Myke Greywolf said:
You missed these two.
Episode 22, "A Bird in the Hoof"
- Pinkie Pie blurts out "You gonna eat that?" and chomps a cupcake Celestia was lifting to her mouth with telekinesis and just about to eat. Celestia does some sort of narrow-eyed grinning troll face and sits there watching Pinkie eat the cupcake until someone desperately removes Pinkie. Troll score: 50-100%? You can't really know what she's thinking, but she clearly welcomes Pinkie's intrusion.
- Party hosts are waiting on Celestia, refilling her cup as soon as it's empty. Celestia finds this irritating. She pretends to drink, and watches as they accidentally overfill her cup and cause a mess. "Gotcha!" Troll score: 100% Servants are her playthings.
Episode 16, "Sonic Rainboom"
- Having the sun burn Rarity's wings, making her fall to her death. MLS: 10% (I refuse to accept that Celestia would do something that put someone's life in danger strictly for her own amusement, unless there were actually other intentions behind this act)
I agree that I can't see her trying to harm/kill Rarity, but "wings + horn = god" in Ponyville, and Rarity sure thought she was a god, as did everyone in the audience, which would have to have been a VERY unsettling experience for the only actual Pony-god in attendance. And it was the Sun that put Rarity in her place, and the Sun is Celestia's thing. The Sun is her cutie mark. The Sun is her life. I could accept even a simple excuse, like that the Sun got brighter/hotter in response to Celestia's heightened emotions.
Also, Rarity can't have been in any real danger of
death with Celestia on hand. Celestia's surely faster than Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts, and she was the only winged Pony on hand with telekinesis. She wouldn't have to worry about getting KO'ed like the Wonderbolts did. She wouldn't even have to get close. She could probably have caught Rarity without spilling her popcorn. Actually, I imagine she's probably also physically strong enough to laugh off a hoof to the face.
And now that I think about it, a harsh smackdown of Rarity for her insolence fits with the harsh punishment she leveled against Luna for dereliction of duty, and Twilight's fear that Celestia was going to harshly punish Fluttershy. If Twilight doesn't believe in the first two, she has to have seen other indications to make her think that way.
Celestia doesn't seem like the type who ever gets mad, but that's kind of impossible. Everyone gets mad sometimes. I'm thinking that on the rare occasion when she gets mad, she loses control and gets REALLY mad.
DrForester said:
I still think prankster is a better term than troll, because troll implies ill-will.
Yeah, I've never been a fan of the exaggerated "Trollestia".
As far as Nightmare Moon goes, if we wanted to over-analyze it, I'd say that Celestia had to get someoen else to help her sister. The hatred Nightmare Moon had for her would not have allowed Celestia herself to turn her back, she needed someone else to defeat her.
Yeah, she needed to set someone up as the bad guy, so she could swoop in and play good cop. She had to find a way to trick Luna into loving her again.
DrForester said:
Well, she did at one point anyways, because she used the Elements before.
When Celestia used the Elements, they were clearly rocks. Like Pinkemena's friends.