The shitty thing is that Big Pharma won't support that research unless a.) they get a patent out of it b.) the cure is more profitable than the treatments, which is an almost impossible order to fill.
More on topic, my mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoblastic Lymphoma back in 2010 and given 2-3 months to live. We actually had almost 3 fantastic years with her in decent to good health before a major downswing after her last round of chemo (ICU, intubation, then death). Just treasure whatever time you have with your mom so that no matter what happens you have no regrets and when you look back on your memories with her, you know that you were there for her as she was once there for you (as a child).
I've seen people who lose their parents and have so much unfinished business and dialog that will never see completion outside of an afterlife reunion. Don't be one of those people. Tell her you love her, hear all of the stuff about her life you never knew, get to know her as a friend and not just as a parent--we're given this luxury once we're older and few people take advantage of it.
Wishing you and your family all the best.
I lost my grandma and wondered why they didn't just give anyone who had a heart attack a mechanical heart, but those don't work they basically slow painful death sentence. Glad she didn't get one and went out in peace.
Supposedly the electric shock thingies don't even restart hearts, they just nudge abnormal heart beats into regularity, apparently stopped hearts is another thing entirely.
What I've said is chimera research is needed, I'm pro animals but pro human first, ideally we would create brainless embryos while we wait to perfect 3d printing. And 3d printing would work far better if genetic modification to slow down metabolism and work in anoxic conditions was added through genetic modification to 3d printed stem cells.
For now knockout blood vessel and all organ development and make a humanized animal with fully human organs that can be harvested for transplant. Use embryonic development with growth factors to produce all organs via embryogenesis natural womb development, later 3d print with genetically modified to handle low nutrient anoxic 3d print condition cells, and that way solve organ transplant issue.
Alter thymus to retrain and handle the or tolerate the genetic modifications at an immune system level.
I still believe the reason some people can be heavy burnt meat eaters and heavy multiple pack a day cigarette smokers while becoming centenarians without known cancer treatment, is that some rare humans their immune system can handle cancer.
While on that topic oral c using liposomal formulations + non liposomal frequent doses every few hours can reach intravenous lethal c doses in blood for prolonged period of time very prolonged. Vitamin c is indeed a long hidden miraculous stuff, and I'm a strong believer Linus Pauling was onto something. My multidomain polymath knowledge suggests vitamin c is extremely powerful.