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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
lol crazy pony, should she be in a mental asylum?

No parent who has ever seen Spongebob Squarepants (which would be all of them) would write a letter to Hasbro complaining that they were shocked to see a retard on TV who was exploiting their retardation as comedy.

It's a brony headcanon thing.

This. The fanon is really horrible.
Hey, we finally got to see the inside of Rainbow's house. Cool!

Oh man I look forward to the RD GIFs from the first minutes of this ep. XD
I'm looking forward to the GIFs for this entire episode. So many weird and goofy faces.

Air date: March 3rd

Putting Your Hoof Down

Iron Will helps Fluttershy become assertive.

Fluttershy episode? Fluttershy episode!
Wait, that old IMDb entry was real? I'd put it up there with the Twilight Princess entry briefly insisting 50 Cent voiced Epona.
After the Derpy episode aired, some bronies (only five of them, apparently) who claim to find her very existence offensive and refuse to use her name (insisting on calling her "Ditzy") got in a huff because Derpy didn't fit their headcanon and wrote letters to Amy Keating Rogers (the episode writer) complaining about Derpy, which upset her, and these losers cheered their victory on Ponychan. Thirty bronies from Ponychan apparently sent support letters to her in response and cheered her right up again.

The nutjobs claimed to have also written complaint letters to Hasbro, who allegedly sided with them (of course, companies say a lot of things when you complain, it doesn't always mean anything).

Someone wrote a support letter to DHX Media/Studio B, and they said they haven't heard any complaints, but they apparently stand behind Derpy 100%. As does at least one of the storyboard artists on Deviantart. I suspect anyone creatively involved with the show will support Derpy.

We Love Fine sells a bunch of Pony merchandise, and for some reason they've apparently changed Derpy's name to Ditzy, which suggests that the anti-Derpy nutjobs are going insane, screaming at anyone who will listen.

Apple took down the episode. The Hub didn't. Not sure if it means these guys got to Hasbro, or just Apple.

wait people actually got offended now? and not last year? Also YEa a rainbow dash ep and it was good.
The shitstorm about the barking pony should be bigger than derpy's, if the fandom is consistent.

Great episode, though the moral was a little hamfisted. I was probably a bit too hyped for the ep; after seeing the preview clip, I figured we'd get RBD thrown into a ton of different genres as she went through different books. I want my Pride and Prejudice RBD!
WeLoveFine changed the names of the Derpy merch back to normal. So whatever it was it sounds like things are returning to normal. Shame on the sensitive idiots though.

Idea: Show Derpy in a positive light, show her having moments where she isn't an airhead.

One side is overly sensitive when it comes to promoting more inclusive media representation. It is usually not those who wish to err on the side of inclusiveness.

...looks like another fandom ruined. I am not trying to be over-dramatic, but this was one thing I have shared with my little sister, that is being taken away. I am saddened, greatly, but I do hope I can get something for my sister (a shirt or whatever) if Hasbro does decide to side-line the character in a more drastic way.

I am taking a few shots tonight...I am not in the mood to talk any further on this except to say..."I AM DISAPPOINT" (and had a bad day in general..this is just a straw on the tonnage of other things that happened today).

The knee-jerk defensiveness of the anti-PC brigade is starting to get old. That the slightest attempt to not be an asshole to society's marginalized fills you with such rage does not reflect well on your character. Look in a mirror; you're the oversensitive children having a tantrum over the tiniest of things.
Admit to a friend you were wrong, or robbery?


It was a fun episode, but Rainbow Dash said "OMG I love reading" way too fast. I liked the touch of her losing track that she'd read all night, straight into morning.

Also, SO much gif material.


Good episode. Lots of great animation and expressions, but I was hoping Dash would have read some science fiction too. Or would that be magic fiction in Equestria?

The shitstorm about the barking pony should be bigger than derpy's, if the fandom is consistent.
Fandoms, consistent? HAH!

Ironically, actual children won't give a crap and therefore will internalize the message that the mentally handicapped are appropriate targets of derision and mocking.
Except that Derpy is still not mentally handicapped.
Lol, synchtube broke with the english man.

Good episode. Worul have preferred story parodies or other stories intead of indiana jones all the time.

Ironically, actual children won't give a crap and therefore will internalize the message that the mentally handicapped are appropriate targets of derision and mocking.

Wait what. No they will not.


If The Last Roundup is offensive then the following episodes should also be banned

Bridle Gossip: Racism
Call of the Cutie: Bullying
Feeling Pinkie Keen: Faith vs. Science
Sonic Rainboom: Value of education (Dash is a school dropout)
Over a Barrel: Native American Stereotypes
Cutie Mark Chronicles: Destiny Vs. Free Will
Party of One: Depression
Lesson Zero: Obessive Compulsive Disorder
May the Best Pet Win: Animal Abuse
Baby Cakes: Hints of infidelity
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000: Tradition Vs. Innovation


Unconfirmed Member
.gifs a plenty from this episode:




Also, cancer-survivor Dash:

It was on EQD, and from the same source as all the others.
No, I know that - it's just that that title had been attached to an episode back before we even knew about "The Return of Harmony". I tossed it aside as fake at the time, but apparently it was real. That's... fascinating.
The knee-jerk defensiveness of the anti-PC brigade is starting to get old. That the slightest attempt to not be an asshole to society's marginalized fills you with such rage does not reflect well on your character. Look in a mirror; you're the oversensitive children having a tantrum over the tiniest of things.

