No sale then.
Dolls are a big no-no.
Guess the Japanese gaming industry is doomed
No sale then.
Dolls are a big no-no.
You all just make a big game out of these arguments at this point don't you?
Its fine because shes not fucking pregnant, maybe if you took a second to move from "A picture!"->"Moral outrage" you'd notice she's got a stuffed rabbit shoved up her top. And kids in the real world never do shit like that, only in the paedophile training camps of anime would you see such depravity! I hear this seasons bit of disgusting perversion is a young boy putting balls up his shirt to pretend to have boobs!
Because dudes with guns everywhere, wanton mass murdering that inflicts cognitive dissonance, budget bloat, mass developer shutdowns, "cinematic" gameplay and gratuitous anti-consumer pratices is totally better than moe paedophilia whachamalit.This is what Inafune means when he says the Japanese game industry is boned.
Fuck moe games. We need more berserk games.
Firstly - You cant nail your sister in the game. Nor does she get nailed in the franchise at large, specifically the anime which was what we were talking about before you switched back to the game. Secondly - If you thought that the young girl with a stuffed animal up her top was pregnant then you are either a moron or didnt look at the picture for more than a split second. Thirdly - You decried the series as being morally/ethically repugnant based on one screen shot. The screen shot of Faye shows a hyper sexualised woman dressed in next to nothing handcuffed to a railing - the kind of thing that if an idiot were to judge a series on one screen shot could probably use to decry Cowboy Bebop as filth.
How many gens until my games will look like this?
How many gens until my games will look like this?
In all seriousness... This is what Inafune means when he says the Japanese game industry is boned.
Because it's a roundabout argument. There will always be an ingrained stigma towards incest that, when you think about it, isn't much different to the same sex marriage debate; People trying to interfere in the private lives of others.
Thinking that the whole purpose of the game is to get girls pregnant. LULZ
Because it's a roundabout argument. There will always be an ingrained stigma towards incest that, when you think about it, isn't much different to the same sex marriage debate; People trying to interfere in the private lives of others.
Your point would be valid except for the whole moral absurdity of your line of thinking. Not to mention the higher rate of birth defects. It's disingenuous to compare it to same sex marriage in pretty much any way.
Firstly - How am I supposed to know you can't nail your sister in a game called My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, where the sole purpose is to get girls pregnant? Everybody not familiar with the game but the premise would make this mistake, so no one who plays this kinda stuff should get in a tizzy when they get called out for being a creep.
Firstly - How am I supposed to know you can't nail your sister in a game called My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, where the sole purpose is to get girls pregnant? Everybody not familiar with the game but the premise would make this mistake, so no one who plays this kinda stuff should get in a tizzy when they get called out for being a creep.
Secondly - So she's not actually pregnant. So what? She's still portrayed as being. They probably made the shit up with the bunny so they could get it past the radar to the guys who'll altogether ignore the bunny ear and focus on the sheer fact that, gasp, she looks pregnant!
Thirdly - Women is the key phrase here. Faye is a woman. Half the protagonists of today's anime who are relegated to little more than fanservice are little girls. Sure, call Bebop filth because a woman is sexualised, despite it being a huge part of her personality and not just for sake of it, but, being a mature adult, I can bypass that as I understand sex is huge part of human nature, and sells well. Sex isn't "dirty". Sexualised little girls are.
How? That's what contraception is made for. That's like saying gays can't have sex because there is a higher risk of AIDs then if it were straight sex. Also, moral absurdity? Who is deciding the morality here? Popular culture? Because that's definitely the best gauge for that is moral.
Firstly - How am I supposed to know you can't nail your sister in a game called My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, where the sole purpose is to get girls pregnant?
Secondly - So she's not actually pregnant. So what? She's still portrayed as being. They probably made the shit up with the bunny so they could get it past the radar to the guys who'll altogether ignore the bunny ear and focus on the sheer fact that, gasp, she looks pregnant!
Thirdly - Women is the key phrase here. ... Sex isn't "dirty". Sexualised little girls are.
How? That's what contraception is made for. That's like saying gays can't have sex because there is a higher risk of AIDs then if it were straight sex. Also, moral absurdity? Who is deciding the morality here? Popular culture? Because that's definitely the best gauge for that is moral.
This is going much more off topic. If you'd like to discuss this with me, feel free to PM me. But I will say that I find your views abhorrent so be warned that I won't be nice.
Firstly - How am I supposed to know you can't nail your sister in a game called My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, where the sole purpose is to get girls pregnant?
But gay people don't run a higher risk of aids, believe they have a lesser chance of catching it actually because vaginal sex involves more fluid.
I know I won't get through to you, as I've had this convo with tons of defenders. Just know there's a reason I like past anime compared to today's. If there was no differance between them, what the hell would I be so upset about?
Firstly - How am I supposed to know you can't nail your sister in a game called My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, where the sole purpose is to get girls pregnant? Everybody not familiar with the game but the premise would make this mistake, so no one who plays this kinda stuff should get in a tizzy when they get called out for being a creep.
Buncha weirdos in here. How do you not like wincest?
Starting with post #53.
Firstly - How am I supposed to know you can't nail your sister in a game called My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, where the sole purpose is to get girls pregnant? Everybody not familiar with the game but the premise would make this mistake, so no one who plays this kinda stuff should get in a tizzy when they get called out for being a creep.
Would I have to call my little sister an ugly bitch just to not be seen as a creep by you?
How many gens until my games will look like this?
I dont know what's going on in this thread.
Everything has gotten out of hand
Why is it called HappyenD...I dont...quite get it.
Why is it called HappyenD...I dont...quite get it.
Beacuse its been mentioned multiple times in the thread? Because you cant get ANYONE pregnant in the game? Because the game has no fucking sex in it?
Hmm... but gay men DO run a higher risk of AIDS (or at least on par with women who prefer anal), at least if they are the "bottom". Your colon and intestines are designed with the single purpose of absorption. Vaginas really aren't. Vaginas are very acidic in nature, they are designed to destroy most of what gets into them and push out nearly all the rest.
Left overs from sex with women get mostly pushed back out of the body, in the rectum a lot of that is actually absorbed into the blood stream.
Fuck moe games. We need more berserk games.
How? That's what contraception is made for. That's like saying gays can't have sex because there is a higher risk of AIDs than if it were straight sex. Also, moral absurdity? Who is deciding the morality here? Popular culture? Because that's definitely the best gauge for that is moral.
Hmm, will have to look more into this. At the very least the comparison god made certainly isn't on the same level as sibling incest caused deformity rates.
Hmm, will have to look more into this. At the very least the comparison god made certainly isn't on the same level as sibling incest caused deformity rates.
2.5D is the worst.
Traditionally, it's a fertile time for romance. Hell, Romeo and Juliet weren't older than 16.I'm not necessarily going to disagree here. The age range for most girls in the genre these days has gone down. Not depicted age but actual age. Something about high school girls, I guess.