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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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ZoddGutts said:
Or at least have her be a recurring character.

I hope she becomes a recurring character. A very frequent recurring character.

Although, I guess since I know nothing about her personality I should be careful what I wish for.. Maybe she'll end up being a really annoying and horrible character. :p


jogarrr said:
I hope she becomes a recurring character. A very frequent recurring character.

Although, I guess since I know nothing about her personality I should be careful what I wish for.. Maybe she'll end up being a really annoying and horrible character. :p

She could be like Celestia but more open Troll but usually her fails/backfire on her.





Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Ookami-kun said:
Ahh, Gainax. All you need is to screw the ending a bit and all you got are fans drooling all over your feet.

The only show I enjoyed from them is His and Her Circumstance hilariously enough, because it lacked their typical mecha stupidity and insipidness.

Kare Kano went to crap really quickly. :/


Jintor said:
They're not mine of course, but they are awesome





Someone make a game like this and I will buy it.

Street Pony Fighter?
Pony Kombat?
Pony Fighter?
Super Street Fighter: Friendship and Magic Edition?

Foxix Von

It's slow going but I think I've managed to convert another brony.

It's starting to scare me that I'm becoming like this radical pony evangelist.


Gold Member
Foxix said:
It's slow going but I think I've managed to convert another brony.

It's starting to scare me that I'm becoming like this radical pony evangelist.
I remember you being instrumental during my conversion. You were too helpful and nice.
Oh hey, I just realized I never watched episode 12. I probably should've realized that the CMC weren't introduced anywhere, but at least I get one more Ponyday!

Foxix Von

RiccochetJ said:
I remember you being instrumental during my conversion. You were too helpful and nice.


thanks riccochetj, and I didn't get a chance to respond earlier but I'm really sorry to hear about your ferrets. I just lost my black lab not too long ago without much notice. I know how hard it is :( She was like a little sister to me.

Anyone know what happened to 2th btw?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Foxix said:

thanks riccochetj, and I didn't get a chance to respond earlier but I'm really sorry to hear about your ferrets. I just lost my black lab not too long ago without much notice. I know how hard it is :( She was like a little sister to me.

Anyone know what happened to 2th btw?

Started to derail an OT thread I believe:

Foxix Von

I'm just glad nisha's been here to pick up my slack O_O it's really awkward making avatars now since my photo editing software is all on a completely different computer now. That and it's baseball season now so every waking moment my dad has is basically dedicated to using said photoshop computer lol

I need to start my dark work for season 2...
Myke Greywolf said:
You mean this one?

I totally noticed it, but inertia prevented me from trying them. But now I'll totally do it. Sorry for not commenting on them earlier. ;)

I'm surprised you were able to find them so fast. I had actually made a few more, but I didn't post them because I didn't think anypony here was interested.


Rarity's Fabulousity Vanilla

1 Cup Coconut Milk
About 1 Tablespoon Mint Extract
1/2 Banana (Pref. Frozen)
2 Cups Natural Vanilla Ice Cream
2-3 Ice Cubes
Optional: Cool Whip with Food Dye for fancy topping.


Big Mac (kinda crazy because I just added whatever to try and give it a nice deep red color)

1 Cup Blueberries (Pref Frozen)
1/2 Cup Pomegranate Juice
1/2 Cup Greek Strawberry Yogurt (or 1 5ox Package, including the strawberry mix of course)
3 Ice Cubes
1 Cup Carrot Juice
40 Drops Red Food Coloring
1 Peeled and Cored Apple (Pref Macintosh)
1 Cup Frozen Mangos
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder


Doctor Whoof's Timely Goodness (If you try only one of these, make it THIS one)

1 Frozen Banana
3/4 Cup Milk
1 Cup Chocolate Ice Cream (Pref Chocolate Frozen Yogurt)
1/2 Tablespoon Peanut Butter
2-3 Ice Cubes


Fluttershy's Natural Wonder

1/4 of an avacado peeled and pitted
1 banana (pref frozen)
1 Tablespoon Honey
1/2 Cup Milk
1/2 Scoop (About 2 Tablespoons) Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Ice Cube
1 Cup Orange Juice (Pref the natural, not from Concentrate stuff like Tropicana or Simply Orange


Rainbow Dash's 20% Cooler Vanilla (The camera flash made it look white, but it's definitely a true to RD Baby Blue color.

About 2 Cups Vanilla Ice Cream
1 Cup Milk
3 Ice Cubes
1 Banana (pref Frozen)
About 1/4 to 1/3 Cup M&Ms
10 Drops Blue Food Coloring
1 Teaspoon Peppermint Extract

Mix the Ice Cream, Milk, banana, and Ice Cubes in the blender first on your blender's highest setting. Then, add the M&Ms, peppermint, and food coloring but change the blender speed to a slower setting (my blender's fastest setting is "Ice Crusher" while a few settings lower is "Smoothie", I used that one)

The nice thing about this is, the coating of the M&Ms will make it appear you have rainbow sprinkles in the drink.


Doesn't last long and you've got a bunch of chocolate chunks on the bottom. But it tastes great!


Junior Member
G-Fex said:
Somehow watching this youtube video has caused me physical injury.

Yeah, a bit out of context. But watch the show, it's hilarious. Unless you are sensitive to crude humour and sexual jokes, then maybe it's not for you.

