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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Pandaman said:
isnt that sort of the entire point? if it doesn't plausibly fit the available data, its not a different interpretation, its just wrong. if it does fit, its no more untrue than your own interpretation of Celestia as motherly monarch.

your position reeks of 'i don't like this, so its wrong and you're going too far'.

Myke Greywolf said:
What would be the point of arguing in favor of your interpretation if you didn't believe it was true? ;P

Relax, I'm also annoyed by "retarded Derpy" fanon, for instance, but this is all in good fun. Ponies, man! Ponies!

Take confort in the fact that one scene or line from the actual show is all that separates "interpretation" from "making a fool out of yourself", and that one scene or line can happen at any moment during season 2.

Oh I know, I'm just sayin' that stuff like that sometimes make me feel exhausted. I don't mind the silly "Trollestia" stuff :p

Stuff like "hurr Trixie is obviously a daughter of an ailing mother" contrasting to "durr GRIFFINS ARE TEH EVIL" are the ones that irk me :p


Everything is moe to me
Ultimoo said:
as long as you've agreed that Trollestia is a troll, we have no quarrel here.
indeed. trixies mom is pretty harmless, so it makes no real difference if she's sickly or not.

as long as we all accept that derpy has a daughter and is good friends with megatron and that celestia is a troll, we can make headway here.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
The fandom coverage by Wired and Boing Boing opened the floodgates for the rest of the "web trend" sites:

Neatorama just links to the Wired article via Boing Boing. Lame.
SodaHead lets you have your say regarding the awesomeness/awkwardness of the fandom. You know what you have to do, PonyGAF.

Ookami-kun said:
Stuff like "hurr Trixie is obviously a daughter of an ailing mother" contrasting to "durr GRIFFINS ARE TEH EVIL" are the ones that irk me :p
B-b-but Trixie trying to live up to her mother's legacy made me go all DAAAAAWW and BAAAAAWW!... At the same time! ;_;
So good, even though it's just baseless speculation. It's just that it fits nicely.

You can have a Gilda justification story as well, Ookami. I don't mind. ;)


DrForester said:
Keep in mind that we saw a stylized fairy tale version of what Celestia did. I don't think it's odd to think she used it in the same way Twilight did.
Ah, but this is where I pull out my second circumstantial evidence! Pony jewelry! When Princess Celestia used the Elements, she gained a tiara AND a necklace. Twilight only got a tiara, but her five friends each got a necklace.

Plus there's what Twilight said when Nightmare Moon protests that the spark didn't work: "But it did. A different kind of spark." Twilight Sparkle had to be the one to do it, as she had an ability that even Princess Celestia (who by the way is still wearing the tiara and necklace of the Elements) could not. Celestia had already awakened the Elements of Harmony for herself, but they could not defeat Nightmare Moon completely. Only a new awakening, powered by friendship, would be able to.

Ad yes, I am aware that I'm moving dangerously into Fanon territory now. But there has to be a reason why Nightmare Moon could just block out Princess Celestia, despite Celestia already wearing the Elements.

I kind of hope we get a revisit of the Elements in Season 2. There were those rumors that we'd get an actual villain next season. I don't want to see the Elements overused, though, this isn't a magical girl show. I do believe that the dragon from Dragonshy would have been in a lot of trouble if it had been Twilight, not Fluttershy, who had been the last one standing. Fluttershy will stare you down. Twilight is packing a WMD when she's with the other five ponies. That's probably why it's those six specific ponies that go to handle the dragon problem. While the goal is a peaceful solution, they're probably the only ones who could win a fight with the dragon if it came to that.
Possible reason why Luna wasn't at the Gala?


credit: http://bakki.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Fim-Luna-at-the-Gala-209997804?q=gallery%3Abakki%2F8699127&qo=9

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
McNum said:
Twilight only got a tiara, but her five friends each got a necklace.
It would've been so cool if they'd worn them with their Gala dresses, just so the animators acknowledged what happened in the pilot at least once during the rest of Season 1.

