Twi's just got a pickle up her butt. Probably why she has such a hard time flying.Also, is Twilight just a really terrible judge of character or something (too serious?)? Shouldn't she know that Celestia likes to have fun. I mean we see Celestia in the show (both Galas) and comics (though I suppose that doesn't necessarily count) and she does seem to have a nice sense of humor (I suppose if you've lived a 1000+ years you do think of things differently than everyone else).
Twi's just got a pickle up her butt. Probably why she has such a hard time flying.
And since Larson as editing and not Meghan we get the first episode since S2 where Celestia gets to do more than deliver exposition!
Huh, I thought for sure you'd be angry that Celestia got her magic sealed.
I did think it was odd how no one seemed to acknowledge the events of "The Best Night Ever", other than the title drop from the CMC. No one mentioned how bad the previous one was, and Twilight got surprised again that Celestia likes it to be chaotic.
Huh, I thought for sure you'd be angry that Celestia got her magic sealed.
This was a really fun episode, with no end to great scenes. My favorite is probably the sock puppet world. I was surprised to see a Metal Gear reference, complete with the alert sound effect. I liked how the scene with the mailpony in Discord's dimension worked as a gag and as a good (if absurd) justification for how the plot got started.
I liked the portrayal of a jealous Discord, keeping him pathetic and dangerous at the same time. On one hand, it was a bit of a waste to have a major villain like the Smooze in a role like this, but it was a pretty fun character. Treehugger was a fine character, but that music playing every time she spoke got a bit annoying. The other characters all had short but nice moments, especially Maud and Celestia.
I did think it was odd how no one seemed to acknowledge the events of "The Best Night Ever", other than the title drop from the CMC. No one mentioned how bad the previous one was, and Twilight got surprised again that Celestia likes it to be chaotic.
Like, how long ago was the last one exactly?
And for those that watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Credits for this episode reveal that Nicole Oliver (Celestia) played Tree Hugger, which I didn't figure at all. Also, the mailpony was played by Ashleigh Ball, which I also didn't expect.
Also, it's totally my headcanon now that Tree Hugger and Fluttershy get stoned together. I was convinced of this by fanart in today's ED Drawfriend, but I figure posting art depicting that here is probably a bannable offense. There was also a comic I found amusing where Tree Hugger hits on Fluttershy after hearing that she's a tree or something, but blushing probably pushes it over the line for posting.
And now that I've seen it suggested elsewhere, Celestia was totally tipsy at the end of the episode.
I submit that we have seen the CMC cutie marks.
So basically it's polyamory: the episode
Since people have been asking about it elsewhere, for the record, Spike does appear in a view scenes at the Gala, albeit in the background. Can't find good screencaps, though.
Is Spike always that elusive in this ep or is he at least seen interacting with others and having fun?There's the little scamp.
Is Spike always that elusive in this ep or is he at least seen interacting with others and having fun?
I'm not suggesting it was a reference, just made me smile.
I love that bit. Tara's delivery of Twi's "Hey!" kills me; it's not quite anger, more like mild affront.
Pinkie Pie is looking up at Discord. That boy is looking straight ahead at a girl (?) whose waist is at eye level...
Yeah, Twilght's "Hey!" and Celestia's giggle makes it one of my favorite scenes in perhaps the whole series.
Is Spike always that elusive in this ep or is he at least seen interacting with others and having fun?
I submit that we have seen the CMC cutie marks.
Pinkie Pie is looking up at Discord. That boy is looking straight ahead at a girl (?) whose waist is at eye level...
A (sorta) deleted scene, the line can be overheard in the background.
Great episode all around. I too did not expect Nicole Oliver being the voice of Tree Hugger. Her chanting had my sister and I rolling!
I'll admit I'm looking forward to seeing humanized artwork of that particular scene.
Is the sock puppet dimension supposed to reference something specifically or was it completely random?
Kojima re-twitted that scene
Wow! For that I don't expected.
And that was one fun episode. So many things going on.
Is there a scene where Fluttershy make a face that remember the adventure time's horse or it is just my imagination?
You mean the face she makes when Discord tells her to tell the story about how they got two cakes and she tells the story? I haven't seen the Adventure Time episode you're referring to in a while (with the horse outside the house), but I guess the expressions were similar.
That picture reminds me, new Gala dresses vs. old Gala dresses
I suppose I am biased by the fact that season 1 had an entire episode about their creation, and that I haven't taken a good look at the new ones, but the old dresses feel better overall. The new ones are nice, though, and I liked the hairstyles of Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity at least (didn't really get a good look at the others).