Rolling Girl
Not always. Live 2D is actually really cool, especially in the first Ore Imo game <3
It was surprisingly good looking when I tried it out myself.
Not always. Live 2D is actually really cool, especially in the first Ore Imo game <3
This is only half-true - you (well, Kyousuke, the protagonist) can have plenty of kids in the second game (which includes the entirety of the first game a la Duodecim, making the first one kind of irrelevant).
I saw a few posts that said it doesn't have incest, too, which is also only sort-of-true. In the route where you can marry Kirino, she's not your sister, but she's still your cousin.
I mean, I enjoyed reading these, but there's no need to deny what they are.
Agreed, because this happens every time. People just hijack the threads with gifs and start talking about their favorite characters.It's threads like these with the most attention that make people run away from anime or anime-GAF. Anime-GAF hijacking such negative threads and making them huge. One of the cases of any publicity is not good publicity.
Think about the irreversible damage. The breaking down of misconceptions don't help enough when the OP doesn't give a disclaimer.
Think about all the people missing out on actually good recent anime.
As for the "pregnant" kid issue, I was basically stating what I NEED SCISSORS was. They used the bunny as an excuse to get it under the radar, similar to the tons and tons of "hey look, this girl looks 7 but she's secretly a 5000 year old demon lord, so go ahead and fap". Don't kid yourself, because you know they were too. I don't care if she was pretending, she's blushing, and layed out on a bed, as if to prepare for sex. The artist could have easily just as portrayed her as pregnant in a less sexualised manner, if that was the only "purpose".
I'm kind of shocked this thread has so many posts
Maybe I underestimated the OreimoGAF fanbase
Your insistince that an innocent childs game is in fact supposed to be secretly sexy says a lot more about your own sexual predilections than anything.
Not always. Live 2D is actually really cool, especially in the first Ore Imo game <3
Traditionally, it's a fertile time for romance. Hell, Romeo and Juliet weren't older than 16.
I don't care if she was pretending, she's blushing, and layed out on a bed, as if to prepare for sex.
Listen, I've got better things to do than argue with people who defend this stuff.
I honestly don't care about fighting a pointless war on shitty moe/lolicon/creeper shit anymore. Waste of my time, really.
Go ahead and play this game, watch the anime, and even buy those huggable pillows if ya want. Again though, just don't get in a tizzy when you get called out for being a pedo when your into series depicting underage girls in sexual positions.
I'm kind of shocked this thread has so many posts
Maybe I underestimated OreimoGAF
Listen, I've got better things to do than argue with people who defend this stuff. Let's say your right, and lets say I'm right. I don't care anymore. Your never gonna sway me, and I'm never gonna sway you. I honestly don't care about fighting a pointless war on shitty moe/lolicon/creeper shit anymore. Waste of my time, really.
Go ahead and play this game, watch the anime, and even buy those huggable pillows if ya want. Again though, just don't get in a tizzy when you get called out for being a pedo when your into series depicting underage girls in sexual positions.
It's highly entertaining! I mean, come on!
Agreed, because this happens every time. People just hijack the threads with gifs and start talking about their favorite characters.
Mmhh, it's so moe.
Love it when you guys play this card.
Guess that makes me and everyone else who posted disguted GIFs the real creeps, eh?
Not the ones who find nothing wrong with it in the first place, oh no.
I'm kind of shocked this thread has so many posts
Maybe I underestimated OreimoGAF
I'm kind of shocked this thread has so many posts
Maybe I underestimated OreimoGAF
I think I'm allowed to talk about a character that is in the game, but this thing that has nothing to do with the thread gets passed over and we have people here to snipe pot shots for no reason.
I'm familiar with Oreimo but never played the games nor watched the anime or basically anything with the franchise at all. I just figured I'd read the thread because I like VNs in general and then the rest of the thread happened.
I'm kind of shocked this thread has so many posts
Maybe I underestimated OreimoGAF
Love it when you guys play this card.
Guess that makes me and everyone else who posted disguted GIFs the real creeps, eh?
Not the ones who find nothing wrong with it in the first place, oh no.
Love it when you guys play this card.
Guess that makes me and everyone else who posted disguted GIFs the real creeps, eh?
Not the ones who find nothing wrong with it in the first place, oh no.
You just like incest,Yasu.
Why is it people like you completely ignore the people (i.e. Me) who have actually finished the game and know what they're talking about just to continue an argument?
I've mentioned countless times in this thread that pretty much everything is people with very little information throwing things completely out of context for the sake of it.
Is my perfectly reasonable post bound for the Stupid GAF posts twitter or are you somehow complimenting me and I am misreading it?
Love it when you guys play this card.
Guess that makes me and everyone else who posted disguted GIFs the real creeps, eh?
Not the ones who find nothing wrong with it in the first place, oh no.
Why is it people like you completely ignore the people (i.e. Me) who have actually finished the game and know what they're talking about just to continue an argument?
I've mentioned countless times in this thread that pretty much everything is people with very little information throwing things completely out of context for the sake of it.
I mean, it's very easy to argue on the internet about how it's OK and whatnot. But I gather most of the people posting here wouldn't be caught dead giving those same comments in real life. And I've got no issue defending or showing off my violent murderkill games in any context.
Why is it people like you completely ignore the people (i.e. Me) who have actually finished the game and know what they're talking about just to continue an argument?
I've mentioned countless times in this thread that pretty much everything is people with very little information throwing things completely out of context for the sake of it.
There's pointing out that it looks wrong, and then there's pointing out that anyone who looks beneath the surface of it are those who use it as fap material.
Ok honest question: Can you date your 12 year old sister in this game?
This is only half-true - you (well, Kyousuke, the protagonist) can have plenty of kids in the second game (which includes the entirety of the first game a la Duodecim, making the first one kind of irrelevant).
I saw a few posts that said it doesn't have incest, too, which is also only sort-of-true. In the route where you can marry Kirino, she's not your sister, but she's still your cousin.
I mean, I enjoyed reading these, but there's no need to deny what they are.
I agree, it always had it.
Your kidding yourself if you think it was to this degree though.
Typical anime fanservice is hardly incest. I've accidentally had embarrassing situations with my sister, that doesn't mean it was incest.
Falling down boob grab trope, implies that the MC and FC are going the insect route... how exactly? Let's not make the original show more perverted than what it really is.
Does anime cook your brain or something?
What is wrong with you people?
Has the whole genre gotten so bad that this is how your brain has to bend in order to enjoy the stuff?
Has the whole genre gotten so bad that this is how your brain has to bend in order to enjoy the stuff?
So in live action western comedy stuff when someone trips or falls and grabs an inappropriate area on someone else does that also imply incest? Or is it ok?
So in live action western comedy stuff when someone trips or falls and grabs an inappropriate area on someone else does that also imply incest? Or is it ok?
Does anime cook your brain or something?
What is wrong with you people?
Has the whole genre gotten so bad that this is how your brain has to bend in order to enjoy the stuff?
Thanks for the insults. I'm not saying I'm liking it but I'm simply aware of the trope that has been going on in the anime genre for several decades.
Sorry, I don't watch a lot of "western comedy stuff", can you give me some examples so I don't just write this off as false equivalency?
You don't remember the episode of "Married with Children" when Bud tripped over a rug, and fell into Kelly's breasts, then began to molest her? No? Neither do I.
What we have here is some master level deflection coming from pedo-GAF.