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My Little Pony FiM Community [OT3] Surely You Saw This Coming


Kills Photobucket
I really don't think we can say which story editor is responsible for what at this point.

I'm talking the season as a whole. Obviously you can tell who edited each episode by the credits, but as a whole I think having the two editors, Larson and Meghan, has already had a great improvement on the show over last season.
I think there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that we can only speculate about, and never really know. It's easy when a bad episode comes along or somepony gets seemingly short changed to point their fingers at one person and cry foul. When in reality, we really don't know where those decisions truly come from and who is really responsible. Me, personally, like to think that McCarthy has fought tooth and nail against the Hasbro brass to keep the show as it is. Which is something, I might add, Lauren wasn't willing or able to do.

It is fair to criticize someone's work, I wouldn't want to deny anyone of that right (heck, I personally totally agree with the good doctor about Celestia's character being reduced to just her job). But if you are going to criticize, do so with a little consideration and not knee jerk reactions.


I think there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that we can only speculate about, and never really know. It's easy when a bad episode comes along or somepony gets seemingly short changed to point their fingers at one person and cry foul. When in reality, we really don't know where those decisions truly come from and who is really responsible.

Pretty much. I mean, I'd probably rank the first seven episodes more highly this season than last season, but to whom do I attribute that? Has McCarthy gotten better? Is it Larson's influence? Have the writers improved, or is it a better group this time around? Is it just that the type of stories they're telling appeals to me more?

I do think that having Larson on-board can only be a positive thing, but I'm not sure I can reasonably say that any improvement is attributable to him.


Ooooh... I missed out on Mane 6 rankings...

1. Rarity
2. Fluttershy
3. Twilight Sparkle
4. Applejack
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Pinkie Pie


Kills Photobucket
Like I said, I think it's a combination of Larson (who I do think is the best writer the show has had) and just having someone taking some of the load of Meghan's plate. I'd say today's episode is the best of the season, but I would also say that I don't think there have been any bad episodes this season so far. And I don't think it's a dig at Meghan to say that getting another hand on the wheel has helped her.


Like I said, I think it's a combination of Larson (who I do think is the best writer the show has had) and just having someone taking some of the load of Meghan's plate. I'd say today's episode is the best of the season, but I would also say that I don't think there have been any bad episodes this season so far. And I don't think it's a dig at Meghan to say that getting another hand on the wheel has helped her.

Especially one with as good of a track record as Larson.

Best episode so far is a tough one. I liked this weeks, but the wackier, more comedy-focussed ones are rarely my favourites. I really liked The Cutie Map, Castle Sweet Castle and Tanks for the Memories, so it'd probably be one of those.

Probably my least favourite was Bloom and Gloom, and even that was a long way from being bad.


EDIT: Also, for christ's sake, Spike was a dog in Equestria Girls because they needed to give him a form which would echo his form in Equestria and not break the bloody story. Do people seriously not see how adding another human to the mix would've caused massive, unnecessary problems? As it stood, he was every bit as clever, witty and helpful as a dog as he's ever been as a dragon, and the fact that people seem so bothered by it baffles me to this day.

Late respnse, sorry if this gets annoying let me know I just don't check on this thread all the time.

But what you said doesn't explain why he couldn't have been a person.

" Who's that "

" my little brother spike"

Also my understanding is that in that universe there is an actual not from equestia version of twilight...So why is spike still a damn dog. Why wasn't there an alternate dimension version of spike already in the universe, where he was a person. And you can claim he was just as clever as whoever or whatever.. he was still a damn dog. I hate it, I HATE it when shows with multiple characters decide that by like this character you have messed up half way through.

Its like watching DBZ and toriyama at he 10 yard line goes, " OH you liked gohan, you messed up... forever "

Edit: And the notion of spike being like an adopted brother to her in that universe is charm that went past several people, no he's a dog.
I don't think there's a point in getting angry about Equestria Girls things like Spike being a dog, or everyone being super skinny, or everyone wearing boots, and such. More than the main series, a lot of Equestria Girls' issues are clearly due to marketing decisions with a lot of people involved. Spike was made a dog so they could sell Twilight with a dog toy, and that carried over into the movie.


Late respnse, sorry if this gets annoying let me know I just don't check on this thread all the time.

But what you said doesn't explain why he couldn't have been a person.

" Who's that "

" my little brother spike"

"...so why is he following us everywhere? Does he not have classes, or like... friends?"

