We have Pony Signs....
Season 5 Episode 9 - Slice of Life
Air Date: June 13, 2015
Synopsis: As Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity battle a monster, the rest of Ponyville rushes to make it to a wedding on time.
Season 5 Episode 10 - Princess Spike
Air Date: June 20, 2015
Synopsis: When Spike is put in charge of making sure nothing disturbs Princess Twilight, the power soon goes to his head and he begins making decisions in her name.
Season 5 Episode 11 - Party Pooped
Air Date: No airdate yet
Synopsis: An important friendship summit takes a disastrous turn and it's up to Pinkie Pie to save the day.
This does seem to confirm the leaked episode list. However, the leaker also said that Princess Spike would involve a body swap with Celestia, which doesn't seem to fit the description. But then again, the synopsis for "Keep Calm and Flutter On" did bury the lead on Discord returning for a while.
All the episodes sound fun, and could it be? Twilight actually having official duties?
EDIT: Damn, we have a three week break after this Saturday! Episode 100 was moved to a week later!