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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

Rarity is second best pony and she already got her painting.

Come on, ya'll know secretly deep down who best pony is;



Honestly, I don't really have a favorite now. It used to clearly be Fluttershy, but most of them have had episodes where I've really enjoyed them... except for Applejack (I don't hate her - I've just not been impressed with her) and Twilight Sparkle when written by Megan (I like her whenever someone else does her). I think my favorite princess at the moment might actually be Cadance though it's hard to say as except for Twilight we don't really see too much of them (Dream Luna is...okay, but seems souless or something). Honestly, at the moment comic Princesses > show Princesses as we actually see more of them and their personalities.
Why is Applejack always so maligned in this fandom? She's possibly my favorite main character (although really, most of them are pretty great in their own ways)..


Applejack hasn't really done anything. She's had some of the worst lessons: "I didn't learn anything - I was right all along" from that Flim & Flam episode, she was one of the reasons I didn't like the Bab's episode, and her attitude really bugged me in the season 4 opener when she got overly protective of Twilight (this same attitude showed up later when she didn't want to leave Applebloom by herself).

Plus, she's just boring - maybe great as a friend, but just boring to watch.


Applejack hasn't really done anything. She's had some of the worst lessons: "I didn't learn anything - I was right all along" from that Flim & Flam episode, she was one of the reasons I didn't like the Bab's episode, and her attitude really bugged me in the season 4 opener when she got overly protective of Twilight (this same attitude showed up later when she didn't want to leave Applebloom by herself).

Plus, she's just boring - maybe great as a friend, but just boring to watch.

It reminds me a little of forum celebrity, actually. If you're really smart or witty, you get attention. If you're really loud and outlandish, you get attention. If you're super obnoxious and abrasive, you get attention.

You know who nobody remembers? The moderate people. The people who keep a level head, or offer common sense or just fill the gaps between all the big personalities.

That's Applejack. She may not top many "best pony" lists, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have plenty to offer. She just ain't all flashy about it y'all.
Alright, let's post our top six fave characters then.

1. Pinkie Pie
2. Applejack
3. Rarity
4. Twilight Sparkle
5. Fluttershy
6. Discord

Let's see. Main six:
1. Rarity
2. Twilight Sparkle
3. Fluttershy
4. Applejack
5. Pinkie Pie
6. Rainbow Dash

I think it's a bit more difficult to rank the other characters. For instance, I like Discord, but I'm aware that he would be annoying in large quantities. Spike would probably go between Applejack and Pinkie Pie though.


Kills Photobucket
Mane 6 ranking...

1. Rainbow Dash
2. Fluttershy
3. Applejack
4. Rarity
5. Pinkie Pie
6. Twilight Sparkle

Pegasus Master Race!
1. Applejack
2. Rarity
3. Rainbow Dash
4. Twilight Sparkle
5. Fluttershy
6. Pinkie Pie

I still love Pinkie, but somepony had to be on the bottom....
1. Applejack - TIE - Twilight Sparkle (Season 1 ver.)
2. Spike the Dragon
3. Twilight Sparkle (Season 2+) - TIE - Pinkie Pie (Seasons 1~2)
4. Rarity
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Pinkie Pie (Season ~3+)
7. Fluttershy


The only true answer.

Yep, can't argue with that. Great gif!

Thanks, I figured I ought to find a way to jazz up my otherwise boring opinion!

So uh, this came out. "Dinky's Destiny".
I guess Dinky is the new Element of Magic? But her horn doesn't work or something? Or the whole thing is a dream and Luna is trying to help her? I don't even know.

All I know is that Dinky has the most sickeningly cloying voice imaginable. Animation is very nicely done, though.
So uh, this came out. "Dinky's Destiny".
I guess Dinky is the new Element of Magic? But her horn doesn't work or something? Or the whole thing is a dream and Luna is trying to help her? I don't even know.

All I know is that Dinky has the most sickeningly cloying voice imaginable. Animation is very nicely done, though.

Yeeaaah...not feeling this one. Runs into a lot of problems other fan works run into in that it feels tonally way off. It's way too self serious. I mean, this is a cartoon with talking ponies that have tattoos on their butts. Whatever, it was nice looking I will give them that.


Yeeaaah...not feeling this one. Runs into a lot of problems other fan works run into in that it feels tonally way off. It's way too self serious. I mean, this is a cartoon with talking ponies that have tattoos on their butts. Whatever, it was nice looking I will give them that.

