Finally caught up on my missing episodes of Season 6.
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks: Gabby is adorable. Her enthusiasm is so over-the-top it can get annoying at first, but you warm up to her. I do like it all worked out in the end.
Viva Las Pegasus: Nice to see the pony version of Las Vegas and Elvis. Also nice to see Applejack get through her conflict with Flim and Flam to accomplish her goals. I am bothered that Gladmane saw through their plans the first time, but didn't see Fluttershy holding down the button.
Where The Apple Lies: When the synopsis said that the Apple family wound up in the hospital, I thought they were all severely injured. Snowball lie episodes do make me uncomfortable. What I did love is that Big Mac gets a ton of dialogue, and explains why he doesn't talk as much anymore. I do wish they'd explain where Apple Bloom was, or when their parents died, but I think that's a touchy subject.
Top Bolt: Hooray for more pegasi. You'd think they would have caught on to Vapor Trail helping out Sky Stinger a lot sooner, like in the original tryouts before they came to the Academy in the first place. Nice episode, nothing fancy.
Overall S6 rankings (this is a little hard):
1. To Where and Back Again Part 2
2. To Where and Back Again Part 1
3. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
4. A Hearth's Warming Tail
5. The Crystalling Part 2
6. The Crystalling Part 1
7. Gauntlet of Fire
8. The Saddle Row Review
9. Buckball Season
10. Flutter Brutter
11. PPOV
12. Top Bolt
13. The Gift of the Maud Pie
14. Newbie Dash
15. Viva Las Pegasus
15. Spice Up Your Life
17. The Cart Before the Ponies
18. 28 Pranks Later
19. No Second Prances
20. The Times They Are A Changeling
21. Dungeons and Discords
22. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
23. Every Little Thing She Does
24. Where The Apple Lies
25. Applejack's Day Off
26. On Your Marks
While Season 6 doesn't have the overarching storylines that Seasons 4 and 5 did, it did have some good arcs like Thorax, the Cutie Mark Crusaders after they earn their cutie marks, and Rarity expanding her business to Manehattan. The real disappointment is Starlight Glimmer, who only gets 3 focus episodes outside of the season bookends. Here's hoping for more quality from Season 7 and the movie.
That's an interesting list for sure. I don't think I've seen many lists that put Cart Before the Ponies or Crystalling so high or No Second Prances so low. I don't think I ever made a formal list before for season 6 so here one is:
1. Every Little Thing She Does (Could write an essay on why I love this episode so much but the short is I feel like it shows Starlight's struggles to be a "good guy" in a very in-character way and goes a long way to justify how she acted in her town before Twilight and her friends showed up. Also it's really funny)
2. To Where and Back Again (Ending tries WAY too hard to kind of recreate Starlight's initial defeat in Season 5 to force some parallels and bring her character arc full circle but everything else is solid gold)
3. No Second Prances (Trixie suicide feels super tonally off but it's a very interesting conflict and is finally a Trixie episode I actually like. The pairing of her and Starlight feels very believable as well and the secondary character gags are great)
4. Gauntlet of Fire
5. A Hearth's Warming Tail
6. Stranger Than Fan Fiction
7. Dungeons and Discords
8. Saddle Row Review
9. Top Bolt
10. The Gift of the Maud Pie
11. The Royal Crystalling (Would probably be like 5 spots higher if it was just a Starlight/Spike/Sunburst episode but every scene that doesn't feature them sucks)
12. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks
13. Viva Las Pegasus
Steep drop in quality from here IMO
14. Spice Up Your Life (Rarity is super out of character in this episode and the song sounds hella generic. Looks cool but the plot is really expected and I don't like the character assassination of Rarity)
15. The Times They Are a Changeling (Song is bad. Story is expected and Thorax feels like a plot device that the characters boss around rather then an actual character, even after the finale. Just not a whole lot interesting going on although there's some cool looking shots)
16. P.P.O.V (DWK's gag ending makes more sense then the actual ending. The best scene by far happens near the beginning and I feel sets the bar too high for the other character's recountings of the events)
17. On Your Marks (Confused story. Why is Tender Taps even here? It's like 2 stories in one)
18. Buckball Season (extremely expected plot and doesn't do anything interesting besides the Fluttershy rant to keep me interested)
19. The Cart Before the Ponies (Boring as hell and the mane 6 act like tools the whole time. I actually like the song though)
20. Where the Apple Lies (I always hate these types of episodes no matter the show)
21. Applejack's "Day" Off (The least interesting conflict in the entirety of the show and pulls off a character assassination that would make Lee Harvey Oswald blush. Gives Princess Spike a serious run for its money)
Episodes that I haven't watched or don't remember well enough to rank effectively: Newbie Dash, (Probably low) Flutter Brutter, (Don't actually know) 28 Pranks Later (Probably low)