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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I don't recall what my first thread was, though it probably had to do something with the Giant Bombcast.

Out 3,600 or so posts, I have only have 112 in this thread so that's roughly 3%.

I've been banned about 3 times now, once requested.

McNum said:
I'm halfway curious exactly what happens when you're banned, but I can live with not knowing that.

You login and see a screen that says:

You been banned for X reason

Ban will be lifted on date: X_XX_XXXX

I personally consider getting banned on NeoGaf a right of passage. It happens to everyone eventually.
78% of my posts were in this thread.
If Ookami was banned for that Nintendo thread then shouldn't everyone else who's responded in the way Ookami did be banned?
How do you check post percentage?

Anyway, I was just looking up voice actors for the show, seeing if any of the smaller roles were ever identified.

And man, it blew my mind finding out the voice of Gilda and Spitfire was Revy in Black Lagoon.

Mix that with the fact that Rarity's voice is Roberta (you can't recognize her at ALL) and you can hear Spike's VA makes this scene all the more interesting.

Damn, you missed out on Turian 2000 when it came out? Thats too bad, I love loved it way back then, but now it just so boring to me... I blame bullet hell shooters(though i suck at them).

Anyways, I'm actually posting to get some comments on this video I'm just made today, just kinda slapped it together in Sony Vegas using what little I remember from my class on Adobe Final Cut(I think it was final cut anyways...). Any suggestions on making the video better would be appreciated, but I'd really like some suggestions on dialog to write in for the final scene(you'll see what I mean) and whoever comes up with something I like will get there name added to the description of the video(A great honor, I know).

Once I have this done I'm may go with my original plan of taking parts of an episode of Gargoyles and shoving ponies in there(which will require doing shit I don't think I can even do with Vegas or at least the unregistered version) or taking the awesome "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Meets "Gargoyles:" Stone & Webs video and replace it with ponies(CMC play as spiderman characters).... or now that I think about it maybe ponies and another show.

Also 95% of my post have been in this topic... only have one outside of here, though this is pretty common for a lurker like me.
DeadPhoenix said:
Damn, you missed out on Turian 2000 when it came out? Thats too bad, I love loved it way back then, but now it just so boring to me... I blame bullet hell shooters(though i suck at them).

Anyways, I'm actually posting to get some comments on this video I'm just made today, just kinda slapped it together in Sony Vegas using what little I remember from my class on Adobe Final Cut(I think it was final cut anyways...). Any suggestions on making the video better would be appreciated, but I'd really like some suggestions on dialog to write in for the final scene(you'll see what I mean) and whoever comes up with something I like will get there name added to the description of the video(A great honor, I know).

Not bad at all! I'd say you just need to tweak the timing on a few parts (you do know how to speed up and slow down clips, right? Hold Control while dragging the length.) I'd use scenes from Look Before you Sleep for the rain and thunderstorm sounds at the :35 mark.

And if I were making this, I'd use the Gargoyles font that's out there and make a custom logo and have it appear over a black background like the original intro. But that's just me, as I did it with my Pony Avengers video.
Missed a lot of conversation topics last night. Anyways I have no idea how long it took me to get approved seeing as I don't even remember when / why I signed up. I just know that I hardly ever posted anything, mostly lurking instead, until about a year ago when I became very active in Sengoku BASARA / Musou game and WrassleGAF threads. I still have yet to find I deemed worthy enough to make a topic about either.

I didn't become a brony until 3 weeks ago, and as such didn't want to read the thread until after seeing all the eps. Therefore I don't even have 1% of my posts here (19/1901).

McNum said:
I mostly post Gaming side, though, My Little Pony was my first major OT thread that I followed. Also I've never been banned, ever. Not NeoGAF, not anywhere, not even temporary bans. I can spot a hornet's nest pretty well, and know not to kick it. That and when I'm in a bad mood and writing a post, I look at it and think "Do I really want to post that?" The answer, of course, is "If I have to ask, then no."