That was pretty much my reaction too. Immediately reminded me of Snowdrop, which frankly I couldn't sit through. I can handle some drama and some sad stuff, but you have to earn it through story, not open with it and expect me to feel something because children crying or whatever.


So uh, this came out. "Dinky's Destiny".
I guess Dinky is the new Element of Magic? But her horn doesn't work or something? Or the whole thing is a dream and Luna is trying to help her? I don't even know.

All I know is that Dinky has the most sickeningly cloying voice imaginable. Animation is very nicely done, though.

Yeah, the animation itself is nice, but the cinematography is terrible and the story is just badly told. Most fan animations do seem to suffer from these problems, with Children of the Night and JanAnimations' stuff being the notable exceptions.

Moving on, I recently started to read Heavenly Nostrils Phoebe and Her Unicorn and was surprised to find that the artist behind it, Dana Simpson, has a dA gallery full of pony fanart, including these "Nostrilverse" versions of Twilight, Spike, Celestia and Luna:



I'm still sour about that crap. They could have at least made the effort to make Spike human.

Spike is another Meghan problem. I noticed this while watching The Second Opinion's Non-Brony Reviews of MLP:FIM, although he didn't make a distinction between Lauren and Meghan. He marathoned the first four seasons, and became a fan of Spike in the first two, but then he turned harsh on the show's handling of him starting with season 3 (with "Spike at Your Service" turning him into a total incompetent), and didn't appreciate the show dumping on his favorite character.

Basically, Lauren's Spike was a sarcastic outsider. When the show does something sappy, Spike rolls his eyes so that the audience doesn't have to. This lets the show be sappy and get away with it, because it's self-aware.

Meghan's Spike is baggage. Literally.

Meghan said:
It would be weird for Twilight to hide a small boy in her backpack.
Spike is another Meghan problem. I noticed this while watching The Second Opinion's Non-Brony Reviews of MLP:FIM, although he didn't make a distinction between Lauren and Meghan. He marathoned the first four seasons, and became a fan of Spike in the first two, but then he turned harsh on the show's handling of him starting with season 3 (with "Spike at Your Service" turning him into a total incompetent), and didn't appreciate the show dumping on his favorite character.

Basically, Lauren's Spike was a sarcastic outsider. When the show does something sappy, Spike rolls his eyes so that the audience doesn't have to. This lets the show be sappy and get away with it, because it's self-aware.

Meghan's Spike is baggage. Literally.




Basically, Lauren's Spike was a sarcastic outsider. When the show does something sappy, Spike rolls his eyes so that the audience doesn't have to. This lets the show be sappy and get away with it, because it's self-aware.

Meghan's Spike is baggage. Literally.


What about Just for Sidekicks? Power Ponies? Inspiration Manifestation? Equestria Games?

Oh wait, those don't fit the anti-McCarthy narrative. Better disregard those.

EDIT: Also, for christ's sake, Spike was a dog in Equestria Girls because they needed to give him a form which would echo his form in Equestria and not break the bloody story. Do people seriously not see how adding another human to the mix would've caused massive, unnecessary problems? As it stood, he was every bit as clever, witty and helpful as a dog as he's ever been as a dragon, and the fact that people seem so bothered by it baffles me to this day.


What about Just for Sidekicks?

Season 2: Spike adopts a Phoenix (like Celestia, who raised him), separated from it's parents like he was. Season 3: Spike found it's parents and returned it offscreen.

Spike makes a cake. Is incompetent and eats the ingredients. Greedily bites off more than he can chew in a scam for money. Ends up with nothing. In a "B-team" themed episode.

Power Ponies?

Spike comes to terms with being worst pony.

Inspiration Manifestation?

Spike can't tell a possessed-Rarity that she's acting crazy, because that would hurt his chances to get in her pants. Until he gives up and tells her.

Equestria Games?

Spike is famous in some land because Cadence pities him. Spike chokes in the spotlight. Conveniently saves the day when Celestia and Luna fail.

Oh wait, those don't fit the anti-McCarthy narrative. Better disregard those.

It's not an anti-McCarthy narrarative to point out that Spike isn't one of McCarthy's strong suits, when someone complains about Spike's treatment, right after we were just talking about McCarthy's strengths and weaknesses.