McNum said:
Ad yes, I am aware that I'm moving dangerously into Fanon territory now.
Back in the day (1994-1997) I was very involved with The Lion King's fandom. It was a close and passionate group of people (I've mentioned previously that Ponies reminds me so much of those good old days) who shared lots of theories, legends, lore, and a lot of people tried to fill in the blanks as to what happened during, before, after, and inbetween movie scenes. Things started to get ridiculous when a minority of people were defending Scar's actions because they said Mufasa was a cruel dictator who abused his little brother and said it explaned why Scar turned out the way he did. Worse, they insisted their version was the true version, and absolutely believed their version of events was the only true version even with other evidence to the contrary.

I'm sure this happens to most fandoms at some point or another, and to many varying degrees. I find it hard to take these people seriously when they try to change the movie's events to fit what they want, rather than working their theories and interpretations into the existing framework, and then hold the position that their way of thinking is the only way. I think your theories are not only interesting, but quite plausible and realistic for the Pony universe, and even if season 2 blows everything we're coming to believe out of the water you're not changing events that happened in season 1, just adding/interpreting. I'm reminded of older posts like this one and this one. It's neat stuff to think about in what's becoming such a fertile universe for ideas and stories involving these incredibly appealing and interesting characters.

On a related note, I really like how fans have started developing Luna's character and wouldn't mind if some of the ideas become canon, but for a character with about thirty seconds of actual screen time so far, she simply doesn't have a canon character developed yet. Eventually, the writers are going to do their own thing in the end. I'm willing (and eager) to change my perception of Luna based on what she's going to do (if anything) in season 2. And I'm having fun with the fan art, fiction, and theories being thrown around here, Ponygoons, and Deviantart. :)

tl;dr, I'm intrigued by your ideals and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


So who wants to see some non pony-related art I did?

Asking opinions because it's non pony-related. Just some characters. Thinking of doing a short manga or something...


Jintor said:
So who wants to see some non pony-related art I did?

Asking opinions because it's non pony-related. Just some characters. Thinking of doing a short manga or something...

I do. I do. Post away!


Jintor said:
So who wants to see some non pony-related art I did?

Asking opinions because it's non pony-related. Just some characters. Thinking of doing a short manga or something...
Thread's in Community for a reason.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Jintor said:
Guess the genre. :3
... Yuri?

More power to you. :3

Adelor Lyon said:
Back in the day (1994-1997) I was very involved with The Lion King's fandom. It was a close and passionate group of people (I've mentioned previously that Ponies reminds me so much of those good old days) who shared lots of theories, legends, lore, and a lot of people tried to fill in the blanks as to what happened during, before, after, and inbetween movie scenes. Things started to get ridiculous when a minority of people were defending Scar's actions because they said Mufasa was a cruel dictator who abused his little brother and said it explaned why Scar turned out the way he did. Worse, they insisted their version was the true version, and absolutely believed their version of events was the only true version even with other evidence to the contrary.
Man, the memories! TLK is one of my favorite movies ever, and back in that same period, I too was pretty aware of the online fandom, although I never got involved in it, and I remember perfectly about the things you're mentioning. Yes, it gets ridiculous, and if taken too far it starts making some "moderates" tired of rolling up their eyes, to the point of making them leave the fandom because it becomes no longer fun. I hope that never happens here.


Everything is moe to me
Adelor Lyon said:
Back in the day (1994-1997) I was very involved with The Lion King's fandom. It was a close and passionate group of people (I've mentioned previously that Ponies reminds me so much of those good old days) who shared lots of theories, legends, lore, and a lot of people tried to fill in the blanks as to what happened during, before, after, and inbetween movie scenes. Things started to get ridiculous when a minority of people were defending Scar's actions because they said Mufasa was a cruel dictator who abused his little brother and said it explaned why Scar turned out the way he did. Worse, they insisted their version was the true version, and absolutely believed their version of events was the only true version even with other evidence to the contrary.
the circle of life applies to all animals in the kingdom... unless you're a goddamned filthy hyena.


Myke Greywolf said:
You got me there.

How long did it take you to draw this?

I did most of it today in between browsing /u/ and /adv/ and getting distracted (seriously, I only discovered 4chan's less abhorrent communities for the first time last week during finals). Oh and sparring with my brother. I estimate it probably took like 6 hours or so, which sounds like a lot for some sketches (which is what this really is), but kind of isn't, considering this is more or less a character sheet.

