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My Neighbor is Creepy - (pic inside)

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JoshuaJSlone said:
I think that would make Christie suspicious.

Dammit! I've been reading so much about her, I feel as if she's my best friend....But to make this mistake....Shocking.
i know who he's talking to...


"yeah, its that fucking creepy olimario guy, he's staring at me and taking pictures again. I want you to come over and make him lick the base of it."


"The base of what?"




"Ahh yes...IT."


This is the funniest thread in a long fucking time.
EDIT: the name thing is just habit I started when we first became friends. It's her first and middle name.


Ninja Scooter said:
i know who he's talking to...


"yeah, its that fucking creepy olimario guy, he's staring at me and taking pictures again. I want you to come over and make him lick the base of it."

This is funny because my neighbor calls me 'olimario' and not 'gary'.


olimario said:
This is funny because my neighbor calls me 'olimario' and not 'gary'.

Is Olimario your nickname in real life or something?

Ever think that because of his seemingly obsessive nature he would google search the name? You are the first several results on the page, one of them leading right to GAF.

Then he would discover this thread... And then........

Wow. Just wow. That's all I can truly say. I've seen some pathetic displays in my life, a few from me, but never at such a pitiful and disgusting level as this. First things first: I don't care about your love life, so don't bring that up in defense that I don't know anything because A) I don't B) I don't care.

You say she's not your first girlfriend, eh? Just because that cute girl in the 9th grade liked to let you pay her way into the movies doesn't mean she thought you were going steady. This is a classic case of a loser (i.e. you) finally finding someone that can put up with him for 4 seconds at a time and his natural instinct is to flaunt it off as if he's the first man to ever come in contact with the mysterious species known as "women." Beam him up, Scotty, he's no longer a *complete* dork.

Truth be told, all the best for you, love's a wonderful thing and I certainly encourage a long and healthy relationship. Truth be told again, you're being an obnoxious, idiotic *cunt* about a topic so mundane and commonplace that it really shows your inexperience with Close Encounters of the Breasted Kind.. This is a crappy, thinly veiled attempt at saying "Hey guys! Look at my girlfriend, ain't she cool!?" I don't really *mind* the fact you're boasting so much that you're using these mindless, meaningless anecdotes to try and say it. If that wasn't enough, you probably wonder why so many people slam you after your third or forth post in a thread. I'll tell you why: the posts you make about the forum populace ( and hell, the world in general) are close-minded, ignorant, and ridiculous. In the last thread you assumed the entire forum were only being so negative to you because they've never had a good experience with love or found a true love, blah blah blah, I'm sure you wanted to throw in poor homes and families somewhere as well. The fact is, it has nothing to do with their history. It has to do with the fact that you're being a douche. Plain and simple. Insulting, belligerent, screaming "neener neener" at someone who *might* happen to try to shed a little light about how this whole "love" game works. "WTF, who is he to tell me what true love is? He doesn't even belong to the same tax bracket as me!"

I've already said it before but it bears repeating. I'm glad you found a girlfriend. Good for you.

Now stop being a bitch about it.


neptunes said:
C- for that essay you wrote

your insult doesn't even make sense

C+, C, C- -- Good games marred by an intrinsic design flaw or abundant superficial flaws. An intrinsic design flaw might be an awkward control and feedback scheme, or a blatantly unoriginal take on a well-populated genre. "C" grade games are, for the most part, entertaining, but not really worth the asking MSRP. Wait for 'em to hit the bargain bin, or just rent 'em for a day. For genre fans, a second opinion is recommended.


Docpan said:
Does every post you make have to have homosexual overtones?
Well, in short, yes. I think that's rule #2 in the contract, IIRC. From www.thegayguild.com :

"If hereby thou deems thyself Gay, thou is required to, at all times, call attention to this theorem and any consequential attributes such as ill-conceived pride and sodomy. If thou fails unto such contingencies, thou is heretofore no longer able to engage in subsequent activities concerning the homoerotic delights."
See, it's not as if they have a choice.
Tre said:
Wow. Just wow. That's all I can truly say. I've seen some pathetic displays in my life, a few from me.....

Woah, what a beatdown! That's possibly the most comprehensive and well written owning I've ever seen on this forum. Listen to your elders, Olimario.


Tre's owning was pretty good besides the absurdly overused "Wow. Just wow." opening.

People need to be a little more creative when putting their amazement with what they just read into words.

I like open-toe high heels.
I was thinking of showing my culture and opening with "Got damn you'z a dumb ass cracka" but I didn't think the forum was hardcore enough.


have there really been that many of these threads? i noticed the one with the pictures and thats about it.
and your neighbor looks like a gangster.


Tre's owning would be devastating for me if his knowledge of the person that I am wasn't so tragically limited. It needs to be said that these threads are nothing more than shared personal experiences. You hear a lot about Christie because every noteworthy experience of mine lately has been shared and impacted by her.

Just because Christie has had a role in my last 2 posts doesn't mean the focus of my post IS her. My room cleaning post was really about my room being clean. This post really is about my creepy neighbor. You guys really stretch to see the worst in someone and really take a lot of liberty in deciding other people's intentions.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Olimario: You like to keep this forum up to date on insignificant events with Christie Elaine while you have a relationship with her, so make sure you post a thread when everything falls to pieces with Christie Elaine, okay? We want the full story arc.
olimario said:
....Just because Christie has had a role in my last 2 posts doesn't mean the focus of my post IS her. My room cleaning post was really about my room being clean. This post really is about my creepy neighbor...


Have to agree with the general sentiment of it being far creepier to covertly photograph the neighbour and post his image without permission on a public forum on the internet. All kinds of illegal/immoral right there.

Unrelated, but this is clearly the greatest avatar known to man:

Tre's owning would be devastating for me if his knowledge of the person that I am wasn't so tragically limited. It needs to be said that these threads are nothing more than shared personal experiences.

I don't give a rat's fuck.

Why do you need validation from the internet, anyway? Is there a gaping hole where your life should be?
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