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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 5 |OT| 100+ episodes and better than ever!

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We have Pony Signs....

Season 5 Episode 9 - Slice of Life
Air Date: June 13, 2015
Synopsis: As Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity battle a monster, the rest of Ponyville rushes to make it to a wedding on time.

Season 5 Episode 10 - Princess Spike
Air Date: June 20, 2015
Synopsis: When Spike is put in charge of making sure nothing disturbs Princess Twilight, the power soon goes to his head and he begins making decisions in her name.

Season 5 Episode 11 - Party Pooped
Air Date: No airdate yet
Synopsis: An important friendship summit takes a disastrous turn and it's up to Pinkie Pie to save the day.

This does seem to confirm the leaked episode list. However, the leaker also said that Princess Spike would involve a body swap with Celestia, which doesn't seem to fit the description. But then again, the synopsis for "Keep Calm and Flutter On" did bury the lead on Discord returning for a while.

All the episodes sound fun, and could it be? Twilight actually having official duties?

EDIT: Damn, we have a three week break after this Saturday! Episode 100 was moved to a week later!
We have Pony Signs....

Season 5 Episode 9 - Slice of Life
Air Date: June 13, 2015
Synopsis: As Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity battle a monster, the rest of Ponyville rushes to make it to a wedding on time.

Season 5 Episode 10 - Princess Spike
Air Date: June 20, 2015
Synopsis: When Spike is put in charge of making sure nothing disturbs Princess Twilight, the power soon goes to his head and he begins making decisions in her name.

Season 5 Episode 11 - Party Pooped
Air Date: No airdate yet
Synopsis: An important friendship summit takes a disastrous turn and it's up to Pinkie Pie to save the day.

Welp, I guess that confirms that leaked episode list from a while back.
Johnny Test is very much hated online, but existing MLP writers have already done episodes of it, so that's not much of an indicator of anything. Not sure what people think about Fish Hooks

Also, since previews will start coming soon, last chance to bet: will "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone" involve Gilda? I'm betting yes.

And as an alternative bet: despite the title, there will be no griffons in the episode at all, and it instead involves Daring Do.


Kills Photobucket
What a great episode. Easily the best redemption episode they've done.




Loved this episode. Honestly, at this point I'm confident in saying that Season 5 would have to have some real duds for me to not consider it the best season.

I loved Pinkie Pie in this (and to think she used to be my most hated pony). Her antics just amuse me now.

I think the writers have done an excellent job on the facial expressions this season.

Great to see some more backstory (Griffon Lands, Gilda!). I hope we see more lands later (I'd love to see bat ponies, sea ponies, and minotaurs).

Loved how much Twilight was gushing over the Griffon Lands and how annoyed she was that the map didn't send her there.

Loved how Rainbow mocked Twilight on the train.

I loved how we got to see more of Gilda (and how she first met Dash) and some ideas as to why she acted like she did.

The old griffon was a bit... scary. He looked more like a Condor or something.

I did have a hard time understanding what was going one when that chalice thing was stolen. The scene was too quiet for me to hear... I didn't understand what that thing was that stole it.

I do agree with Rainbow Dash that things worked out in a sappy way (let's sing and make friends the pony way), but I enjoyed it so eh whatever.
Wow, fantastic episode. Going to really miss Amy Keating Rogers when she leaves. Where to even start with this one? I loved the Last Crusade moment at the end, when Gilda was trying to reach for the chalice and had to let it go much like Indy did with the holy grail. Gilda was great in this, it really fleshed her out and you could totally see why she behaved like that way back in season one. Not going to lie, I got a little misty during her flashback scene and when she made amends with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. And talk about Pinkie, she is killing it this season. She is so much better written this season then she was in seasons 3 & 4. Heck, this is the best Pinkie out of the whole series. Oh yeah, and loved that just a hint of Twilight's manic side started showing through, it's almost like it's just there bubbling at the surface that she barely keeps suppressed. I wonder if the map will save Twilight's friendship problem until the end, and is left out of the other mane 6's adventures until then. Anyways, great episode.

