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My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer. |OT|


Gooster said:
AW is $49.99 on Amazon right now. I used the $20 from Super Mario Galaxy 2 to bring it down to a nice $29.99. I guess I'll be keeping busy till Crackdown 2! :p

dang....might bite on this.
leng jai said:
Okay finished the game last night and here are my final impressions:

Knowing that this was a Remedy title, I went in expecting an extremely polished game with a compelling narrative and quality storytelling. I was very surprised at just how unpolished Alan Wake turned out, especially when you consider its a Remedy game and they took yonks to produce it. The cut scenes are atrocious and downright jarring. For a game that has such a high focus in immersion, its baffling as to why they chose to use pre-rendered cutscenes with a different aspect ratio to the actual game. Aspect ratio notwithstanding, they just had completely different "feel" compared to in-game. The color timing seemed off making the blacks washed out. Add in some severe compression and they look significantly worse than the in-game visuals. Okay I probably bitched too much about the cutscenes...

The controls are pretty solid and the use of the torch as your crosshair is neat. However, the jumping and dodging mechanic is kinda janky. Several times I was annoyed by the game making me dodge instead of run because I was too close to a Taken. The shooting is satisfying, no doubt from their Max Payne pedigree. More weapon variety would have been nice, but the flare gun is undeniably cool. As someone rightly pointed out previously, the rifle and shotgun were basically the same weapon. As good as the shooting mechanic is, it starts to get stale before the end of the game. Theres just not enough variety between encounters besides the set pieces. Talking of set pieces, I felt they were great and definitely memorable. The one in episode 4 is worth raving about.

The episodic concept was done really well. Every episode ended with you wanting more, and definitely helped with pacing. Voice acting was surprisingly solid, especially after the complaints I had read in this thread prior to playing. Barry is the best comic relief character since Jansen in Lost Odyssey, and Sarah is also cool. The story is intriguing, but I'll refrain from commenting until I read up on it some more. Its a shame it turned out so wildly convoluted and unclear. The horribly rushed final episode didn't help, with you running through the forest for an hour, finally ending with a lacklustre "boss" and a final cutscene that explains absolutely nothing.

On the tech side of things it was a real mixed bag. The volumetric fog and lighting model are absolutely nuts, producing fantastic atmosphere. Some of the night scenes are up there with the best graphics this gen. The sub-HD resolution really shows during the day time scenes as does the tearing, with the beginning of episode 4 being the biggest offender. Player models were just downright ugly, particularly Rose and Alice. The audio they've produced is astonishingly good. Bass is prominent throughout game and the ambiance created through the surrounds complements the atmosphere perfectly. OST fantastic and captures the mood of the game very well. "The Clicker" is probably my favourite track. The songs chosen at end of each episode were amazing too.

All in all I'll give this game an 8. Genuinely unique with some baffling flaws.
Sounds more like a 6 :lol :lol :lol
A buddy of mine who is playing episode 6 said it was so intense for him he had to stop and put the game down the other night. :D Thats awesome! :D
slasher_thrasher21 said:
A buddy of mine who is playing episode 6 said it was so intense for him he had to stop and put the game down the other night. :D Thats awesome! :D
Have the same problem, only play one or two episodes per week. My heartrate goes up like a rocket when i play AW.
jred2k said:
Everyone that loves the use of music in this game should play Alan Wake. As good as entering Mexico is, that atmosphere is outclassed at the end of every level in AW.

I'm inclined to disagree, at best, there were maybe 1-2 songs that peaked my interested (...both by Poets of the Fall). After a few hours, the gameplay became a massive turn-off. Both tedious and repetitive (defeat enemies in general area or run, move to next area/safe haven, occasional 'switch-flipping' puzzle). The pacing and presentation of story itself was the main draw for me; kept me playing. And not completely ragging on it, the gunplay was mixed up if only seldomly. The lack of variety in enemy types (aside from one enemies shield strength) was another downer. The Poltergeist confrontatio were exciting and initially frightening (erm IMO, gimmicky) but again...as the game went on, it became more of an annoyance then anything else.

Lots of missed opportunity, etc. I'm pretty there is a full spectrum of mixed feelings towards AW. But was a good experience. And definitely not NEARLY as 'scary' as made out to be....It did have it moments though. Solid rental.


