big shift in tone to allow that, though, so I don't see a problem with it. I'm personally opposed, though.


Random thought, does anyone else think an interesting thing to do in the show would be to give the non-Twilight main six magical girl weapons? Like giving Rarity a giant sewing needle that she can use to make constructs out of threads, and fence with; Pinkie Pie a bubble making wand thing that she can use to make magic bubbles; Rainbow Dash a shield; Fluttershy a swarm of dark matter butterflies that she can command ala Byakuya from Bleach; and Applejack a magic lasso I guess. Basically, stuff to bring them closer to Twilight's level, while still potentially having fun uses in non-adventure stories. Though Twilight can also get a sword, I guess.

Not sure I see any need for a change like that, to be honest. Most episodes are about dealing with everyday issues anyway, so odds are we wouldn't even see them outside of season finales.

As Owlowiscious says, it's a pretty big tonal shift too. I wouldn't be a fan.


Random thought, does anyone else think an interesting thing to do in the show would be to give the non-Twilight main six magical girl weapons? Like giving Rarity a giant sewing needle that she can use to make constructs out of threads, and fence with; Pinkie Pie a bubble making wand thing that she can use to make magic bubbles; Rainbow Dash a shield; Fluttershy a swarm of dark matter butterflies that she can command ala Byakuya from Bleach; and Applejack a magic lasso I guess. Basically, stuff to bring them closer to Twilight's level, while still potentially having fun uses in non-adventure stories. Though Twilight can also get a sword, I guess.

How drunk and/or high were you when writing this?


Random thought, does anyone else think an interesting thing to do in the show would be to give the non-Twilight main six magical girl weapons? Like giving Rarity a giant sewing needle that she can use to make constructs out of threads, and fence with; Pinkie Pie a bubble making wand thing that she can use to make magic bubbles; Rainbow Dash a shield; Fluttershy a swarm of dark matter butterflies that she can command ala Byakuya from Bleach; and Applejack a magic lasso I guess. Basically, stuff to bring them closer to Twilight's level, while still potentially having fun uses in non-adventure stories. Though Twilight can also get a sword, I guess.

That's what fanwork like Steamquestria Girls is for, or spinoffs like Power Ponies or Equestria Girls.


PonyGAF's Season 4 ratings:

For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (5*3+4*0+3*0+2*0+1*0)/3 - 5.00 - new
Pinkie Pride: (5*4+4*2+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.67
Castle Mane-ia: (5*4+4*1+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50
Rarity Takes Manehattan: (5*3+4*3+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.50
Filli Vanilli: (5*2+4*2+3*0+2*0+1*0)/4 - 4.50
Three's A Crowd: (5*2+4*3+3*0+2*0+1*0)/5 - 4.40
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Power Ponies: (5*3+4*3+3*1+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.29
Simple Ways: (5*2+4*1+3*1+2*0+1*0)/4 - 4.25
Maud Pie (5*1+4*3+3*0+2*0+1*0)/4 - 4.25
Pinkie Apple Pie: (5*1+4*5+3*0+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.17
Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2: (5*3+4*2+3*2+2*0+1*0)/7 - 4.14
Flight to the Finish: (5*1+4*4+3*1+2*0+1*0)/6 - 4.00
Leap of Faith (5*1+4*2+3*1+2*0+1*0)/4 - 4.00 - new
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies: (5*0+4*2+3*0+2*0+1*0)/2 - 4.00
Rainbow Falls: (5*2+4*2+3*1+2*1+1*0)/6 - 3.83
Bats!: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*0+1*0)/5 - 3.20
Daring Don't: (5*0+4*1+3*4+2*1+1*0)/6 - 3.00
Somepony to Watch Over Me (5*0+4*0+3*4+2*0+1*0)/4 - 3.00
Twilight Time (5*0+4*1+3*0+2*1+1*0)/2 - 3.00

S1 and S2
Happy New Year! News sure has been slow, huh? I was hoping for some new information to celebrate the new year, but alas.

It looks like the Cutie Mark Magic toys are being pushed on the official website. This seems like it could tie into the season premiere, so it does seem like there is a chance this would appear on the show, like Rainbow Power before it.

I was open to the idea of a "weaker" version of Rainbow Power that toned down the garishness, and I suppose this is that... but it literally takes the worst part of Rainbow Power's design (the proliferation of cutie marks) and leaves nothing else. Except for Fluttershy, for some reason, who also gets her garish hair. I'd really be down for a version of Rainbow Power that had the color highlights and nothing else, but please, not this.
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