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My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer. |OT|

Snuggler said:
Personally, I would rather they do away with cutscenes all together. They're my least favorite part of the game, for starters they don't look that great, being prerendered and washed out makes them a little jarring and the lip syncing is way off. I've loved all of the in game dialogue, story stuff and set pieces but I find myself losing interest and zoning out during the cutscenes. If there is an Alan Wake 2, I would love it if most, if not all of the story played out in game like Dead Space/HL2/Bioshack.
Did you see the Bright Falls live-action cutscenes though? What did you think?


erotic butter maelstrom
infinityBCRT said:
Did you see the Bright Falls live-action cutscenes though? What did you think?

I've seen all of them but the last 2, they were pretty cool but I probably wouldn't be into them if I wasn't playing Alan Wake at the same time. They're a nice little supplement to the game and I'd like to see it done for more games but I think it could be a little funky switching between gameplay and live action.


Snuggler said:
I've seen all of them but the last 2, they were pretty cool but I probably wouldn't be into them if I wasn't playing Alan Wake at the same time. They're a nice little supplement to the game and I'd like to see it done for more games but I think it could be a little funky switching between gameplay and live action.

I would actually say the last two are the best ones. You should check them out.
kai3345 said:
Just did the
rock concert
part. It wasn't as "OMGHOLYSHITTHISISAWESOME!!!11" as everyone made it out to be
If you read about it before it happened you basically spoiled the moment. I'm sure if you knew
was the final song in the game, it would probably be a meh moment versus an awesome surprise if you didn't know about it. And then again, even reading about people having awesome moments let alone knowing what those awesome moments are is setting yourself up for disappointment. Just play the game.


erotic butter maelstrom
So I beat the game tonight. On hard and it I did it in under a week which is fast for me.

Great game overall, I enjoyed all of it but chapters 4 and 5 were definitely the highlights.
What I liked:

The atmosphere and environments, it's quite spooky going through the forest and old ass buildings when it's all dark and foggy. The lighting definitely lives up to the praise, I loved the red glow of the flares and the lightning flashes

Both the original soundtrack and the licensed songs were great (♥ Roy Orbison + The Black Angels ) The background music and all of the ambient noises are perfect

There were some memorable parts
like escaping the asylum and the hedge maze
and it was nice to play a game like this that doesn't rely on gore and dismemberment

The gameplay could have used a little more variety but the combat fun and intense at times

What I didn't like:

I didn't really "get" most of the story and some of the stuff that happens and a lot of the dialogue is silly
I disliked the cutscenes for quite a few reasons, the lip syncing was so bad it was almost funny
It started off a little slow and the final chapter was so-so

Even though not everyone will like it but I think it's a must play for 360 owners
I'd give it a 9.4777 out of eleventeen.


Question for people who have found all the thermos cans: How obvious are they hidden? Should I really explore every unmarked foresty area or is it kinda obvious where they are because of dirt trails or such?


Dries said:
Question for people who have found all the thermos cans: How obvious are they hidden? Should I really explore every unmarked foresty area or is it kinda obvious where they are because of dirt trails or such?
I'm only on chapter two but from the ones i've found I'd say some are quite obvious and some are well hidden aswell. Found a few quite a way off the beaten path.

Played it some more last night and had to turn it off because I was getting a little too worked up. The last game to do that to me was Silent Hill 2/3 :D. Can't wait to get back into it tonight.
Dries said:
Question for people who have found all the thermos cans: How obvious are they hidden? Should I really explore every unmarked foresty area or is it kinda obvious where they are because of dirt trails or such?
i think they are all randomly scattered around the place. i found around 63 cans myself and since i started playing on nightmare mode i used the guide on x360a in order to find all collectibles.

I'm playing episode 6 atm, i missed one nightmare manuscript in ep4, but i'll have to find it later anyway. :(


Oh well.. guess I will be searching every nook and cranny then :lol

Moonshine cave
in Ep 2 is one scary mofo. I could've sweared I heard footsteps around me.. But I saw no one. Even when I exited. Scary shit. Nightmare mode definitely enchances the game experience.


