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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Koomaster said:
LMAO! Funniest episode to date!

Zip my mouth, lock it with a key, bury the key in the ground, build a house overtop of it, then move into the house. OBVIOUSLY!

My god, Pinkie Pie is really a comedy genius. And her popping out of the sponges, lol. I was laughing practically the whole episode.

Then Fluttershy's last runway walk; lol.

Pretty much the best episode! :D :D :D :D :D

I gave in, watched the first 4 epics. Kinda annoyed that the whole demon pony thing got resolved in 2 eps (though the way it was handled, thats a good thing). The other 2 are "average" so far, but the animation is awesome.

God damn it........ My Future Giraffe Overlord can only save me from Pony's for so long.......


ChronicleX said:
I gave in, watched the first 4 epics. Kinda annoyed that the whole demon pony thing got resolved in 2 eps (though the way it was handled, thats a good thing). The other 2 are "average" so far, but the animation is awesome.

God damn it........ My Future Giraffe Overlord can only save me from Pony's for so long.......
In the year 105105, if HUB is still alive,
if brony can survive, they may find...

In the year 252525; the youtube upload still won't have arrived,
In all the world there's only one theology, all about my little pony mythology

In a future year that ends with a 20, Pinkie Pie has baked something yummy,
It may look like a sweet kind of treat, when in fact it's made of worm meat

In the year One Million and a Half, Pony Avatar replaces Giraffe,
You must watch more episodes please, then you too can join the bronies!


ivedoneyourmom said:
zmoney: It's been confirmed by the creator (Lauren Faust) that Hasbro did not allow her to use the term Queen for Celestia due to public perception of the term being perverted by Disney over time, and due to Princess sounding much more youthful.

Gotcha...didn't know that.


Koomaster said:
In the year 105105, if HUB is still alive,
if brony can survive, they may find...

In the year 252525; the youtube upload still won't have arrived,
In all the world there's only one theology, all about my little pony mythology

In a future year that ends with a 20, Pinkie Pie has baked something yummy,
It may look like a sweet kind of treat, when in fact it's made of worm meat

In the year One Million and a Half, Pony Avatar replaces Giraffe,
You must watch more episodes please, then you too can join the bronies!

ivedoneyourmom said:
Even if Twilight is not being trained to be princess, it could be that she is a contingency plan for if something was to happen Celestia, someone still needs to raise the Sun, and even if Twilight herself does not have the power alone, she seems to be able to tap into a deeper magic source from the power of friendship and wield that, like she did in episode 2 - which was being manipulated by Celestia behind the scenes the entire time. It's pretty obvious that she is training Twilight for a very specific purpose with a very specific skill set, as well as keeping her under constant supervision. I highly suspect we will find out more about this intention with the season finale.

I think this is very plausible and I look forward to finding out!

Also, twilight is kind of the bridge between day and night, so... hmmm

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
ivedoneyourmom said:
zmoney: It's been confirmed by the creator (Lauren Faust) that Hasbro did not allow her to use the term Queen for Celestia due to public perception of the term being perverted by Disney over time, and due to Princess sounding much more youthful.
Sure, like if it was any secret that those ponies have been ruling Equestria for more than 1,000 years. As princesses, of course.

Then again, if Celestia is soooo powerful, maybe she can even turn Earth Ponies into princesses...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ivedoneyourmom said:
Yeah, Ponytics is a popular topic among fans. I believe they are in a caste system with a rudimentary free market - That said, I think the matter probably is more deserving of a paper rather than a short forum post, so I'm not going to go too into it.

A... paper? More like another article on overthinkingit.com.

The loose dictatorship only exists because little girls fucking love princesses and royalty. "Caste system" has the wrong connotation, since there appears to be no intolerance between Earth Ponies/Unicorns/Pegasuses. And, those distinctions only exist because Hasbro thought they'd make more money if they made new/different types of ponies to sell. Admittedly, there had to be some thought process involved in making pony society a free market one with a more local democratic process, but I doubt Faust thought it would really be so important for people to write papers about it.

Until the show actually gets into teaching lessons revolving around politics or intolerance, there's no reason to think that hard about pony society. If people really want to spend their time analyzing this show to the point where they are writing a paper, they should be examining the different "morals" the show aims to teach, and then examine how those morals are received by the target audience (young girls). I'm sure when it comes to serious intellectual thinking, that's where Faust and Co spend most of their time.

Pandaman said:

What the hell? No mention of applesauce, cinnamon apples, apple strudel, or apple turnovers?


ZealousD said:
A... paper? More like another article on overthinkingit.com.

