life risk: up to 10-20% dead in the absence of medical assistant, not counting people dying in riots/marauders/protests
spreading: luckily, this shit cannot simply travel with wind for tens of kilometers and can be localized
The Solution
Approximate time it would take to address the virus problem: 8 to 12 weeks.
And then you just strike through those X weeks out of calendar, and continue to live as before.
Special note about "buh mah salari"
People's income should roughly reflect the consumption. As consumption goes down, so will production and so should the income. Basically people's income should go down proportionally to GDP decline. Simply freezing all payment allows to address the minimal needs of the population, without wasting effort on bureaucracy that would be needed to figure who needs to be paid what.
life risk: up to 10-20% dead in the absence of medical assistant, not counting people dying in riots/marauders/protests
spreading: luckily, this shit cannot simply travel with wind for tens of kilometers and can be localized
The Solution
- We are at war. Government assumes corresponding extraordinary rights. (because we cannot function as we did before)
- Money and everything related to it is meaningless. You don't get paid for anything anymore. You don't pay for anything either. All transactions are frozen. Government takes care about distribution of resources
- Everyone, but the groups explicitly called out, is ordered stay home. Because, fuck you, you goddamn idiot, that's why.
- People who do not stay home, are regularly screened for infection, have the best protection against virus we have, and are:
- Medics (are treated as first class citizens, in case we run out of oxygen masks, medic gets it over non-medic, because fuck you, that's why)
- Army, that is helping with distributing food etc to the population
- Police, that is patrolling the streets
- Key sectors continue to run: electricity, water, food, internet, online/TV entertainment
- Some are boosted, whoever can produce: medical supplies, C19 tests and pumps in particular, medical equipment
- Drug research is not a high priority, but can be boosted as well
Approximate time it would take to address the virus problem: 8 to 12 weeks.
And then you just strike through those X weeks out of calendar, and continue to live as before.
Special note about "buh mah salari"
People's income should roughly reflect the consumption. As consumption goes down, so will production and so should the income. Basically people's income should go down proportionally to GDP decline. Simply freezing all payment allows to address the minimal needs of the population, without wasting effort on bureaucracy that would be needed to figure who needs to be paid what.