I'm basically in the same boat, except MLP was my second, after wrasslin. I can say it is the first Community thread I followed though, :lol .


AdawgDaFAB said:
I'm basically in the same boat, except MLP was my second, after wrasslin. I can say it is the first Community thread I followed though, :lol .
This is my third Community thread that I follow. I like fighting games. I'm bad at them, but I like them anyway. So I was following both the Street Fighter 4 and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 threads. I was using a Felicia avatar until I caught the pony bug.

And now I want a Marvel vs. Hasbro game all of a sudden. Twilight Sparkle vs. Dante! Optimus Prime vs. Mega Man! Fluttershy vs. Akuma! It'd be awesome, and hilarious.
ThreeSix said:
For improvement, when you're matching Fluttershy to the scream at 22 seconds in, the scream is one extended sound and yet Fluttershy's mouth moves which doesn't match what you hear. What you can try to do is use the freeze frame option to save a picture of the frame where her mouth is open and then extend that picture to cover for as long as the scream is, OR you can put part of her screaming motion in slow motion using the control key to drag out her screaming motion to match the sound.

Also when AJ is walking though "Manhatten" you hear a lightning strike sound but it isn't portrayed. Sometimes it's not a bad idea to insert another scene to show what that sound could be. As an example, there's a particular scene in the episode where AJ and Rarity are stuck at Twilight's house during a rainstorm where it shows the library with a lightning strike in the sky that you could quickly show, or any other portrayal of lightning in other episodes.
This is actually what I'm doing right now, but making Fluttershy sync up with "the spell is broken?" That was never even suppose to happen, but now that you mention it, that sounds awesome, even more so since that part felt a little off to me.

As for the gargoyles episode, I wasn't ever planning on making the whole thing ponies, basically I want to take the episode "The Pack" and replace the Pack' with ponies(I call it "The Herd"). I probably would cut out a lot of scenes including the entire second half of them fighting most likely and if possible throw in some fan art with a bunch of the gargoyle and pony characters hanging out full of references for both shows(unfortunately nothing like that exists and I can't draw for shit so probably not gonna happen). Of course to do this at all I need a way to fit videos inside of other videos and I have no idea what I need to do that, if its even possible with Vegas.

Oh well, time to makes ze magics!


RomanticHeroX said:
I don't really see GAF as a whole as being a community, at least not a great one. It's just too large, which makes it great as an aggregator but means there's too much variance in interests and posters. There's a lot of people here who I likely have very little in common with, and more than a few people who I just don't care to hear from. So instead I stick to Pony-GAF and a few other groups based on shared interest.
Same. Outside of the community threads I seriously don't care for OT-GAF at all. Only post there out of habit, boredom, or sheer curiosity.


Half of my posts come from the two MvC3 threads and this thread, so good! I have great taste! :D Will miss Ookami though, he'll be back and in full force as soon as we know it though!

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
tiff said:
Same. Outside of the community threads I seriously don't care for OT-GAF at all. Only post there out of habit, boredom, or sheer curiosity.
Yeah, seriously. Every day that I log into GAF and post in this thread, I try to post at least once in a different thread, just so that I won't be accused of contributing with nothing but ponies to the "GAF community", whatever that may mean.


I didn't get to ask Suda51 about ponies. I'm sorry PonyGAF, I had to use my time on the stuff that is actually in my job description.


Myke Greywolf said:
Yeah, seriously. Every day that I log into GAF and post in this thread, I try to post at least once in a different thread, just so that I won't be accused of contributing with nothing but ponies to the "GAF community", whatever that may mean.
I have the advantage of being a Nintendo fan(boy). And there's always a Nintendo thread going on in Gaming. Some I like to participate in, some I like to just watch (and point and laugh). With all the Project Cafe threads going on, there's plenty to post about. Plus there's the Fire Emblem threads. I swear I try to resist posting in all of them, but no... Just started replaying Path of Radiance again, too.