Dries said:
Moonshine cave
in Ep 2 is one scary mofo. I could've sweared I heard footsteps around me.. But I saw no one. Even when I exited. Scary shit. Nightmare mode definantley enchances the game experience.
That got me aswell, it sounded like someone was walking on a boardwalk above you, then you heard little echoes from within the cave..

I'm trying to slowly advance through this game, take in every sight and explore every nook and cranny but more often than not I find myself running in a panic to the nearest light source :lol


m0ngo said:
Dries said:
Oh well.. guess I will be searching every nook and cranny then :lol

Moonshine cave
in Ep 2 is one scary mofo. I could've sweared I heard footsteps around me.. But I saw no one. Even when I exited. Scary shit. Nightmare mode definitely enchances the game experience.

That got me aswell, it sounded like someone was walking on a boardwalk above you, then you heard little echoes from within the cave..

I'm trying to slowly advance through this game, take in every sight and explore every nook and cranny but more often than not I find myself running in a panic to the nearest light source :lol

Are you guys talking about
where you get the chest? Look up on your next playthrough!


SquallASF said:
Let me get this straight, you're complaining that the game has 'optional' explorable areas? really? So it's the game's fault that you have OCD but not the patience that should coincide with said OCD? I too am OCD and had to get every collectable but found it fun and man would it have been lame if you just ran through a freakin forest tube and there were just sporadic orgys of thermos, manuscripts, and signs in the middle of the road. When gamers really dig a game world/environment like I and many people here do, we like to explore it more. If you don't care to do so, by all means, stick to the path which is rather evident and complete the game.

Sprinkling collectables in expanded areas is fantastic because it rewards and creates incentive for those that enjoy Bright Falls and want to see more of it. In no way does this hinder your gaming experience considering the collectables don't do a damn thing but give you achievements (save the TV and radios of which you don't have to go out of your way). It sounds to me like you want to collect everything to appease your OCD but are too lazy to search for collectables so you are blaming the game for not being comprised of tubes...

Yes that's all completely correct in wacky Squall's land of hyperbole where "explorable areas that are too big can be frustrating" equates to "I want a forest tube full of collectables".

slasher_thrasher21 said:
True dat!

You're cheerleading this post even though it's perfectly obvious to anyone that can read that I never said anything of the sort? Really?


I got to say personally I enjoy the cut scenes as a nice little break between the action sequences. I would say don't get rid of them but certainly take them up a notch or two on the polish level which iirc that is what they are aiming for in the DLC.
onken said:
You're cheerleading this post even though it's perfectly obvious to anyone that can read that I never said anything of the sort? Really?

Just to clarify you pretty much come off that way in my eyes in your posts with what he responded to. Regardless or not, thats what I took away from your posts and so did Squall. Maybe some better clarification would be needed. At one point you seem to think the game could be extremely short and that its only padded because of the expanded areas, but then you talk about a shorter, tighter game, which if you think it would only be 4 hours anyways (speed run) without the acheivement stuff, isn't that short enough? No one is making you find all that stuff. So your posts are a tad confusing if I say so myself.

Jtyettis said:
I got to say personally I enjoy the cut scenes as a nice little break between the action sequences. I would say don't get rid of them but certainly take them up a notch or two on the polish level which iirc that is what they are aiming for in the DLC.

Yeah I'm really curious how much better the cutscenes might be in the DLC. Granted honestly, I only really had a issue with the lip syncing in the cutscenes in general. Overall I have enjoyed the cutscenes.


I've been low on money so wasnt able to pick this up until I realized I could get it for $20 off ExpertZone...well I beat it and holy shit this game is amazing, a lot of hate from IGN though for some reason.


Dries said:
Question for people who have found all the thermos cans: How obvious are they hidden? Should I really explore every unmarked foresty area or is it kinda obvious where they are because of dirt trails or such?

They're usually in obvious places, however, the few of them that I did miss were right under my nose. It's just that there's so many of them that even if you do resort to guides and videos, you swear that you got them all only to find out that you didn't.

There are a few that you'll need to venture off the path, but they're not completely hidden. Not up in treetops or anything.