Spike being a dog means two important things for the story; firstly, it means in social situations he can be around at all times and nobody will question it, and secondly he can be kept out of sight easily in situations where a dog isn't welcome. As a human, neither of those works and the writer ends up having to jump through hoops to either remove him from scenes entirely or justify why he's there in a way that seems reasonable.

Also my understanding is that in that universe there is an actual not from equestia version of twilight...So why is spike still a damn dog. Why wasn't there an alternate dimension version of spike already in the universe, where he was a person. And you can claim he was just as clever as whoever or whatever.. he was still a damn dog. I hate it, I HATE it when shows with multiple characters decide that by like this character you have messed up half way through.

Its like watching DBZ and toriyama at he 10 yard line goes, " OH you liked gohan, you messed up... forever "

Edit: And the notion of spike being like an adopted brother to her in that universe is charm that went past several people, no he's a dog.

Again, I don't really get why being a dog is considered such an insult. I thought people loved dogs? That aside, if it's the same old Spike underneath it doesn't really bother me whether he's a dragon, a dog or a person. Spike is Spike.

I don't think there's a point in getting angry about Equestria Girls things like Spike being a dog, or everyone being super skinny, or everyone wearing boots, and such. More than the main series, a lot of Equestria Girls' issues are clearly due to marketing decisions with a lot of people involved. Spike was made a dog so they could sell Twilight with a dog toy, and that carried over into the movie.

Also this.


"...so why is he following us everywhere? Does he not have classes, or like... friends?"

Spike being a dog means two important things for the story; firstly, it means in social situations he can be around at all times and nobody will question it, and secondly he can be kept out of sight easily in situations where a dog isn't welcome. As a human, neither of those works and the writer ends up having to jump through hoops to either remove him from scenes entirely or justify why he's there in a way that seems reasonable.
Flaw in your argument
Cutie mark crusaders are humans.No actual reason why spike couldnt have been in class with them. Also basic plot 101 that's an easy as hell side narrative to come up with.And spike could have been woth ease a window for younger characters.There is no actual reason he had to be a dog.

Again, I don't really get why being a dog is considered such an insult. I thought people loved dogs? That aside, if it's the same old Spike underneath it doesn't really bother me whether he's a dragon, a dog or a person. Spike is Spike.

You seem like a cool dude but i'm going to be real with ya. You must be out your mind and feigning all types of ignorance if you dont understand how a domesticated dog is less than a human to.. A human. You know a dog? That thing you keep that you need to walk and pick up its poop, that cannot talk or communicate and understands basic commands. That animal that isnt even on the high list of intelligent animals. That animal whos portayal in the media consists of humping legs.that animal?

Not to be mean but maybe like you need to step away for while. When you cant see why some persons favorite character being degraded to dog status isn't upsetting kindakinda that's not great.

I don't think there's a point in getting angry about Equestria Girls things like Spike being a dog, or everyone being super skinny, or everyone wearing boots, and such. More than the main series, a lot of Equestria Girls' issues are clearly due to marketing decisions with a lot of people involved. Spike was made a dog so they could sell Twilight with a dog toy, and that carried over into the movie.

Oh no i get it, I dont like it. With the rest of eg. Its not for me, i understand their marketing choices. Has been my stance, with this particular i do not like because its "you liked spike? you messed up. Monster high money get out".

its kind of disappointing to me because has heck of a lot more potnential as a character and marketing vehicle than most others even my favorite luna. And him being a dog seems like a "this is how we feel about this character".

its not anger its just dissapointment.


Flaw in your argument
Cutie mark crusaders are humans.No actual reason why spike couldnt have been in class with them. Also basic plot 101 that's an easy as hell side narrative to come up with.And spike could have been woth ease a window for younger characters.There is no actual reason he had to be a dog.

So your solution is to create an entirely new subplot involving the Crusaders? I mean sure, it could work, but if it were me I'd be trying hard to keep the focus on the lead characters. There's already enough of them as it is.

You seem like a cool dude but i'm going to be real with ya. You must be out your mind and feigning all types of ignorance if you dont understand how a domesticated dog is less than a human to.. A human. You know a dog? That thing you keep that you need to walk and pick up its poop, that cannot talk or communicate and understands basic commands. That animal that isnt even on the high list of intelligent animals.

Oh hey, that reminds me of another animal. Four legs, not very bright, shits wherever it likes... Wait, what's this show called again?

Not to be mean but maybe like you need to step away for while. When you cant see why some persons favorite character being degraded to dog status isn't upsetting kindakinda that's not great.

