My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic


That makes sense. But I took Dash unknowingly commenting on each pony's abilities and mentioning "somehow knows what's going to happen ahead of time" as Pinkie's reason to be there. I mean, do you really think they'd be as sinister and petty to sabotage the construction of a new building to quell Dash's ego?

It was just a repeated string of disasters because that's the only way the episode would work, even assuming they were staged, there were a lot of legitimate ones before that. I don't think the other ponies staged it, but they were there on the same happenstance that Dash was there as well.

Child in a well was a legit Dash rescue, not prevented by Pinkie.

Baby stroller rolling off a cliff was a legit Dash rescue, not prevented by Pinkie.

Balcony collapse was a Dash rescue motivated by glory, not prevented by Pinkie.

Balloon malfunction was rigged by Twilight, without the victim's knowledge. I'm not sure who wore the costume (probably not Fluttershy).

Runaway stagecoach was rigged by the mane 5, without the victim's knowledge, under AJ's assurance that she could stop it in time.

The building collapse was rigged by the mane 5, without the victim's knowledge, under Pinkie Pie's assurance that she could walk into the chaos unharmed, allowing her to save most of the victims. (It's also sad that the one person RBD saved was an ingrate, choosing instead to follow Mare-Do-Well.)

The dam break was rigged by the mane 5, without any victim's knowledge, under Twilight's assurance that she could stop the water and repair the dam before it hit Ponyville.
well, they are a group of ponies evidently quite capable of helping others in emergency situations but have until now not done it and needed the motivation of quelling dashes ego to act. so either way they don't come out as pretty ponies.
They've helped in emergency situations before, but it was more broad sweeping and affecting everyone in Ponyville like the Ursa Minor, Nightmare Moon, cow stampede, sleeping dragon, etc. It's not like they're hanging out and ignoring a burning building of fillies in the background.


Child in a well was a legit Dash rescue, not prevented by Pinkie.

Baby stroller rolling off a cliff was a legit Dash rescue, not prevented by Pinkie.

Balcony collapse was a Dash rescue motivated by glory, not prevented by Pinkie.

Balloon malfunction was rigged by Twilight, without the victim's knowledge. I'm not sure who wore the costume (probably not Fluttershy).

Runaway stagecoach was rigged by the mane 5, without the victim's knowledge, under AJ's assurance that she could stop it in time.

The building collapse was rigged by the mane 5, without the victim's knowledge, under Pinkie Pie's assurance that she could walk into the chaos unharmed, allowing her to save most of the victims. (It's also sad that the one person RBD saved was an ingrate, choosing instead to follow Mare-Do-Well.)

The dam break was rigged by the mane 5, without any victim's knowledge, under Twilight's assurance that she could stop the water and repair the dam before it hit Ponyville.
In the rest of the scenarios, everything ends up being fine, but I just don't see them willing to destroy a building as some means of teaching Dash a lesson. However the balloon certainly puts things into question, if they animated the same balloon coincidentally, if Twilight just has a generic kind of balloon, or if that was a nod to their plan.

Edit: Then again, it's not like Twilight couldn't have strolled along afterwards and helped them by magic hacking the building back like with the dam.
Your fanon is breaking :(.
Lemme just bold all the fanon aspects of this post.
A bit late, but I just wanted to say that I disliked the latest episode.

Firstly, I didn't like Scootaloo's RBD fan club. IMO, Scoot likes RBD because RBD stands for everything that societal norms say a Pegasus is supposed to try and aspire to, while Scoot can't even fly. Scoot's (currently) an even worse Pegasus than Fluttershy. Also, Scoot doesn't have an older sibling to help teach her these things. She wishes that RBD was her sister, because she thinks that would make her everything she wants to be. But now she's hanging with Snips and Snails, the disgraced Trixie fans? And they're trying to claim to be bigger RBD fans than Scoot? It all just seems wrong. And last I checked, weren't those two converted from Trixie to Twilight fans? Traitors. They're not worthy of any camp. [you like one thing, you're not allowed to like anything else?]

As for the main part of the show, RBD saves pony lives (twice), enjoys the credit, so she starts going out of her way to help more people (one group on a balcony). The way she was basking in the celebration was a bit much, but she deserved it, and it felt far worse when her friends started immediately saying ugly things about her.

When the balloon was crashing (Twilight's balloon, which suggests that all the later "incidents" were set up by the mane 5), it made sense for RBD to be casual about it, because she was getting bored of the hero thing (meaning the episode would have ended itself without any help), and it was in the sky (RBD's playfield) and RBD knew full well she had 10 whole seconds to spare.

Mare-Do-Well's appearance was obviously a glory-stealing response to RBD's fame, despite the whole "Oh, I run away when the job's done, which shows that I'm humble and that makes me better than you" thing. RBD had every reason to respond negatively to Mare-Do-Well.