The loose dictatorship only exists because little girls fucking love princesses and royalty. "Caste system" has the wrong connotation, since there appears to be no intolerance between Earth Ponies/Unicorns/Pegasuses. And, those distinctions only exist because Hasbro thought they'd make more money if they made new/different types of ponies to sell. Admittedly, there had to be some thought process involved in making pony society a free market one with a more local democratic process, but I doubt Faust thought it would really be so important for people to write papers about it.

Caste has nothing to do with intolerance per se, sure there is quite a bit in many human caste systems, and in everyday parlance people have a certain view of caste that has been perverted by what we are taught especially in the US where there is the strong identification with the idea of the "self made man", and how it has recently changed under British influence in India.

The different races of pony are similar to the Varna which is simply a semi-rigid set of jobs that correspond to different "races" (varna comes from the indo-european term for to envelop, class, kind) - hopefully more will be resolved with more episodes, especially when they focus on AJs family - but I believe all evidence points to ponies not um, having family, outside of their race/varna/caste, and members of those families keeping generally within familial occupations - with more intergroup freedoms being granted to those of higher station - odds are earth ponies stick more within familial business than say a unicorn pony.

My use of the term caste has nothing to do with the ponies being mean to each other - I am an anthropologist, societal structures interest me.

And yeah, you are probably right about it just being an article on overthinkit. I need a job. =(


ivedoneyourmom said:
IEven if Twilight is not being trained to be princess, it could be that she is a contingency plan for if something was to happen Celestia, someone still needs to raise the Sun, and even if Twilight herself does not have the power alone, she seems to be able to tap into a deeper magic source from the power of friendship and wield that, like she did in episode 2 - which was being manipulated by Celestia behind the scenes the entire time. It's pretty obvious that she is training Twilight for a very specific purpose with a very specific skill set, as well as keeping her under constant supervision. I highly suspect we will find out more about this intention with the season finale.

I honestly think that it's nothing like that.
Rather, the rule and control of the sun is passed along by an act of destiny rather than being consciously decided.
If a ruler pass away or retires then my guess is that a pony mark pops up on some unmarked pony with a predisposition to ruling in some capacity.

That's why Twilight may never take command of the sun as she has already been marked.

Instead she might just have catched the interest of Celestia as she got the mark of magic, which the princess recognized might lead her astray (Like Trixie) unless she's given guidance and kept supervised.


Kills Photobucket
Don't know what's more funny.

That arguments over the politics of My Little Pony exist, or that it's a better read than Politi-GAF....


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ivedoneyourmom said:
odds are earth ponies stick more within familial business than say a unicorn pony.

Pinkie Pie's family is in the baking business, but her talent is throwing parties. Apple Bloom, despite belonging to the Apple family, has a talent more oriented to the creative side.

I don't think the working structure for the different types of ponies is as strict as you might think it is.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Shanadeus said:
Instead she might just have catched the interest of Celestia as she got the mark of magic, which the princess recognized might lead her astray (Like Trixie) unless she's given guidance and kept supervised.
Trixie defense force represent! She will be redeemed!
ZealousD said:
Pinkie Pie's family is in the baking business, but her talent is throwing parties.
Sorry, I don't disagree with you regarding the family inclinations, but I just want to point out that the people ponies who Pinkie works for don't seem to be related to her.


Contains Sucralose
I think we all need to beware of Spike. And Celeste knows it too. She's afraid of Spike and Twilight. Spike is loyal to Twilight and when he grows up to full Dragon he will be a dangerous weapon. Twilight is another force to be reckon with. Why do you think Celeste sent Twilight away? She has the power of friendship, which means she could form an army. She was able to beat her sister with almost the same power as her. If Twilight was white it would have been different. But she's not, she is purple, the color of night. She is destined to control the moon and darkness. Celeste didn't want her around her court. She's making the mistake of keeping her enemies faraway. And once her friends are loyal to twilight, they will become her generals.

Applejack will control agriculture, thus controlling the food production.
Dash will be the lady in the sky. Has the tools to control weather too.
Rarity will be in charge of strategy and culture (thus creating the Twilight-era)
Fluttershy will be the propaganda minister, she will control the population.
Pinkie will be twilights second in command. She would warn her if anything bad is going to happen.
Spike will be her thug.
Vox-Pop said:
I think we all need to beware of Spike. And Celeste knows it too. She's afraid of Spike and Twilight. Spike is loyal to Twilight and when he grows up to full Dragon he will be a dangerous weapon. Twilight is another force to be reckon with. Why do you think Celeste sent Twilight away? She has the power of friendship, which means she could form an army. She was able to beat her sister with almost the same power as her. If Twilight was white it would have been different. But she's not, she is purple, the color of night. She is destined to control the moon and darkness. Celeste didn't want her around her court. She's making the mistake of keeping her enemies faraway. And once her friends are loyal to twilight, they will become her generals.
That's a bit of an ambitious assumption about spike, I think Koomaster was more in the ballpark with:

Perhaps all the ponies under Celestia's tutelage have their own dragons and converse back and forth with the princess?