Let's try something. Without mentioning what they look like or anything related to their physicality, what's the difference between these two characters:


You see what I'm getting at? In the world of this show, being an animal doesn't mean shit. Horses are magic. Dragons can become dogs. People can become like, 5% animal when they play rock music. When the entire fictional universe revolves are four-legged animals, why the hell would I get bent out of shape because one character became a slightly different four-legged animal? Neither one bears any resemblance to the kind we have in the real world anyway, so why is it a problem?

Also, I should point out that I love Spike, and I've been on record saying that plenty of times. I just don't care what he looks like in some temporarily-transformed state, so long as he's still Spike.


So your solution is to create an entirely new subplot involving the Crusaders? I mean sure, it could work, but if it were me I'd be trying hard to keep the focus on the lead characters. There's already enough of them as it is.
Yeah, Oh hey for like a few scenes what are spike and the crusaders or the younger characters doing. Maybe they even sing a song, ok cool back to the plot.

Oh hey, that reminds me of another animal. Four legs, not very bright, shits wherever it likes... Wait, what's this show called again?

If we ignore context your argument makes sense, in their world, even animals that produce milk like cows are sentient are essentially employee's. yeah there is a lower rung of creatures, like fluttrshy's woodland critters. But In the MLP world spike is a person, just as much as twilight is.

Let's try something. Without mentioning what they look like or anything related to their physicality, what's the difference between these two characters:

You see what I'm getting at? In the world of this show, being an animal doesn't mean shit. Horses are magic. Dragons can become dogs. People can become like, 5% animal when they play rock music. When the entire fictional universe revolves are four-legged animals, why the hell would I get bent out of shape because one character became a slightly different four-legged animal? Neither one bears any resemblance to the kind we have in the real world anyway, so why is it a problem?
Being in an specific animal doesn't mean anything in twilight's world , which by the way has dogs.... Which are subservient. So he transformed into an animal which is subservient to the previous world he just came from. Or are we forgetting applejack has a dog.

Also " its fiction come on be cool guy " isn't an argument. I can interact with media that is fictional and has silly situations and criticize and not like the situations that happen. I do not like spike being a dog. You aren't going to goat me with "Oh come on its fiction guy come on please". Bring an argument.

Also, I should point out that I love Spike, and I've been on record saying that plenty of times. I just don't care what he looks like in some temporarily-transformed state, so long as he's still Spike.
I mean thats cool, I don't feel the same


Yeah, Oh hey for like a few scenes what are spike and the crusaders or the younger characters doing. Maybe they even sing a song, ok cool back to the plot.

Fair enough I guess.

If we ignore context your argument makes sense, in their world, even animals that produce milk like cows are sentient are essentially employee's. yeah there is a lower rung of creatures, like fluttrshy's woodland critters. But In the MLP world spike is a person, just as much as twilight is.

Sure, and when he shows up at Canterlot High looking like a dog, he's still a person just as much as Twilight is. He doesn't look like one, but he hasn't turned into a dog. If he had he wouldn't be able to talk. He just looks like one.

Being in an specific animal doesn't mean anything in twilight's world , which by the way has dogs.... Which are subservient. So he transformed into an animal which is subservient to the previous world he just came from. Or are we forgetting applejack has a dog.

Also " its fiction come on be cool guy " isn't an argument. I can interact with media that is fictional and has silly situations and criticize and not like the situations that happen. I do not like spike being a dog. You aren't going to goat me with "Oh come on its fiction guy come on please". Bring an argument.

I don't remember doing that? If that's what you inferred, it wasn't intended. The point for me is that Spike is no more a dog in the real world sense than any of the characters on MLP are horses in the real world sense. If they turned Spike into an actual dog, i.e. he couldn't talk, was no smarter than a real world dog, I'd absolutely have a problem with that. That would be degrading the character. As it is the change is purely an aesthetic one.

I mean thats cool, I don't feel the same

We can agree to disagree.


You know what, how about we end it here.

I think the issue here is, is that we value " dogs " differently .

I think this is just going to around in circles.

Thanks for humoring me anyway


You know what, how about we end it here.

I think the issue here is, is that we value " dogs " differently .

I think this is just going to around in circles.

Thanks for humoring me anyway

No probs man, even when we disagree you're always good fun to chat with :)


Oh i know Doc, i just think its not great. I think you can get more out of that character merchandising wise, I think you can more out of that character than every other one that isn't named twilight.