I would agree that the songs by Poets of the Fall were the standouts, but I still think that every song used felt like it brought a fitting end to the chapter it played after. It may have just been the game as a whole hooking me and the music just added to it. However, I found that every time I got to the end of an episode I was compelled to listen to the whole thing and soak in what just happened. At the same time it grew my anticipation to keep playing on. Personally, the fact that it had that effect on me is my barometer for whether or not the music added to the game.

Speaking of end of episode screens, anybody else wish that they had rolled credits for everyone that had worked on a specific episode. I could see Remedy feeling like it would be redundant or something, but I think it would have really added to the whole "TV show" vibe.


erotic butter maelstrom
I finished chapter 4 just a bit ago, goddamn what an awesome chapter. AW definitely went from pretty good to frigging GREAT for me, as long as the rest of the game stays at the same level is awesome I'll be very happy with my purchase. It will also solidify Remedy's status as one of my all time favorite devs, I just wish they were working on the new Max Payne :(

I've found that AW is way more enjoyable when you have an appropriate atmosphere for the game, I always turn off all the lights and close the blinds if it's light out and I crank up the volume. Also, I don't encourage this kind of behavior but partaking in herbal remedies prior to playing the game makes it 10X more intense and awesome.


Anyone had any game freezes at the start of Episode 6? Was playing last night and got a freeze, along with a checker board pattern on my display. Restarted the console and everything was OK. Hate to say it, but I hope it's an AW problem and not a My GPU is Dying problem. My 60gb BC PS3 gave up the ghost a couple of weeks ago, lord help me if I have to replace my Elite too.


erotic butter maelstrom
Oh, so you can download it even if it's not playable yet? Maybe they'll patch it the "key" to unlock the download but usually it's the reverse of that.


Played Episode 5 again for fun (no item hunting). It is by far my favourite Episode of this game. Remedy, you hear me? More of that please.


erotic butter maelstrom
derFeef said:
Played Episode 5 again for fun (no item hunting). It is by far my favourite Episode of this game. Remedy, you hear me? More of that please.

Nice, even better than 4? If 5 and 6 are just as good as 4, Alan Wake will definitely have a place on Snuggler's essential games of the gen.

I still haven't finished the game and everything, but I'm looking forward to new chapters through DLC, this game is perfect for it.
Just got my 360 back. the first thing I did was playing Alan Wake On Nightmare.

I've just finished episode 1, also I'm trying to collect everything I've missed on my previous play-through.

those songs after each episode ends are awesome and this has to be the smartest idea ever done in a video game. <3 remedy.


erotic butter maelstrom
One of the things that has stood out the most for me has been the sound design, it's just incredible on some parts.

I just stopped and listened to it for awhile @ chapter four. The subtle, yet creepy soundtrack with the distant cackling of birds, the occasional rumble of thunder and all of the ambient noise. It all comes together to make this ominous, chilling soundscape that enhances pretty much every aspect of the game. It makes me wish I had a real soundsystem, but it's still great just coming out of my TV's speakers.
Snuggler said:
Nice, even better than 4? If 5 and 6 are just as good as 4, Alan Wake will definitely have a place on Snuggler's essential games of the gen.

I still haven't finished the game and everything, but I'm looking forward to new chapters through DLC, this game is perfect for it.

4 and 5 are definitely the best episodes, you should be quite pleased with 5. I think 6 is appropriate to the narrative and doesn't deserve some of the negativity it gets. It is my least favorite but is still good, and again, appropriate to where the narrative is at that point.


erotic butter maelstrom
imtehman said:
the ch4
garden maze is up there with RE4 and kings field 2 mazes
for me

That was probably the creepiest moment for me yet, when I heard the footsteps I just pressed my back up against the wall and frenetically shined my flashlight around me in hopes that I would see him before he saw me.


Amazing. I'm just two chapters in, and the game is stunning. From environments to the "novely" characters, it just nails it. Also, the TV show is a nice bonus so that you have a TV in your TV, so you can watch while you watch.


erotic butter maelstrom
AnkitT said:
Amazing. I'm just two chapters in, and the game is stunning. From environments to the "novely" characters, it just nails it. Also, the TV show is a nice bonus so that you have a TV in your TV, so you can watch while you watch.