The can pyramids were to hardest for me to find, because there's only 2 in each chapter (no achievements for getting these). The last one I found took me 2 complete run through of the entire game......then I found it right on a ledge where I swear, I walked past that very ledge a dozen times. All I needed to do was look 3 inches to my right. :lol

I'm not an achievement hunter or the kind of guy who finds collectibles in games, but this was pretty fun to do. They just need to incorporate all hidden items like manuscripts so you know which one you already picked up.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Just to clarify you pretty much come off that way in my eyes in your posts with what he responded to. Maybe some better clarification would be needed.

That's funny because you never said anything of the sort when you originally replied to me, perhaps you have clarification issues of your own.

At one point you seem to think the game could be extremely short and that its only padded because of the expanded areas, but then you talk about a shorter, tighter game, which if you think it would only be 4 hours anyways (speed run) without the acheivement stuff, isn't that short enough? No one is making you find all that stuff. So your posts are a tad confusing if I say so myself.

All aboard the hyperbole train! "a shorter, tighter game" is apparently now a "speedrun" thanks, I'll make a note of it. Again, all I said was that it couldn't hurt to scale back some of the forest sections to make the treasure hunting less frustrating. Not, "I want a tube crawler with no exploration", can you really not see the difference? Oh, and by the way this is probably the only game you CAN'T pull the "it's totally optional!" card because crucial parts of the story are contained within the manuscript pages.

You started this whole debate with your "What I find fascinating is that alot of people downplay the game because there is so much forest in the game" comment and I proposed one explanation based on my own experience, I'm sorry you don't like it but there you have it.
onken said:
Yes that's all completely correct in wacky Squall's land of hyperbole where "explorable areas that are too big can be frustrating" equates to "I want a forest tube full of collectables".

You're cheerleading this post even though it's perfectly obvious to anyone that can read that I never said anything of the sort? Really?

Right, my wonky world where I point out that you contradicted yourself. Sure, I may have created an extreme in my jab at your comment but nonetheless, you go from stating that the areas are too broad one second and then turn around in the same post and state that areas need to be further fleshed out and are too short. So which is it? Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I can respect that but what I find silly is when someone complains that they have to search the terrain to find extra collectables. They are *optional* as in an extra task for you to complete if you finish the game and want to explore the world of Bright Falls further. To complain the game is too big when you aren't required to traverse most of it is ridiculous.
Finished it last night. Loved the game, but the ending was lame.
It didn't make sense that Alan had to stay in the cabin in order to release Alice because he had to maintain some kind of balance. Alice being kept in the darkness upset the balance and releasing her should restore that balance, not exchanging her for Alan. Also, who was that in the window behind Rose during the parade? Alan? I'm guessing he's the new Jagger? Last thing, I'm not sure what to make of the statement about the lake being an ocean.

Oh, what's up with Nightingale also? I don't remember hearing about his motivation. I was hoping
when I visited his motel room, I would get insight, but I didn't see it
chun li's thighs said:
Finished it last night. Loved the game, but the ending was lame.
It didn't make sense that Alan had to stay in the cabin in order to release Alice because he had to maintain some kind of balance. Alice being kept in the darkness upset the balance and releasing her should restore that balance, not exchanging her for Alan. Also, who was that in the window behind Rose during the parade? Alan? I'm guessing he's the new Jagger? Last thing, I'm not sure what to make of the statement about the lake being an ocean.

It was Nightingale.

I suppose he stayed behind to make sure the darkness never escapes again or finds someone else to use. Not sure about the balance thing.

If you bought the LCE, there's a lot more info about Nightingale and why he's there in the Alan Wake Files. :)
Speedymanic said:
It was Nightingale.

I suppose he stayed behind to make sure the darkness never escapes again or finds someone else to use. Not sure about the balance thing.

If you bought the LCE, there's a lot more info about Nightingale and why he's there in the Alan Wake Files. :)

Yeah...I just read http://resumeplay.net/home/2010/5/24/the-alan-wake-files-shedding-light-on-the-games-mysteries.html which uses insight from the LCE that I didn't have. It answers enough questions for me I guess.


Speedymanic said:
It was Nightingale.

I suppose he stayed behind to make sure the darkness never escapes again or finds someone else to use. Not sure about the balance thing.