Edit-WTF at making us wait 21 days for episode 100?! There was already one hiatus this season and we are not even ten episodes in. This is how networks kill shows.
Loved the world building here, as well as some flashbacks on how Rainbow Dash and Gilda met. The Griffon Lands have a long way to go to getting rebuilt, but as they say, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Edit-WTF at making us wait 21 days for episode 100?! There was already one hiatus this season and we are not even ten episodes in. This is how networks kill shows.
I would complain but this is nothing compared to the nonsense Gravity Falls is currently being put through so I'm content to shrug my shoulders and be patient.


Edit-WTF at making us wait 21 days for episode 100?! There was already one hiatus this season and we are not even ten episodes in. This is how networks kill shows.

Not only that, but they do a horrible job of advertising. I doubt people will even know about the hiatus and will forget to watch the new episode when it's over...
I thought it was interesting how the griffons were presented as dwarves, with their greed, dwarf bread, and especially with the lost treasure being like the Arkenstone, complete with the society falling apart once it was lost. It seems the idea is that griffon society is now made up of separate city-states, like it was before the treasure was acquired, which is how we have guys like Gustav from "MMMystery on the Friendship Express". The worn down griffons we saw had interesting designs, and I hope we see more griffons from these other cities. The flashback with that cyclops monster was neat, and it's a shame the monster is long dead.

I liked Twilight's role in this episode. It is odd that she wouldn't know about the current political situation of the griffons, especially when griffons do regularly visit Equestria. Do they just think it's rude to ask them? Pinkie was surprisingly intelligent in this episode, which was a nice change. Dash was OK, I guess.

Gilda was vilified by the fanbase more than seemed warranted for what she did (probably because she was the worst we got in season 1 in terms of jerks), so I was glad to see her make up with Dash and Pinkie, and it didn't feel out of character. The "The Last Crusade" part with her reaching for the treasure was cute.

Still, I just found the episode to be OK while watching. Maybe I'll appreciate it more on a second viewing.


Holy crap, they are killin' it this season. Another fantastic episode with all my favourite things in it; worldbuilding, great character moments, neat surprises, an unusual team-up... as Wookie said, I'm really going to miss Amy Keating Rogers.
In an interesting twist, the monster from the flashback, while based on Greek myth, is actually based on a group of humanoid creatures (albeit one-eyed) who were constantly fighting griffons. To my surprise, it looks like the gold obsession of the griffons is from Greek myth too. Not sure why the Arimaspi is a goat.


twilight getting mad the map didnt pick her was great.
Grumpy Twilight is always amusing. She gets so wonderfully snarky and passive aggressive. That map is in trouble now, but it doesn't know it yet. "I'll just stay here and do princessy things, I guess!" Who wants to bet that involves eating something really messy at the map table?

And yeah, Rainbow Dash had that impression down.
From the MLP Facebook page:

Gilda the Griffon and Pinkie Pie—friends? What unlikely thing will happen next? ‪#‎MLP5‬

a) Prince Blueblood takes Pipsqueak to the Grand Galloping Gala
b) King Sombra throws a birthday party for Spike
c) Muffins rebuilds the Golden Oak Library
I wouldn't read too deeply into the MLP Facebook page using the name "Muffins".

Anyway, for news, Larson wrote episode 100. It was originally Rogers and he was set to write this episode, but they had to switch due to scheduling issues of some kind.

EDIT: I was disappointed during the episode that they didn't show claws coming out of Gilda's back feet when she was climbing up, but it turns out they're there.

And Pinkie grabs an oven pad in this scene before pulling out the tray.


Kills Photobucket
I always thought Twilight had the worst of the original Gala Dresses. Just seemed too generic compared to the other ones.


Kills Photobucket
I was thinking that Jr. Speedsters Flight Camp was maybe a more advanced class after regular Flight camp, but re-watching the flashback scene in this episode, it was before Dash got her Cutie Mark.

Though I guess it could still be a separate school from normal flight camp. Maybe a program specifically for the more advanced fliers that they can attend in addition to normal flight school. Dash clearly knew how to fly pretty well in the Fluttershy flashback.


I always thought Twilight had the worst of the original Gala Dresses. Just seemed too generic compared to the other ones.

This. New one benefits greatly from having a new mane-style to go with it.

Even though they both went to the Junior Speedsters Flight Camp and knew Rainbow Dash.

Poor little Fluttershy probably just ran away whenever Gilda was around.

I was thinking that Jr. Speedsters Flight Camp was maybe a more advanced class after regular Flight camp, but re-watching the flashback scene in this episode, it was before Dash got her Cutie Mark.