But i'm done with this topic, for now at least. My whole " My little dragon should totally be an thing toy wise, smell the money " talk is best served for another time.

Now to get to the real issues. The nitty gritty

So when we going to have a transfomers episode?
I do still hope we get a Transformers crossover in the comics. IDW is all about crossovers, so it has to happen at some point, right?

I also want a "crossover" with Magic: the Gathering that doesn't bring in any characters, but rather shows the girls playing a game of Commander, with all the friendship struggles that come out of that.

Twilight - blue-red-white (Jeskai) - Narset, Enlightened Master as commander. I had previously assigned Twilight as green-blue-red (Temur), but I realized she's definitely more white than green. She'd also definitely be more a combo player, and would specifically include Narset Transcendent because she would think it would be neat to have both that and Narset, Enlightened Master out at the same time. Perhaps a creature-less deck that relies solely on Narset to attack?

I'll just quote my previous post for the rest
Rainbow - red/white (Boros) - I imagine she'd run Iroas, God of Victory, because she can't lose with the God of Victory. She'd do nothing but attack everyone and get confused when they gang up on her.

Applejack - green - I'm not sure if it's the best fit, but Yisan, the Wanderer Bard somehow seems like the type of commander Applejack would use. She'd fill her library with "toolkit" creature cards, having something for every circumstance, and she'd need Twilight to shuffle her library for her.

Pinkie - red - I was kind of surprised to see that there wasn't a red commander with a super obnoxious random effect, so I'll say that she'd run Chandler, just because she thinks it's funny. Anyway, she runs all of the super obnoxious red random effects, and thus becomes the next target for everyone after Rainbow. It just takes a lot longer.

Rarity - blue/black/red (Grixis) - I previously assigned Rarity as red/blue, but I said then that she had a large black aspect, and here it is. It was hard to choose a commander, because while a card like Marchesa, the Black Rose seemed to fit Rarity in character, I felt like Rarity would be more inclined to play a political game with Nekusar, the Mindrazer. Because of his effect, by the time Pinkie gets defeated, all of her mass draw effects got everyone pretty drained, so the rest of the game goes quickly.

Fluttershy - green/white (Selesnya) - I feel like she'd run a commander like Emmara Tandris, oblivious to the fact that everyone thinks that card is rubbish. And for precisely that reason, she ends up being the last one standing. Anyway, lots of creature tokens and group boosting effects make up her deck.
Well, since I got into this show I discovered pretty early JHaller's Channel. While I am not too overly fond of his own created works, he does top ten pony videos of the month as voted by the community. When I first started, I feel like the community was much more active and every month brought something that I really enjoyed. However, as the years have gone by, the quality of the top ten pony videos has gone down, to the point where there have been months when there was not one video I liked. It's not to say it's been all bad every now then a nice gem surfaces but for the most part good videos are farther and farther apart. Well, the new season must have really given a shot in the arm it needed because April's top ten had a good number of awesome videos like The Walk. Well, the number one video is really something else. It's a pmv, which are normally things I don't really care for and has music I don't normally listen to (I'm kind of a metal guy) but The City is really an awesome piece of work. The song is catchy and the video is really well put together. I highly recommend you guys check it out if you haven't already.
Alternate cover for Friends Forever #18 (RD/F school reunion) for Grand Brony Gala. Might we get a glimpse of a Magic School reunion?

Also, San Diego Comic Con panel will be at 10:30 AM Pacific on Friday July 10th.


Alternate cover for Friends Forever #18 (RD/F school reunion) for Grand Brony Gala. Might we get a glimpse of a Magic School reunion?

Cute cover!

In other news, we've finally got some info on that DJ PON3 Remix album we heard about a while back:

Heaps of info HERE. Tracklist:

01. Smile Song (Buddygirrl Remix)
02. Love Is In Bloom (Angel Bunny Remix)
03. Bab’s Seed (Hollidayrain Remix)
04. Every Pony (Daisy O’Dell Remix)
05. Winter Wrap Up (Feint Remix)
06. Welcome Song (Faust & Shortee Remix)
07. Cutie Mark Crusaders (Heavygrinder Remix)
08. Raise This Barn (I Am Orange Remix)
09. This Day Aria (Acid Paradox Remix)
10. Every Pony (Rubicon 7 Remix)
11. Love Is In Bloom (Hollidayrain Remix)
12. Friendship is Magic (Justin Lassen Remix)
13. Fluttershy’s Song (Arkasia Remix)

My knowledge of the EDM/DJ scene is non-existent, so the names don't mean anything to me. Anyone offer any thoughts?
"Every Pony"? Would that be what most fans call "Becoming Popular"? I find it hard to imagine there would be a song we haven't heard on this track. Still, nice to see something actually come out of this project.