I'm really thinking about this damn story in my head. It's so cliche yet at the same time I really want to just... tell a story. I've been drawing for my entire life but I've never truly finished a short story comic before.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Jintor said:
I'm really thinking about this damn story in my head. It's so cliche yet at the same time I really want to just... tell a story. I've been drawing for my entire life but I've never truly finished a short story comic before.
Well, I sure hope that you can find the will to get this project forward, I'd really like to read it. (And have the stubbornness needed to do something similar)

It's always worth it to tell a story, even if it has been told a thousand times before (and most of the times, it has). It's the spin you put on it that counts.


Everything is moe to me
Amibguous Cad said:
But planeswalkers are supposed to be overpowered! That Luna is actually probably on the lower half of the planeswalker power curve.
if thats weak for a planeswalker there'd be planeswalker only decks raping their way through tier 1 unrestricted.


Everything is moe to me
mazeedibeedi said:
So getting trolled by animé GAF = getting a tag??
I'm so there :p
and you get trolled by constructing a well thought out argument challenging their preconceptions. they dont like that.


Prodigal Son
Inspired by Aero's synchtube nights, I just did a little trial run with ponygaf for MST3K shorts.

Yes indeed, Mystery Science Theatre 3000! Anyone interested in watching Space Mutiny with me tonight? I was going to watch on my own but thought this might be fun even if one other person turns up. I haven't got all night, so I might double-bill this with Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders if people come in late and miss some stuff.

Anyone interested? I'm ready to start when you are.



Since we have all been talking about the show again, I'm wondering what you guys think of this?

Sea ponies in the show could be an interesting idea and could allow for a cool underwater themed episode if it were to happen. As long as the sea ponies end up with decent characterization, they are introduced in an interesting manner, and if they don't show up all the time in the show I think I would be cool with it.

Even if sea ponies aren't introduced what would you think about a sea or underwater episode and what would the cast do? Maybe it would lead to an obligatory pirate episode?


Kills Photobucket
McNum said:
Ah, but this is where I pull out my second circumstantial evidence! Pony jewelry! When Princess Celestia used the Elements, she gained a tiara AND a necklace. Twilight only got a tiara, but her five friends each got a necklace.

Plus there's what Twilight said when Nightmare Moon protests that the spark didn't work: "But it did. A different kind of spark." Twilight Sparkle had to be the one to do it, as she had an ability that even Princess Celestia (who by the way is still wearing the tiara and necklace of the Elements) could not. Celestia had already awakened the Elements of Harmony for herself, but they could not defeat Nightmare Moon completely. Only a new awakening, powered by friendship, would be able to.

Watch episode 1 again. The Elements tiara that Celestia has when she defeats Nightmare Moon is not the same as Celestia's Crown for the rest of the series , it actually looks almost identical to the one Twilight got (she also has no neck piece when she defeats Nightmare moon).

Celestia's necklace and tiara is just pony fashion because she's a princess.




DrForester said:
Watch episode 1 again. The Elements tiara that Celestia has when she defeats Nightmare Moon is not the same as Celestia's Crown for the rest of the series , it actually looks almost identical to the one Twilight got (she also has no neck piece when she defeats Nightmare moon).

Celestia's necklace and tiara is just pony fashion because she's a princess.

Yeah, you're right. I noticed that the star on top of the tiara was only there when Celestia was using the Elements. No necklace, though. Also, if these things are supposed to be personalized, why did Celestia get one with Twilight's cutie mark on it?

Heh, maybe THAT explains why Celestia was that quick to adopt Twilight as her personal protege. When a unicorn filly gets a cutie mark that is the spitting image of the Magic Element from the Elements of Harmony, it's time to take notice. Plus it was plain as day that Twilight had a lot of power already, just no control.

I wonder what happened to the Elemental jewelry after they left the Everfree Forest. The cut is basically Pinkie Pie wearing her necklace going "You know what this call for?" *cut to Pinkie Pie not wearing her necklace* "A PARTY!". I'll happily accept "It's Pinkie Pie, don't think too hard about it" for that answer, though. It is odd that if the ponies kept them, they didn't use them for the gala. Magical, personalized jewelry that shows them as the six who saved the day (literally). They don't even show up in the background, do they?