As spike's only real use so far is as a phone between Celestia and Twilight. They're obviously friends, but it seems as if Spike was gifted to Twilight as a servant rather than them just randomly meeting and hanging out all the time. Particularly as Twilight does order Spike as if she was his authority; "Spike, stay here in case Apple-bloom returns", "Spike, take a letter" etc.

So in that case, why would Celestia allow Twilight to be friends with something that could be used as a weapon or bodyguard in the first place?

Also Twilight's ability is magic, not friendship.
inb4 friendship is magic

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Kaizer said:
Hey do you guys have any links to episodes for this show? I've been wanting to see what all the fuss is about.
Search for "my little pony friendship is magic episode 1 1080p" on youtube, and start from there. Report here later. ;)
Vox-Pop said:
I think we all need to beware of Spike. And Celeste knows it too. She's afraid of Spike and Twilight. Spike is loyal to Twilight and when he grows up to full Dragon he will be a dangerous weapon. Twilight is another force to be reckon with. Why do you think Celeste sent Twilight away? She has the power of friendship, which means she could form an army. She was able to beat her sister with almost the same power as her. If Twilight was white it would have been different. But she's not, she is purple, the color of night. She is destined to control the moon and darkness. Celeste didn't want her around her court. She's making the mistake of keeping her enemies faraway. And once her friends are loyal to twilight, they will become her generals.

Applejack will control agriculture, thus controlling the food production.
Dash will be the lady in the sky. Has the tools to control weather too.
Rarity will be in charge of strategy and culture (thus creating the Twilight-era)
Fluttershy will be the propaganda minister, she will control the population.
Pinkie will be twilights second in command. She would warn her if anything bad is going to happen.
Spike will be her thug.
This is genius.
It's time for my whacked out theory of the day:

Pinkie Pie knows she's in a cartoon.

She seems to manipulate the physics and rules of the world to her own advantage. Mostly for comedic purposes.

It appears she eats nothing but sweets. Lots of them. Why not, right?

She never seems to get overly concerned with things unless it affects her friends. To her, everything is all in fun.

Zecora seems to be the only thing that's every bothered Pinkie. Well, that and the thought of zombie ponies. Perhaps Pinkie thought Zecora could bend the rules too and therefore didn't know what to expect.

Finally, go back and watch the very end of Bridle Gossip. When everyone is laughing after Fluttershy answers 'yes', what does Pinkie Pie do?


Confused101 said:
It's time for my whacked out theory of the day:

Pinkie Pie knows she's in a cartoon.

She seems to manipulate the physics and rules of the world to her own advantage. Mostly for comedic purposes.

It appears she eats nothing but sweets. Lots of them. Why not, right?

She never seems to get overly concerned with things unless it affects her friends. To her, everything is all in fun.

Zecora seems to be the only thing that's every bothered Pinkie. Well, that and the thought of zombie ponies. Perhaps Pinkie thought Zecora could bend the rules too and therefore didn't know what to expect.

Finally, go back and watch the very end of Bridle Gossip. When everyone is laughing after Fluttershy answers 'yes', what does Pinkie Pie do?

Yeah, she breaks the 4th wall easily. She sees the pony-matrix.
Confused101 said:
Finally, go back and watch the very end of Bridle Gossip. When everyone is laughing after Fluttershy answers 'yes', what does Pinkie Pie do?
LOL, I totally noticed that at the end. I even skipped back to make sure I wasn't just seeing things.

And I'm actually loving all these crazy speculations. I can't wait 'til someone comes up with a really well thought out conspiracy theory.

Edit: regarding the 4th wall, Spike's the only one who's really broken it explicitly. I wonder if that will happen again.


Confused101 said:
It's time for my whacked out theory of the day:

Pinkie Pie knows she's in a cartoon.

She seems to manipulate the physics and rules of the world to her own advantage. Mostly for comedic purposes.

It appears she eats nothing but sweets. Lots of them. Why not, right?

She never seems to get overly concerned with things unless it affects her friends. To her, everything is all in fun.

Zecora seems to be the only thing that's every bothered Pinkie. Well, that and the thought of zombie ponies. Perhaps Pinkie thought Zecora could bend the rules too and therefore didn't know what to expect.

Finally, go back and watch the very end of Bridle Gossip. When everyone is laughing after Fluttershy answers 'yes', what does Pinkie Pie do?

