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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic




Everything is moe to me
The thing is, they don't have to. They can go by themselves without the need for more workers. Besides, more workers = more payment. Hell, they acknowledged that fact at the end.

but they cant get by without more workers.
if they could there would never have been a problem in the first place.

the apple family cant meet the demands of the entire town, so unless they plan on enslaving 5 more ponies to work for free every day of every year, they just drove a legitimate solution out of town purely because they want to keep their incompetent friend around.


Neo Member
First of all, hello PonyGAF! Just found out that my account was approved _quite_ some time ago and I apparently missed the "Welcome to NeoGAF"-mail.

I dunno, in America (and parts of Canada), Apple Cider generally isn't an alcoholic beverage - for that we have "hard cider". Otherwise it's just a much tarter apple juice.

This made the episode for me. Not being American/Canadian I wasn't aware that there was such a thing as a non-alcoholic version of cider. Which puts seeing Pinkie drink massive amounts of it and having RD make such a fuss about it in quite a different light. Especially considering the primarily demographic of the show.

But as has been mentioned before. Applejacks letter was awesome and a welcome subversion of the usual.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah it has froth. It can't be juice :p

Also I still can't get the mind off that the Flim Flam are definitely gay.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Best song in the show. Holy fucking shit. I'm not even done with the episode and yet the entire season has been redeemed.

If we had to go through all those CMC episodes in order to earn that musical number then I fucking welcome it.

edit: Holy fuck that ending. holy shit

Top five episode of all time. Goddamn.
MA Larson for best writer. Seriously. This is probably my favorite episode since Sweet and Elite.

Great song, great story, and Applejack redeemed as best pony.

I was honestly surprised by the ending. I was expecting the cider to be diluted with water as their secret for speed, which is pretty much how cheap Apple Concentrate is made. If I had to nitpick, I'd say there should've been more of a "Hey the machine's perfectly fine, but you still have to have an eye for quality"

EDIT: I was kinda confused when people were first going "LOL Alcohol confirmed". I had no idea people outside of the US considered "Cider" as an alcoholic drink.


Episode was fine, but lol, did not made sense at all. Wouldn't be a better lesson if they had cut a fair deal? It's like engineering a machine that make the same product without having to waste the time of 8 different ponies is an evil in itself.
Think like this, if they aren't making Ciders because the machine does it, they can dedicate more to apple pies or something.


Setec Astronomer
Yeah it has froth. It can't be juice :p
Then the whole episode is a sham. What they're doing is producing freshly pressed apple juice and it makes no sense that it would cover their business in the winter because without the fermentation period and subsequent storage then they need fresh crop the day of sale!
Then the whole episode is a sham. What they're doing is producing freshly pressed apple juice and it makes no sense that it would cover their business in the winter because without the fermentation period and subsequent storage then they need fresh crop the day of sale!



All-around great episode. The musical was great, Pinkie getting drunk (though you can't really tell with her), Dash going through withdrawal, and AJ's troll letter at the end. Amazing.

It'll be interesting to see how dubbed versions handle the whole alcohol thing, because cider is definitely an alcoholic beverage in Europe. Hell, here in Finland and in the other Nordic countries it's as common as beer; every supermarket here sells dozens of different kinds of ciders and every bar has both beers and ciders on tap. Since the show is Canadian, they can get away with it because of the ambiguity, but that won't work in Europe.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
By the way, the brothers admitted on being scammers at the end of the episode. It seems like they always fail however.

Then the whole episode is a sham. What they're doing is producing freshly pressed apple juice and it makes no sense that it would cover their business in the winter because without the fermentation period and subsequent storage then they need fresh crop the day of sale!

Clearly them ponyville apples ferment so quickly!


Everything is moe to me
By the way, the brothers admitted on being scammers at the end of the episode. It seems like they always fail however.

except granny smith tried their cider before they had to stop discriminating by quality to match the apple family's slave labour, she appeared to like it.

-the flim flams had a reasonable product.

-the flim flam brothers were basically offering to do the entire job themselves for just an extra 20% than what it would have cost them to match production with 5 extra workers and also work themselves. at worst the apples could have negotiated them down a few percent.