There is, by the way, at least one direct reference to the pilot in the show. In Dragonshy, Fluttershy taming the Manticore is mentioned.


Kills Photobucket
McNum said:
Yeah, you're right. I noticed that the star on top of the tiara was only there when Celestia was using the Elements. No necklace, though. Also, if these things are supposed to be personalized, why did Celestia get one with Twilight's cutie mark on it?

Heh, maybe THAT explains why Celestia was that quick to adopt Twilight as her personal protege. When a unicorn filly gets a cutie mark that is the spitting image of the Magic Element from the Elements of Harmony, it's time to take notice. Plus it was plain as day that Twilight had a lot of power already, just no control.

I wonder what happened to the Elemental jewelry after they left the Everfree Forest. The cut is basically Pinkie Pie wearing her necklace going "You know what this call for?" *cut to Pinkie Pie not wearing her necklace* "A PARTY!". I'll happily accept "It's Pinkie Pie, don't think too hard about it" for that answer, though. It is odd that if the ponies kept them, they didn't use them for the gala. Magical, personalized jewelry that shows them as the six who saved the day (literally). They don't even show up in the background, do they?

There is, by the way, at least one direct reference to the pilot in the show. In Dragonshy, Fluttershy taming the Manticore is mentioned.

Think it works like the Gryffindor Sword in Harry Potter (HP answers so much about the Ponyverse). The stuff appears when it's needed by those deemed worthy.


DrForester said:
Think it works like the Gryffindor Sword in Harry Potter (HP answers so much about the Ponyverse). The stuff appears when it's needed by those deemed worthy.
So it's temporary. That sounds about right. It's way too powerful to keep around, anyway, it'd just turn into a plot device where if something became even slightly dangerous, it'd get to taste the rainbow. Or it'd turn into a dull dilemma where Twilight would never use it, even when it might have been useful because she don't trust herself with the power, or something. Better to just have it be a thing that's there when needed, but can't be called on at will. If the tiara and necklaces ever reappear, it's because it's time to use them.
McNum said:
It is odd that if the ponies kept them, they didn't use them for the gala. Magical, personalized jewelry that shows them as the six who saved the day (literally). They don't even show up in the background, do they?
I've never seen the necklaces or tiara in the background, although the Gala dresses show up in some of the episodes (which is a nice touch). In Green Isn't Your Color (one of my favorite episodes!) most of them are hanging up in the dress cart Rarity wheels out to the park, and several of them show up in Fluttershy's closet in another episode (Stare Master?). I don't know why she'd have them: The animators were probably looking for something to populate Fluttershy's closet and picked what they had handy. Finally, Rarity wears hers to the social gathering for Celestia in A Bird in the Hoof, but again, no Elements necklace.

I do hope the Elements show up again. I'm not sure how they're relevant to solving problems with the power of friendship (Season 1's main goal), but it'd be fun to see them some more if the show starts moving to a story-arc format. And they're just neat.


Calpain said:
Even if sea ponies aren't introduced what would you think about a sea or underwater episode and what would the cast do? Maybe it would lead to an obligatory pirate episode?

Pirates, a magical underwater breathing spell, and seaponies fucking with people for fun again. "Rescuing" them and singing songs with very subtle, oblique references to possible direct harm(by inaction).
So PonyGAF need some input on something.

Next week I'm going to be going on a long bike ride from my house in Beaumont, CA to Newport Beach. It's about 90 miles via the Santa Ana River trail (plus side roads). I've done it once before, but I'm really itching to do it again.

"What does this have to do with Ponies?" you ask. Well, I thought it'd be fun to stop along the way and post various Pony flyers along various trees and posts. I pass by a lot of parks and thought it would be kinda cool to post things like "Keep America Beautiful" with Rainbow Dash Salute like one fan did a while back (can't find the original pic) or something lulzy to post over those Racist Obama-as-the-joker flyers I see popping up here and there (I saw it posted a few times last year on the trail)

Any ideas, specific images to use?
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