And if the mane 5 are this good as saving ponies, why have we never seen it before it was time to humiliate someone? Oh right, I know why. Because they didn't actually save anyone, they rigged the events.

Since I didn't really think this episode captured RBD's essence very well, and I thought everyone else in the episode was kind of terrible, I'm willing to pretty much dismiss the entire episode. I don't think I've done that yet in the series.

Also, Darkwing Duck was only ever in the hero business for the glory. Fitting.

Also, how is it Twilight's balloon?

Look, I can make fanon, too. In S1Ep1, Twilight is seen riding in a cart with two royal guards. Does this mean Twilight owns said cart and guards? Nah, that's Canterlot's form of transportation available to all. After residing in Ponyville, Twilight and others are seen riding in a balloon presumably from Ponyville to Cloudsdale. Does this mean Twilight and company own equal shares of the balloon? Nah, that's Ponyville's form of tranportation available to all. Later on, we see Twilight riding in a train to Appleloosa. Does this mean Twilight owns that train? Nah, that's Apploosa's form of trasportation available to all. Later on we see Twilight and gang go from ponyville to the skies to chase Rainbow Dash. Again, ponyville's transportation. And in Ponyville later we see Elle Vator in the balloon falling from the sky. Does she own the balloon? Nah, she's using Ponyville's transportation available to all. Also, see how I named a backgrond pony.

Child in a well was a legit Dash rescue, not prevented by Pinkie.

Baby stroller rolling off a cliff was a legit Dash rescue, not prevented by Pinkie.

Balcony collapse was a Dash rescue motivated by glory, not prevented by Pinkie.
Ever watch the butterfly effect? Pinkie sense could easily have told her of such things and at the same time that it's best if she doesn't handle it. Also, you're capable of saving people RIGHT NOW, why aren't you doing it? There's homeless people on the street dying. There's people ringing bells in front of wal-mart asking for money to save people's lives. People are starving, not prevented by ruby_onix.
Ah yes, along with Apple Jack's truck, Pinkie Pie's Dune Buggy, and Extreme Batman's Downhill Attack Luge. Things outside the show make it true inside the show. Like Rainbow Dash's cute mark backwards on the sites and toys means that it's wrong in the show. Got it.


Your fanon is breaking :(
I don't really think so. Fanon breaking is when someone makes unsupported assumptions, and then the canon reveals their own conflicting intentions, and the fan can't handle being wrong. Luna was a prime example of fanon breaking, and it didn't bother me in the slightest.

I think that the show already established that RBD's not particularly famous or popular, but that she really wants to be. I think it's been established that Scoot admires RBD for reasons which aren't universally shared. It's been established that Scoot can't fly and has no sister. I don't think it's a stretch to come to conclusions about Scootaloo's character, and while I even prefaced my conclusions with an "IMO" qualifier, I was disappointed to see what I thought was a very superficial take on the RBD/Scoot relationship. I don't believe the new canon is "It's a kids show, it doesn't have depth", I believe one writer didn't really understand the characters.

Twilight's balloon is much more than fanon. It's toy-canon. Toy-canon in a toy-based show is debatably superior to show-canon (aside from the frequent and massive mistakes Hasbro has been making). It hasn't been directly established in the show (where it barely exists), but there's no reason to think it won't be. It belongs to Twilight as much as Spike and and Library do, which is to say that Celestia owns them. And yes, I used that as a base to form a conspiracy theory that nicely explains a couple of "suspect" things that happened in the episode, although it would be out of character for five ponies who I already felt were acting too far out of character in this episode. If I'm right about the conspiracy, then my opinion about the writer and episode shoots way up. They're still a bit off on grasping the characters though.

And Mare-Do-Well was an obvious copycat hero. It's been done many times before. One character decides to become a superhero and is loved for it, and another, better superhero emerges to steal the stage. The first hero is rightly upset, because they were the ones who stuck their neck out and laid the groundwork, but everyone dismisses their efforts, now that a "superior" hero has arrived. And if the second hero was so great, why did the first hero need to stick his neck out in the first place? The second hero arrived not to be a true hero, but because the first hero was doing a good job and gaining recognition, and the second hero can't allow that. Mare-Do-Well was an obvious glory-stealer on another level, because it was also obvious that she was at least some member of the mane 5 trying to do exactly that.

Also, I should probably mention that in this episode, five ponies took issue with how one pony conducts herself in public (performing touchdown dances after saving somepony's life, telling stories of her adventures to her fangroup), so they set out to destroy her, even though the other 99% of Ponyville not only approved of RBD's behavior, they encouraged it.
Was sisterhooves social a required attendance? What's the proof that Scootaloo does or does not have a sister or siblings?
Twilight's balloon is much more than fanon. It's toy-canon. Toy-canon in a toy-based show is debatably superior to show-canon (aside from the frequent and massive mistakes Hasbro has been making).
Yes, aside from the majority of the things that Hasbro's wrong about, which coincidentally coincide with things you don't like, it's totally toy-canon about Twilight's balloon.