They're cool, especially later on but I still prefer the creepy fake TV shows from the Max Payne games.
Address Unknown
Dick Justice
Snuggler said:
One of the things that has stood out the most for me has been the sound design, it's just incredible on some parts.

I just stopped and listened to it for awhile @ chapter four. The subtle, yet creepy soundtrack with the distant cackling of birds, the occasional rumble of thunder and all of the ambient noise. It all comes together to make this ominous, chilling soundscape that enhances pretty much every aspect of the game. It makes me wish I had a real soundsystem, but it's still great just coming out of my TV's speakers.

although I have an awesome gaming pc headset (Logitech G330), connecting it to my TV directly doesn't help much. the sound is actually worse than my TV speakers. maybe there is something wrong with my TV sound output. i don't know.

I think that using the headset will add up to the experience. but it's not working for me. :<


Finally, I'm now part of the exclusive 1000/1000 club :D Found 99/100 thermoses on nightmare mode which was all kinds of infuriating. But I had a hunch that paid off so it's all good. With some minor tweaking, nightmare could've easily been the normal difficulty imho. Decent game overall.


Pretty funny how it seems that most of the collectibles I missed were early in the game. I was too afraid to look the first couple chapters :lol


Started this not so long ago, just finished episode 1... holy shit this game is all kinds of awesome! loving the music that plays at the end of the episode :D

is the new york snow storm at the begining of chapter 2 the same one from max payne?
holy crap, holy crap, holy crap :lol
Wait, Alan Wake didn't even make the 360's top 20 list for XBox Live activity?


That sucks...

I've been really busy with RDR, but I've just started Alan Wake over the last couple of nights. I wasn't sure at first, but by the end of the second chapter I was really enjoying it. I'm just about to finish chapter three now.

It certainly has it's fair share of issues, but the things it does well it does really well. I love the atmosphere, sound design and lighting. The textures and character models not so much. Still, very solid game so far.
derFeef said:
Do games appear that have no online functonality? I mean, that´s what that list is about I think?

Any 360 that is connected to Live registers the game being played on it, multiplayer or not.
There could be a great deal of people playing it with no internet connection, but it's usually a fairly good indication of sales.


nolookjones said:
most people have probably already finished it and it does really suck that they decided to delay the dlc for so long...

Yea, I'm surprised they aren't going with June it just makes sense.
JordoftheDead said:
Wait, Alan Wake didn't even make the 360's top 20 list for XBox Live activity?


That sucks...

I've been really busy with RDR, but I've just started Alan Wake over the last couple of nights. I wasn't sure at first, but by the end of the second chapter I was really enjoying it. I'm just about to finish chapter three now.

It certainly has it's fair share of issues, but the things it does well it does really well. I love the atmosphere, sound design and lighting. The textures and character models not so much. Still, very solid game so far.

You've just answered your own question. RDR is rampant all over my FL and most likely everyone else's. It's the monster no one saw coming. I bought Alan Wake on Release Night and still haven't made it through Episode 3 of AW, mostly because of RDR (and a little [okay a lot] of Blur).
BenjaminBirdie said:
You've just answered your own question. RDR is rampant all over my FL and most likely everyone else's. It's the monster no one saw coming. I bought Alan Wake on Release Night and still haven't made it through Episode 3 of AW, mostly because of RDR (and a little [okay a lot] of Blur).

I'm hoping after people finish Red Dead they will move onto Alan for this month since there isn't really any huge releases. Could make sense.


Unconfirmed Member
Chapter 4 and 5 are the strongest, but I liked the way they (Chapter 6 spoiler):
started allowing Taken to come up behind you without the slow-mo. I got so accustomed to it, I literally started freaking out when Taken would show up without it.
Even though I've already beaten the game - I picked up the deluxe strat guide! Simply for the art book that comes with it. I might be kind of obsessed. The art book is very cool though. I had no idea the characters were all modeled after real life people, nor the amount of content that was cut from the game. I guess it makes sense given the long developement time. Still, its cool they opened up the dev process to show some of that for this book.