Though I guess it could still be a separate school from normal flight camp. Maybe a program specifically for the more advanced fliers that they can attend in addition to normal flight school. Dash clearly knew how to fly pretty well in the Fluttershy flashback.

Or this.


Is the 100th episode tomorrow?

Is there any kind of picture or a promo of it or they will maintain it in secret?
Yup, we have a three week break, unfortunately. In any case, we already have a decently good idea on what it will be about generally.
JR speedsters can be a kid activity thing you can go to before a real school. JROTC before ROTC (which is just another fake school before real officer school). Pre-school before kindergarten. All the kids sports before joining a team in jr high or high school.

Or cub scouts before Boy Scouts which is what this probably is.
So there's no new episode tomorrow?

Anyway, late to these party because I didn't feel like digging through the forum to find this thread but really good episode. Felt Gilda's redemption was a LITTLE contrived and easy, but AKR is in top form here.
I enjoyed the last two episodes, though there was something about them that didn't quite click. For the Discord one, I think it was Fluttershy's complete obliviousness to what was going on, though I did find that funny. Hmm. I'm stuck there.

Really, it kinda comes down to seeing Discord humanized in any way. I prefer him to just be this strange thing that shows up to disrupt everyone and troll Equestria. I get this is playing in line with his reformation, but I guess I still don't quite get it.

THough his house was awesome.

For the other episode, once again, I'm not sure waht I didn't quite like, because on the whole, I liked it all. Just something about it didn't resonate with me like other episodes have.

Both were good though. Season 5 has certainly been amazing, and possibly will be the best of them if this quality keeps up. At this point, I'm just being nitpicky.
I enjoyed the last two episodes, though there was something about them that didn't quite click. For the Discord one, I think it was Fluttershy's complete obliviousness to what was going on, though I did find that funny. Hmm. I'm stuck there.

Well Fluttershy can't help but lose her surroundings when she's madly in love.
Seriously, look at this, Tree Hugger isn't even saying anything at this part.

As for Discord, there's a difficult balance that has to be kept. You feel that Discord should remain more alien and closer to his old self, but I've seen some people saying that his character arc should be closer to that of Sunset Shimmer. Personally, I'd prefer the former. Still, the crew has to show that Discord is actually becoming friendly, and that does require him to act more "human".
Commercial for episode 100! The actual clip hasn't been put online, but someone took screenshots. And Seth forgets that Button Mash was already a show character. EDIT: Low quality video.

And a reminder not to extrapolate the entire episode from screenshots of commercial clips. Remember when a TV spot showed part of the season 4 opening group shot and people thought everyone was bowing to Twilight due to the way it was cut?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
As for Discord, there's a difficult balance that has to be kept. You feel that Discord should remain more alien and closer to his old self, but I've seen some people saying that his character arc should be closer to that of Sunset Shimmer. Personally, I'd prefer the former. Still, the crew has to show that Discord is actually becoming friendly, and that does require him to act more "human".

Discord needs to be a fun character. He's not fun unless he remains chaotic.


Commercial for episode 100! The actual clip hasn't been put online, but someone took screenshots. And Seth forgets that Button Mash was already a show character. EDIT: Low quality video.

And a reminder not to extrapolate the entire episode from screenshots of commercial clips. Remember when a TV spot showed part of the season 4 opening group shot and people thought everyone was bowing to Twilight due to the way it was cut?

Direct-feed clip of 100, including a very pleasant surprise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=DSW7Ave6tcA

EDIT: Fixed link

This episode is gonna be insane. Lock up your headcannons!


Wow, I can't wait for the 100th episode now. Glad to see they actually advertised the damn thing (and noted that it's on June 13). Hopefully, they remember to keep playing the promo so people know when the new episode is.


Has anyone posted the other one? Only off-camera recording at the moment.

Lots of weird little things in there.
Doc Hooves has a British accent. The Dude is a tailor? Button Mash spinning around on DJ PON3's decks. Everypony sitting like a human. Luna at the wedding.

Oooh. That is a nice surprise.
And I kind of feel sorry for that one pony with the diamond cutie mark. That has to be rough.

Her voice sounded a bit odd to me too. I wonder if she's a guest voice ala the wheelchair pony in "Trade Ya"?
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