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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming

Or maybe this is a silly set of comics published in European magazines written by people that care little about the show and/or have little time or money.


Watched an episode of this with my daughter. As an adult, I don't see the appeal at all. Not trying to troll at all, but...why do you guys watch this? Keep in mind I watch pro wrestling, so no judgment here.
Watched an episode of this with my daughter. As an adult, I don't see the appeal at all. Not trying to troll at all, but...why do you guys watch this? Keep in mind I watch pro wrestling, so no judgment here.

Likable characters, charming art and animation, basic but enjoyable stories, decent worldbuilding, and lots of opportunity for fans to expand on the world. There is also the factor that the show is "better than it is supposed to be".

Keep in mind that it does take a few episodes to grow on most people, as long as you don't hate the episodes. I watched the first couple of episodes, stopped for the day, and then found myself marathoning the rest of the available episodes the next day (this was still during season 1).

What episode did you watch, by the way? (Basic plot will do)


Watched an episode of this with my daughter. As an adult, I don't see the appeal at all. Not trying to troll at all, but...why do you guys watch this? Keep in mind I watch pro wrestling, so no judgment here.
Well, it's cute. But in that way that doesn't overplay its own cuteness, it's just how things are.

But I'd imagine the general response is that we like the characters. Of course, which characters people prefer is a divided topic, since everyone has their favorite, pony or otherwise. They are all a little on the stereotypical end of things, but there's usually one or two of the main cast that resonates with every fan, and they do buck the trends of their own stereotypes. (Sorry, trying to keep the horse puns to a minimum here...)

Now, not knowing which episode you saw, it's kind of hard for me to come up with any examples, since not all ponies are in all the episodes, so could you perhaps tell what the general story was? Also be aware that that there are still reruns of the previous shows in the wild, and some of those are... awful. The new one is Friendship is Magic.

And pro wrestling is awesome. I mean some of the storylines are totally dumb, and then you have Rusev show up for his championship fight in a tank to the Russian National Anthem. While wearing briefs, which totally ruined the moment. That's so dumb it's awesome.


Watched an episode of this with my daughter. As an adult, I don't see the appeal at all. Not trying to troll at all, but...why do you guys watch this? Keep in mind I watch pro wrestling, so no judgment here.

Characters, music, appealing designs, sense of humour, worldbuilding. Those are the obvious ones for me, anyway.

That being said, it took me like a dozen episodes before I "got it".


Don't outright remember the plot outside of a devil-looking creature plotting to stop or catch the ponies. I was in and out attention wise. Like watching Dora or Peppa Pig with my 3-year-old.

Anyway, doubt this will ever be my thing, but if it's making others happy, more power to them/you guys.


Don't outright remember the plot outside of a devil-looking creature plotting to stop or catch the ponies. I was in and out attention wise. Like watching Dora or Peppa Pig with my 3-year-old.

Anyway, doubt this will ever be my thing, but if it's making others happy, more power to them/you guys.
Ah. That would be Lord Tirek. Not much of anyone else who's devil like, at least outside the Equestria Girls movies. Hm, but that makes me wonder... Is it this Lord Tirek or this Lord Tirek?

Because the first is from the original generation My Little Pony's pilot "“Escape from Midnight Castle” while the latter is from Friendship is Magic's season 4 finale. In which Dragonball Z breaks out.

To quote the Season 5 OP:

That by the way is part of why we like the show. It can go from an adorable story about Fluttershy overcoming her fears to, well... THAT and still feel totally and tonally like the same show.

So, sorry for asking so many questions, but I am curious which version you saw. Not that we dislike G1 ponies, they're okay, if with grating voices.
Huh, it looks like ED went ahead with the Steven Universe spinoff after all, Beach City Bugle. As you may recall, after the initial announcement, they got tons of complaints from SU fans who didn't want bronies mixing into their fandom, which caused the site to be canceled. According to the announcement post, they received encouragement from members of the Steven Universe staff, which is a surprise.


Ah. That would be Lord Tirek. Not much of anyone else who's devil like, at least outside the Equestria Girls movies. Hm, but that makes me wonder... Is it this Lord Tirek or this Lord Tirek?