EDIT: Also, for christ's sake, Spike was a dog in Equestria Girls because they needed to give him a form which would echo his form in Equestria and not break the bloody story. Do people seriously not see how adding another human to the mix would've caused massive, unnecessary problems? As it stood, he was every bit as clever, witty and helpful as a dog as he's ever been as a dragon, and the fact that people seem so bothered by it baffles me to this day.

Ponies -> Human
Dogs -> Human
Sirens -> Human
Spike -> Dog

I don't think Human Spike in EQG would have broken the story. He's a little kid, exploring around the school, vaguely orbiting Twilight and providing advice. He already knows how to walk on two legs, and use hands. Twilight's doing most of the work, and he's just there for moral support, beneath most people's notice. The school didn't have a problem with Twilight wandering the halls, and the CMC showed that kids go to this high school.

Twilight in EG2 broke the story way more than Human Spike in EG1&2 combined would have.


Season 2: Spike adopts a Phoenix (like Celestia, who raised him), separated from it's parents like he was. Season 3: Spike found it's parents and returned it offscreen.

Spike makes a cake. Is incompetent and eats the ingredients. Greedily bites off more than he can chew in a scam for money. Ends up with nothing. In a "B-team" themed episode.

Spike comes to terms with being worst pony.

Spike can't tell a possessed-Rarity that she's acting crazy, because that would hurt his chances to get in her pants. Until he gives up and tells her.

Spike is famous in some land because Cadence pities him. Spike chokes in the spotlight. Conveniently saves the day when Celestia and Luna fail.

I can't help but feel you're deliberately framing those stories in a negative light. Spike has always made mistakes; like the Crusaders, he's just a kid. I really fail to see how a story like "Just for Sidekicks" is somehow character assassination when it fits perfectly next to a story like "The Secret of My Excess".

It's not an anti-McCarthy narrative to point out that Spike isn't one of McCarthy's strong suits, when someone complains about Spike's treatment, right after we were just talking about McCarthy's strengths and weaknesses.

You'll have to forgive my abrasiveness, but there's a bit of a feeling around here lately than if things are going poorly it's because of Meghan's influence, but if things are going well then obviously she had nothing to do with it.

Ponies -> Human
Dogs -> Human
Sirens -> Human
Spike -> Dog

I don't think Human Spike in EQG would have broken the story. He's a little kid, exploring around the school, vaguely orbiting Twilight and providing advice. He already knows how to walk on two legs, and use hands. Twilight's doing most of the work, and he's just there for moral support, beneath most people's notice. The school didn't have a problem with Twilight wandering the halls, and the CMC showed that kids go to this high school.

So if he plays exactly the same role, why is it a problem that he's a dog? Do people here just really hate dogs or something? This all started with a show about horses, and we're taking offense because that one time, Spike was a dog?
For what's worth, I feel like Meghan has done a really good job with the series. Sometimes I think people hate her just for the sin of not being Lauren Faust. I am sure it has not been an easy task to pick up the pieces that Faust left behind, and yes, she does have a different vision for certain things, but for me, that's okay. I personally really haven't had a problem with McCarthy using her own creativity to put her stamp on the show. But having watched a lot of shows that crumble instantly when they lose their creators, MLP has been trucking along very nicely. Heck, season five is so far one of the best seasons of the show's history and goes right back to it's roots. I think under a lesser person, the show would've ended at season three. So I commend McCarthy, I am sure she has to deal with a lot of crap from her corporate overlords (like EqG) and still manages to bring us a show that we keep coming back to every week.

I don't know, maybe am I too old to give a crap about nitpicking every little detail and just enjoy things for what they are.


I've frequently compared MLP:FIM to Transformers Prime.

TF Prime was a great show, run by hack frauds.

The hack frauds quit.

A half dozen episodes into the new show, and I'm close to giving up on it.

The new showrunners on Transformers couldn't fill the shoes of hack frauds. Meghan is doing a fine job of filling the shoes of a genius.


Kills Photobucket
I think Season five is improved because Larson came back and is co-editor with Meghan. While I am critical of Meghan's work, It's not meant as a knock against her creativity. For two seasons she wrote every two-parter, worked as editor, and was writing both EQG movies. I think the problem was that she was overworked.

Now you have Larson helping, and the first two parter not written by Meghan since the beginning of S2. S5 already seems a lot more creative than S4 or S3 were, and just in general things seem a lot better thought out.

I think today's episode was a great example of more time and effort being put into stories. Adding character moments for Celestia and the CMC, when the story didn't require it. There seems to be a renewed focus on the finer details, the little things that make the episodes great.
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