-its likely that outside of a competition, the apples and mane6 couldn't match the production that occurred within the bounds of the competition. so that's even more workers needed to match the output of the machine.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I'm pretty sure they said something along the lines of "it looks like we couldn't win the citizens here like the previous town, so let's go."

Essentially they're horrible businessmen.
Another amazing epsode, the Flim Flam brothers and their song were awesome. Pinkie was awesome, Rainbow Dash was funny, and Applejack was a troll. Amazing!

OK question. Am I looking too much into this, or did they just do this...

When the brothers sing the name of the machine....

Does it sound like this?

I thought exactly the same thing. I suppose they wouldnt have called the machine like that if it was not a nod.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It'll be interesting to see how dubbed versions handle the whole alcohol thing, because cider is definitely an alcoholic beverage in Europe. Hell, here in Finland and in the other Nordic countries it's as common as beer; every supermarket here sells dozens of different kinds of ciders and every bar has both beers and ciders on tap. Since the show is Canadian, they can get away with it because of the ambiguity, but that won't work in Europe.

They'll just call it apple juice.


1. Cider isn't alcoholic; at least in this context. Whatever was producing foam was probably something added in the barrels of the effect of the tap on the barrels and pouring.

2. While the FF Bros might have had a flashy machine; it's not practical for actual farmers. You have to realize in the pony community the ponies who are picking apples and making cider are earth ponies. The machine works on magic; every part was powered by magic. If Twilight wanted to she could create a spell that would do that work without the need of the machine at all. So they couldn't sell the machine; it's all for show.

3. The FF Bros were running a scam. While what they promised was technically possible (using magic), it wouldn't be good business for them. The FF Bros if they ran this would have to have their own orchard or buy a huge supply of apples. Most of ponyville's fertile land is taken up by SAA orchards. So whichever they decided it'd cut into their profits as they'd have to either ship apples in, or ship the barrels of apple cider into town in order to compete.

4. In fact they threatened to do such a thing when AJ didn't agree to their 75% cut of profits - go get apples the next town over, come back with more than enough cider to drive her out of business. Basically they wanted to muscle their way into SAA's profits, using threats and magic no less. (Is it any wonder there are anti-magic holidays like Winter Wrap-Up?)

5. AJ realized that one way or another the FF bros were going to run her out of business. They were going to either muscle their way in and take the profits, or compete (at probably a profit loss) long enough to run SAA out of business, thus buying their orchard for a pittance where they could set up permanent shop. She had to agree to the contest as her only options ended in a slow death for SAA. The contest was the only way to run them off for good.

6. But the FF bros effed up because they didn't understand the full effects of what the quality control did for their cider. The whole thing was a show; they were more interested in impressing the ponies and getting profits instead of how to run an effective apple cider business. They were also overconfident by letting the extended family thing happen as well. So the lesson to learn was to take pride and care in your work and don't be cocky. The second part of that I think went over AJ's head. :p

7. SAA is running their own scam. Forced scarcity to drive the popularity of their cider up. As seen in the contest they can produce an awful lot of barrels if they are working hard, even before the 'extended family' joined in to help. Afterwards; forget about it, they could easily supply enough for all of ponyville if they wanted. AJ's friends have helped her before with her business; just promise them some cider for helping out and get it done. They could actually be making cider WHILE it's being sold.

But she won't because that devalues the product. People lining up the night before, camping out, making it a big event - it's obviously something she wants. Even those disappointed that they ran out will be back tomorrow, along with most of the rest. If the cider was plentiful and available all the time, it's not going to be as special. And who really knows how pony economy works, but SAA may be charging a premium for that cider because of it's scarcity.
Then the whole episode is a sham. What they're doing is producing freshly pressed apple juice and it makes no sense that it would cover their business in the winter because without the fermentation period and subsequent storage then they need fresh crop the day of sale!

Isn't it the money that gets them through the winter?
I mean, Pinkie alone must have given them a hundred bits.


Kills Photobucket
I think the Apple's are just bad with money. They have a monopoly on Apples, Zap Apples, and Cider, and are apparently always strapped for cash....