Because the first is from the original generation My Little Pony's pilot "“Escape from Midnight Castle” while the latter is from Friendship is Magic's season 4 finale. In which Dragonball Z breaks out.

To quote the Season 5 OP:

That by the way is part of why we like the show. It can go from an adorable story about Fluttershy overcoming her fears to, well... THAT and still feel totally and tonally like the same show.

So, sorry for asking so many questions, but I am curious which version you saw. Not that we dislike G1 ponies, they're okay, if with grating voices.

I'm old enough to remember the original MLP. Definitely was watching FiM.


I'm old enough to remember the original MLP. Definitely was watching FiM.
Fair enough. Just wanted to be sure. We've had people commenting on other generations of pony before. At least it wasn't G3.5. We don't... talk about G3.5. "Newborn Cuties." Do not pursue.

As for how I came to watch FiM, I was there from nearly the start. Heard that Lauren Faust was starting up a new My Little Pony show, and it had Tara Strong voicing the lead pony, so I got curious. The two-parter opener was okay, and when the shy yellow pegasus Fluttershy stared down a proper Dungeons and Dragons sized Red Ancient Dragon a few episodes later, I was pretty much sold. I did not expect one of those in My Little Pony. Nor did I expect the shy one to just utterly dominate it through willpower.

I mean at that point, I had to keep watching just to see what else they were going to do, because that was so out of character for what I believed My Little Pony would be to get my attention. And I've been watching it since.

So, I guess for me it was a "had to be there" moment. The utter madness of the early fandom was fascinating as well. Don't worry if that video doesn't make any sense.... I don't think it's supposed to.


Likable characters, charming art and animation, basic but enjoyable stories, decent worldbuilding, and lots of opportunity for fans to expand on the world. There is also the factor that the show is "better than it is supposed to be".

Well, it's cute. But in that way that doesn't overplay its own cuteness, it's just how things are.

But I'd imagine the general response is that we like the characters. Of course, which characters people prefer is a divided topic, since everyone has their favorite, pony or otherwise. They are all a little on the stereotypical end of things, but there's usually one or two of the main cast that resonates with every fan, and they do buck the trends of their own stereotypes. (Sorry, trying to keep the horse puns to a minimum here...).

Characters, music, appealing designs, sense of humour, worldbuilding. Those are the obvious ones for me, anyway..

^ Well, I can't really think of anything to add that they haven't covered already.
I play Netrunner, a similar game to Magic by the same designer. I used to have rainbow dash sleeves until they wore out. I also have a Derpy playmat in full mailmare garb. Got some pretty interesting comments about those. Never anything rude though.



Saw the 100th episode last night - I expected to see more fanart here, considering these threads are how I became aware of most of the memes and fan theories that the episode referenced. Practically the only thing missing was Lyra saying something about hands (and it was odd to see Bon-Bon's sub-plot there).

Surely there must be an animated GIF of
the mane 6 getting the door slammed on their faces
, or fan art of the
Vynil/Octavia ride adapted into a version of the Doof Wagon from mad Max Fury Road, including a flamethrower cello

are Celestia and Luna supposed to attend everyone's weddings
or something?...


Kills Photobucket
New Comics!


My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #34
“Siege of the Crystal Empire” Part 1! A enigmatic new foe brings together some of the most villainous characters in Equestria to attack the Crystal Empire! What is their true aim and will our ponies be able to save the day?


My Little Pony Friends Forever #20
Discord has been having trouble sleeping. And bad sleep for Discord means trouble for anyone around him! Princess Luna delves into Discord’s chaotic slumber to try and identify the source of the problem.
Oh damn, we're continuing the Sombra story? E3 bombs continue! Discord and Luna is also an amazing combination. Looking forward to both... despite the track record of arcs in the comic.

EDIT: Wait, Andy Price is doing the art for someone who isn't Katie Cook? Now that's a surprise.
ED did a Blast from the Past article for Derpy, and it's nice to see these old videos again. I will note that Derpy was viewed by fans as a mailmare before "Feeling Pinkie Keen", oddly enough; I specifically remember reading old posts of people being surprised that the show referenced that fanon (before people figured out animation lead times and such).

SDCC's exclusive this year is a bunch of Pinkie variations wearing baseball jerseys. A semi tie-in with Equestria Girls: Friendship Games?

