I hate Idolmaster for that reason.
How can Kentaro corrupted by that shit?
it hurts
Life just didn't Go Your Way.
I hate Idolmaster for that reason.
How can Kentaro corrupted by that shit?
it hurts
I hate Idolmaster for that reason.
How can Kentaro corrupted by that shit?
it hurts
Think about all the people missing out on actually good recent anime.
*snrk*or that at some point lolis will invade Berserk.
"Will" implies a future event.I don't know what's worst. That we'll never get an ending or that at some point lolis will invade Berserk.
I don't know what's worst. That we'll never get an ending or that at some point lolis will invade Berserk.
Mmhh, it's so moe.
It's threads like these with the most attention that make people run away from anime or anime-GAF. Anime-GAF hijacking such negative threads and making them huge. One of the cases of any publicity is not good publicity.
Think about the irreversible damage. The breaking down of misconceptions don't help enough when the OP doesn't give a disclaimer.
Think about all the people missing out on actually good recent anime.
ok wtf is that lmfaoooooooooooooo
ok wtf is that lmfaoooooooooooooo
Thus re-affirming the theory that 90% of moe feels like a gateway drug to pedophilia.
Yeah it certainly couldnt have anything to do with the fact that its just easier to be aware of the full breadth of anime these days due to increased gloablisation and net usage as opposed to back when the majority of anime western audiences were aware of was particularly targeted at them?
If only more anime these days had totally fine progressive stuff like this in it
Thus re-affirming the theory that 90% of moe feels like a gateway drug to pedophilia.
What's next, you gonna claim that AAA games like Uncharted and Bioshock Infinite, with their gratuitous endless waves of enemies with guns, feel like a gateway drug to mass murder?Thus re-affirming the theory that 90% of moe feels like a gateway drug to pedophilia.
Using seduction as a technique is part of Faye's personality. Call it moe or whatever shitty term you want, but then your basically saying a character like Cersei Lannister from a Game of Thrones is moe, or any other Femme Fatale for that matter . It's still better than a guy trying to nail his younger sister at least.
And like I said, Moe was present back in the good old days. Difference is, I could ignore it. There was normally just one token loli/moe/pandering character per series, just to get the more sales from the Otaku, but nowadays the whole damn main cast of practically every series is dominated by the disease.
I know I won't get through to you, as I've had this convo with tons of defenders. Just know there's a reason I like past anime compared to today's. If there was no differance between them, what the hell would I be so upset about?
This is genuinely the stupidest thing I have seen in quite some while. How do you envision anything serving as a "gateway drug to paedophilia"? "Well you know, I was into the physically mature ladies, but I saw like 10 second of K-ON, what was I to do? I was addicted to sweet, sweet paedophilia. Now I'm in Thailand sharing a cell with Gary Glitter and haunted by the ghost of Jimmy Saville. If only someone had warned me about moe!" - Anonymouse Internet Fan
Not to mention disturbing as fuck.
I'm not defending anything I'm just pointing out your hypcritical double standard bullshit. You condemed one show (based on a screen shot), and decried it as filth. You lauded how anime used to be "back in the day" citing stuff like Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop which had characters like Faye, who are as "dirty" as anything you'll find in the stuff you're slating. As for your question and bizarre "logic", there are numerous reasons why you may have liked anime in the past but dont like it now, holy shit, its almost as if peoples tastes change isnt it? I've no idea what you're upset about either but your tired rigmarole about how its all "changed" just feels like a sad attempt to hold up your own shaky logic (after all if anime nowadys isnt different then when you liked it you wouldnt be able to make blanket statements about people who watch it while distancing yourself from the selfsame statements).
So I take it you've read what you've been spoonfed here and now think you understand the whole series? That's not what it is at all.
Kyousuke who is the MC always was jealous of how perfect his sister was and how much his family cared for her more than they cared for him. He finds out about her secret love of all things eroge and the fact she was a siscon and decides to help her out. The reason why they get closer isn't because of the eroge stuff, yes she plays them with him as it's an activity they start doing together and she forces it on him, but she has no interest in him. She likes the little sister character tropes, she's a siscon not a brocon.
Kyousuke also helps Kirino help her find friends who also have the same interests as her (anime otaku stuff) who are Kirino and Saori. They get closer because he starts seeing that his little sister is actually as helpless as he is and isn't this perfect human like she always made out to be. She has the same issues as he does and he wants to help her.
Feels like - not is. There's just something deeply disturbing about the over-sexualised use of kids that pervades a lot of anime, which thankfully non-anime watchers feel uncomfortable watching, yet fans of it seem to defend to the hilt. I find it all genuinely creepy and that pic of the pregnant kid just takes the cake. Of course someone will come in and proclaim something like "but it's fine because she's really a 900 year old vampire!", but the risque imagery is still present.
Hey guys remember that game from the OP
Because an 18 year old legal girl like Faye is just as bad as portraying a, what, 4 year old looking as if she's pregnant, or a game series where you can nail your pre-pubescent sister, right? Lol, piss off.
Seriously someone just make a Moe Vs. Pedophilia OT since that's what literally every topic like this in gaming devolves into and it's always the same arguments.
I love these threads.
I can only imagine what a hell that thread would look like. Bans everywhere. The horrors of war.
So lets schedule it for next Wednesday, yes?
In all seriousness... This is what Inafune means when he says the Japanese game industry is boned.
Only if its a young girl and falls into the hands of someone who's seen the intro to K-ON
Does she have a doll?
Yeah, but dont worry, its half covered by her top so its essentially invisible
My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute - A DoomBringer game
Lol, was one of my favorite threads to read after finally becoming a member and viewing one of the "Best threads" threads.