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
I think the Apple's are just bad with money. They have a monopoly on Apples, Zap Apples, and Cider, and are apparently always strapped for cash....
Their business is not profit oriented, they just want to earn enough to keep their property and lifestyle, while at the same time benefitting their local community.

Ponies are not known for their ambition.


1. Cider isn't alcoholic; at least in this context. Whatever was producing foam was probably something added in the barrels of the effect of the tap on the barrels and pouring.

It might not be in this context, but considering how ponies reacted to cider and how they acted after drinking it there is at least a slight implication that it is alcoholic, though mostly for older audience I guess.

Well, whatever, I really enjoyed this episode. Though looking through this thread, was I the one who was genuinely impressed by the musical act?


It might not be in this context, but considering how ponies reacted to cider and how they acted after drinking it there is at least a slight implication that it is alcoholic, though mostly for older audience I guess.

Well, whatever, I really enjoyed this episode. Though looking through this thread, was I the one who was genuinely impressed by the musical act?

No no, the music was great!

And Cider is always alcoholic here in Brazil as well.
It's not the first time there have been alcoholic nudges in the show. I mean, hell, her name is Applejack. Then there was Spike's Appleteeny/appletini pun when she shrank.

I think the Apple's are just bad with money. They have a monopoly on Apples, Zap Apples, and Cider, and are apparently always strapped for cash....
They probably sell at a price that just gets them by. Despite having a monopoly, they're not out to gouge the town for their favourite apple treats. And if Last Roundup is an indication, they might also chip in for the costs of the town.


I think the Apple's are just bad with money. They have a monopoly on Apples, Zap Apples, and Cider, and are apparently always strapped for cash....

well they need cider to last through the winter. And I am sure apples don't grow year round. So they don't make money year round. And they also need to feed themselves and have to maintain the area and homes. I can see why they are not swimming in money


They'll just call it apple juice.
Probably, but what about in the UK and Ireland? And Australia and New Zealand too I guess, not sure if they drink cider down there.

1. Cider isn't alcoholic; at least in this context. Whatever was producing foam was probably something added in the barrels of the effect of the tap on the barrels and pouring.
You can't say that for certain though, they left it intentionally ambiguous. The ponies' reactions to the drink would seem to indicate that it is alcoholic. Also note that at no point in the episode is Apple Bloom shown drinking the cider.


Everything is moe to me
2. While the FF Bros might have had a flashy machine; it's not practical for actual farmers. You have to realize in the pony community the ponies who are picking apples and making cider are earth ponies. The machine works on magic; every part was powered by magic. If Twilight wanted to she could create a spell that would do that work without the need of the machine at all. So they couldn't sell the machine; it's all for show.
the brothers were selling their services along with the machine, they offered to power it for the apples as part of the deal. secondly, the fact that pony gandalf might be able to make a spell that mimic's the running of the machine does not make the spell practical for the rest of the species.

3. The FF Bros were running a scam. While what they promised was technically possible (using magic), it wouldn't be good business for them. The FF Bros if they ran this would have to have their own orchard or buy a huge supply of apples. Most of ponyville's fertile land is taken up by SAA orchards. So whichever they decided it'd cut into their profits as they'd have to either ship apples in, or ship the barrels of apple cider into town in order to compete.
part of the initial deal was that the apple family would supply the apples.

4. In fact they threatened to do such a thing when AJ didn't agree to their 75% cut of profits - go get apples the next town over, come back with more than enough cider to drive her out of business. Basically they wanted to muscle their way into SAA's profits, using threats and magic no less. (Is it any wonder there are anti-magic holidays like Winter Wrap-Up?)
Basically they wanted to make money by offering a superior service and/or product.

5. AJ realized that one way or another the FF bros were going to run her out of business. They were going to either muscle their way in and take the profits, or compete (at probably a profit loss) long enough to run SAA out of business, thus buying their orchard for a pittance where they could set up permanent shop. She had to agree to the contest as her only options ended in a slow death for SAA. The contest was the only way to run them off for good.
Are we supposed to feel bad for applejack because the flim brothers are better cider makers?

and lets remember: running the loser out of town was granny smiths idea.

Dirt ponies deserve each other.
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