Kills Photobucket
Comics Time!


My Little Pony Friends Forever #19
(W) Christina Rice (A) Brenda Hickey
Rarity has a genius idea to expand the Cake's business! However, Rarity's big dreams may overtake the Cake's sanity before the new venture can even get off the ground!


My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #33
(W) Thom Zahler (A) Tony Fleecs
"Night of the Living Apples" Part 2! The Bad Apples' rule is now law in Ponyville! The only hope lies with FLUTTERBAT!
Another unexpected team up for Friends Forever, though I'm not really feeling this one as of yet. As for the regular series, I'm kind of surprised that's the normal cover; I assumed it would be an alternate.

EDIT: Here's the normal cover, that is actually an alternate cover

It looks like everyone will become bats in this story.


Cool cover. Odd how they're all dressed up in addition to being batty; wonder if that's just one of those things they do for the covers?

Just finished reading the first part of the Ponyville Days arc (issue #30). Liked it a lot. Class warfare comes to Equestria!
I, on the other hand, wasn't that big of a fan of issue #30. It got more fun once the fighting started, but I thought it was largely dull and the way ponies picked sides felt out of character.


it has nothing to do with class warfare though.

You got me. I just thought it was a funny parallel given the argument here was a country vs city/simple vs sophisticated kinda deal.

Also, they got Filthy Rich's name wrong? Are you sure they weren't talking about his ancestor, Stinking Rich?


Kills Photobucket
Issue 30 was alright. It is the start of a simple story, and it worked well at that. My only real issue was that I think Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are on the wrong sides, but since it's not a story about them, it's not a big deal.


Everything is moe to me
You got me. I just thought it was a funny parallel given the argument here was a country vs city/simple vs sophisticated kinda deal.

Also, they got Filthy Rich's name wrong? Are you sure they weren't talking about his ancestor, Stinking Rich?
maybe they were, but i believe filthy referred to rarity's boutique as the location of 'his' first shop.

ponyville timeline is so messed up, it's best to just assume everyone is humouring granny smiths senility.

My only real issue was that I think Rainbow Dash and Pinkie are on the wrong sides, but since it's not a story about them, it's not a big deal.
why would you want only one pony on the right side?
Gah, I swear she does the best damn sculpts in the fandom. I mean, look at this shit:

Ignoring the fact that the examples I posted are OCs, look at the detail on these things. Look at the quality of the finish and paintwork. If anything of this quality were ever officially mass-produced, I don't think I could stop myself buying them.

They are only $65 a piece, which honestly isnt bad for the quality. The trouble is is getting into the very small window when she opens up commissions.

But yeah

Amazing stuff


They are only $65 a piece, which honestly isnt bad for the quality. The trouble is is getting into the very small window when she opens up commissions.

The price is actually very fair when you consider that Shapeways (the folks selling the 3D printed MLP figures) are asking only about $10 less per figure, and those don't look anywhere near as nice as these do.

Unfortunately $400 is just a little more than I could bring myself to spend on a set of six pony figurines. And yes, I'd need to get all six. And probably a Spike.
The price is actually very fair when you consider that Shapeways (the folks selling the 3D printed MLP figures) are asking only about $10 less per figure, and those don't look anywhere near as nice as these do.

Unfortunately $400 is just a little more than I could bring myself to spend on a set of six pony figurines. And yes, I'd need to get all six. And probably a Spike.

Get Derpy and call it a day


Kills Photobucket
That is a terrible list. Does Seth even know what a side character is? Putting Luna, Discord and Zecora in the same category as one-off characters like Iron Will and Photo Finish....


Yeah, weird list. Derpy barely qualifies as a character as far as I'm concerned, and Luna and Discord are hardly "side characters" by now.

Then again, the cults of side/guest/background characters that appear in this fandom aren't something I've ever really liked or understood.

Picture Perfect Pony is still one of the best fan videos. This was in the gap between season 2 and 3, right? So it's been three years.

This is still awesome.


I'm always shocked how friendly bronies are. I spent the weekend at Denver Comic Con and I got high fives, fist bumps and compliments just for wearing a pony shirt. Any other pop culture shirt and nobody would give you a second glance but bronies are different. I really don't get it.
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