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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Uchip said:
it really annoys you?
I think kids would find it amusing
well actually no, it annoys me when people don't agree with me that she's a big jerk! otherwise, I have no problem with her trolling I guess.


the rabbit could also be called an asshole if you made a correlation to reality
but you dont do that :p
and hes the best character so far


Kills Photobucket
Ultimoo said:
well actually no, it annoys me when people don't agree with me that she's a big jerk! otherwise, I have no problem with her trolling I guess.

See, the problem is that Twilight likes her, and I'm more inclined to take her word over yours.


Marshmallow Rarity is best Rarity, Captain Fish. Well done.

DrForester said:
See, the problem is that Twilight likes her, and I'm more inclined to take her word over yours.

Twilight was also afraid she'd be banished, thrown in the dungeon, or be thrown in the dungeon in the place she was banished to. She knows things we don't.


Wasn't what Twilight's variant of the Elements of Harmony slightly different than what Celestia used? Celestia hit Nightmare Moon with the elements themselves. Used by the most powerful magic user in the world, it should be no problem for Celestia to create the magic spark that ignites them and forms the Rainbow of Light.

Twilight, on the other hoof, failed to activate the elements. She had the power, no doubt, but she lacked the talent. That and the elements themselves were destroyed by Nightmare Moon when she faced Twilight. What Twilight used, instead, was the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony. And the spark to ignite them wasn't Magic, it was Friendship. While I'm not an expert on Unicorn magic, I'd say that swapping out the catalyst in a magic spell should have a big effect on the outcome. The Rainbow of Light Twilight made was Friendship incarnate, not magic.

And what happens when you fire a beam of Friendship incarnate against a foe whose armor is made from bitterness and loneliness? As Pokémon would say: "It's Super-Effective!" That's why Luna was unharmed, despite her Nightmare Moon armor being torn to pieces after the attack. Because of a small, but significant change in the makeup of the Rainbow of Light.

Also, just to use something from the show to back this all up, take a look at the two on screen uses of the Elements of Harmony. When Twilight uses it, it's a full rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. But the one used by Celestia in the prologue is only has five colors. It's missing the Purple. Was Celestia using an incomplete version? (Or is my colorblindness fooling me?) Did Celestia substitute herself in as Magic? Could explain why she ended up with a rainbow mane from it.


Kills Photobucket
McNum said:
Wasn't what Twilight's variant of the Elements of Harmony slightly different than what Celestia used? Celestia hit Nightmare Moon with the elements themselves. Used by the most powerful magic user in the world, it should be no problem for Celestia to create the magic spark that ignites them and forms the Rainbow of Light.

Twilight, on the other hoof, failed to activate the elements. She had the power, no doubt, but she lacked the talent. That and the elements themselves were destroyed by Nightmare Moon when she faced Twilight. What Twilight used, instead, was the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony. And the spark to ignite them wasn't Magic, it was Friendship. While I'm not an expert on Unicorn magic, I'd say that swapping out the catalyst in a magic spell should have a big effect on the outcome. The Rainbow of Light Twilight made was Friendship incarnate, not magic.

And what happens when you fire a beam of Friendship incarnate against a foe whose armor is made from bitterness and loneliness? As Pokémon would say: "It's Super-Effective!" That's why Luna was unharmed, despite her Nightmare Moon armor being torn to pieces after the attack. Because of a small, but significant change in the makeup of the Rainbow of Light.

Also, just to use something from the show to back this all up, take a look at the two on screen uses of the Elements of Harmony. When Twilight uses it, it's a full rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple. But the one used by Celestia in the prologue is only has five colors. It's missing the Purple. Was Celestia using an incomplete version? (Or is my colorblindness fooling me?) Did Celestia substitute herself in as Magic? Could explain why she ended up with a rainbow mane from it.

Keep in mind that we saw a stylized fairy tale version of what Celestia did. I don't think it's odd to think she used it in the same way Twilight did.


They wanted it. Here it is. Used Twilight jumping animation for this.
DrForester said:
I don't think it's odd to think she used it in the same way Twilight did.
After reviewing the evidence, I have to agree with this. My reasoning comes from something Celestia says to Luna after she had been defeated.

"It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this."

And by "like this" I'm sure she means broken and beaten by the Elements of Harmony. I guess the difference would be that 1,000 years ago she wasn't going to give up the fight. She was still angry. This time, after her imprisonment, she finally changes her tune. Celestia even asks her if she'll accept her friendship because the answer 1,000 years ago was probably a defiant "No!" And we all know what happened after Luna declined Celestia's offer.


McNum said:
What Twilight used, instead, was the Spirits of the Elements of Harmony. And the spark to ignite them wasn't Magic, it was Friendship. While I'm not an expert on Unicorn magic, I'd say that swapping out the catalyst in a magic spell should have a big effect on the outcome. The Rainbow of Light Twilight made was Friendship incarnate, not magic.

