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My Neighbor is Creepy - (pic inside)

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My neighbor is the creepiest guy on the planet. He sits in his driveway and garage ALL day talking on the phone.
When I go to walk Christie Elaine to her truck, he tried to hide behind the fence or the brick column and he stares at us.


And while it seems a bad and creepy situation, it's made better by Christie. She'll scream out "That was so FUCKING HOT! When are we going to FUCK again?!".
Or she'll (after having taken off her bra inside to get more comfortable) swing her bra around, get in her truck, and then roll down the window and yell back to me "I left my thong inside by the couch, could you toss that in the wash for me?".

I took that picture above through my dining room window and over the fence. Rock on.
Anyone here have creepy neighbors?

Kon Tiki

You dad works for Nasa. Your dad most likey knows something he shouldn't. I bet your neighbour was hired to kill your father.

Kon Tiki

And while it seems a bad and creepy situation, it's made better by Christie. She'll scream out "That was so FUCKING HOT! When are we going to FUCK again?!".
Or she'll (after having taken off her bra inside to get more comfortable) swing her bra around, get in her truck, and then roll down the window and yell back to me "I left my thong inside by the couch, could you toss that in the wash for me?".

You picked a winner.
I think it's kind of creepy that you covertly took a picture of your neighbor, who was sitting in a fenced-in portion of his property.


One of my best friend who used to live next to me had a step dad that was exactly the same way. He stands in the garage all day. Drink, talking on the phone, smoking and fixing stuff(cars and what not).


Wtf could he possibly be doing that requires such an intense and quriky facial expression. That picture is awesome.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
um, if my gf EVER said

in public i would probably make her walk home or be like "um... what..."

your gf sounds like a tool. no offense

I'd fuck her right on the spot. That'll learn her to stop those shenanigans.
My neighbor is constantly working on her bedroom window, like sanding and refinishing and painting and starting all over again. She's been doing it for like 2 years now. And my room is juxtaposed across the sideyard from hers. Hmmm, she's there like half of the time I look out my window.


You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!
FrenchMovieTheme said:
is she hot macro?

Ehh, she's ok I guess. She must be in her late 30's. I think she got really depressed when her husband cheated on her and left her, and she gained a few pounds. Honestly, if she lost like 15 lbs (which she was thinner before) she would be really hot.


Socreges said:
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!


Spot on.


Socreges said:
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!

LOL. Classic.

The guy's creepy but you're creepier for taking his picture and posting it online without his permission...and I agree that is another thread to talk about your girlfriend. :p If we don't see any pics of her ass, this thread is worthless!
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!


what is olimarios deal with this anyways? every day it seems i see a new thread indirectly related to his gf. that bitch must be a demon in the sack


Socreges said:
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!
Funniest NeoGAF post yet.


fuck her before you go off to college. Screw that save it till marriage shit. I said the samething and that shit doesnt fly when your girl is horny and you want it just as bad.
Socreges said:
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!

Priceless ^_^

But the post is useless without a pic of the mouse.

MC Safety

Socreges said:
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!

Hah! That's like every letter we used to receive when I worked for Wizard: The Comics Magazine. I used to help sort and choose the letters with Jim McLauchlin -- and all the comic fans would write in with some criticism or comment that invariably managed to sneak in the fact the reader had a girlfriend.

Oh, and my girlfriend Julie agrees we need to see pictures of the mouse and the woman in question.


Socreges said:
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
pollo said:
fuck her before you go off to college. Screw that save it till marriage shit. I said the samething and that shit doesnt fly when your girl is horny and you want it just as bad.

This just in, 30 year old Christian Newly weds describe the moment they have waited for their entire lives as.......

"Awkward, Akward and a little bit painful, and messy too"


Socreges said:
You guys will NEVER guess what happened to me yesterday!

So I was getting a cup of water for my girlfriend, Beth MaryAnne McLellan. She wanted a cup because she loves me so much and is my true love and we're going to get married some day. So anyways that's when this mouse darted across the floor! We both nearly died! But then, instead, we had sex and I shot my load after ten seconds. I had to do it in a cup, though, because Beth MaryAnne McLellan said it is yucky.

So has anyone else here seen a mouse before??!?!

LMAO, I'm glad you said it so I don't have to.
olimario, you are obviously pretty into this girl but all these threads indirectly relating to your girlfriend are getting slightly nauseting. You have a girlfriend, who isnt half bad looking- congratulations. BUT please leave us alone about it, unless its some dramatic story about her- like you found out that the reason she likes to give it to you in the ass is indeed because she is a transgender.


ourumov said:

So when I was walking Christie Elaine to her truck...


And to the guy who said nicknames are stupid.....I don't think the dude should call her "Dumpling"...Just maybe Christine..


Hollywood Square
Funny story.

I take shop class during summer school and had to think of a personal project for class. So I decided to build Mary Kate Barnaby-Jones a brand new bench for her porch, so we can grill in the summer and she saw a titmouse and jumped right on top of it!


Haha, oh that Mary Kate Barnaby-Jones! Will she ever learn?

So what are you guys doing for summer school?
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