If you bought the LCE, there's a lot more info about Nightingale and why he's there in the Alan Wake Files. :)

No pretty sure he's
the new Jagger
. Anyhow, it's interesting to see some of the reactions to the ending. A pretty wide perspective indeed, but for me the very first sentence/quote in the game from Stephen King nails the ending and that in basic sense is that not all the answers are supposed to be right in front of your face for the genre. I just pretty much had a big ole grin at the end because I knew that is exactly what they we're going for ultimately from the start. However, that is the great thing about it in the end because reading all these theories/reading the book and trying to put all the pieces together is great and still the unknown remains.


Blimblim said:
Got this in the mail from Remedy:

More information coming on Wednesday as to what exactly this is going to be, but I saw the “almost” final cut today and just couldn’t resist sharing these few snippets
Ohhhh yeah! :D

I see the clicker...

edit: is this something "music related"? They hinted at something like that. Maybe a music video for Poets of the Fall?


I know nearly nothing about the game, but I do love psychological thrillers. I ended up buying the limited edition today by impulse. Can't wait to try it out. :D


LQX said:
Just finished it. It was OK but boy did I get sick of the location and darkness after awhile. Its like you are running through the same place for 7 hours. I really wish there were more day missions in the town as its beautiful.

Great graphics, sound and atmosphere and in my book one of those games you enjoy but cant fucking wait until its over once you are a few hours in and the formula gets tired. I think I would have rather watched 10 hours of the live actions shorts.

That's how I felt. To me it was a perfect rental.
derFeef said:
Ohhhh yeah! :D

I see the clicker...

edit: is this something "music related"? They hinted at something like that. Maybe a music video for Poets of the Fall?
They said they were doing something with PotF that "hadn't been done" in the game industry before, seems to make sense that it'd maybe be an Alan Wake themed music video for "War."

Can't wait to see what it turns out being.
ICallItFutile said:
I don't feel like swarming through the entire thread, but are you able to have multiple playthroughs going simultaneously on the same account?
Getting a checkpoint in a new game will override the last checkpoint from your previous game.


Just finished it--

I absolutely LOVED all the Twin Peaks references, having just watched the complete series before playing. The diner, the log/lamp lady. There's even an achievement called "A Damn Good Cup of Coffee" which is said by Agent Cooper in TP. I'm surprised they didn't put owls in there as well, unless I missed them. Amazing job Remedy!

Was a little disappointed by the ending, but only in the sense that there are still questions..Kind of reminded me of the Twin Peaks ending where Cooper gives up his soul to save his girl


Are there any other videos floating around the net, besides the Giant Bomb quicklook, that you guys could recommend to allow me to get a better sense of the game? Like I know what it's about, how it plays, etc. but I still want to get a better grip on it, so to speak.
Just started this bad boy finally, incredible atmosphere, are the flares just used for moving a crowd of enemies back or do they also shed their shadows?


dreamer3kx said:
Just started this bad boy finally, incredible atmosphere, are the flares just used for moving a crowd of enemies back or do they also shed their shadows?
They can but because the Taken immediately back away from flares, it's difficult to completely remove the shadows unless you pinned them in a corner.


dreamer3kx said:
Just started this bad boy finally, incredible atmosphere, are the flares just used for moving a crowd of enemies back or do they also shed their shadows?
You can if you use it wisely. I often used it to corner some enemies, then let the flare go and backed off. It burns their shadow away a bit and you have some time to breath and reload.

Kifimbo said:
Oh yeah. But why does Jake Fisher has hit ? Didn't we assumed he was a Taken ?
That is Alan, not Jake. It´s his actor.

:D yay!


Completed the game yesterday. It was fantastic. Not unexpected, since these are the guys who made Max Payne.

I got a bit bored of times, the whole running through the forest thing got old in episode 3 but the rest of it was stellar stuff. Especially episodes 4 or 5. Amazing shit, right there.

Looking forward to any future DLC.


ICallItFutile said:
How hard was it? I got all 1000 for Bayonetta.
Not really comparable but you should be able to do it blind-folded then :) One of the easiest 1000 points I've ever gotten at least.
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