And lastly, weirdness. First, weird Fluttershy art

And a weird article tying MLP to oil pipelines, solely due to MLP also being a relevant acronym to that field.



The non-brony caught entirely up to present, and his reviews are really good (although his audio quality was pretty terrible to start).

He's been pretty overwhelmingly positive on the series, although he maintains his position as a non-brony outsider whose primary reason to be watching the show is because he's reviewing it, and says that you don't need to be a brony to recognize that this show is quality.
Kinda surprised no one mentioned the Mane 6 update(the first one in over a year if my rss feed is to be trusted). Although to be fair, half of the update was stuff they already posted on social media outlets... But still, we see some update character designs of not aj and not rarity, as well as some animations, including a few attacks.

Although we now have confirmation the crowdfunding is coming in 2015 OR ELSE. When exactly in 2015, is anyone's guess.

On the plus side, it was mentioned in the comments that another update should be coming in a week or 2.


Kinda surprised no one mentioned the Mane 6 update(the first one in over a year if my rss feed is to be trusted). Although to be fair, half of the update was stuff they already posted on social media outlets... But still, we see some update character designs of not aj and not rarity, as well as some animations, including a few attacks.

Although we now have confirmation the crowdfunding is coming in 2015 OR ELSE. When exactly in 2015, is anyone's guess.

On the plus side, it was mentioned in the comments that another update should be coming in a week or 2.

A kickstart? Cool. Hope for consoles too.
Fighting is Magic is looking nice... though as time goes on, and we're getting further and further away from the moment where the project split off from MLP, the more apparent it's becoming that this is a really fucking weird premise for a fighting game.

The DJ-PON3 album is out on Amazon, and it's apparently doing really well, to my surprise. I think ED is confused and it was just number 1 in Television Soundtracks, though; it's number 2 right now (below Empire).

And some nice ponifications of Pearl and Amethyst (not a fan of Garnet here) from Steven Universe. They're even crystal ponies!
It looks like Equestria Girls is getting it's own equivalent to the Journal of the Two Sisters... well, just the second half that adapts the journal entries of the season. And this will surely be less interesting than the princess parts of that book, though I imagine this will largely be original material, so I guess it will be more interesting than the second half.

Speaking of books, on one hand, this is an obvious ripoff being sold for money, but on the other hand, at least it still looks cute. EDIT: Oh wow, not only does it also have Equestria Girls equivalents, but it even has both types of anthro art--more or less ponies standing on back hooves, and the more humanoid version.
Read Friends Forever #18, about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. It was cute and enjoyable, but predictable. It was nice to see that former bully be nice to Fluttershy now, but I would have preferred more interaction between the two, instead of going the surprise party route. You'd think that if they appreciate Fluttershy enough to celebrate her, that they'd know better than to hide the party by being awkward around her.


Trailer for Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. (EDIT: YouTube) Not too interested, but I never am.
Sunset Shimmer is wearing her upgraded music video outfit now, which is somehow enough to automatically put this movie on my radar.



Those who were looking forward to Evil Twilight will be disappointed, since she's just shy here.
I never really got attached to any line of speculation there.

Then again, there doesn't appear to be a clear villain, so maybe
I'm fine with there not being a villain (although Sunset was acceptable as a villain, much better as a reformed villain, and the Dazzlings were good as villains).

I was watching and enjoying the Tinkerbell movies, and one thing I noticed was that none of them had a villain. You don't need a villain to tell a good story, and you can tell a different kind of story by not having one. The first Tinkerbell movie that I disliked (kind of hated, actually) was the first one that had a villain (although it had way more problems than just that). And then the series went right back to being great and having no villains.
And then it was canned because Disney wants dat Frozen money.
ED post about an academic paper analyzing the use of Greco-Roman iconography (linking this first because it has some background information). The article itself appears to be from April, looking at the link in the interview (from where you have to pay $18 for the article, but you don't have to below), but the interview about it is from today.

Interview with writer by Forbes contributor
The article itself

There are a fair number of typos, which did make me think this was actually a grad paper that was getting unusual attention, but no, she's a full fledged researcher that gives conference presentations and everything. It's possible that the pay-to-view version fixes everything. Besides the typos, it is pretty interesting.
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