Also, for people with "trouble" catching up on the thread, use auto-pager. I often simply flip to the page I last visited and then scroll down from there so I never miss a pic post or major drama. No constant clicking "next" for 10 pages, they jut autoload into a single big one.

If you browse forums, this is a MUST get.
Foxix said:
Edit on a happier note I just got this in my facebook chat:

Got a similar message on Monday after sending the weekend trying to get one of my brothers to watch the show, feels awesome.
My little bro(ny) said:
2 things [DeadPhoenix].
1. I hate you.
2. I agree that Pinkie Pie would be JC's favorite.
[JC is another brother who refuses to watch the show just to spite me]
Do I get bonus points for him being in the army?

Foxix Von

Ultimoo said:
What OT thread did we lose our comrade to? :(

He edited out the link but it was that OT thread about that kid that was buried under concrete I think.

EDIT: and now this thread just got DARK.
DOUBLE EDIT: Oh yeah now I see why, he went all super militant atheist lol
'Nother edit: link to the thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=429861

I assume that's safe to post since we're now in community, this thread is now about the pony community and by extension that thread relates to happenings to someone in the pony community.


Foxix said:
He edited out the link but it was that OT thread about that kid that was buried under concrete I think.

EDIT: and now this thread just got DARK.
DOUBLE EDIT: Oh yeah now I see why, he went all super militant atheist lol
'Nother edit: link to the thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=429861

I assume that's safe to post since we're now in community, this thread is now about the pony community and by extension that thread relates to happenings to someone in the pony community.

Oh man, that sucks. He did get pretty crazy though, can't disagree with the moderation. I don't know if he turned member before he got banned though, might be perma. :(

a moment of a silence for our fallen comrade. :(

and now we must go on loving ponies without him.

Foxix Von

Ultimoo said:
Oh man, that sucks. He did get pretty crazy though, can't disagree with the moderation. I don't know if he turned member before he got banned though, might be perma. :(

a moment of a silence for our fallen comrade. :(

and now we must go on loving ponies without him.

Looks like he was probably still a junior...

The poor bastard never even hit 500 posts...

*moment of silence*

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Captain Fish said:
This is just adorable, and I feel that we now need some "League of Extraordinary Gentlecolts" fan creations.

Yes, fan fiction included.
ChuckNoLuck said:
...I miss 2th already :(
Only the good die young.

Was it a permaban?
RomanticHeroX said:
Oh hey, I just realized I never watched episode 12. I probably should've realized that the CMC weren't introduced anywhere, but at least I get one more Ponyday!
It's probably one of the weaker episodes, anyway. Worth it for 80's Cheerilee and Apple Bloom doing kung fu and playing Solid Snake again after "Bridle Gossip".

Here's a great art piece with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo that I really liked:


OMG Aero

It sucks about 2th, but he did kinda go off the rails in that thread. I wish GAF had something like the Leper's Colony so you could at least see if a ban is a perm one or not.
Choppasmith said:
I'm surprised you were able to find them so fast. I had actually made a few more, but I didn't post them because I didn't think anypony here was interested.
I didn't comment on these earlier because I don't happen to have a blender, but these look and sound really tasty and I would totally try them if I could.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
OMG Aero said:
I didn't comment on these earlier because I don't happen to have a blender, but these look and sound really tasty and I would totally try them if I could.
There is also the problem that many times these recipes feature such... "exotic" ingredients that I have no idea where to get them here in Portugal.

Choppasmith said:
Doctor Whoof's Timely Goodness (If you try only one of these, make it THIS one)
Well, at least I know which one to try first. Time to clean the dust off my blender. ;)

Also, you americans and your volume measuring for compressible ingredients... that makes no sense!

Every time I read something like "1 cup strawberries" on a recipe, a little part of me dies. Are these whole strawberries? Large ones? Small ones? Sliced? Pureed? I HATE IT!

Weight measuring for variable volume ingredients, PLEASE!
Regulus Tera said:
Spike into bondage am confirmed?
Sad to hear about 2th.
[quote=Myke Greywolf]Here in Portugal, we have the saying: "If you don't have a dog, go hunting with a cat."[/quote]
I don't get it? Can you explain this to me?

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
mazeedibeedi said:
I don't get it? Can you explain this to me?
Even if you don't have the ideal correct "tool" (the dog) to execute your "project" (go hunting), you probably can still make do using "whatever is at hand" (a cat).


ivedoneyourmom said:
Had he gotten full membership yet, or was he still a junior?
He got his full membership in the middle of the thread, actually. Don't know if that was considered or not when he was banned, lol.

OMG Aero said:
It sucks about 2th, but he did kinda go off the rails in that thread. I wish GAF had something like the Leper's Colony so you could at least see if a ban is a perm one or not.
I can see reasons against something like that, but personally I'd find it much more helpful then the way things are handled now.


love and tolerence and stuff, but 2h was pretty stupid, and that wasn't the irst thread he derailed. he was even getting called on it in the giantbomb thread.
Regulus Tera said:
Wait, what happened to 2th?
He derailed a very sad thread with a religious/atheist debate and it seems he went a bit too far. I actually just got done reading it myself. Someone referred to him as still being a junior also so it's unclear if he's perm'd or not.
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