Thought this might be a fun little follow up to the Empathy Quotient Thread.
Diversity is Our Strength^TM, or so they tell us. This is typically taken to mean superficial attributes like race, sex, and sexual orientation, but these immutable characteristics tell you nothing about what a person may think or how they may behave in a particular situation. Diversity of thought is the form of diversity we should really be working towards, and personality tests are one metric that we can use to estimate this.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one such personality test that is commonly used in corporate training and for shits and gigs on the internet. It's not the only one, but it's the one we're going to use here. Others like the Big 5 Personality Test are also well-regarded, so maybe we can have that as a follow-up thread in future.
The general format of the MBTI is that there are four competing categories which define your overall personality. These are:
1. Extraversion vs. Intraversion
2. Sensing vs. Intuition
3. Thinking vs. Feeling
4. Judging vs. Perceiving
The way the MBTI test works is you answer a series of questions that rank you in each category and your overall personality type is then the combination of the first letter of each category type you scored highest in. For example, someone who scored highest in Intraversion, Sensing, Feeling and Perceiving would be an ISFP type. There are then a whole bunch of general strengths/weaknesses/advice associated with each type. Yes, it sounds a bit horoscopey, though there is some science to it so it's a little more credible than determining your mood based on the alignment of the stars. Provided below is an overview of all of the personality types as well as an example of the results for my personality type: ENTJ aka The Commander.
Please take the test yourself here: and then post your results (warning: it requires your email to receive the results, but you can easily unsubscribe). Thanks to Ailynn for linking to this site. Once you have posted your results, please also respond to the poll so that we can measure how diverse our personalities are on NeoNeoGAF. I was unable to create a poll for all 16 personality types as the poll size limit is 10, but I think we can get a decent appreciation for our personality diversity with the provided poll format.
Disclaimer: I'm just a humble engineer, so if we have any psych majors here, feel free to correct me on any of this.
Diversity is Our Strength^TM, or so they tell us. This is typically taken to mean superficial attributes like race, sex, and sexual orientation, but these immutable characteristics tell you nothing about what a person may think or how they may behave in a particular situation. Diversity of thought is the form of diversity we should really be working towards, and personality tests are one metric that we can use to estimate this.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one such personality test that is commonly used in corporate training and for shits and gigs on the internet. It's not the only one, but it's the one we're going to use here. Others like the Big 5 Personality Test are also well-regarded, so maybe we can have that as a follow-up thread in future.
The general format of the MBTI is that there are four competing categories which define your overall personality. These are:
1. Extraversion vs. Intraversion
2. Sensing vs. Intuition
3. Thinking vs. Feeling
4. Judging vs. Perceiving
The way the MBTI test works is you answer a series of questions that rank you in each category and your overall personality type is then the combination of the first letter of each category type you scored highest in. For example, someone who scored highest in Intraversion, Sensing, Feeling and Perceiving would be an ISFP type. There are then a whole bunch of general strengths/weaknesses/advice associated with each type. Yes, it sounds a bit horoscopey, though there is some science to it so it's a little more credible than determining your mood based on the alignment of the stars. Provided below is an overview of all of the personality types as well as an example of the results for my personality type: ENTJ aka The Commander.
Please take the test yourself here: and then post your results (warning: it requires your email to receive the results, but you can easily unsubscribe). Thanks to Ailynn for linking to this site. Once you have posted your results, please also respond to the poll so that we can measure how diverse our personalities are on NeoNeoGAF. I was unable to create a poll for all 16 personality types as the poll size limit is 10, but I think we can get a decent appreciation for our personality diversity with the provided poll format.
Disclaimer: I'm just a humble engineer, so if we have any psych majors here, feel free to correct me on any of this.