Another art upgrade, though there's more of a design change here compared to Fluttershy's home.
Another art upgrade, though there's more of a design change her compared to Fluttershy's home.
Perhaps, if you consider Dash to be reckless and self-centered to the point of complete idiocy.Holy crap, I loved this episode. Totally in-character for Dash, and so many fantastic laughs. Cindy Morrow needs to write as many episodes for this show as possible.
You are effectively calling Dash an idiot, since if she stopped Winter from arriving, she wouldn't be able to do that either.Dash has never been one to think things through. While going a little too far, this episode was pretty in character with her. She wants to enjoy her favorite season with her pet, and she'll never be able to do that. She was willing to try anything to let him enjoy the Winter with her.
Perhaps, if you consider Dash to be reckless and self-centered to the point of complete idiocy.
I get what they were trying to accomplish, but they totally missed the mark and damaged Dash's character in the process.
You are effectively calling Dash an idiot, since if she stopped Winter from arriving, she wouldn't be able to do that either.
Her reasons were totally selfish. Any pet owner that cared about their pet would recognize the importance of hibernation, not refuse to even acknowledge it.
And the final resolution was the one part of the story where they weren't obvious. Twilight's first seen home? Awesome multi-level modern Canterlot penthouse library. Next seen home? Old-timey hollow-tree library. Latest home? Empty castle. Something's missing. Friends: "We're Twilight's friends. We should know this. Books? Is it books? It's books, isn't it? Let's go to the remains of her old library." Ta-da! It's an art project made out of tree roots! WTF? This is one case where obvious would have been better. Remember when Twilight tried to sell some of her old books and learned that she wants to keep them? She's a book nerd, and I think that's a great part of her character. There should've been books salvaged from the old library. The abandoned castle in the Everfree Forest has plenty of new (old) books. They could've asked Spike to send Celestia a note asking for some Canterlot books and let Celestia get some character time in this episode (oh wait, no they can't, because they hate Spike).
But Twilight already has loads of books in the castle, and they weren't making the place feel any more like home. I think it's safe to assume that anything worth salvaging from the remains of Golden Oaks had probably already been collected, too.
That aside, I think the suggestion that simply dumping more books on Twilight is the solution to her missing her old home is... well, kind of a big misunderstanding of how feelings work. The solution they ultimately came up with was kinda genius; they turned something sad and broken into something new and beautiful. From the ruins of the past they created something that celebrated their time together while also helping to ring in the new. Above all, it was something absolutely personal that each of her friends could participate in the creation of. I think that's much more special and meaningful than any number of books could be, even to a character who loves book as much as Twilight does.
Let's look at Twilight's previous homes.
/snipped lots and lots of text
Amy Keating Rogers has left the show and has become a full-time Disney writer, so season 5 will have her last episodes.
I saw that. Sad for us, great for her.
Oh right, that's okay, because while the friends were all fighting, they all basically lied to each other and snuck away to selfishly decorate different parts of Twilight's home, and somehow it all worked out. Rarity's dining room (the only decoration shown) looks great. And Rainbow Dash put up Daring Do posters in Twilight's new library (oh yeah, she has a new library and bedroom, but those things only deserve a passing mention), which works because RD knows of one thing which Twilight reads. And Fluttershy put stuffed animals in Twilight's bedroom, because we all know Twilight keeps one toy which she loved when she was a child. And Applejack added some unsanitary charm to Twilight's kitchen. And Pinkie Pie rigged random things to explode. Maybe this decorating resolution didn't turn out as well as was implied when they showed Rarity's results.
Amy Keating Rogers has left the show and has become a full-time Disney writer, so season 5 will have her last episodes.
Amy Keating Rogers has left the show and has become a full-time Disney writer, so season 5 will have her last episodes.
I agree, this was a OK episode. I for one would be humiliated if my special talent was being clumsy, never being able to do anything properly without screwing it up.
Hey now, she's a traveler and great mother to Dinky--oh wait, Clyde, right.
Also, this is the fewest comments we've had for an episode by this time on the release day this season. I suppose people just don't have much to say. Or a lot of posters here are being distracted by sports. In any case, this was a pretty weak episode to start a break on.
What does Golden Harvest have to do with anything?
A lot of episodes this season have been about cutie marks. I can't help but think it's a prelude to the CMC getting theirs.
All I ask is that Apple Bloom gets hers last. It's only fitting.I've never wanted anything more in my life.
Seriously. How many episodes can they make about cutie marks without giving them the things!?
Sat on the last few episodes after the opener fell kinda flat, but wow, glad I caught back up. Solid four-episode run they've got going, even with a Polsky script in the mix. The show's at its best when it isn't afraid to be a bit melancholy and sentimental, and the writers are delivering in spades.
To be fair to Polsky, he killed it last season. Rarity Takes Manehatten is my 2nd favorite episode ever.
And quick and dirty size comparison. That's one big pony.
All I ask is that Apple Bloom gets hers last. It's only fitting.
Ideal order would be the order they've each had their Luna dream appearances.
Now ask yourself, how old is Troublehooves?
In "Over a Barrel" that town was less than a year old.
That's some growth spurt.
It isn't necessarily the same town. If the buffalo confused you, Appleoosa probably wasn't first contact with the buffalo.
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This was one year in the poor guy's life. He coulda been a CMC. Now he's a giant living alone in the woods, showing them how to get home.
More potential season 5 details in the CCG. Many of these seem like they could be from episode 100, but I'm pretty sure the Fleetfoot flavor text is a reference to the comics.