And what happens when you fire a beam of Friendship incarnate against a foe whose armor is made from bitterness and loneliness? As Pokémon would say: "It's Super-Effective!" That's why Luna was unharmed, despite her Nightmare Moon armor being torn to pieces after the attack. Because of a small, but significant change in the makeup of the Rainbow of Light.

but don't you remember? Friendship is magic. :D

Myke Greywolf said:
What we can do, is compile a list of Celestia's possible covert prankster antics, and score them according to prank likeliness:

Episodes 1-2, "Friendship is Magic"
- Having Twilight go to Ponyville under the pretext of "making friends", when her real goal was to gather the "Elements of Harmony". Myke's Likeliness Score: 100% (it's canon)
- Deliberately disappearing by her own volition during the Summer Sun Celebration to set the stage for Nightmare Moon's appearance, Twilight and company's quest, and the confrontation at the old castle, reappearing when her sister had already been brought to her knees. MLS: 50% (it's possible because Nightmare Moon never mentions Celestia's absence)

As big a prankster/troll I think Celestia is, I don't think she disappeared on purpose. I mean, think about it: Nightmare moon was imprisoned in the moon, for a thousand years. That's a thousand years of hatred, jealousy, and just plain malice brewing. And she had some pretty powerful dark magic when she got out too. It's possible that she paid a visit to Celestia before the festival started and used all that one-thousand-years-hard dark magic to imprison Celestia...in the sun. That perfectly explains why she showed up with the sunrise and didn't reappear until after her sister (and her dark jealous magic) had been defeated. Since Luna didn't have her dark powerful magic anymore, the spell didn't hold, and Celestia was able to free herself with the sunrise.
Wasn't it docpan (multiple totally-fake rage stories with absolutely no followup on any guy) who spawned the magazine rack meme?

In that case we need one of Belle Eve running down a staircase to yell at a guy stepping out of an elevator.
Man, MLP makes me both happy and sad at the same time right now. :(

On one hand, the second season is actually being animated very near my workplace. Like, 10 minute walking. There's obviously no way I'd be let inside their office, but it's nice to know my favorite show is being made very near me.

On the other hand, I'm also starting to look back and think "what if I took animation as my career instead?". I look at the job listing and feel like I'm qualified for a few of the positions. But then again, I'm also quite happy and proud of where I work.
More chat Shenanigans:

Furby appeared to mentally scar Belle, mazeedibeedi and Burning Ranger.


Also, this Belle pic:

Eventually turned into:

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Uchip said:
...or its just a simple prankster archetype
the MLP fandom would be less weird to me if people liked the show for what it is
and not making it out to be something else entirely

Yeah, this is the same problem I have against the fandom in general - it's almost as bad as the Evangelion nutballs (though thankfully MLP actually a good show). I just hate it when fans like to dig deeper.

I especially even LOATHE the "Trixie is misunderstood" bullshit.


How About No said:
Wasn't it docpan (multiple totally-fake rage stories with absolutely no followup on any guy) who spawned the magazine rack meme?

In that case we need one of Belle Eve running down a staircase to yell at a guy stepping out of an elevator.

I thought it was Kenesis
Ookami-kun said:
Yeah, this is the same problem I have against the fandom in general - it's almost as bad as the Evangelion nutballs (though thankfully MLP actually a good show). I just hate it when fans like to dig deeper.

I especially even LOATHE the "Trixie is misunderstood" bullshit.

Crackpot fanon is the best part of fandoms!

I mean, I know damn well that tyrant Celestia is completely non-cannocial and the only evidence for Trollestia is the pretty flimsy stuff about Filomena and the Gala, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to talk about

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Amibguous Cad said:
Crackpot fanon is the best part of fandoms!

I mean, I know damn well that tyrant Celestia is completely non-cannocial and the only evidence for Trollestia is the pretty flimsy stuff about Filomena and the Gala, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to talk about

I've seen fans think those things are true, and are digging deeper than what is needed.


Uchip said:
hey hey hey
evangelion is a classic, no matter how insane it is

Eh, 彼氏彼女の事情 was his defining work, and is likely the series that set the tone of anime in general for the following decade, possibly 2. Everyone will remember eva though because robots are cool, and robots that aren't robots at all are cooler. If that spoiled it for anyone, where the hell have you been for the past 15 years?

Careksims: Love the Belle gifs.


Uchip said:
hes not saying that lol
I for one am having fun laughing at some of the extremities some of the fans take it
you laugh at me for wanting a MLP LoL skin. you're just a mean person. :(

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Ultimoo said:
why do you find it weird that people interpret characters differently?

There's different interpretations, and then there's believing it is actually true.

Uchip said:
hey hey hey
evangelion is a classic, no matter how insane it is

A classical failure? :D


Everything is moe to me
Ookami-kun said:
There's different interpretations, and then there's believing it is actually true.
isnt that sort of the entire point? if it doesn't plausibly fit the available data, its not a different interpretation, its just wrong. if it does fit, its no more untrue than your own interpretation of Celestia as motherly monarch.

your position reeks of 'i don't like this, so its wrong and you're going too far'.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Ookami-kun said:
There's different interpretations, and then there's believing it is actually true.
What would be the point of arguing in favor of your interpretation if you didn't believe it was true? ;P

Relax, I'm also annoyed by "retarded Derpy" fanon, for instance, but this is all in good fun. Ponies, man! Ponies!

Take confort in the fact that one scene or line from the actual show is all that separates "interpretation" from "making a fool out of yourself", and that one scene or line can happen at any moment during season 2.


Pandaman said:
isnt that sort of the entire point? if it doesn't plausibly fit the available data, its not a different interpretation, its just wrong. if it does fit, its no more untrue than your own interpretation of Celestia as motherly monarch.

your position reeks of 'i don't like this, so its wrong and you're going too far'.

going too far would be pony on human romance pictures :p
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