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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic

I decided to give this show a shot after one of my friends was raving about the most recent episode, but it's not up on iTunes yet. When do they usually upload these things there? I figured it'd be up by now...


Question for the Pony Brigade: Would you guys buy an MLP comic book if it were on the stands? If so, what would you want it to be like?

OMG Aero

El Pescado said:
I decided to give this show a shot after one of my friends was raving about the most recent episode, but it's not up on iTunes yet. When do they usually upload these things there? I figured it'd be up by now...
It really seems to vary by episode. Return of Harmony part 2 was on iTunes the next day after airing.


besada said:
Question for the Pony Brigade: Would you guys buy an MLP comic book if it were on the stands? If so, what would you want it to be like?
There have actually been some comics released based on FiM already, at least in some countries (Germany at least, I believe). Haven't read them myself, but from what I hear they're the kind of trite garbage the franchise was known for before the current series. The art was horrible too, based on the awful clipart Hasbro uses on the toys' packaging.

If Hasbro actually put some effort into a MLP comic book, i.e. writing on par with the show, similar overall tone and decent artwork, then yeah, I could give it a go.


This 3rd episode of season two has been sublime. Great comedy, great animation, great character development, and also, it is great how they have been able to blend the funny (and histerical) with tenderness. The last scene with every character telling "their" report was completely daw-inducing, and with a great piano melody on the background to boot. Also, it cements the self evident truth that Twilight and Chiropractic - Fluttershy are best ponies (with Pinkie being a close second).

About Rainbow Dash, nah, I don't think she's a Mary Sue. It is a well thought, well built character. The problem is that albeit she has her flaws, they usually leads into OMGMOARAWESOME rather than trouble, as it was the case of the previous episode with Twilight's anxiety. This is one of the reasons why she never ranks high on my list. She has her flaws but ignores them nor has any reason to confront them at all. A couple more Rainboom episodes and that may change, though.

Question for the Pony Brigade: Would you guys buy an MLP comic book if it were on the stands? If so, what would you want it to be like?

I would like it to be something along these lines. There are some truthly great FIM fan comics (along with some horrid ones, that's for sure).
OMG Aero said:
It really seems to vary by episode. Return of Harmony part 2 was on iTunes the next day after airing.
Damn. I guess I'll just have to keep checking.

I am aware that it's just kinda floating around on YouTube, but I like to buy things on iTunes to show my support and stuff.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Pandaman said:
Authors like a Mary sue.

Fine! I shall be more specific!

1. People cannot like a Mary Sue unless they are the author of the Mary Sue.
2. There are people who are not authors of Rainbow Dash who love Rainbow Dash.
3. Therefore, Rainbow Dash is not a Mary Sue.

Ikael said:
Ummmm, is this good or bad?



Everything is moe to me
ZealousD said:
Fine! I shall be more specific!

1. People cannot like a Mary Sue unless they are the author of the Mary Sue.
2. There are people who are not authors of Rainbow Dash who love Rainbow Dash.
3. Therefore, Rainbow Dash is not a Mary Sue.

Tom bombadil


Everything is moe to me
besada said:
Question for the Pony Brigade: Would you guys buy an MLP comic book if it were on the stands? If so, what would you want it to be like?
I don't really see how the shows style would work across such different mediums, so no. Id treat it the same way I treat the older mlp generations.


besada said:
Question for the Pony Brigade: Would you guys buy an MLP comic book if it were on the stands? If so, what would you want it to be like?

Funny, made for adults, surreal, fanservicy. And yeah different art styles are acceptable. Tons and tons of parody. And pages of fan art. Basically, if the brony world was put in a high glossy 200 page magazine for 6 bucks, you would have my money.

Plus articles. Articles on psychology, sociology, science, pop culture, music, video games, all from a semi-faux pony personality POV. Like a MAD Magazine, an OMNI magazine, written by a pony editor.

Human pony pin up contest.

(no Rule 34 ponies though. The world at large wouldn't handle it well.)