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Confused101 said:
Finally, go back and watch the very end of Bridle Gossip. When everyone is laughing after Fluttershy answers 'yes', what does Pinkie Pie do?
Lauren Faust already answered someone's question regarding this on her DeviantArt profile. It turns out that was an animation error; Pinkie was supposed to be looking at Applejack. She also denied any 4th wall awareness by Pinkie.
Myke Greywolf said:
Lauren Faust already answered someone's question regarding this on her DeviantArt profile. It turns out that was an animation error; Pinkie was supposed to be looking at Applejack. She also denied any 4th wall awareness by Pinkie.
So to answer ZealousD, nope. She's not the one.


Myke Greywolf said:
Lauren Faust already answered someone's question regarding this on her DeviantArt profile. It turns out that was an animation error; Pinkie was supposed to be looking at Applejack. She also denied any 4th wall awareness by Pinkie.
Animation error? Or Pinkie Pie becoming sentient?!
Myke Greywolf said:
Lauren Faust already answered someone's question regarding this on her DeviantArt profile. It turns out that was an animation error; Pinkie was supposed to be looking at Applejack. She also denied any 4th wall awareness by Pinkie.
Lame, fun's over.

Still, does look mighty suspicious.


Koomaster said:
Animation error? Or Pinkie Pie becoming sentient?!
Oh man, what if Lauren knows and she's desperately trying to stop it from leaking out? Maybe she has some kind of deal with Pinkie that they both keep it under wraps.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Today's episode is already available on Youtube. Go there and search for "my little pony green isn't your color", pick mlpepisodes' videos.


Vox-Pop said:
I think we all need to beware of Spike. And Celeste knows it too. She's afraid of Spike and Twilight. Spike is loyal to Twilight and when he grows up to full Dragon he will be a dangerous weapon. Twilight is another force to be reckon with. Why do you think Celeste sent Twilight away? She has the power of friendship, which means she could form an army. She was able to beat her sister with almost the same power as her. If Twilight was white it would have been different. But she's not, she is purple, the color of night. She is destined to control the moon and darkness. Celeste didn't want her around her court. She's making the mistake of keeping her enemies faraway. And once her friends are loyal to twilight, they will become her generals.

Applejack will control agriculture, thus controlling the food production.
Dash will be the lady in the sky. Has the tools to control weather too.
Rarity will be in charge of strategy and culture (thus creating the Twilight-era)
Fluttershy will be the propaganda minister, she will control the population.
Pinkie will be twilights second in command. She would warn her if anything bad is going to happen.
Spike will be her thug.

I agree with you on your overall premise but I think we're over thinking this a little bit. This is a show for little girls, they're are probably not going to have Twilight stage a coup and overthrow Celeste. But I think you are right that Twilight is destined to control the Moon/Night based on her similar appearance to Luna.

With that being said, if the show were more "mature" I could see the scenario you have written potentially playing out.


Mechanical Snowman said:
Lame, fun's over.

Still, does look mighty suspicious.


Oh man, what if Lauren knows and she's desperately trying to stop it from leaking out? Maybe she has some kind of deal with Pinkie that they both keep it under wraps.
She's probably scared the show has become as popular as it has now that Pinkie Pie is out of her control.

On Today's episode for instance:
Pinkie Pie was ALL over the place. The episode wasn't even featuring her yet she kept conveniently popping up out of buckets of sponges, carts of apples, THE REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR!!! Plus she was able to draw that house in mid-air!

She is an Earth Pony, she does not possess the magics to do this!

I for one will join Pinkie Pie's uprising; because I fear what would happen otherwise.
So I keep seeing this thread and thinking this show is poop. I am confused. I go to wikipedia and notice some of the people have worked on PP Girls.

I'm guessing I've been missing out on a genuinely good cartoon? This is legit, right?


CoffeeJanitor said:
So I keep seeing this thread and thinking this show is poop. I am confused. I go to wikipedia and notice some of the people have worked on PP Girls.

I'm guessing I've been missing out on a genuinely good cartoon? This is legit, right?
It's legit. It's My Little Pony, and it's good. Once your mind has gotten used to that idea, try watching a few episodes and see what you think.


CoffeeJanitor said:
So I keep seeing this thread and thinking this show is poop. I am confused. I go to wikipedia and notice some of the people have worked on PP Girls.

I'm guessing I've been missing out on a genuinely good cartoon? This is legit, right?

This got me to watch it, from op:

This show premiered on October 2010, and is helmed by Lauren Faust, creator of "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends", animator for "The Iron Giant", writer for "Powerpuff Girls", and wife of PPG's creator Craig McCracken.

And yes it is genuinely good, a little overtly cute, but very good.
McNum said:
It's legit. It's My Little Pony, and it's good. Once your mind has gotten used to that idea, try watching a few episodes and see what you think.

If you start from the beginning, be sure to watch something (anything) after the first 2 episodes. It definitely comes into its own after that. Yes, it's legit.

Once I heard some talent behind PPG was also behind this, I decided to take a nice long look and I'm glad I did. It's quality.
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