Also, I should probably mention that in this episode, five ponies took issue with how one pony conducts herself in public (performing touchdown dances after saving somepony's life, telling stories of her adventures to her fangroup), so they set out to destroy her, even though the other 99% of Ponyville not only approved of RBD's behavior, they encouraged it.
This is different than Trixie's episode how? Both were braggarts, both were loved by the crowd, both were frowned upon by the manes.

I'm gonna add that I'm arguing like this for fun. If it's upsetting you I don't want to have a discussion that's upsetting. If this isn't fun for you we can drop it.
Okay, one last post before the new episode airs (and I won't be able to see the answer until tomorrow night when I get home from work)

It seems awfully coincidental that the Mayor named her Mare-Do-Well already having an M on her costume. Think she was in on it too?


Now that you suggested it, yes, I do think that.

The government works for Celestia, and Twilight is her proxy. Twilight definitely abused her authority to have the Mayor arrange the celebration. Of this I have no doubt!

OMG Aero

Okay, one last post before the new episode airs (and I won't be able to see the answer until tomorrow night when I get home from work)

It seems awfully coincidental that the Mayor named her Mare-Do-Well already having an M on her costume. Think she was in on it too?
They named themselves Megamare but after the Mayor named them they couldn't do anything about it without revealing their identity so they had to begrudgingly accept it.


Better than last ep. =)
Plus it had Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie which was a plus.
...and lol at Trollectia showing up.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Never liked episodes involving economic disparity on what ever cartoon. =/

Still, love Sneakylestia.


Kills Photobucket
Song was a little underwhelming, but Rarity's singing VA is awesome.

Needed more Celestia though. Though, give more ammo for the Canon Cannon to show what a nice and generous pony she is.

You'd think Bellboy pony would know how to magically move things....


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Great episode.
An interesting look at the Equestria high-life with Rarity being Rarity.
Fancy Pants is a pretty cool guy, eh likes small-town Ponies and doesn't afraid of anything.
Another Rarity song, those are always great.


Unconfirmed Member
Awesome episode; best of the season so far.
Left the Ponyville scene which is great. The inhabitants have become more childlike than the fillies themselves.
Well paced, nothing felt too rushed as some episodes can get.

Also, Twilight's little kicks.

The Party Cannon is now canon.


Great episode, decent song. I liked the ending where
although Rarity sees the faults in her decisions, everything comes together well in the end without her being told off for her actions.


Very good episode. If I tried to write out all my thoughts this post would be an incoherent mess, so I'll just say that I liked how, up until the end, Rarity was able to get through everything with her lies and deception working out perfectly. Definitely didn't expect that to be the case.


Today's episode was a blast. The great thing about MLP: FiM is when they handle conventional storylines such as this one in unconventional fashion.

Rarity went through so many trials trying to maintain her double-life that she didn't need to "get caught" and be exposed to learn her lesson.

The thing with Rarity's voice is that I adore both Tabitha's overdramatizing and Kazumi's amazing singing and yet despite both renditions being exceptional they don't quite mesh together well.

Very odd that Spike was excluded from the festivities. If anyone would drop everything at the drop of a hat to celebrate Twilight's birthday and visit his crush, Rarity, it would be him. Clearly he's only regarded as a letter regurgitating conduit to Celestia which wasn't needed here due to her being within hooves reach. Poor Spike.


Kills Photobucket
Today's episode was a blast. The great thing about MLP: FiM is when they handle conventional storylines such as this one in unconventional fashion.

Rarity went through so many trials trying to maintain her double-life that she didn't need to "get caught" and be exposed to learn her lesson.

The thing with Rarity's voice is that I adore both Tabitha's overdramatizing and Kazumi's amazing singing and yet despite both renditions being exceptional they don't quite mesh together well.

Very odd that Spike was excluded from the festivities. If anyone would drop everything at the drop of a hat to celebrate Twilight's birthday and visit his crush, Rarity, it would be him. Clearly he's only regarded as a letter regurgitating conduit to Celestia which wasn't needed here due to her being within hooves reach. Poor Spike.

Spike wasn't invited because Pinkie organized the party, and never invites Spike.



Entire episode a dream confirmed.
It looks like a whale, but the tail is vertical instead of horizontal, so the only conclusion is that it's not a whale, but a whale shark.

Anyway, excellent episode. We got a traditional story handled very well, Rarity learning a lesson without getting punished for her double-life, a good song, Pinkie being awesomely Pinkie, nice continuity nods and the episode even expanded the pony universe by showing us more of Canterlot, naming two Wonderbolts, airships, etc. What more could you ask for, really?

In fact, I think one of the major problems with some of the latest episodes was that they didn't really show us anything new about Equestria. I'm glad to see this episode reverse the trend and I hope future episodes will do the same.
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