OT kind of weirds me out, really. I'm simultaneously amazed and shocked at what people share about themselves on a video game forum. I'm probably not exhibitionist enough, but if I was in an accident or got sick, posting about it on GAF would be the last thing I'd be thinking of. I do like PoliGAF, though. American politics are... weird. But fun to read about. It's not really like that, is it?


Well, I signed up primarily for PonyGAF so my posts have all been in here so far. I still lurk around the other parts of the forum though as I did a few years ago to see what's going on.

Anyway, have a few pictures before I have to go to work:

Very nicely done image of our awesome pony Rainbow Dash

A sort of sad picture for you

And a silly, cute Rarity
New version of the video complete with crappy photoshop of the MLP title using the Gargoyles font.

Going to sleep now and if I don't feel a need to change it after I get up, I'll probably make it public and send a link to the resident Brony of the Gargoyles formspring...
McNum said:
I have the advantage of being a Nintendo fan(boy). And there's always a Nintendo thread going on in Gaming. Some I like to participate in, some I like to just watch (and point and laugh). With all the Project Cafe threads going on, there's plenty to post about. Plus there's the Fire Emblem threads. I swear I try to resist posting in all of them, but no... Just started replaying Path of Radiance again, too.

OT kind of weirds me out, really. I'm simultaneously amazed and shocked at what people share about themselves on a video game forum. I'm probably not exhibitionist enough, but if I was in an accident or got sick, posting about it on GAF would be the last thing I'd be thinking of. I do like PoliGAF, though. American politics are... weird. But fun to read about. It's not really like that, is it?

Hah, i'm with you on the gaming front. Funny how Fire Emblem keeps popping up at the moment, got me back to playing path of radiance as well.
OT is an interesting one, it can be hilarious but it does seem that there is a lot of spite or rage thrown around for various reasons (ponies clearly included). I don't get why some people have to get so confrontational myself, it makes some topics go from fun to foul in a very swift manner.
About 16% of my posts are in this thread. I honestly thought it was going to be a lot more.

Anyway, I was accepted in October of '07 and it only took me around 3 months. Over the entire time I've been here, I've only amassed a little over 1,400 posts. I'm a lurker by nature. However, I have been banned. I just happened to be part of a group that was used as an example that the mods were serious about cracking down on a certain meme. I swear they changed the ruling on the day of or the day before because the thread was littered with people that were doing it. I think it was a 3 day hiatus. No big deal.




Kills Photobucket
So you notice little things on rewatches. Rewatched "Green Isn't Your Color" and never noticed that when they're at the spa, they do almost nothing to Fluttershy, she doesn't need it.

OMG Aero

If I wasn't busy with work I would totally do a picture of the ponies playing cards with Derpy winning because she has the perfect poker face.
DrForester said:
So you notice little things on rewatches. Rewatched "Green Isn't Your Color" and never noticed that when they're at the spa, they do almost nothing to Fluttershy, she doesn't need it.
Yep. She only gets dabs of mud on her face, a light massage and she doesn't have a horn to take care of. The benefits of being care-free. Rarity, however, is a stressed out mess and needs all the treatment she can get. :)
Ramma2 said:
I took those scenes as that Fluttershy just isn't in to that sort of thing, and just goes along to spend time with Rarity.

Same here. Felt to me like she was there more to be with a friend than get stuff done for herself.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Master Milk said:
It's a like a chan thread . . .
Best are those "Dino > Pony" comments still expecting this thread to be kind of a 'meme' :D

edit: of course!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
DrForester said:
Solved the applejack problem.


It's beautiful...


DrForester said:
Solved the applejack problem.

Love your work here, DrForester.
Ballsy posting it in the Gaming forum with all the pony haters, though.
Hope there's no backlash for it.

Granted, we won't have any pony GIFs during E3 as there will be no Community forum during E3 so best to get it out of your system while you can.
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