My simple response: No U

A more well-thought-out one: To be honest, as I wrote this under the reaction to the 'news' after a bad day (if you even bothered to read my quote), I shall admit, it was a bit over-dramatic..and I meant to go back and edit that factoid after a good night's rest. As I often do, I forgot these things.

That said, I do not take the comparison to being a "spoiled child" very well. As I said. I was mad IF something were to happen to the character (and so far it seems as if not much has come about since the pull of the shirt, and the re-upping the name and a nice email from welovefine explaining my order was not altered in anyway, shape, or form.)

In the future, call me out for being dramatic..I SHALL BE GLAD TO ADMIT THAT! Any other words, take them to PM. Just note, I was mad on behalf of my sister as well (who I thought her shirt I ordered would have been cancelled/changed...MY MISTAKE for assuming that!) My sister enjoys this show for what it is, and some of the fandom's projects, though some I keep out of her site, for obvious reasons.

There was a method, I simply meant to express myself. If you do want to fight me on this, again, PM me..I shall ignore all other call outs, unless it relates to the topic of Ponies at hand.

Love and tolerate, and have a nice day! ;p

LOVE the pics Ahoyhoy!!! <3

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Gotta say Rainbow Dash episodes have stopped boring me. In fact, this one was pretty great. I still dislike the character a lot, but the way they played with her template and inserted it into a completely different genre worked.


Unconfirmed Member
Gotta say Rainbow Dash episodes have stopped boring me. In fact, this one was pretty great. I still dislike the character a lot, but the way they played with her template and inserted it into a completely different genre worked.

Indeed, Reg. She's certainly the best when they try to design an episode around her, rather than just let her boring dickish-ness mingle with the rest of the main cast.
Gotta say Rainbow Dash episodes have stopped boring me. In fact, this one was pretty great. I still dislike the character a lot, but the way they played with her template and inserted it into a completely different genre worked.

Have to strongly disagree. S1 RBD was a lovable or at least funny jerkwad ("I got the tiiiiiiicket, I got the tiiiiiiiicket!"). S2 RBD is just a jerkwad, even taking MMDW out of it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Have to strongly disagree. S1 RBD was a lovable or at least funny jerkwad ("I got the tiiiiiiicket, I got the tiiiiiiiicket!"). S2 RBD is just a jerkwad, even taking MMDW out of it.
I never said she wasn't a jerkwad. My implication was more along the lines that Dash's jerkwadness only works when episodes are designed around her overcoming that jerkwadness. That's why I'm not very fond of Sonic Rainboom -even if Dash is the focus of the episode it doesn't play with the audience's perception of her jerkwadness.

i don't know that made more sense in my head.
Indeed, Reg. She's certainly the best when they try to design an episode around her, rather than just let her boring dickish-ness mingle with the rest of the main cast.
yeah this is more like what i wanted to say.
We didn't see it being written in "Mysterious Mare-Do-Well", either (well, beyond Rainbow starting it up). Or "Family Appreciation Day". Or "Hearth's Warming Eve". Or "A Dog and Pony Show". Granted, in a few of these instances, the pony who'd write the letter does summarize what would be in it were they writing it on-screen, but then, they did here too, so...
iTunes is being weird in a variety of ways. Uploading "Hearth's Warming Eve" to 13, then changing it to 11. Uploading "Family Appreciation Day" to 11 without changing "Hearth's Warming Eve". Uploading "Baby Cakes" to 12, then uploading "The Last Roundup" to 14, leaving a gap in 13. Taking down "The Last Roundup" before uploading "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" to 15, leaving a gap spanning 13 and 14. Changing "Family Appreciation Day" and "Baby Cakes" to 12 and 13, which fixes the two 11s issue, but means every episode in 11-13 has gone through two slots on their listing. And now not uploading "Read It and Weep" to 16 in a timely fashion. Something weird's definitely going on there.


iTunes is being weird in a variety of ways. Uploading "Hearth's Warming Eve" to 13, then changing it to 11. Uploading "Family Appreciation Day" to 11 without changing "Hearth's Warming Eve". Uploading "Baby Cakes" to 12, then uploading "The Last Roundup" to 14, leaving a gap in 13. Taking down "The Last Roundup" before uploading "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" to 15, leaving a gap spanning 13 and 14. Changing "Family Appreciation Day" and "Baby Cakes" to 12 and 13, which fixes the two 11s issue, but means every episode in 11-13 has gone through two slots on their listing. And now not uploading "Read It and Weep" to 16 in a timely fashion. Something weird's definitely going on there.



Caught up.

I really wish they hadn't given Derpy a voice. She worked better as a visual gag. Making her front-and-centre was not only awkward, but also removed the wink-wink-eh-eh-internet-cameo aspect of the joke, too.
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