I kind of want to pick up the Limited Edition for all the bonus content now. Kind of silly I know - but thats how much I enjoyed this game, it's narrative and the world it puts you into.

Anyone have the LE and care to comment on the book or the developer commentary tracks? Those are two things I most interested in.

OH and I've tried poking around the earlier parts of the thread for links to the webisode things they did but haven't found them.. anyone got a link handy?
Red Mercury said:
Even though I've already beaten the game - I picked up the deluxe strat guide! Simply for the art book that comes with it. I might be kind of obsessed. The art book is very cool though. I had no idea the characters were all modeled after real life people, nor the amount of content that was cut from the game. I guess it makes sense given the long developement time. Still, its cool they opened up the dev process to show some of that for this book.

I kind of want to pick up the Limited Edition for all the bonus content now. Kind of silly I know - but thats how much I enjoyed this game, it's narrative and the world it puts you into.

Anyone have the LE and care to comment on the book or the developer commentary tracks? Those are two things I most interested in.

OH and I've tried poking around the earlier parts of the thread for links to the webisode things they did but haven't found them.. anyone got a link handy?
The webisodes are on Xbox Live. Just go under Alan Wake and you'll find them. It's live action and there are 6 episodes. They are pretty short so doesn't take long to download.


Just started Ep.3. Game was a slow burner for me at first but Im really getting into it. Absolutely love the atmosphere and setting. The radio shows are great to listen in to and the TV shows "Night Falls" are brilliant in an Outer Limits / Twilight Zone way. I watched the one where the guy is arrested for murder - Crime and Punishment I think the name was. It genuinely gave me chills.


traded in a few games and picked up Alan Wake today. Can't wait to fire it up, though i'm trying to wait until it gets dark to begin.
Episode 5 is indeed awesome but the beginning part of episode 6
with the whole driving sequence is easily the worst part of the game and the only part I didn't really enjoy at all. I hope they just remove it altogether for number 2.


erotic butter maelstrom
The driving parts haven't bothered me yet, they're a nice change of pace and it feels kind of empowering to be able to run over a bunch of those damned Taken.


Driving parts aren't even missions, which is good since the controls/physics aren't amazing or anything. It's just there for you to cover ground quicker than running.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I liked the short driving part in episode 4 with the split path, but I didn't like the rest. The camera is so jerky while driving, it's really odd.


Red Mercury said:
Even though I've already beaten the game - I picked up the deluxe strat guide! Simply for the art book that comes with it. I might be kind of obsessed. The art book is very cool though. I had no idea the characters were all modeled after real life people, nor the amount of content that was cut from the game. I guess it makes sense given the long developement time. Still, its cool they opened up the dev process to show some of that for this book.

I kind of want to pick up the Limited Edition for all the bonus content now. Kind of silly I know - but thats how much I enjoyed this game, it's narrative and the world it puts you into.

Anyone have the LE and care to comment on the book or the developer commentary tracks? Those are two things I most interested in.

OH and I've tried poking around the earlier parts of the thread for links to the webisode things they did but haven't found them.. anyone got a link handy?

I've just started the book and so far it's a solid read. Quite complementary to what you play in the game. It's hardbound and 129 pages. Basically takes on the role of Casey Steward who is investigating the who/what/when of the events that take place in the game. I've also just started the developer commentary and it is a nice add on as well playing through the game and the developer video shows up in the left corner while providing commentary at key points in the game. It's a nice bonus to have for a second run in the game. I haven't bought a CE since 07 and I'm pleased I did grab this one. I especially love the soundtrack as well.


timkunedo said:
traded in a few games and picked up Alan Wake today. Can't wait to fire it up, though i'm trying to wait until it gets dark to begin.

that's exactly what everyone should be doing


BruceLeeRoy said:
Episode 5 is indeed awesome but the beginning part of episode 6
with the whole driving sequence is easily the worst part of the game and the only part I didn't really enjoy at all. I hope they just remove it altogether for number 2.

i absolutely loved
the driving part of episode 6. it was a nice safe haven since i knew i cuoldn't get hurt while in teh car. the problem is getting out of the car to go through tunnels and check abandoned motels and seeing the fog and trees go all crazy. I never wanted to leave that car
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