(Why? Are you publishing a high quality brony 'zine? They did that for Star Trek back in the day, would someone be able to do that with all the licensing and copyright stuff?)


Everything is moe to me
Can we have like a sports illustrated swimsuit edition setup for the r34 ponies? Like one big special edition of wonder and joy.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Pandaman said:
Can we have like a sports illustrated swimsuit edition setup for the r34 ponies? Like one big special edition of wonder and joy.

Only if they're 100% human.


akira28 said:
(Why? Are you publishing a high quality brony 'zine? They did that for Star Trek back in the day, would someone be able to do that with all the licensing and copyright stuff?)
I'm working with some people who are discussing licensing MLP and I thought I'd get some Bronie input.


Ok, I watch this last episode and I found it fantastic!

Start with a new opening. A lot of "famous" secondary ponies in background, they made a fan service here. Twilight crazy faces, Rainbow BOOM, Flutershy made my jaw drop in the ground and a good friendship lesson in the end.

And is hard to say this episode was made thinking in a seven year girl. For me, they made this episode thinking in make bronys happy.


besada said:
Question for the Pony Brigade: Would you guys buy an MLP comic book if it were on the stands? If so, what would you want it to be like?
Executive Producer: Lauren Faust

Give her complete and total control over the project (she doesn't need to write/draw it herself, but she needs to do more than simply "approve"), and you will have a legit MLP:FIM comic that no self-respecting brony can refuse.

Give it a few months, and maybe Jayson Thiessen might be an acceptable substitute. Maybe. Bronies are still fearful that the sky is going to fall.

You might be able to get Lauren onside if you agree to give her total control over a Galaxy Girls comic (it's an indie pet project she's trying to get off the ground). If you need to get in touch with her, you can always try her Deviant Art page.


Edit: And if you want my recommendation on a writer for the comic, I'd have to say Mark Evanier (Groo The Wanderer).


El Pescado said:
I decided to give this show a shot after one of my friends was raving about the most recent episode, but it's not up on iTunes yet. When do they usually upload these things there? I figured it'd be up by now...

It's up now. Perhaps they're planning to wait till Tuesday each week now when the regular updates are added.


Dark Phoenix said:
Oh nice, Luna get a little redesign. It's good to see her more regal like Celestia. The Luna fan fallout will be glorious.

I also love Twilight's sweet, sweet wizard beard. This show loves its facial hair.
So she's either got the sparkly mane all the time now, or decided it'd be a good idea to be Nightmare Moon for Halloween. Probably a bad idea if she wan't to change her image. Too soon!


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
The Hub's Facebook page has posted some of the costumes.

Twilight is a wizard called Star Swirl.
Spike is a dragon (yo dawg I heard you like...)
Rainbow is a Wonderbolt (though she looks more like a Shadowbolt)
Pinkie is a chicken
Applejack is a scarecrow
blamite said:
So she's either got the sparkly mane all the time now, or decided it'd be a good idea to be Nightmare Moon for Halloween. Probably a bad idea if she wan't to change her image. Too soon!

Someone at Ponibooru pointed out that from being NM, and sent to the moon, her growth was virtually stunted until her defeat in FiM Part 2. So turning back to normal, time caught up so she is slightly taller and get the same flowing mane as her sister.

I can take that logic.
BatDan said:
The Hub's Facebook page has posted some of the costumes.

Twilight is a wizard called Star Swirl.
Spike is a dragon (yo dawg I heard you like...)
Rainbow is a Wonderbolt (though she looks more like a Shadowbolt)
Pinkie is a chicken
Applejack is a scarecrow

I don't see all of these on their facebook site. Can you give us a link?


Wow @ the costumes!

Spike - Inception
Pinkie Pie - Scootaloo
Rainbow Dash - Nomura character
Twilight - Dumbledore
Applejack - I've got nothing, help me guys!

Now, I wonder what will Rarity and Fluttershy dress like?
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